You can specify the image version and the log level:
deluge_image_version: 'latest'
deluge_loglevel: 'warning'
Deluge works on ports 6881 and 8112. You can change these ports:
deluge_host_port: 6881
deluge_admin_port: 8112
You can also overwrite the location where deluge's configuration is stored (e.g. if you already have deluge installed and you want to use the Ansible role):
You can specify the image version and the port exposed:
sonarr_image_version: 'latest'
sonarr_host_port: 8989
You can also overwrite the location where sonarr's configuration is stored (e.g. if you already have it installed and you want to use the Ansible role):
Sonarr needs a place to copy the downloaded series:
sonarr_series_volume: '/mnt/videos/Series'
- Depending on your settings, it will also rename your current series
- You need write access to that directory, so Sonarr can actually copy the files
# Lidarr
You can specify the image version and the port exposed:
lidarr_image_version: 'latest'
lidarr_host_port: 8686
You can also overwrite the location where lidarr's configuration is stored (e.g. if you already have it installed and you want to use the Ansible role):
You will need to add a reference to your music collection (so you don't download what you already have). The layout below allows for multiple collections:
The `path` is the actual directory where the collection is located and the `alias` is the internal mapping name in Docker.
# Jakett
You can specify the image version, the port exposed and to autoupdate:
jackett_image_version: 'latest'
jackett_auto_update: true
jackett_host_port: 9117
You can also overwrite the location where jackett's configuration is stored (e.g. if you already have it installed and you want to use the Ansible role):