--- version: '3.4' services: postgresql: image: docker.io/library/postgres:12-alpine restart: unless-stopped healthcheck: test: ["CMD-SHELL", "pg_isready -d $${POSTGRES_DB} -U $${POSTGRES_USER}"] start_period: 20s interval: 30s retries: 5 timeout: 5s volumes: - {{ authentik_volume_db }}:/var/lib/postgresql/data - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro environment: - POSTGRES_PASSWORD={{ authentik_db_password }} - POSTGRES_USER={{ authentik_db_user }} - POSTGRES_DB={{ authentik_db }} env_file: - {{ authentik_volume_config }}/env.authentik.conf redis: image: docker.io/library/redis:alpine command: --save 60 1 --loglevel warning restart: unless-stopped healthcheck: test: ["CMD-SHELL", "redis-cli ping | grep PONG"] start_period: 20s interval: 30s retries: 5 timeout: 3s volumes: - {{ authentik_volume_redis }}:/data - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro server: image: ghcr.io/goauthentik/server:{{ authentik_image_version }} restart: unless-stopped command: server environment: AUTHENTIK_REDIS__HOST: redis AUTHENTIK_POSTGRESQL__HOST: postgresql AUTHENTIK_POSTGRESQL__NAME: "{{ authentik_db }}" AUTHENTIK_POSTGRESQL__USER: "{{ authentik_db_user }}" AUTHENTIK_POSTGRESQL__PASSWORD: "{{ authentik_db_password }}" # AUTHENTIK_ERROR_REPORTING__ENABLED: "true" # WORKERS: 2 volumes: - {{ authentik_volume_media }}:/media - {{ authentik_volume_templates }}:/templates - {{ authentik_volume_geoip }}:/geoip - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro env_file: - {{ authentik_volume_config }}/env.authentik.conf ports: - "{{ authentik_port_http }}:9000" - "{{ authentik_port_https }}:9443" worker: image: ghcr.io/goauthentik/server:{{ authentik_image_version }} restart: unless-stopped command: worker environment: AUTHENTIK_REDIS__HOST: redis AUTHENTIK_POSTGRESQL__HOST: postgresql AUTHENTIK_POSTGRESQL__NAME: "{{ authentik_db }}" AUTHENTIK_POSTGRESQL__USER: "{{ authentik_db_user }}" AUTHENTIK_POSTGRESQL__PASSWORD: "{{ authentik_db_password }}" # AUTHENTIK_ERROR_REPORTING__ENABLED: "true" # This is optional, and can be removed. If you remove this, the following will happen # - The permissions for the /media folders aren't fixed, so make sure they are 1000:1000 # - The docker socket can't be accessed anymore user: root volumes: - {{ authentik_volume_media }}:/media - {{ authentik_volume_certs }}:/certs - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock - {{ authentik_volume_templates }}:/templates - {{ authentik_volume_geoip }}:/geoip - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro env_file: - {{ authentik_volume_config }}/env.authentik.conf {% if authentik_geoip_container %} geoipupdate: image: "maxmindinc/geoipupdate:latest" volumes: - "{{ authentik_volume_geoip }}:/usr/share/GeoIP" - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro env_file: - {{ authentik_volume_config }}/env.authentik.conf {% endif %}