# Copy this file to .env, remove this comment and change the keys. For development # with docker this should mostly work out of the box other than setting the Slack # keys (for auth) and the SECRET_KEY. # # Please use `openssl rand -hex 32` to create SECRET_KEY SECRET_KEY={{ outline_secret_key }} UTILS_SECRET={{ outline_utils_secret }} DEPLOYMENT={{ outline_deployment }} DATABASE_URL={{ outline_db_schema }}://{{ outline_db_user }}:{{ outline_db_password }}@{{outline_db_host}}:{{ outline_db_port }}/{{ outline_db }} DATABASE_URL_TEST={{ outline_db_schema }}://{{ outline_db_user }}:{{ outline_db_password }}@{{outline_db_host}}:{{ outline_db_port }}/{{ outline_db }}_test REDIS_URL=redis://redis:6379 # Must point to the publicly accessible URL for the installation URL={{ outline_url }} PORT=3000 # Optional. If using a Cloudfront distribution or similar the origin server # should be set to the same as URL. CDN_URL={{ outline_cdn_url }} # enforce (auto redirect to) https in production, (optional) default is true. # set to false if your SSL is terminated at a loadbalancer, for example FORCE_HTTPS={{ outline_force_https }} ENABLE_UPDATES={{ outline_enable_updates }} DEBUG={{ outline_debug }} {% if outline_slack_client_id %} # Third party signin credentials (at least one is required) SLACK_CLIENT_ID={{ outline_slack_client_id }} SLACK_CLIENT_SECRET={{ outline_slack_client_secret }} {% endif %} # To configure Google auth, you'll need to create an OAuth Client ID at # => https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials # # When configuring the Client ID, add an Authorized redirect URI: # https:///auth/google.callback {% if outline_google_client_id %} GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID={{ outline_google_client_id }} GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET={{ outline_google_client_secret }} # Comma separated list of domains to be allowed (optional) # If not set, all Google apps domains are allowed by default GOOGLE_ALLOWED_DOMAINS= {% endif %} # Third party credentials (optional) SLACK_VERIFICATION_TOKEN= SLACK_APP_ID= SLACK_MESSAGE_ACTIONS= GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID= SENTRY_DSN= # AWS credentials (optional in development) AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID={{ outline_aws_access_key_id }} AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY={{ outline_aws_secret_access_key }} AWS_REGION={{ outline_aws_region }} AWS_S3_UPLOAD_BUCKET_URL={ outline_aws_s3_upload_bucket_url} AWS_S3_UPLOAD_BUCKET_NAME={{ outline_aws_s3_upload_bucket_name }} AWS_S3_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE={{ outline_aws_s3_upload_max_size }} AWS_S3_FORCE_PATH_STYLE={{ outline_aws_s3_force_path_style }} # uploaded s3 objects permission level, default is private # set to "public-read" to allow public access AWS_S3_ACL={{ outline_aws_s3_acl }} {% if outline_smtp_host and outline_smtp_port %} # Emails configuration (optional) SMTP_HOST={{ outline_smtp_host }} SMTP_PORT={{ outline_smtp_port }} SMTP_USERNAME={{ outline_smtp_username }} SMTP_PASSWORD={{ outline_smtp_password }} SMTP_FROM_EMAIL={{ outline_smtp_from_email }} SMTP_REPLY_EMAIL={{ outline_smtp_reply_email }} {% endif %} {% if outline_team_logo_url %} # Custom logo that displays on the authentication screen, scaled to height: 60px TEAM_LOGO={{ outline_team_logo_url }} {% endif %} # See translate.getoutline.com for a list of available language codes and their # percentage translated. DEFAULT_LANGUAGE={{ outline_language }} {% if outline_db_ssl %} PGSSLMODE={{ outline_db_ssl }} {% endif %}