# Unifi-Controller Ansible role This role installs Unifi-Controller via Docker compose. ## Requirements None ## Role Variables All variables are listed below (see also `defaults/main.yml`). ### Generic variables - `unifi_image`: The docker image to be used for the unifi controller. Defaults to `lscr.io/linuxserver/unifi-controller:latest` - `unifi_uid`: Owner UID. Defaults to `1000` - `unifi_gid`: Owner GID. Defaults to `1000` - `unifi_mem_limit`: Java memory limit for the controller. Defaults to `1024` - `unifi_mem_startup`: Java default memory at startup. Defaults to `1024` - `unifi_volume`: The volume where the controller saves local data like configuration and logs. Defaults to `"unifi"` ### Ports - `unifi_http_port_8443`: Internal 8443 port to be exposed at. Defaults to `8443` - `unifi_http_port_3478`: Internal 3478 port to be exposed at. Defaults to `3478` - `unifi_http_port_10001`: Internal 10001 port to be exposed at. Defaults to `10001` - `unifi_http_port_8080`: Internal 8080 port to be exposed at. Defaults to `8080` Following are optional ports. If not declared (empty) they are not exposed - `unifi_http_port_1900`: Internal 1900 port to be exposed at. Defaults to `1900` - `unifi_http_port_8843`: Internal 8843 port to be exposed at. Defaults to `8843` - `unifi_http_port_8880`: Internal 8880 port to be exposed at. Defaults to `8880` - `unifi_http_port_6789`: Internal 6789 port to be exposed at. Defaults to `6789` -`unifi_http_port_5514`: Internal 5514 port to be exposed at. Defaults to `5514` ### Paths and volumes unifi_root_path: /var/local unifi_data_base: "{{ unifi_root_path }}/unifi-controller" unifi_config_path: "{{ unifi_root_path }}/conf/unifi-controller" The following fields are internal. You can change them to further customise how you apply the role. For more details, please look into the `defaults` directory. - `unifi_skeleton_paths`: The list of paths to be created by the role - `unifi_configuration_files`: The configuration files generated by the role ## Dependencies You need a machine with docker and docker-compose installed. ## Example Playbook ```yml - hosts: servers roles: - 'laurivan.unifi_controller' ``` ## License This project is licensed under the [MIT](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) license - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details. ![MIT License](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT%20License-brightgreen) ## Author Information This role was created in 2023 by [Laur Ivan](https://www.laurivan.com). ## Built With ![Ansible](https://img.shields.io/badge/ansible-8.3.0-green.svg) ![Molecule](https://img.shields.io/badge/molecule-6.0.2-green.svg) ## Contributing Please read [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.