Stirling-PDF is a robust, locally hosted, web-based PDF manipulation tool. This guide focuses on Docker-based development and testing, which is the recommended approach for working with the full version of Stirling-PDF.
Stirling-PDF uses Lombok to reduce boilerplate code. Some IDEs, like Eclipse, don't support Lombok out of the box. To set up Lombok in your development environment:
Visit the [Lombok website]( for installation instructions specific to your IDE.
For local testing, you should generally be testing the full 'Security' version of Stirling-PDF. To do this, you must add the environment flag DOCKER_ENABLE_SECURITY=true to your system and/or IDE build/run step.
UI_HOMEDESCRIPTION: Demo site for Stirling-PDF Latest with Security
restart: on-failure:5
To use these example files, copy the desired file to your project root and rename it to `docker-compose.yml`, or specify the file explicitly when running Docker Compose:
docker-compose -f exampleYmlFiles/docker-compose-latest-security.yml up
### Building Docker Images
Stirling-PDF uses different Docker images for various configurations. The build process is controlled by environment variables and uses specific Dockerfile variants. Here's how to build the Docker images:
Note: The `--no-cache` and `--pull` flags ensure that the build process uses the latest base images and doesn't use cached layers, which is useful for testing and ensuring reproducible builds. however to improve build times these can often be removed depending on your usecase
## 6. Testing
### Comprehensive Testing Script
Stirling-PDF provides a `` script in the root directory. This script builds all versions of Stirling-PDF, checks that each version works, and runs Cucumber tests. It's recommended to run this script before submitting a final pull request.
Note: The `` script will run automatically when you raise a PR. However, it's recommended to run it locally first to save resources and catch any issues early.
### Full Testing with Docker
1. Build and run the Docker container per the above instructions:
2. Access the application at `http://localhost:8080` and manually test all features developed.
### Local Testing (Java and UI Components)
For quick iterations and development of Java backend, JavaScript, and UI components, you can run and test Stirling-PDF locally without Docker. This approach allows you to work on and verify changes to:
- There are currently no automated unit tests. All testing is done manually through the UI or API calls. (You are welcome to add JUnits!)
- Always verify your changes in the full Docker environment before submitting pull requests, as some integrations and features will only work in the complete setup.
## 7. Contributing
1. Fork the repository on GitHub.
2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
3. Make your changes and commit them with clear, descriptive messages and ensure any documentation is updated related to your changes.
4. Test your changes thoroughly in the Docker environment.
5. Run the `` script to ensure all versions build correctly and pass the Cucumber tests:
- The `` script will run automatically against your PR.
- The PR checks will verify versioning and dependency updates.
- Documentation will be automatically updated for dependency changes.
- Security issues will be checked using Snyk and PixeeBot.
Address any issues that arise from these checks before finalizing your pull request.
## 8. API Documentation
API documentation is available at `/swagger-ui/index.html` when running the application. You can also view the latest API documentation [here](
## 9. Customization
Stirling-PDF can be customized through environment variables or a `settings.yml` file. Key customization options include:
Thymeleaf is a server-side Java HTML template engine. It is used in Stirling-PDF to render dynamic web pages. Thymeleaf integrates heavily with Spring Boot.
In Stirling-PDF, Thymeleaf is used to create HTML templates that are rendered on the server side. These templates are located in the `src/main/resources/templates` directory. Thymeleaf templates use a combination of HTML and special Thymeleaf attributes to dynamically generate content.
Where it uses the `th:block`, `th:` indicating it's a special Thymeleaf element to be used server-side in generating the HTML, and block being the actual element type.
In this case, we are inserting the `navbar` entry within the `fragments/navbar.html` fragment into the `th:block` element.
In the above example, if exampleData is a list of plain java objects of class Person and within it, you had id, name, age, etc. You can reference it like so
This would generate n entries of tr for each person in exampleData
### Adding a New Feature to the Backend (API)
1.**Create a New Controller:**
- Create a new Java class in the `src/main/java/stirling/software/SPDF/controller/api` directory.
- Annotate the class with `@RestController` and `@RequestMapping` to define the API endpoint.
- Ensure to add API documentation annotations like `@Tag(name = "General", description = "General APIs")` and `@Operation(summary = "Crops a PDF document", description = "This operation takes an input PDF file and crops it according to the given coordinates. Input:PDF Output:PDF Type:SISO")`.
@Operation(summary = "New Feature", description = "This is a new feature endpoint.")
public String newFeature() {
return "NewFeatureResponse"; // This refers to the NewFeatureResponse.html template presenting the user with the generated html from that file when they navigate to /api/v1/new-feature
2.**Define the Service Layer:** (Not required but often useful)
- Create a new service class in the `src/main/java/stirling/software/SPDF/service` directory.
- Implement the business logic for the new feature.
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
public class NewFeatureService {
public String getNewFeatureData() {
// Implement business logic here
return "New Feature Data";
2b. **Integrate the Service with the Controller:**
## Adding New Translations to Existing Language Files in Stirling-PDF
When adding a new feature or modifying existing ones in Stirling-PDF, you'll need to add new translation entries to the existing language files. Here's a step-by-step guide:
### 1. Locate Existing Language Files
Find the existing `` files in the `src/main/resources` directory. You'll see files like: