import { scaleContent } from "./functions/scaleContent.js"; import { scalePage, PageSize } from "./functions/scalePage.js"; import * as exampleWorkflows from "./exampleWorkflows.js"; import { traverseOperations } from "./traverseOperations.js"; import * as Functions from "./functions.js"; (async () => { const workflowField = document.getElementById("workflow"); const dropdown = document.getElementById("pdfOptions"); // Clear existing options (if any) dropdown.innerHTML = ''; console.log(exampleWorkflows); // Iterate over the keys of the object and create an option for each key for (const key in exampleWorkflows) { const option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = key; option.text = key; dropdown.appendChild(option); } const loadButton = document.getElementById("loadButton"); loadButton.addEventListener("click", (e) => { workflowField.value = JSON.stringify(exampleWorkflows[dropdown.value], null, 2); });; const pdfFileInput = document.getElementById('pdfFile'); const doneButton = document.getElementById("doneButton"); doneButton.addEventListener('click', async (e) => { console.log("Starting..."); const files = Array.from(pdfFileInput.files); const inputs = await Promise.all( file => { return { originalFileName:\.[^/.]+$/, ""), fileName:\.[^/.]+$/, ""), buffer: new Uint8Array(await file.arrayBuffer()) } })); console.log(inputs); const workflow = JSON.parse(workflowField.value); console.log(workflow); const traverse = traverseOperations(workflow.operations, inputs, Functions); let pdfResults; let iteration; while (true) { iteration = await; if (iteration.done) { pdfResults = iteration.value; console.log(`data: processing done\n\n`); break; } console.log(`data: ${iteration.value}\n\n`); } // TODO: Zip if wanted pdfResults.forEach(result => { download(result.buffer, result.fileName, "application/pdf"); }); }); })();