import { PDFDocument, ParseSpeeds } from 'pdf-lib'; export async function scaleContent(snapshot, scaleFactor) { // Load the original PDF file const pdfDoc = await PDFDocument.load(snapshot, { parseSpeed: ParseSpeeds.Fastest, }); const pages = pdfDoc.getPages(); pages.forEach(page => { const width = page.getWidth(); const height = page.getHeight(); // Scale content page.scaleContent(scaleFactor, scaleFactor); const scaled_diff = { width: Math.round(width - scaleFactor * width), height: Math.round(height - scaleFactor * height), }; // Center content in new page format page.translateContent(Math.round(scaled_diff.width / 2), Math.round(scaled_diff.height / 2)); }); // Serialize the modified document return; };