import express from 'express'; import crypto from 'crypto'; import stream from "stream"; import Archiver from 'archiver'; import multer from 'multer' const upload = multer(); import * as Functions from "../../functions.js"; import { traverseOperations } from "../../../shared-operations/workflow/traverseOperations.js"; const activeWorkflows = {}; const router = express.Router();"/:workflowUuid?", [ upload.any(), async (req, res) => { if(req.files == null) { res.status(400).json({"error": "No files were uploaded."}); return; } if(Array.isArray(req.files.files)) { req.files = req.files.files; } else { req.files = [req.files.files]; } const workflow = JSON.parse(req.body.workflow); // TODO: Validate input further (json may fail or not be a valid workflow) const inputs = await Promise.all( file => { return { originalFileName:\.[^/.]+$/, ""), fileName:\.[^/.]+$/, ""), buffer: new Uint8Array(await } })); // Allow option to do it synchronously and just make a long request if(req.body.async === "false") { console.log("Don't do async"); const traverse = traverseOperations(workflow.operations, inputs, Functions); let pdfResults; let iteration; while (true) { iteration = await; if (iteration.done) { pdfResults = iteration.value; console.log("Done"); break; } console.log(iteration.value); } console.log("Download"); downloadHandler(res, pdfResults); } else { console.log("Start Aync Workflow"); // TODO: UUID collision checks let workflowID = req.params.workflowUuid if(!workflowID) workflowID = generateWorkflowID(); activeWorkflows[workflowID] = { createdAt:, finished: false, eventStream: null, result: null, // TODO: When auth is implemented: owner } const activeWorkflow = activeWorkflows[workflowID]; res.status(200).json({ "workflowID": workflowID, "data-recieved": { "fileCount": req.files.length, "workflow": workflow } }); const traverse = traverseOperations(workflow.operations, inputs, Functions); let pdfResults; let iteration; while (true) { iteration = await; if (iteration.done) { pdfResults = iteration.value; if(activeWorkflow.eventStream) { activeWorkflow.eventStream.write(`data: processing done\n\n`); activeWorkflow.eventStream.end(); } break; } if(activeWorkflow.eventStream) activeWorkflow.eventStream.write(`data: ${iteration.value}\n\n`); } activeWorkflow.result = pdfResults; activeWorkflow.finished = true; } } ]); router.get("/progress/:workflowUuid", (req, res, nex) => { if(!req.params.workflowUuid) { res.status(400).json({"error": "No workflowUuid weres provided."}); return; } if(!activeWorkflows.hasOwnProperty(req.params.workflowUuid)) { res.status(400).json({"error": `No workflow with workflowUuid "${req.params.workflowUuid}" was found.`}); return; } // Return current progress const workflow = activeWorkflows[req.params.workflowUuid]; res.status(200).json({ createdAt: workflow.createdAt, finished: workflow.finished }); }); router.get("/progress-stream/:workflowUuid", (req, res, nex) => { if(!req.params.workflowUuid) { res.status(400).json({"error": "No workflowUuid weres provided."}); return; } if(!activeWorkflows.hasOwnProperty(req.params.workflowUuid)) { res.status(400).json({"error": `No workflow with workflowUuid "${req.params.workflowUuid}" was found.`}); return; } // TODO: Check if already done // Send realtime updates res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-cache'); res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/event-stream'); res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*'); res.setHeader('Connection', 'keep-alive'); res.flushHeaders(); // flush the headers to establish SSE with client const workflow = activeWorkflows[req.params.workflowUuid]; workflow.eventStream = res; res.on('close', () => { res.end(); // TODO: Abort if not already done? }); }); router.get("/result/:workflowUuid", (req, res, nex) => { if(!req.params.workflowUuid) { res.status(400).json({"error": "No workflowUuid weres provided."}); return; } if(!activeWorkflows.hasOwnProperty(req.params.workflowUuid)) { res.status(400).json({"error": `No workflow with workflowUuid "${req.params.workflowUuid}" was found.`}); return; } /* * If workflow isn't done return error * Send file, TODO: if there are multiple outputs return as zip * If download is done, delete results / allow deletion within the next 5-60 mins */ const workflow = activeWorkflows[req.params.workflowUuid]; if(!workflow.finished) { res.status(202).json({ message: "Workflow hasn't finished yet. Check progress or connect to progress-steam to get notified when its done." }); return } downloadHandler(res, workflow.result); // Delete workflow / results when done. delete activeWorkflows[req.params.workflowUuid]; });"/abort/:workflowUuid", (req, res, nex) => { if(!req.params.workflowUuid) { res.status(400).json({"error": "No workflowUuid weres provided."}); return; } if(!activeWorkflows.hasOwnProperty(req.params.workflowUuid)) { res.status(400).json({"error": `No workflow with workflowUuid "${req.params.workflowUuid}" was found.`}); return; } // TODO: Abort workflow res.status(501).json({"warning": "Abortion has not been implemented yet."}); }); function generateWorkflowID() { return crypto.randomUUID(); } function downloadHandler(res, pdfResults) { if(pdfResults.length == 0) { res.status(500).json({"warning": "The workflow had no outputs."}); } else if(pdfResults.length > 1) { // TODO: Also allow the user to download multiple files without zip compressen, because this is kind of slow... res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/zip', 'Content-disposition': 'attachment;' }); var zip = Archiver('zip'); // Stream the file to the user. zip.pipe(res); console.log("Adding Files to ZIP..."); for (let i = 0; i < pdfResults.length; i++) { // TODO: Implement other file types (mostly fro image & text extraction) // TODO: Check for name collisions zip.append(Buffer.from(pdfResults[i].buffer), { name: pdfResults[i].fileName + ".pdf" }); } zip.finalize(); console.log("Sent"); } else { const readStream = new stream.PassThrough(); readStream.end(pdfResults[0].buffer); // TODO: Implement other file types (mostly fro image & text extraction) res.set("Content-disposition", 'attachment; filename=' + pdfResults[0].fileName + ".pdf"); res.set("Content-Type", "application/pdf"); readStream.pipe(res); } } export default router;