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synced 2025-02-07 00:17:07 +01:00
Features ------------- Custom application name via APP_NAME docker env (These next 3 are done with OCRMyPDF) Extra features to OCR for scanned page cleanup (tilt/noise fixing) Adding OCR ability to read and output to text file Added Dedicated PDF/A conversion page Bug fixes -------------- Fix concurrent calls on Libre and OCRMyPDF jbig fix for compressions Fix for compression metadata issues due to forced conversions to PDF/A Other -------- Removal of UK US language and just using "English" due to extra development time Still issue with concurrent files for PDF to image... will fix later sorry
330 lines
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330 lines
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# Generic #
# the direction that the language is written (ltr = left to right, rtl = right to left)
pdfPrompt=Select PDF(s)
multiPdfPrompt=Select PDFs (2+)
multiPdfDropPrompt=Select (or drag & drop) all PDFs you require
imgPrompt=Select Image(s)
processTimeWarning=Warning: This process can take up to a minute depending on file-size
pageOrderPrompt=Page Order (Enter a comma-separated list of page numbers) :
home.desc=Your locally hosted one-stop-shop for all your PDF needs.
navbar.darkmode=Dark Mode
home.merge.title=Merge PDFs
home.merge.desc=Easily merge multiple PDFs into one.
home.split.title=Split PDFs
home.split.desc=Split PDFs into multiple documents
home.rotate.title=Rotate PDFs
home.rotate.desc=Easily rotate your PDFs.
home.imageToPdf.title=Image to PDF
home.imageToPdf.desc=Convert a image (PNG, JPEG, GIF) to PDF.
home.pdfToImage.title=PDF to Image
home.pdfToImage.desc=Convert a PDF to a image. (PNG, JPEG, GIF)
home.pdfOrganiser.title=PDF Organiser
home.pdfOrganiser.desc=Remove/Rearrange pages in any order
home.addImage.title=Add image onto PDF
home.addImage.desc=Adds a image onto a set location on the PDF (Work in progress)
home.watermark.title=Add Watermark
home.watermark.desc=Add a custom watermark to your PDF document.
home.remove-watermark.title=Remove Watermark
home.remove-watermark.desc=Remove watermarks from your PDF document.
home.permissions.title=Change Permissions
home.permissions.desc=Change the permissions of your PDF document
home.removePages.title=Remove Pages
home.removePages.desc=Delete unwanted pages from your PDF document.
home.addPassword.title=Add Password
home.addPassword.desc=Encrypt your PDF document with a password.
home.removePassword.title=Remove Password
home.removePassword.desc=Remove password protection from your PDF document.
home.compressPdfs.title=Compress PDFs
home.compressPdfs.desc=Compress PDFs to reduce their file size.
home.changeMetadata.title=Change Metadata
home.changeMetadata.desc=Change/Remove/Add metadata from a PDF document
home.fileToPDF.title=Convert file to PDF
home.fileToPDF.desc=Convert nearly any file to PDF (DOCX, PNG, XLS, PPT, TXT and more)
home.ocr.title=Run OCR on PDF and/or Cleanup scans
home.ocr.desc=Cleanup scans and detects text from images within a PDF and re-adds it as text.
home.extractImages.title=Extract Images
home.extractImages.desc=Extracts all images from a PDF and saves them to zip
home.pdfToPDFA.title=Convert PDF to PDF/A
home.pdfToPDFA.desc=Convert PDF to PDF/A for long-term storage
settings.update=Update available
settings.appVersion=App Version:
settings.downloadOption.title=Choose download option (For single file non zip downloads):
settings.downloadOption.1=Open in same window
settings.downloadOption.2=Open in new window
settings.downloadOption.3=Download file
settings.zipThreshold=Zip files when the number of downloaded files exceeds
ocr.title=OCR / Scan Cleanup
ocr.header=Cleanup Scans / OCR (Optical Character Recognition)
ocr.selectText.1=Select languages that are to be detected within the PDF (Ones listed are the ones currently detected):
ocr.selectText.2=Produce text file containing OCR text alongside the OCR'ed PDF
ocr.selectText.3=Correct pages were scanned at a skewed angle by rotating them back into place
ocr.selectText.4=Clean page so its less likely that OCR will find text in background noise. (No output change)
ocr.selectText.5=Clean page so its less likely that OCR will find text in background noise, maintains cleanup in output.
ocr.selectText.6=Ignores pages that have interacive text on them, only OCRs pages that are images
ocr.selectText.7=Force OCR, will OCR Every page removing all original text elements
ocr.selectText.8=Normal (Will error if PDF contains text)
ocr.selectText.9=Additional Settings
ocr.selectText.10=OCR Mode
ocr.help=Please read this documentation on how to use this for other languages and/or use not in docker
ocr.credit=This service uses OCRmyPDF and Tesseract for OCR.
ocr.submit=Process PDF with OCR
extractImages.title=Extract Images
extractImages.header=Extract Images
extractImages.selectText=Select image format to convert extracted images to
#File to PDF
fileToPDF.title=File to PDF
fileToPDF.header=Convert any file to PDF
fileToPDF.credit=This service uses LibreOffice and Unoconv for file conversion.
fileToPDF.supportedFileTypes=Supported file types should include the below however for a full updated list of supported formats, please refer to the LibreOffice documentation
fileToPDF.submit=Convert to PDF
compress.header=Compress PDF
compress.credit=This service uses OCRmyPDF for PDF Compress/Optimisation.
compress.selectText.1=Optimization level:
compress.selectText.2=0 (No optimization)
compress.selectText.3=1 (Default, lossless optimization)
compress.selectText.4=2 (Lossy optimization)
compress.selectText.5=3 (Lossy optimization, more aggressive)
compress.selectText.6=Enable fast web view (linearize PDF)
compress.selectText.7=Enable lossy JBIG2 encoding
#Add image
addImage.title=Add Image
addImage.header=Add image to PDF (Work in progress)
addImage.submit=Add image
merge.header=Merge multiple PDFs (2+)
pdfOrganiser.title=Page Organiser
pdfOrganiser.header=PDF Page Organiser
pdfOrganiser.submit=Rearrange Pages
pageRemover.title=Page Remover
pageRemover.header=PDF Page remover
pageRemover.pagesToDelete=Pages to delete (Enter a comma-separated list of page numbers) :
pageRemover.submit=Delete Pages
rotate.title=Rotate PDF
rotate.header=Rotate PDF
rotate.selectAngle=Select rotation angle (in multiples of 90 degrees):
split.title=Split PDF
split.header=Split PDF
split.desc.1=The numbers you select are the page number you wish to do a split on
split.desc.2=As such selecting 1,3,7-8 would split a 10 page document into 6 separate PDFS with:
split.desc.3=Document #1: Page 1
split.desc.4=Document #2: Page 2 and 3
split.desc.5=Document #3: Page 4, 5 and 6
split.desc.6=Document #4: Page 7
split.desc.7=Document #5: Page 8
split.desc.8=Document #6: Page 9 and 10
split.splitPages=Enter pages to split on:
imageToPDF.title=Image to PDF
imageToPDF.header=Image to PDF
imageToPDF.selectText.1=Stretch to fit
imageToPDF.selectText.2=Auto rotate PDF
imageToPDF.selectText.3=Multi file logic (Only enabled if working with multiple images)
imageToPDF.selectText.4=Merge into single PDF
imageToPDF.selectText.5=Convert to separate PDFs
pdfToImage.title=PDF to Image
pdfToImage.header=PDF to Image
pdfToImage.selectText=Image Format
pdfToImage.singleOrMultiple=Image result type
pdfToImage.single=Single Big Image
pdfToImage.multi=Multiple Images
pdfToImage.colorType=Colour type
pdfToImage.blackwhite=Black and White (May lose data!)
addPassword.title=Add Password
addPassword.header=Add password (Encrypt)
addPassword.selectText.1=Select PDF to encrypt
addPassword.selectText.3=Encryption Key Length
addPassword.selectText.4=Higher values are stronger, but lower values have better compatibility.
addPassword.selectText.5=Permissions to set
addPassword.selectText.6=Prevent assembly of document
addPassword.selectText.7=Prevent content extraction
addPassword.selectText.8=Prevent extraction for accessibility
addPassword.selectText.9=Prevent filling in form
addPassword.selectText.10=Prevent modification
addPassword.selectText.11=Prevent annotation modification
addPassword.selectText.12=Prevent printing
addPassword.selectText.13=Prevent printing different formats
watermark.title=Add Watermark
watermark.header=Add Watermark
watermark.selectText.1=Select PDF to add watermark to:
watermark.selectText.2=Watermark Text:
watermark.selectText.3=Font Size:
watermark.selectText.4=Rotation (0-360):
watermark.selectText.5=widthSpacer (Space between each watermark horizontally):
watermark.selectText.6=heightSpacer (Space between each watermark vertically):
watermark.selectText.7=Opacity (0% - 100%):
watermark.submit=Add Watermark
remove-watermark.title=Remove Watermark
remove-watermark.header=Remove Watermark
remove-watermark.selectText.1=Select PDF to remove watermark from:
remove-watermark.selectText.2=Watermark Text:
remove-watermark.submit=Remove Watermark
#Change permissions
permissions.title=Change Permissions
permissions.header=Change Permissions
permissions.warning=Warning to have these permissions be unchangeable it is recommended to set them with a password via the add-password page
permissions.selectText.1=Select PDF to change permissions
permissions.selectText.2=Permissions to set
permissions.selectText.3=Prevent assembly of document
permissions.selectText.4=Prevent content extraction
permissions.selectText.5=Prevent extraction for accessibility
permissions.selectText.6=Prevent filling in form
permissions.selectText.7=Prevent modification
permissions.selectText.8=Prevent annotation modification
permissions.selectText.9=Prevent printing
permissions.selectText.10=Prevent printing different formats
#remove password
removePassword.title=Remove password
removePassword.header=Remove password (Decrypt)
removePassword.selectText.1=Select PDF to Decrypt
changeMetadata.title=Change Metadata
changeMetadata.header=Change Metadata
changeMetadata.selectText.1=Please edit the variables you wish to change
changeMetadata.selectText.2=Delete all metadata
changeMetadata.selectText.3=Show Custom Metadata:
changeMetadata.creationDate=Creation Date (yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss):
changeMetadata.modDate=Modification Date (yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss):
changeMetadata.selectText.4=Other Metadata:
changeMetadata.selectText.5=Add Custom Metadata Entry
xlsToPdf.title=Excel to PDF
xlsToPdf.header=Excel to PDF
xlsToPdf.selectText.1=Select XLS or XLSX Excel sheet to convert
pdfToPDFA.title=PDF To PDF/A
pdfToPDFA.header=PDF To PDF/A
pdfToPDFA.credit=This service uses OCRmyPDF for PDF/A conversion