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StirlingPDF rewrite
This is the development repository for the new StirlingPDF backend. With the power of JS, WASM & GO this will provide almost all functionality SPDF can do currently directly on the client. For automation purposes this will still provide an API to automate your workflows.
Try the new API!
Understanding Workflows
Workflows define how to apply operations to a PDF, including their order and relations with eachother.
Workflows can be created via the web-ui and then exported or, if you want to brag a bit, you can create the JSON object yourself.
To create your own, you have to understand a few key features first. You can also look at more examples our github repository.
"outputOptions": {
"zip": false
"operations": [
"type": "extract",
"values": {
"pagesToExtractArray": [0, 2]
"operations": []
The workflow above will extract the first (p[0]) and third (p[2]) page of the document.
You can also nest workflows like this:
"outputOptions": {
"zip": false
"operations": [
"type": "extract",
"values": {
"pagesToExtractArray": [0, 2]
"operations": [
"type": "impose",
"values": {
"nup": 2, // 2 pages of the input document will be put on one page of the output document.
"format": "A4L" // A4L -> The page size of the Ouput will be an A4 in Landscape. You can also use other paper formats and "P" for portrait output.
"operations": []
If you look at it closely, you will see that the extract operation has another nested operation of the type impose. This workflow will produce a PDF with the 1st and 2nd page of the input on one single page.
If that is not enought for you usecase, there is also the possibility to connect operations with eachother.
You can also do different operations to produce two different output PDFs from one input.
If you are interested in learning about this, take a look at the Example workflows provided in the repository, ask on the discord, or wait for me to finish this documentation.
Rewrite Roadmap
- Client side PDF-Manipulation
- Workflows
- Feature equivalent with S-PDF v1
- Stateful UI
- Node based editing of Workflows
- Propper auth using passportjs
Current functions of spdf and their progress in this repo.
Page Operations
Status | Feature | Description |
🚧A | Merge | |
🚧A | Split | |
🚧A | Organize | |
🚧S | Rotate | |
🚧A | Remove Pages | |
🚧A | Multi-Page Layout | |
❌ | Adjust page size/scale | |
🚧A | Auto Split Pages | |
❌ | Adjust Colours/Contrast | |
❌ | Crop | |
🚧A | Extract Pages | |
❌ | PDF to Single large Page |
Status | Feature | Description |
❌ | Image to PDF | |
🚧S | Convert file to PDF | |
❌ | URL to PDF | |
❌ | HTML to PDF | |
❌ | Markdown to PDF | |
❌ | PDF to Image | |
❌ | PDF to Word | |
❌ | PDF to Presentation | |
❌ | PDF to Text/RTF | |
❌ | PDF to HTML | |
❌ | PDF to PDF/A |
Status | Feature | Description |
❌ | Add Password | |
❌ | Remove Password | |
❌ | Change Permissions | |
❌ | Add Watermark | |
❌ | Sign with Certificate | |
❌ | Sanitize | |
❌ | Auto Redact |
Status | Feature | Description |
❌ | OCR | |
❌ | Add image | |
❌ | Compress | |
❌ | Extract Images | |
🚧S | Change Metadata | |
🚧A | Detect/Split Scanned photos | |
❌ | Sign | |
❌ | Flatten | |
❌ | Repair | |
🚧A | Remove Blank Pages | |
❌ | Compare/Diff | |
❌ | Add Page Numbers | |
❌ | Auto Rename | |
❌ | Get info | |
❌ | Show JS |
✔️: Done, 🚧: Started Developement, ❌: Planned Feature A: Available in the internal API, S: Available on the node server, C: Available in the client
For initial instructions look at CONTRIBUTE.md
/* ///// CONVERT 2 pdf file2pdf url2pdf html2pdf md2pdf image2pdf
///// CONVERT from pdf pdf2image flatten pdf2pdf/a pdf2word pdf2presentation pdf2rtf pdf2html pdf2xml
///// SINGLE merge rotate crop pageNumbers colours/contrast addPassword removePassword compress changeMetadata change Permissions OCR sanitise repair compare extract images signWith certificate impose adjust page size/scale auto rename getAllInfo showJS redact pdf2singleLargePage
///// SPLITTING split auto split detect/split scanned
- organise pages (remove/re-arrange)
- removePages
- removeBlank
- extractPages
///// ADD OBJECTS add image add watermark sign */