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'use strict'
var __createBinding =
(this && this.__createBinding) ||
? function (o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k
var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k)
if (!desc || ('get' in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) {
desc = {
enumerable: true,
get: function () {
return m[k]
Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc)
: function (o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k
o[k2] = m[k]
var __setModuleDefault =
(this && this.__setModuleDefault) ||
? function (o, v) {
Object.defineProperty(o, 'default', { enumerable: true, value: v })
: function (o, v) {
o['default'] = v
var __importStar =
(this && this.__importStar) ||
function (mod) {
if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod
var result = {}
if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== 'default' && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k)
__setModuleDefault(result, mod)
return result
var __importDefault =
(this && this.__importDefault) ||
function (mod) {
return mod && mod.__esModule ? mod : { default: mod }
var _a
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true })
exports.Umzug = exports.MigrationError = void 0
const fs = __importStar(require('fs'))
const path = __importStar(require('path'))
const storage_1 = require('./storage')
const templates = __importStar(require('./templates'))
const types_1 = require('./types')
class MigrationError extends Error {
// TODO [>=4.0.0] Take a `{ cause: ... }` options bag like the default `Error`, it looks like this because of verror backwards-compatibility.
constructor(migration, original) {
super(`Migration ${migration.name} (${migration.direction}) failed: ${MigrationError.errorString(original)}`, {
cause: original
this.name = 'MigrationError'
this.migration = migration
// TODO [>=4.0.0] Remove this backwards-compatibility alias
get info() {
return this.migration
static errorString(cause) {
return cause instanceof Error ? `Original error: ${cause.message}` : `Non-error value thrown. See info for full props: ${cause}`
exports.MigrationError = MigrationError
class Umzug {
/** creates a new Umzug instance */
constructor(options) {
var _b
this.options = options
this.storage = (0, storage_1.verifyUmzugStorage)((_b = options.storage) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : new storage_1.JSONStorage())
this.migrations = this.getMigrationsResolver(this.options.migrations)
logging(message) {
var _b
;(_b = this.options.logger) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.info(message)
/** Get the list of migrations which have already been applied */
async executed() {
return this.runCommand('executed', async ({ context }) => {
const list = await this._executed(context)
// We do the following to not expose the `up` and `down` functions to the user
return list.map((m) => ({ name: m.name, path: m.path }))
/** Get the list of migrations which have already been applied */
async _executed(context) {
const [migrations, executedNames] = await Promise.all([this.migrations(context), this.storage.executed({ context })])
const executedSet = new Set(executedNames)
return migrations.filter((m) => executedSet.has(m.name))
/** Get the list of migrations which are yet to be applied */
async pending() {
return this.runCommand('pending', async ({ context }) => {
const list = await this._pending(context)
// We do the following to not expose the `up` and `down` functions to the user
return list.map((m) => ({ name: m.name, path: m.path }))
async _pending(context) {
const [migrations, executedNames] = await Promise.all([this.migrations(context), this.storage.executed({ context })])
const executedSet = new Set(executedNames)
return migrations.filter((m) => !executedSet.has(m.name))
async runCommand(command, cb) {
const context = await this.getContext()
return await cb({ context })
* Apply migrations. By default, runs all pending migrations.
* @see MigrateUpOptions for other use cases using `to`, `migrations` and `rerun`.
async up(options = {}) {
const eligibleMigrations = async (context) => {
var _b
if (options.migrations && options.rerun === types_1.RerunBehavior.ALLOW) {
// Allow rerun means the specified migrations should be run even if they've run before - so get all migrations, not just pending
const list = await this.migrations(context)
return this.findMigrations(list, options.migrations)
if (options.migrations && options.rerun === types_1.RerunBehavior.SKIP) {
const executedNames = new Set((await this._executed(context)).map((m) => m.name))
const filteredMigrations = options.migrations.filter((m) => !executedNames.has(m))
return this.findMigrations(await this.migrations(context), filteredMigrations)
if (options.migrations) {
return this.findMigrations(await this._pending(context), options.migrations)
const allPending = await this._pending(context)
let sliceIndex = (_b = options.step) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : allPending.length
if (options.to) {
sliceIndex = this.findNameIndex(allPending, options.to) + 1
return allPending.slice(0, sliceIndex)
return this.runCommand('up', async ({ context }) => {
const toBeApplied = await eligibleMigrations(context)
for (const m of toBeApplied) {
const start = Date.now()
const params = { name: m.name, path: m.path, context }
this.logging({ event: 'migrating', name: m.name })
try {
await m.up(params)
} catch (e) {
throw new MigrationError({ direction: 'up', ...params }, e)
await this.storage.logMigration(params)
const duration = (Date.now() - start) / 1000
this.logging({ event: 'migrated', name: m.name, durationSeconds: duration })
return toBeApplied.map((m) => ({ name: m.name, path: m.path }))
* Revert migrations. By default, the last executed migration is reverted.
* @see MigrateDownOptions for other use cases using `to`, `migrations` and `rerun`.
async down(options = {}) {
const eligibleMigrations = async (context) => {
var _b
if (options.migrations && options.rerun === types_1.RerunBehavior.ALLOW) {
const list = await this.migrations(context)
return this.findMigrations(list, options.migrations)
if (options.migrations && options.rerun === types_1.RerunBehavior.SKIP) {
const pendingNames = new Set((await this._pending(context)).map((m) => m.name))
const filteredMigrations = options.migrations.filter((m) => !pendingNames.has(m))
return this.findMigrations(await this.migrations(context), filteredMigrations)
if (options.migrations) {
return this.findMigrations(await this._executed(context), options.migrations)
const executedReversed = (await this._executed(context)).slice().reverse()
let sliceIndex = (_b = options.step) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 1
if (options.to === 0 || options.migrations) {
sliceIndex = executedReversed.length
} else if (options.to) {
sliceIndex = this.findNameIndex(executedReversed, options.to) + 1
return executedReversed.slice(0, sliceIndex)
return this.runCommand('down', async ({ context }) => {
var _b
const toBeReverted = await eligibleMigrations(context)
for (const m of toBeReverted) {
const start = Date.now()
const params = { name: m.name, path: m.path, context }
this.logging({ event: 'reverting', name: m.name })
try {
await ((_b = m.down) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(m, params))
} catch (e) {
throw new MigrationError({ direction: 'down', ...params }, e)
await this.storage.unlogMigration(params)
const duration = Number.parseFloat(((Date.now() - start) / 1000).toFixed(3))
this.logging({ event: 'reverted', name: m.name, durationSeconds: duration })
return toBeReverted.map((m) => ({ name: m.name, path: m.path }))
async create(options) {
await this.runCommand('create', async ({ context }) => {
var _b, _c, _d, _e
const isoDate = new Date().toISOString()
const prefixes = {
TIMESTAMP: isoDate.replace(/\.\d{3}Z$/, '').replace(/\W/g, '.'),
DATE: isoDate.split('T')[0].replace(/\W/g, '.'),
NONE: ''
const prefixType = (_b = options.prefix) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 'TIMESTAMP'
const fileBasename = [prefixes[prefixType], options.name].filter(Boolean).join('.')
const allowedExtensions = options.allowExtension ? [options.allowExtension] : ['.js', '.cjs', '.mjs', '.ts', '.cts', '.mts', '.sql']
const existing = await this.migrations(context)
const last = existing.slice(-1)[0]
const folder = options.folder || ((_c = this.options.create) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.folder) || ((last === null || last === void 0 ? void 0 : last.path) && path.dirname(last.path))
if (!folder) {
throw new Error(`Couldn't infer a directory to generate migration file in. Pass folder explicitly`)
const filepath = path.join(folder, fileBasename)
if (!options.allowConfusingOrdering) {
const confusinglyOrdered = existing.find((e) => e.path && e.path >= filepath)
if (confusinglyOrdered) {
throw new Error(`Can't create ${fileBasename}, since it's unclear if it should run before or after existing migration ${confusinglyOrdered.name}. Use allowConfusingOrdering to bypass this error.`)
const template =
typeof options.content === 'string'
? async () => [[filepath, options.content]]
: // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/unbound-method
(_e = (_d = this.options.create) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.template) !== null && _e !== void 0
? _e
: Umzug.defaultCreationTemplate
const toWrite = await template(filepath)
if (toWrite.length === 0) {
toWrite.push([filepath, ''])
toWrite.forEach((pair) => {
if (!Array.isArray(pair) || pair.length !== 2) {
throw new Error(`Expected [filepath, content] pair. Check that the file template function returns an array of pairs.`)
const ext = path.extname(pair[0])
if (!allowedExtensions.includes(ext)) {
const allowStr = allowedExtensions.join(', ')
const message = `Extension ${ext} not allowed. Allowed extensions are ${allowStr}. See help for allowExtension to avoid this error.`
throw new Error(message)
fs.mkdirSync(path.dirname(pair[0]), { recursive: true })
fs.writeFileSync(pair[0], pair[1])
this.logging({ event: 'created', path: pair[0] })
if (!options.skipVerify) {
const [firstFilePath] = toWrite[0]
const pending = await this._pending(context)
if (!pending.some((p) => p.path && path.resolve(p.path) === path.resolve(firstFilePath))) {
const paths = pending.map((p) => p.path).join(', ')
throw new Error(`Expected ${firstFilePath} to be a pending migration but it wasn't! Pending migration paths: ${paths}. You should investigate this. Use skipVerify to bypass this error.`)
static defaultCreationTemplate(filepath) {
const ext = path.extname(filepath)
if ((ext === '.js' && typeof require.main === 'object') || ext === '.cjs') {
return [[filepath, templates.js]]
if (ext === '.ts' || ext === '.mts' || ext === '.cts') {
return [[filepath, templates.ts]]
if ((ext === '.js' && require.main === undefined) || ext === '.mjs') {
return [[filepath, templates.mjs]]
if (ext === '.sql') {
const downFilepath = path.join(path.dirname(filepath), 'down', path.basename(filepath))
return [
[filepath, templates.sqlUp],
[downFilepath, templates.sqlDown]
return []
findNameIndex(migrations, name) {
const index = migrations.findIndex((m) => m.name === name)
if (index === -1) {
throw new Error(`Couldn't find migration to apply with name ${JSON.stringify(name)}`)
return index
findMigrations(migrations, names) {
const map = new Map(migrations.map((m) => [m.name, m]))
return names.map((name) => {
const migration = map.get(name)
if (!migration) {
throw new Error(`Couldn't find migration to apply with name ${JSON.stringify(name)}`)
return migration
async getContext() {
const { context = {} } = this.options
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-return
return typeof context === 'function' ? context() : context
/** helper for parsing input migrations into a callback returning a list of ready-to-run migrations */
getMigrationsResolver(inputMigrations) {
var _b
if (Array.isArray(inputMigrations)) {
return async () => inputMigrations
if (typeof inputMigrations === 'function') {
// Lazy migrations definition, recurse.
return async (ctx) => {
const resolved = await inputMigrations(ctx)
return this.getMigrationsResolver(resolved)(ctx)
const paths = inputMigrations.files
const resolver = (_b = inputMigrations.resolve) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : Umzug.defaultResolver
return async (context) => {
return paths.map((unresolvedPath) => {
const filepath = path.resolve(unresolvedPath)
const name = path.basename(filepath)
return {
path: filepath,
...resolver({ name, path: filepath, context })
exports.Umzug = Umzug
_a = Umzug
Umzug.defaultResolver = ({ name, path: filepath }) => {
if (!filepath) {
throw new Error(`Can't use default resolver for non-filesystem migrations`)
const ext = path.extname(filepath)
const languageSpecificHelp = {
'.ts': "TypeScript files can be required by adding `ts-node` as a dependency and calling `require('ts-node/register')` at the program entrypoint before running migrations.",
'.sql': 'Try writing a resolver which reads file content and executes it as a sql query.'
languageSpecificHelp['.cts'] = languageSpecificHelp['.ts']
languageSpecificHelp['.mts'] = languageSpecificHelp['.ts']
let loadModule
const jsExt = ext.replace(/\.([cm]?)ts$/, '.$1js')
const getModule = async () => {
try {
return await loadModule()
} catch (e) {
if ((e instanceof SyntaxError || e instanceof MissingResolverError) && ext in languageSpecificHelp) {
e.message += '\n\n' + languageSpecificHelp[ext]
throw e
if ((jsExt === '.js' && typeof require.main === 'object') || jsExt === '.cjs') {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires
loadModule = async () => require(filepath)
} else if (jsExt === '.js' || jsExt === '.mjs') {
loadModule = async () => import(filepath)
} else {
loadModule = async () => {
throw new MissingResolverError(filepath)
return {
path: filepath,
up: async ({ context }) => (await getModule()).up({ path: filepath, name, context }),
down: async ({ context }) => {
var _b, _c
return (_c = (_b = await getModule()).down) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.call(_b, { path: filepath, name, context })
class MissingResolverError extends Error {
constructor(filepath) {
super(`No resolver specified for file ${filepath}. See docs for guidance on how to write a custom resolver.`)
//# sourceMappingURL=umzug.js.map