2023-09-02 01:01:17 +02:00
const uuidv4 = require ( "uuid" ) . v4
2023-09-03 22:14:58 +02:00
const Path = require ( 'path' )
2023-09-04 00:51:58 +02:00
const sequelize = require ( 'sequelize' )
2023-09-02 01:01:17 +02:00
const { LogLevel } = require ( '../utils/constants' )
2023-09-03 00:49:28 +02:00
const { getTitleIgnorePrefix , areEquivalent } = require ( '../utils/index' )
2023-09-02 01:01:17 +02:00
const { parseOpfMetadataXML } = require ( '../utils/parsers/parseOpfMetadata' )
const { parseOverdriveMediaMarkersAsChapters } = require ( '../utils/parsers/parseOverdriveMediaMarkers' )
const abmetadataGenerator = require ( '../utils/generators/abmetadataGenerator' )
const parseNameString = require ( '../utils/parsers/parseNameString' )
2023-09-03 00:49:28 +02:00
const globals = require ( '../utils/globals' )
2023-09-02 01:01:17 +02:00
const AudioFileScanner = require ( './AudioFileScanner' )
const Database = require ( '../Database' )
2023-09-03 22:14:58 +02:00
const { readTextFile , filePathToPOSIX , getFileTimestampsWithIno } = require ( '../utils/fileUtils' )
2023-09-02 01:01:17 +02:00
const AudioFile = require ( '../objects/files/AudioFile' )
const CoverManager = require ( '../managers/CoverManager' )
2023-09-03 22:14:58 +02:00
const LibraryFile = require ( '../objects/files/LibraryFile' )
2023-09-04 00:51:58 +02:00
const SocketAuthority = require ( '../SocketAuthority' )
2023-09-03 00:49:28 +02:00
const fsExtra = require ( "../libs/fsExtra" )
2023-09-04 23:33:55 +02:00
// const BookFinder = require('../finders/BookFinder')
2023-09-02 01:01:17 +02:00
/ * *
* Metadata for books pulled from files
* @ typedef BookMetadataObject
* @ property { string } title
* @ property { string } titleIgnorePrefix
* @ property { string } subtitle
* @ property { string } publishedYear
* @ property { string } publisher
* @ property { string } description
* @ property { string } isbn
* @ property { string } asin
* @ property { string } language
* @ property { string [ ] } narrators
* @ property { string [ ] } genres
* @ property { string [ ] } tags
* @ property { string [ ] } authors
* @ property { { name : string , sequence : string } [ ] } series
* @ property { { id : number , start : number , end : number , title : string } [ ] } chapters
* @ property { boolean } explicit
* @ property { boolean } abridged
* @ property { string } coverPath
* /
class BookScanner {
constructor ( ) { }
2023-09-03 00:49:28 +02:00
/ * *
* @ param { import ( '../models/LibraryItem' ) } existingLibraryItem
* @ param { import ( './LibraryItemScanData' ) } libraryItemData
2023-09-04 00:51:58 +02:00
* @ param { import ( '../models/Library' ) . LibrarySettingsObject } librarySettings
2023-09-03 00:49:28 +02:00
* @ param { import ( './LibraryScan' ) } libraryScan
2023-09-04 00:51:58 +02:00
* @ returns { Promise < import ( '../models/LibraryItem' ) > }
2023-09-03 00:49:28 +02:00
* /
2023-09-04 00:51:58 +02:00
async rescanExistingBookLibraryItem ( existingLibraryItem , libraryItemData , librarySettings , libraryScan ) {
2023-09-03 00:49:28 +02:00
/** @type {import('../models/Book')} */
const media = await existingLibraryItem . getMedia ( {
include : [
model : Database . authorModel ,
through : {
attributes : [ 'id' , 'createdAt' ]
} ,
model : Database . seriesModel ,
through : {
attributes : [ 'id' , 'sequence' , 'createdAt' ]
] ,
order : [
[ Database . authorModel , Database . bookAuthorModel , 'createdAt' , 'ASC' ] ,
[ Database . seriesModel , 'bookSeries' , 'createdAt' , 'ASC' ]
} )
let hasMediaChanges = libraryItemData . hasAudioFileChanges
if ( libraryItemData . hasAudioFileChanges || libraryItemData . audioLibraryFiles . length !== media . audioFiles . length ) {
// Filter out audio files that were removed
media . audioFiles = media . audioFiles . filter ( af => ! libraryItemData . checkAudioFileRemoved ( af ) )
// Update audio files that were modified
if ( libraryItemData . audioLibraryFilesModified . length ) {
let scannedAudioFiles = await AudioFileScanner . executeMediaFileScans ( existingLibraryItem . mediaType , libraryItemData , libraryItemData . audioLibraryFilesModified )
media . audioFiles = media . audioFiles . map ( ( audioFileObj ) => {
let matchedScannedAudioFile = scannedAudioFiles . find ( saf => saf . metadata . path === audioFileObj . metadata . path )
if ( ! matchedScannedAudioFile ) {
matchedScannedAudioFile = scannedAudioFiles . find ( saf => saf . ino === audioFileObj . ino )
if ( matchedScannedAudioFile ) {
scannedAudioFiles = scannedAudioFiles . filter ( saf => saf !== matchedScannedAudioFile )
const audioFile = new AudioFile ( audioFileObj )
audioFile . updateFromScan ( matchedScannedAudioFile )
return audioFile . toJSON ( )
return audioFileObj
} )
// Modified audio files that were not found on the book
if ( scannedAudioFiles . length ) {
media . audioFiles . push ( ... scannedAudioFiles )
// Add new audio files scanned in
if ( libraryItemData . audioLibraryFilesAdded . length ) {
const scannedAudioFiles = await AudioFileScanner . executeMediaFileScans ( existingLibraryItem . mediaType , libraryItemData , libraryItemData . audioLibraryFilesAdded )
media . audioFiles . push ( ... scannedAudioFiles )
// Add audio library files that are not already set on the book (safety check)
let audioLibraryFilesToAdd = [ ]
for ( const audioLibraryFile of libraryItemData . audioLibraryFiles ) {
if ( ! media . audioFiles . some ( af => af . ino === audioLibraryFile . ino ) ) {
libraryScan . addLog ( LogLevel . DEBUG , ` Existing audio library file " ${ audioLibraryFile . metadata . relPath } " was not set on book " ${ media . title } " so setting it now ` )
audioLibraryFilesToAdd . push ( audioLibraryFile )
if ( audioLibraryFilesToAdd . length ) {
const scannedAudioFiles = await AudioFileScanner . executeMediaFileScans ( existingLibraryItem . mediaType , libraryItemData , audioLibraryFilesToAdd )
media . audioFiles . push ( ... scannedAudioFiles )
media . audioFiles = AudioFileScanner . runSmartTrackOrder ( existingLibraryItem . relPath , media . audioFiles )
media . duration = 0
media . audioFiles . forEach ( ( af ) => {
if ( ! isNaN ( af . duration ) ) {
media . duration += af . duration
} )
media . changed ( 'audioFiles' , true )
// Check if cover was removed
if ( media . coverPath && ! libraryItemData . imageLibraryFiles . some ( lf => lf . metadata . path === media . coverPath ) ) {
media . coverPath = null
hasMediaChanges = true
// Check if cover is not set and image files were found
if ( ! media . coverPath && libraryItemData . imageLibraryFiles . length ) {
// Prefer using a cover image with the name "cover" otherwise use the first image
const coverMatch = libraryItemData . imageLibraryFiles . find ( iFile => / \ / cover \ . [ ^ . \ / ] * $ / . test ( iFile . metadata . path ) )
media . coverPath = coverMatch ? . metadata . path || libraryItemData . imageLibraryFiles [ 0 ] . metadata . path
hasMediaChanges = true
// Check if ebook was removed
2023-09-04 00:51:58 +02:00
if ( media . ebookFile && ( librarySettings . audiobooksOnly || libraryItemData . checkEbookFileRemoved ( media . ebookFile ) ) ) {
2023-09-03 00:49:28 +02:00
media . ebookFile = null
hasMediaChanges = true
// Check if ebook is not set and ebooks were found
2023-09-04 00:51:58 +02:00
if ( ! media . ebookFile && ! librarySettings . audiobooksOnly && libraryItemData . ebookLibraryFiles . length ) {
2023-09-03 00:49:28 +02:00
// Prefer to use an epub ebook then fallback to the first ebook found
let ebookLibraryFile = libraryItemData . ebookLibraryFiles . find ( lf => lf . metadata . ext . slice ( 1 ) . toLowerCase ( ) === 'epub' )
if ( ! ebookLibraryFile ) ebookLibraryFile = libraryItemData . ebookLibraryFiles [ 0 ]
// Ebook file is the same as library file except for additional `ebookFormat`
ebookLibraryFile . ebookFormat = ebookLibraryFile . metadata . ext . slice ( 1 ) . toLowerCase ( )
media . ebookFile = ebookLibraryFile
media . changed ( 'ebookFile' , true )
hasMediaChanges = true
// TODO: When metadata file is stored in /metadata/items/{libraryItemId}.[abs|json] we should load this
// TODO: store an additional array of metadata keys that the user has changed manually so we know what not to override
const bookMetadata = await this . getBookMetadataFromScanData ( media . audioFiles , libraryItemData , libraryScan )
let authorsUpdated = false
const bookAuthorsRemoved = [ ]
let seriesUpdated = false
const bookSeriesRemoved = [ ]
for ( const key in bookMetadata ) {
// Ignore unset metadata and empty arrays
if ( bookMetadata [ key ] === undefined || ( Array . isArray ( bookMetadata [ key ] ) && ! bookMetadata [ key ] . length ) ) continue
if ( key === 'authors' ) {
// Check for authors added
for ( const authorName of bookMetadata . authors ) {
if ( ! media . authors . some ( au => au . name === authorName ) ) {
2023-09-04 00:51:58 +02:00
const existingAuthor = Database . libraryFilterData [ libraryItemData . libraryId ] . authors . find ( au => au . name === authorName )
2023-09-03 00:49:28 +02:00
if ( existingAuthor ) {
await Database . bookAuthorModel . create ( {
bookId : media . id ,
authorId : existingAuthor . id
} )
libraryScan . addLog ( LogLevel . DEBUG , ` Updating book " ${ bookMetadata . title } " added author " ${ authorName } " ` )
authorsUpdated = true
} else {
const newAuthor = await Database . authorModel . create ( {
name : authorName ,
lastFirst : parseNameString . nameToLastFirst ( authorName ) ,
2023-09-04 00:51:58 +02:00
libraryId : libraryItemData . libraryId
2023-09-03 00:49:28 +02:00
} )
await media . addAuthor ( newAuthor )
2023-09-04 00:51:58 +02:00
Database . addAuthorToFilterData ( libraryItemData . libraryId , newAuthor . name , newAuthor . id )
2023-09-03 00:49:28 +02:00
libraryScan . addLog ( LogLevel . DEBUG , ` Updating book " ${ bookMetadata . title } " added new author " ${ authorName } " ` )
authorsUpdated = true
// Check for authors removed
for ( const author of media . authors ) {
if ( ! bookMetadata . authors . includes ( author . name ) ) {
await author . bookAuthor . destroy ( )
libraryScan . addLog ( LogLevel . DEBUG , ` Updating book " ${ bookMetadata . title } " removed author " ${ author . name } " ` )
authorsUpdated = true
bookAuthorsRemoved . push ( author . id )
} else if ( key === 'series' ) {
// Check for series added
for ( const seriesObj of bookMetadata . series ) {
if ( ! media . series . some ( se => se . name === seriesObj . name ) ) {
2023-09-04 00:51:58 +02:00
const existingSeries = Database . libraryFilterData [ libraryItemData . libraryId ] . series . find ( se => se . name === seriesObj . name )
2023-09-03 00:49:28 +02:00
if ( existingSeries ) {
await Database . bookSeriesModel . create ( {
bookId : media . id ,
seriesId : existingSeries . id ,
sequence : seriesObj . sequence
} )
libraryScan . addLog ( LogLevel . DEBUG , ` Updating book " ${ bookMetadata . title } " added series " ${ seriesObj . name } " ${ seriesObj . sequence ? ` with sequence " ${ seriesObj . sequence } " ` : '' } ` )
seriesUpdated = true
} else {
const newSeries = await Database . seriesModel . create ( {
name : seriesObj . name ,
nameIgnorePrefix : getTitleIgnorePrefix ( seriesObj . name ) ,
2023-09-04 00:51:58 +02:00
libraryId : libraryItemData . libraryId
2023-09-03 00:49:28 +02:00
} )
2023-09-04 00:51:58 +02:00
await media . addSeries ( newSeries , { through : { sequence : seriesObj . sequence } } )
Database . addSeriesToFilterData ( libraryItemData . libraryId , newSeries . name , newSeries . id )
2023-09-03 00:49:28 +02:00
libraryScan . addLog ( LogLevel . DEBUG , ` Updating book " ${ bookMetadata . title } " added new series " ${ seriesObj . name } " ${ seriesObj . sequence ? ` with sequence " ${ seriesObj . sequence } " ` : '' } ` )
seriesUpdated = true
// Check for series removed
for ( const series of media . series ) {
if ( ! bookMetadata . series . some ( se => se . name === series . name ) ) {
await series . bookSeries . destroy ( )
libraryScan . addLog ( LogLevel . DEBUG , ` Updating book " ${ bookMetadata . title } " removed series " ${ series . name } " ` )
seriesUpdated = true
bookSeriesRemoved . push ( series . id )
} else if ( key === 'genres' ) {
const existingGenres = media . genres || [ ]
if ( bookMetadata . genres . some ( g => ! existingGenres . includes ( g ) ) || existingGenres . some ( g => ! bookMetadata . genres . includes ( g ) ) ) {
libraryScan . addLog ( LogLevel . DEBUG , ` Updating book genres " ${ existingGenres . join ( ',' ) } " => " ${ bookMetadata . genres . join ( ',' ) } " for book " ${ bookMetadata . title } " ` )
media . genres = bookMetadata . genres
hasMediaChanges = true
} else if ( key === 'tags' ) {
const existingTags = media . tags || [ ]
if ( bookMetadata . tags . some ( t => ! existingTags . includes ( t ) ) || existingTags . some ( t => ! bookMetadata . tags . includes ( t ) ) ) {
libraryScan . addLog ( LogLevel . DEBUG , ` Updating book tags " ${ existingTags . join ( ',' ) } " => " ${ bookMetadata . tags . join ( ',' ) } " for book " ${ bookMetadata . title } " ` )
media . tags = bookMetadata . tags
hasMediaChanges = true
} else if ( key === 'narrators' ) {
const existingNarrators = media . narrators || [ ]
if ( bookMetadata . narrators . some ( t => ! existingNarrators . includes ( t ) ) || existingNarrators . some ( t => ! bookMetadata . narrators . includes ( t ) ) ) {
libraryScan . addLog ( LogLevel . DEBUG , ` Updating book narrators " ${ existingNarrators . join ( ',' ) } " => " ${ bookMetadata . narrators . join ( ',' ) } " for book " ${ bookMetadata . title } " ` )
media . narrators = bookMetadata . narrators
hasMediaChanges = true
} else if ( key === 'chapters' ) {
if ( ! areEquivalent ( media . chapters , bookMetadata . chapters ) ) {
libraryScan . addLog ( LogLevel . DEBUG , ` Updating book chapters for book " ${ bookMetadata . title } " ` )
media . chapters = bookMetadata . chapters
hasMediaChanges = true
} else if ( key === 'coverPath' ) {
if ( media . coverPath && media . coverPath !== bookMetadata . coverPath && ! ( await fsExtra . pathExists ( media . coverPath ) ) ) {
libraryScan . addLog ( LogLevel . DEBUG , ` Updating book cover " ${ media . coverPath } " => " ${ bookMetadata . coverPath } " for book " ${ bookMetadata . title } " - original cover path does not exist ` )
media . coverPath = bookMetadata . coverPath
hasMediaChanges = true
} else if ( ! media . coverPath ) {
libraryScan . addLog ( LogLevel . DEBUG , ` Updating book cover "unset" => " ${ bookMetadata . coverPath } " for book " ${ bookMetadata . title } " ` )
media . coverPath = bookMetadata . coverPath
hasMediaChanges = true
} else if ( bookMetadata [ key ] !== media [ key ] ) {
libraryScan . addLog ( LogLevel . DEBUG , ` Updating book ${ key } " ${ media [ key ] } " => " ${ bookMetadata [ key ] } " for book " ${ bookMetadata . title } " ` )
media [ key ] = bookMetadata [ key ]
hasMediaChanges = true
// If no cover then extract cover from audio file if available
if ( ! media . coverPath && media . audioFiles . length ) {
const libraryItemDir = existingLibraryItem . isFile ? null : existingLibraryItem . path
const extractedCoverPath = await CoverManager . saveEmbeddedCoverArtNew ( media . audioFiles , existingLibraryItem . id , libraryItemDir )
if ( extractedCoverPath ) {
libraryScan . addLog ( LogLevel . DEBUG , ` Updating book " ${ bookMetadata . title } " extracted embedded cover art from audio file to path " ${ extractedCoverPath } " ` )
media . coverPath = extractedCoverPath
hasMediaChanges = true
// Load authors/series again if updated (for sending back to client)
if ( authorsUpdated ) {
media . authors = await media . getAuthors ( {
joinTableAttributes : [ 'createdAt' ] ,
order : [
2023-09-04 00:51:58 +02:00
sequelize . literal ( ` bookAuthor.createdAt ASC ` )
2023-09-03 00:49:28 +02:00
} )
if ( seriesUpdated ) {
media . series = await media . getSeries ( {
joinTableAttributes : [ 'sequence' , 'createdAt' ] ,
order : [
2023-09-04 00:51:58 +02:00
sequelize . literal ( ` bookSeries.createdAt ASC ` )
2023-09-03 00:49:28 +02:00
} )
2023-09-03 22:14:58 +02:00
existingLibraryItem . media = media
let libraryItemUpdated = false
// Save Book changes to db
if ( hasMediaChanges ) {
await media . save ( )
await this . saveMetadataFile ( existingLibraryItem , libraryScan )
libraryItemUpdated = global . ServerSettings . storeMetadataWithItem && ! existingLibraryItem . isFile
// Check/update the isSupplementary flag on libraryFiles for the LibraryItem
for ( const libraryFile of existingLibraryItem . libraryFiles ) {
if ( globals . SupportedEbookTypes . includes ( libraryFile . metadata . ext . slice ( 1 ) . toLowerCase ( ) ) ) {
if ( media . ebookFile && libraryFile . ino === media . ebookFile . ino ) {
if ( libraryFile . isSupplementary !== false ) {
libraryFile . isSupplementary = false
libraryItemUpdated = true
} else if ( libraryFile . isSupplementary !== true ) {
libraryFile . isSupplementary = true
libraryItemUpdated = true
if ( libraryItemUpdated ) {
existingLibraryItem . changed ( 'libraryFiles' , true )
await existingLibraryItem . save ( )
2023-09-03 00:49:28 +02:00
libraryScan . seriesRemovedFromBooks . push ( ... bookSeriesRemoved )
libraryScan . authorsRemovedFromBooks . push ( ... bookAuthorsRemoved )
return existingLibraryItem
2023-09-02 01:01:17 +02:00
/ * *
* @ param { import ( './LibraryItemScanData' ) } libraryItemData
2023-09-04 00:51:58 +02:00
* @ param { import ( '../models/Library' ) . LibrarySettingsObject } librarySettings
2023-09-02 01:01:17 +02:00
* @ param { import ( './LibraryScan' ) } libraryScan
2023-09-04 18:50:55 +02:00
* @ returns { Promise < import ( '../models/LibraryItem' ) > }
2023-09-02 01:01:17 +02:00
* /
2023-09-04 00:51:58 +02:00
async scanNewBookLibraryItem ( libraryItemData , librarySettings , libraryScan ) {
2023-09-02 01:01:17 +02:00
// Scan audio files found
2023-09-04 00:51:58 +02:00
let scannedAudioFiles = await AudioFileScanner . executeMediaFileScans ( libraryItemData . mediaType , libraryItemData , libraryItemData . audioLibraryFiles )
2023-09-02 01:01:17 +02:00
scannedAudioFiles = AudioFileScanner . runSmartTrackOrder ( libraryItemData . relPath , scannedAudioFiles )
// Find ebook file (prefer epub)
2023-09-04 00:51:58 +02:00
let ebookLibraryFile = librarySettings . audiobooksOnly ? null : libraryItemData . ebookLibraryFiles . find ( lf => lf . metadata . ext . slice ( 1 ) . toLowerCase ( ) === 'epub' ) || libraryItemData . ebookLibraryFiles [ 0 ]
2023-09-02 01:01:17 +02:00
// Do not add library items that have no valid audio files and no ebook file
if ( ! ebookLibraryFile && ! scannedAudioFiles . length ) {
libraryScan . addLog ( LogLevel . WARN , ` Library item at path " ${ libraryItemData . relPath } " has no audio files and no ebook file - ignoring ` )
return null
if ( ebookLibraryFile ) {
ebookLibraryFile . ebookFormat = ebookLibraryFile . metadata . ext . slice ( 1 ) . toLowerCase ( )
const bookMetadata = await this . getBookMetadataFromScanData ( scannedAudioFiles , libraryItemData , libraryScan )
2023-09-03 00:49:28 +02:00
bookMetadata . explicit = ! ! bookMetadata . explicit // Ensure boolean
bookMetadata . abridged = ! ! bookMetadata . abridged // Ensure boolean
2023-09-02 01:01:17 +02:00
let duration = 0
scannedAudioFiles . forEach ( ( af ) => duration += ( ! isNaN ( af . duration ) ? Number ( af . duration ) : 0 ) )
const bookObject = {
... bookMetadata ,
audioFiles : scannedAudioFiles ,
ebookFile : ebookLibraryFile || null ,
duration ,
bookAuthors : [ ] ,
bookSeries : [ ]
if ( bookMetadata . authors . length ) {
for ( const authorName of bookMetadata . authors ) {
2023-09-04 00:51:58 +02:00
const matchingAuthor = Database . libraryFilterData [ libraryItemData . libraryId ] . authors . find ( au => au . name === authorName )
2023-09-02 01:01:17 +02:00
if ( matchingAuthor ) {
bookObject . bookAuthors . push ( {
authorId : matchingAuthor . id
} )
} else {
// New author
bookObject . bookAuthors . push ( {
author : {
2023-09-04 00:51:58 +02:00
libraryId : libraryItemData . libraryId ,
2023-09-02 01:01:17 +02:00
name : authorName ,
lastFirst : parseNameString . nameToLastFirst ( authorName )
} )
if ( bookMetadata . series . length ) {
for ( const seriesObj of bookMetadata . series ) {
if ( ! seriesObj . name ) continue
2023-09-04 00:51:58 +02:00
const matchingSeries = Database . libraryFilterData [ libraryItemData . libraryId ] . series . find ( se => se . name === seriesObj . name )
2023-09-02 01:01:17 +02:00
if ( matchingSeries ) {
bookObject . bookSeries . push ( {
seriesId : matchingSeries . id ,
sequence : seriesObj . sequence
} )
} else {
bookObject . bookSeries . push ( {
sequence : seriesObj . sequence ,
series : {
name : seriesObj . name ,
nameIgnorePrefix : getTitleIgnorePrefix ( seriesObj . name ) ,
2023-09-04 00:51:58 +02:00
libraryId : libraryItemData . libraryId
2023-09-02 01:01:17 +02:00
} )
const libraryItemObj = libraryItemData . libraryItemObject
libraryItemObj . id = uuidv4 ( ) // Generate library item id ahead of time to use for saving extracted cover image
2023-09-03 00:49:28 +02:00
libraryItemObj . isMissing = false
libraryItemObj . isInvalid = false
2023-09-04 18:50:55 +02:00
libraryItemObj . extraData = { }
2023-09-03 00:49:28 +02:00
// Set isSupplementary flag on ebook library files
for ( const libraryFile of libraryItemObj . libraryFiles ) {
if ( globals . SupportedEbookTypes . includes ( libraryFile . metadata . ext . slice ( 1 ) . toLowerCase ( ) ) ) {
libraryFile . isSupplementary = libraryFile . ino !== ebookLibraryFile ? . ino
2023-09-02 01:01:17 +02:00
// If cover was not found in folder then check embedded covers in audio files
if ( ! bookObject . coverPath && scannedAudioFiles . length ) {
const libraryItemDir = libraryItemObj . isFile ? null : libraryItemObj . path
// Extract and save embedded cover art
bookObject . coverPath = await CoverManager . saveEmbeddedCoverArtNew ( scannedAudioFiles , libraryItemObj . id , libraryItemDir )
libraryItemObj . book = bookObject
const libraryItem = await Database . libraryItemModel . create ( libraryItemObj , {
include : {
model : Database . bookModel ,
include : [
model : Database . bookSeriesModel ,
include : {
model : Database . seriesModel
} ,
model : Database . bookAuthorModel ,
include : {
model : Database . authorModel
} )
// Update library filter data
if ( libraryItem . book . bookSeries ? . length ) {
for ( const bs of libraryItem . book . bookSeries ) {
if ( bs . series ) {
2023-09-04 00:51:58 +02:00
Database . addSeriesToFilterData ( libraryItemData . libraryId , bs . series . name , bs . series . id )
2023-09-02 01:01:17 +02:00
if ( libraryItem . book . bookAuthors ? . length ) {
for ( const ba of libraryItem . book . bookAuthors ) {
if ( ba . author ) {
2023-09-04 00:51:58 +02:00
Database . addAuthorToFilterData ( libraryItemData . libraryId , ba . author . name , ba . author . id )
2023-09-02 01:01:17 +02:00
2023-09-04 00:51:58 +02:00
Database . addNarratorsToFilterData ( libraryItemData . libraryId , libraryItem . book . narrators )
Database . addGenresToFilterData ( libraryItemData . libraryId , libraryItem . book . genres )
Database . addTagsToFilterData ( libraryItemData . libraryId , libraryItem . book . tags )
Database . addPublisherToFilterData ( libraryItemData . libraryId , libraryItem . book . publisher )
Database . addLanguageToFilterData ( libraryItemData . libraryId , libraryItem . book . language )
2023-09-02 01:01:17 +02:00
2023-09-03 00:49:28 +02:00
// Load for emitting to client
libraryItem . media = await libraryItem . getMedia ( {
include : [
model : Database . authorModel ,
through : {
attributes : [ 'id' , 'createdAt' ]
} ,
model : Database . seriesModel ,
through : {
attributes : [ 'id' , 'sequence' , 'createdAt' ]
] ,
order : [
[ Database . authorModel , Database . bookAuthorModel , 'createdAt' , 'ASC' ] ,
[ Database . seriesModel , 'bookSeries' , 'createdAt' , 'ASC' ]
} )
2023-09-03 22:14:58 +02:00
await this . saveMetadataFile ( libraryItem , libraryScan )
if ( global . ServerSettings . storeMetadataWithItem && ! libraryItem . isFile ) {
libraryItem . changed ( 'libraryFiles' , true )
await libraryItem . save ( )
2023-09-02 01:01:17 +02:00
return libraryItem
/ * *
2023-09-03 00:49:28 +02:00
* @ param { import ( '../models/Book' ) . AudioFileObject [ ] } audioFiles
2023-09-02 01:01:17 +02:00
* @ param { import ( './LibraryItemScanData' ) } libraryItemData
* @ param { import ( './LibraryScan' ) } libraryScan
* @ returns { Promise < BookMetadataObject > }
* /
2023-09-03 00:49:28 +02:00
async getBookMetadataFromScanData ( audioFiles , libraryItemData , libraryScan ) {
2023-09-02 01:01:17 +02:00
// First set book metadata from folder/file names
const bookMetadata = {
title : libraryItemData . mediaMetadata . title ,
titleIgnorePrefix : getTitleIgnorePrefix ( libraryItemData . mediaMetadata . title ) ,
2023-09-03 00:49:28 +02:00
subtitle : libraryItemData . mediaMetadata . subtitle || undefined ,
publishedYear : libraryItemData . mediaMetadata . publishedYear || undefined ,
publisher : undefined ,
description : undefined ,
isbn : undefined ,
asin : undefined ,
language : undefined ,
2023-09-02 01:01:17 +02:00
narrators : parseNameString . parse ( libraryItemData . mediaMetadata . narrators ) ? . names || [ ] ,
genres : [ ] ,
tags : [ ] ,
authors : parseNameString . parse ( libraryItemData . mediaMetadata . author ) ? . names || [ ] ,
series : [ ] ,
chapters : [ ] ,
2023-09-03 00:49:28 +02:00
explicit : undefined ,
abridged : undefined ,
coverPath : undefined
2023-09-02 01:01:17 +02:00
if ( libraryItemData . mediaMetadata . series ) {
bookMetadata . series . push ( {
name : libraryItemData . mediaMetadata . series ,
sequence : libraryItemData . mediaMetadata . sequence || null
} )
// Fill in or override book metadata from audio file meta tags
2023-09-03 00:49:28 +02:00
if ( audioFiles . length ) {
2023-09-02 01:01:17 +02:00
const MetadataMapArray = [
tag : 'tagComposer' ,
key : 'narrators'
} ,
tag : 'tagDescription' ,
altTag : 'tagComment' ,
key : 'description'
} ,
tag : 'tagPublisher' ,
key : 'publisher'
} ,
tag : 'tagDate' ,
key : 'publishedYear'
} ,
tag : 'tagSubtitle' ,
key : 'subtitle'
} ,
tag : 'tagAlbum' ,
altTag : 'tagTitle' ,
key : 'title' ,
} ,
tag : 'tagArtist' ,
altTag : 'tagAlbumArtist' ,
key : 'authors'
} ,
tag : 'tagGenre' ,
key : 'genres'
} ,
tag : 'tagSeries' ,
key : 'series'
} ,
tag : 'tagIsbn' ,
key : 'isbn'
} ,
tag : 'tagLanguage' ,
key : 'language'
} ,
tag : 'tagASIN' ,
key : 'asin'
const overrideExistingDetails = Database . serverSettings . scannerPreferAudioMetadata
2023-09-03 00:49:28 +02:00
const firstScannedFile = audioFiles [ 0 ]
2023-09-02 01:01:17 +02:00
const audioFileMetaTags = firstScannedFile . metaTags
MetadataMapArray . forEach ( ( mapping ) => {
let value = audioFileMetaTags [ mapping . tag ]
if ( ! value && mapping . altTag ) {
value = audioFileMetaTags [ mapping . altTag ]
if ( value && typeof value === 'string' ) {
value = value . trim ( ) // Trim whitespace
if ( mapping . key === 'narrators' && ( ! bookMetadata . narrators . length || overrideExistingDetails ) ) {
bookMetadata . narrators = parseNameString . parse ( value ) ? . names || [ ]
} else if ( mapping . key === 'authors' && ( ! bookMetadata . authors . length || overrideExistingDetails ) ) {
bookMetadata . authors = parseNameString . parse ( value ) ? . names || [ ]
} else if ( mapping . key === 'genres' && ( ! bookMetadata . genres . length || overrideExistingDetails ) ) {
bookMetadata . genres = this . parseGenresString ( value )
} else if ( mapping . key === 'series' && ( ! bookMetadata . series . length || overrideExistingDetails ) ) {
bookMetadata . series = [
name : value ,
sequence : audioFileMetaTags . tagSeriesPart || null
} else if ( ! bookMetadata [ mapping . key ] || overrideExistingDetails ) {
bookMetadata [ mapping . key ] = value
} )
// If desc.txt in library item folder then use this for description
if ( libraryItemData . descTxtLibraryFile ) {
const description = await readTextFile ( libraryItemData . descTxtLibraryFile . metadata . path )
if ( description . trim ( ) ) bookMetadata . description = description . trim ( )
// If reader.txt in library item folder then use this for narrator
if ( libraryItemData . readerTxtLibraryFile ) {
let narrator = await readTextFile ( libraryItemData . readerTxtLibraryFile . metadata . path )
narrator = narrator . split ( /\r?\n/ ) [ 0 ] ? . trim ( ) || '' // Only use first line
if ( narrator ) {
bookMetadata . narrators = parseNameString . parse ( narrator ) ? . names || [ ]
// If opf file is found look for metadata
if ( libraryItemData . metadataOpfLibraryFile ) {
const xmlText = await readTextFile ( libraryItemData . metadataOpfLibraryFile . metadata . path )
const opfMetadata = xmlText ? await parseOpfMetadataXML ( xmlText ) : null
if ( opfMetadata ) {
const opfMetadataOverrideDetails = Database . serverSettings . scannerPreferOpfMetadata
for ( const key in opfMetadata ) {
if ( key === 'tags' ) { // Add tags only if tags are empty
if ( opfMetadata . tags . length && ( ! bookMetadata . tags . length || opfMetadataOverrideDetails ) ) {
bookMetadata . tags = opfMetadata . tags
} else if ( key === 'genres' ) { // Add genres only if genres are empty
if ( opfMetadata . genres . length && ( ! bookMetadata . genres . length || opfMetadataOverrideDetails ) ) {
bookMetadata . genres = opfMetadata . genres
} else if ( key === 'authors' ) {
if ( opfMetadata . authors ? . length && ( ! bookMetadata . authors . length || opfMetadataOverrideDetails ) ) {
bookMetadata . authors = opfMetadata . authors
} else if ( key === 'narrators' ) {
if ( opfMetadata . narrators ? . length && ( ! bookMetadata . narrators . length || opfMetadataOverrideDetails ) ) {
bookMetadata . narrators = opfMetadata . narrators
} else if ( key === 'series' ) {
if ( opfMetadata . series && ( ! bookMetadata . series . length || opfMetadataOverrideDetails ) ) {
bookMetadata . series = [ {
name : opfMetadata . series ,
sequence : opfMetadata . sequence || null
} ]
} else if ( opfMetadata [ key ] && ( ! bookMetadata [ key ] || opfMetadataOverrideDetails ) ) {
bookMetadata [ key ] = opfMetadata [ key ]
// If metadata.json or metadata.abs use this for metadata
const metadataLibraryFile = libraryItemData . metadataJsonLibraryFile || libraryItemData . metadataAbsLibraryFile
const metadataText = metadataLibraryFile ? await readTextFile ( metadataLibraryFile . metadata . path ) : null
if ( metadataText ) {
2023-09-03 22:14:58 +02:00
libraryScan . addLog ( LogLevel . INFO , ` Found metadata file " ${ metadataLibraryFile . metadata . path } " - preferring ` )
2023-09-02 01:01:17 +02:00
let abMetadata = null
if ( ! ! libraryItemData . metadataJsonLibraryFile ) {
abMetadata = abmetadataGenerator . parseJson ( metadataText )
} else {
abMetadata = abmetadataGenerator . parse ( metadataText , 'book' )
if ( abMetadata ) {
if ( abMetadata . tags ? . length ) {
bookMetadata . tags = abMetadata . tags
if ( abMetadata . chapters ? . length ) {
bookMetadata . chapters = abMetadata . chapters
for ( const key in abMetadata . metadata ) {
2023-09-03 22:14:58 +02:00
if ( abMetadata . metadata [ key ] === undefined ) continue
2023-09-02 01:01:17 +02:00
bookMetadata [ key ] = abMetadata . metadata [ key ]
// Set chapters from audio files if not already set
if ( ! bookMetadata . chapters . length ) {
2023-09-03 00:49:28 +02:00
bookMetadata . chapters = this . getChaptersFromAudioFiles ( bookMetadata . title , audioFiles , libraryScan )
2023-09-02 01:01:17 +02:00
// Set cover from library file if one is found otherwise check audiofile
if ( libraryItemData . imageLibraryFiles . length ) {
const coverMatch = libraryItemData . imageLibraryFiles . find ( iFile => / \ / cover \ . [ ^ . \ / ] * $ / . test ( iFile . metadata . path ) )
bookMetadata . coverPath = coverMatch ? . metadata . path || libraryItemData . imageLibraryFiles [ 0 ] . metadata . path
2023-09-04 18:50:55 +02:00
bookMetadata . titleIgnorePrefix = getTitleIgnorePrefix ( bookMetadata . title )
2023-09-02 01:01:17 +02:00
return bookMetadata
/ * *
* Parse a genre string into multiple genres
* @ example "Fantasy;Sci-Fi;History" => [ "Fantasy" , "Sci-Fi" , "History" ]
* @ param { string } genreTag
* @ returns { string [ ] }
* /
parseGenresString ( genreTag ) {
if ( ! genreTag ? . length ) return [ ]
const separators = [ '/' , '//' , ';' ]
for ( let i = 0 ; i < separators . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( genreTag . includes ( separators [ i ] ) ) {
return genreTag . split ( separators [ i ] ) . map ( genre => genre . trim ( ) ) . filter ( g => ! ! g )
return [ genreTag ]
/ * *
* @ param { string } bookTitle
* @ param { AudioFile [ ] } audioFiles
* @ param { import ( './LibraryScan' ) } libraryScan
* @ returns { import ( '../models/Book' ) . ChapterObject [ ] }
* /
getChaptersFromAudioFiles ( bookTitle , audioFiles , libraryScan ) {
if ( ! audioFiles . length ) return [ ]
// If overdrive media markers are present and preferred, use those instead
if ( Database . serverSettings . scannerPreferOverdriveMediaMarker ) {
const overdriveChapters = parseOverdriveMediaMarkersAsChapters ( audioFiles )
if ( overdriveChapters ) {
libraryScan . addLog ( LogLevel . DEBUG , 'Overdrive Media Markers and preference found! Using these for chapter definitions' )
return overdriveChapters
let chapters = [ ]
// If first audio file has embedded chapters then use embedded chapters
if ( audioFiles [ 0 ] . chapters ? . length ) {
// If all files chapters are the same, then only make chapters for the first file
if (
audioFiles . length === 1 ||
audioFiles . length > 1 &&
audioFiles [ 0 ] . chapters . length === audioFiles [ 1 ] . chapters ? . length &&
audioFiles [ 0 ] . chapters . every ( ( c , i ) => c . title === audioFiles [ 1 ] . chapters [ i ] . title )
) {
libraryScan . addLog ( LogLevel . DEBUG , ` setChapters: Using embedded chapters in first audio file ${ audioFiles [ 0 ] . metadata ? . path } ` )
chapters = audioFiles [ 0 ] . chapters . map ( ( c ) => ( { ... c } ) )
} else {
libraryScan . addLog ( LogLevel . DEBUG , ` setChapters: Using embedded chapters from all audio files ${ audioFiles [ 0 ] . metadata ? . path } ` )
let currChapterId = 0
let currStartTime = 0
audioFiles . forEach ( ( file ) => {
if ( file . duration ) {
const afChapters = file . chapters ? . map ( ( c ) => ( {
... c ,
id : c . id + currChapterId ,
start : c . start + currStartTime ,
end : c . end + currStartTime ,
} ) ) ? ? [ ]
chapters = chapters . concat ( afChapters )
currChapterId += file . chapters ? . length ? ? 0
currStartTime += file . duration
} )
return chapters
} else if ( audioFiles . length > 1 ) {
const preferAudioMetadata = ! ! Database . serverSettings . scannerPreferAudioMetadata
// Build chapters from audio files
let currChapterId = 0
let currStartTime = 0
2023-09-03 22:14:58 +02:00
audioFiles . forEach ( ( file ) => {
2023-09-02 01:01:17 +02:00
if ( file . duration ) {
let title = file . metadata . filename ? Path . basename ( file . metadata . filename , Path . extname ( file . metadata . filename ) ) : ` Chapter ${ currChapterId } `
// When prefer audio metadata server setting is set then use ID3 title tag as long as it is not the same as the book title
if ( preferAudioMetadata && file . metaTags ? . tagTitle && file . metaTags ? . tagTitle !== bookTitle ) {
title = file . metaTags . tagTitle
chapters . push ( {
id : currChapterId ++ ,
start : currStartTime ,
end : currStartTime + file . duration ,
} )
currStartTime += file . duration
} )
return chapters
2023-09-03 22:14:58 +02:00
/ * *
* @ param { import ( '../models/LibraryItem' ) } libraryItem
* @ param { import ( './LibraryScan' ) } libraryScan
* @ returns { Promise }
* /
async saveMetadataFile ( libraryItem , libraryScan ) {
let metadataPath = Path . join ( global . MetadataPath , 'items' , libraryItem . id )
let storeMetadataWithItem = global . ServerSettings . storeMetadataWithItem
if ( storeMetadataWithItem && ! libraryItem . isFile ) {
metadataPath = libraryItem . path
} else {
// Make sure metadata book dir exists
storeMetadataWithItem = false
await fsExtra . ensureDir ( metadataPath )
const metadataFileFormat = global . ServerSettings . metadataFileFormat
const metadataFilePath = Path . join ( metadataPath , ` metadata. ${ metadataFileFormat } ` )
if ( metadataFileFormat === 'json' ) {
// Remove metadata.abs if it exists
if ( await fsExtra . pathExists ( Path . join ( metadataPath , ` metadata.abs ` ) ) ) {
libraryScan . addLog ( LogLevel . DEBUG , ` Removing metadata.abs for item " ${ libraryItem . media . title } " ` )
await fsExtra . remove ( Path . join ( metadataPath , ` metadata.abs ` ) )
libraryItem . libraryFiles = libraryItem . libraryFiles . filter ( lf => lf . metadata . path !== filePathToPOSIX ( Path . join ( metadataPath , ` metadata.abs ` ) ) )
// TODO: Update to not use `metadata` so it fits the updated model
const jsonObject = {
tags : libraryItem . media . tags || [ ] ,
chapters : libraryItem . media . chapters ? . map ( c => ( { ... c } ) ) || [ ] ,
metadata : {
title : libraryItem . media . title ,
subtitle : libraryItem . media . subtitle ,
authors : libraryItem . media . authors . map ( a => a . name ) ,
narrators : libraryItem . media . narrators ,
series : libraryItem . media . series . map ( se => {
const sequence = se . bookSeries ? . sequence || ''
if ( ! sequence ) return se . name
return ` ${ se . name } # ${ sequence } `
} ) ,
genres : libraryItem . media . genres || [ ] ,
publishedYear : libraryItem . media . publishedYear ,
publishedDate : libraryItem . media . publishedDate ,
publisher : libraryItem . media . publisher ,
description : libraryItem . media . description ,
isbn : libraryItem . media . isbn ,
asin : libraryItem . media . asin ,
language : libraryItem . media . language ,
explicit : ! ! libraryItem . media . explicit ,
abridged : ! ! libraryItem . media . abridged
return fsExtra . writeFile ( metadataFilePath , JSON . stringify ( jsonObject , null , 2 ) ) . then ( async ( ) => {
// Add metadata.json to libraryFiles array if it is new
let metadataLibraryFile = libraryItem . libraryFiles . find ( lf => lf . metadata . path === filePathToPOSIX ( metadataFilePath ) )
2023-09-04 20:59:37 +02:00
if ( storeMetadataWithItem ) {
if ( ! metadataLibraryFile ) {
const newLibraryFile = new LibraryFile ( )
await newLibraryFile . setDataFromPath ( metadataFilePath , ` metadata.json ` )
metadataLibraryFile = newLibraryFile . toJSON ( )
libraryItem . libraryFiles . push ( metadataLibraryFile )
} else {
const fileTimestamps = await getFileTimestampsWithIno ( metadataFilePath )
if ( fileTimestamps ) {
metadataLibraryFile . metadata . mtimeMs = fileTimestamps . mtimeMs
metadataLibraryFile . metadata . ctimeMs = fileTimestamps . ctimeMs
metadataLibraryFile . metadata . size = fileTimestamps . size
metadataLibraryFile . ino = fileTimestamps . ino
const libraryItemDirTimestamps = await getFileTimestampsWithIno ( libraryItem . path )
if ( libraryItemDirTimestamps ) {
libraryItem . mtime = libraryItemDirTimestamps . mtimeMs
libraryItem . ctime = libraryItemDirTimestamps . ctimeMs
let size = 0
libraryItem . libraryFiles . forEach ( ( lf ) => size += ( ! isNaN ( lf . metadata . size ) ? Number ( lf . metadata . size ) : 0 ) )
libraryItem . size = size
2023-09-03 22:14:58 +02:00
2023-09-04 20:59:37 +02:00
2023-09-03 22:14:58 +02:00
libraryScan . addLog ( LogLevel . DEBUG , ` Success saving abmetadata to " ${ metadataFilePath } " ` )
return metadataLibraryFile
} ) . catch ( ( error ) => {
libraryScan . addLog ( LogLevel . ERROR , ` Failed to save json file at " ${ metadataFilePath } " ` , error )
return null
} )
} else {
// Remove metadata.json if it exists
if ( await fsExtra . pathExists ( Path . join ( metadataPath , ` metadata.json ` ) ) ) {
libraryScan . addLog ( LogLevel . DEBUG , ` Removing metadata.json for item " ${ libraryItem . media . title } " ` )
await fsExtra . remove ( Path . join ( metadataPath , ` metadata.json ` ) )
libraryItem . libraryFiles = libraryItem . libraryFiles . filter ( lf => lf . metadata . path !== filePathToPOSIX ( Path . join ( metadataPath , ` metadata.json ` ) ) )
return abmetadataGenerator . generateFromNewModel ( libraryItem , metadataFilePath ) . then ( async ( success ) => {
if ( ! success ) {
libraryScan . addLog ( LogLevel . ERROR , ` Failed saving abmetadata to " ${ metadataFilePath } " ` )
return null
// Add metadata.abs to libraryFiles array if it is new
let metadataLibraryFile = libraryItem . libraryFiles . find ( lf => lf . metadata . path === filePathToPOSIX ( metadataFilePath ) )
2023-09-04 20:59:37 +02:00
if ( storeMetadataWithItem ) {
if ( ! metadataLibraryFile ) {
const newLibraryFile = new LibraryFile ( )
await newLibraryFile . setDataFromPath ( metadataFilePath , ` metadata.abs ` )
metadataLibraryFile = newLibraryFile . toJSON ( )
libraryItem . libraryFiles . push ( metadataLibraryFile )
} else {
const fileTimestamps = await getFileTimestampsWithIno ( metadataFilePath )
if ( fileTimestamps ) {
metadataLibraryFile . metadata . mtimeMs = fileTimestamps . mtimeMs
metadataLibraryFile . metadata . ctimeMs = fileTimestamps . ctimeMs
metadataLibraryFile . metadata . size = fileTimestamps . size
metadataLibraryFile . ino = fileTimestamps . ino
const libraryItemDirTimestamps = await getFileTimestampsWithIno ( libraryItem . path )
if ( libraryItemDirTimestamps ) {
libraryItem . mtime = libraryItemDirTimestamps . mtimeMs
libraryItem . ctime = libraryItemDirTimestamps . ctimeMs
let size = 0
libraryItem . libraryFiles . forEach ( ( lf ) => size += ( ! isNaN ( lf . metadata . size ) ? Number ( lf . metadata . size ) : 0 ) )
libraryItem . size = size
2023-09-03 22:14:58 +02:00
libraryScan . addLog ( LogLevel . DEBUG , ` Success saving abmetadata to " ${ metadataFilePath } " ` )
return metadataLibraryFile
} )
2023-09-04 00:51:58 +02:00
/ * *
* Check authors that were removed from a book and remove them if they no longer have any books
* keep authors without books that have a asin , description or imagePath
* @ param { string } libraryId
* @ param { import ( './ScanLogger' ) } scanLogger
* @ returns { Promise }
* /
async checkAuthorsRemovedFromBooks ( libraryId , scanLogger ) {
const bookAuthorsToRemove = ( await Database . authorModel . findAll ( {
where : [
id : scanLogger . authorsRemovedFromBooks ,
asin : {
[ sequelize . Op . or ] : [ null , "" ]
} ,
description : {
[ sequelize . Op . or ] : [ null , "" ]
} ,
imagePath : {
[ sequelize . Op . or ] : [ null , "" ]
} ,
sequelize . where ( sequelize . literal ( '(SELECT count(*) FROM bookAuthors ba WHERE ba.authorId = author.id)' ) , 0 )
] ,
attributes : [ 'id' ] ,
raw : true
} ) ) . map ( au => au . id )
if ( bookAuthorsToRemove . length ) {
await Database . authorModel . destroy ( {
where : {
id : bookAuthorsToRemove
} )
bookAuthorsToRemove . forEach ( ( authorId ) => {
Database . removeAuthorFromFilterData ( libraryId , authorId )
// TODO: Clients were expecting full author in payload but its unnecessary
SocketAuthority . emitter ( 'author_removed' , { id : authorId , libraryId } )
} )
scanLogger . addLog ( LogLevel . INFO , ` Removed ${ bookAuthorsToRemove . length } authors ` )
/ * *
* Check series that were removed from books and remove them if they no longer have any books
* @ param { string } libraryId
* @ param { import ( './ScanLogger' ) } scanLogger
* @ returns { Promise }
* /
async checkSeriesRemovedFromBooks ( libraryId , scanLogger ) {
const bookSeriesToRemove = ( await Database . seriesModel . findAll ( {
where : [
id : scanLogger . seriesRemovedFromBooks
} ,
sequelize . where ( sequelize . literal ( '(SELECT count(*) FROM bookSeries bs WHERE bs.seriesId = series.id)' ) , 0 )
] ,
attributes : [ 'id' ] ,
raw : true
} ) ) . map ( se => se . id )
if ( bookSeriesToRemove . length ) {
await Database . seriesModel . destroy ( {
where : {
id : bookSeriesToRemove
} )
bookSeriesToRemove . forEach ( ( seriesId ) => {
Database . removeSeriesFromFilterData ( libraryId , seriesId )
SocketAuthority . emitter ( 'series_removed' , { id : seriesId , libraryId } )
} )
scanLogger . addLog ( LogLevel . INFO , ` Removed ${ bookSeriesToRemove . length } series ` )
2023-09-04 23:33:55 +02:00
// async searchForCover(libraryItem, libraryScan = null) {
// const options = {
// titleDistance: 2,
// authorDistance: 2
// }
// const scannerCoverProvider = Database.serverSettings.scannerCoverProvider
// const results = await BookFinder.findCovers(scannerCoverProvider, libraryItem.media.metadata.title, libraryItem.media.metadata.authorName, options)
// if (results.length) {
// if (libraryScan) libraryScan.addLog(LogLevel.DEBUG, `Found best cover for "${libraryItem.media.metadata.title}"`)
// else Logger.debug(`[Scanner] Found best cover for "${libraryItem.media.metadata.title}"`)
// // If the first cover result fails, attempt to download the second
// for (let i = 0; i < results.length && i < 2; i++) {
// // Downloads and updates the book cover
// const result = await this.coverManager.downloadCoverFromUrl(libraryItem, results[i])
// if (result.error) {
// Logger.error(`[Scanner] Failed to download cover from url "${results[i]}" | Attempt ${i + 1}`, result.error)
// } else {
// return true
// }
// }
// }
// return false
// }
2023-09-02 01:01:17 +02:00
module . exports = new BookScanner ( )