2021-08-18 00:19:57 +02:00
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Container version= "2" >
<Name > audiobookshelf</Name>
2022-04-25 23:38:57 +02:00
<Repository > ghcr.io/advplyr/audiobookshelf</Repository>
2021-08-18 00:19:57 +02:00
<Registry > https://hub.docker.com/r/advplyr/audiobookshelf/</Registry>
<Network > bridge</Network>
<MyIP />
<Shell > sh</Shell>
<Privileged > false</Privileged>
2021-09-02 02:39:38 +02:00
<Support > https://forums.unraid.net/topic/112698-support-audiobookshelf/</Support>
2021-08-18 13:50:24 +02:00
<Project > https://github.com/advplyr/audiobookshelf</Project>
2022-04-25 23:38:57 +02:00
<Overview > Self-hosted audiobook and podcast server and web app. Supports multi-user w/ permissions and keeps progress in sync across devices. Free & open source mobile apps. Consider contributing by posting feedback, suggestions, feature requests on github or the forums.</Overview>
<Category > MediaApp:Books MediaServer:Books MediaApp:Other MediaServer:Other</Category>
2021-08-18 00:19:57 +02:00
<WebUI > http://[IP]:[PORT:80]</WebUI>
2021-09-02 02:39:38 +02:00
<TemplateURL > https://raw.githubusercontent.com/advplyr/docker-templates/master/audiobookshelf.xml</TemplateURL>
2021-08-18 00:19:57 +02:00
<Icon > https://github.com/advplyr/audiobookshelf/raw/master/client/static/Logo.png</Icon>
<ExtraParams />
<PostArgs />
<CPUset />
<DateInstalled > 1629238508</DateInstalled>
<DonateText />
<DonateLink />
2022-04-25 23:38:57 +02:00
<Description > Self-hosted audiobook and podcast server and web app. Supports multi-user w/ permissions and keeps progress in sync across devices. Free & open source mobile apps. Consider contributing by posting feedback, suggestions, feature requests on github or the forums.</Description>
2021-08-18 00:19:57 +02:00
<Networking >
<Mode > bridge</Mode>
<Publish >
<Port >
2021-08-18 00:51:07 +02:00
<HostPort > 13378</HostPort>
2021-08-18 00:19:57 +02:00
<ContainerPort > 80</ContainerPort>
<Protocol > tcp</Protocol>
<Data >
<Volume >
2021-08-18 00:51:07 +02:00
<HostDir />
2021-08-18 00:19:57 +02:00
<ContainerDir > /audiobooks</ContainerDir>
<Mode > rw</Mode>
<Volume >
<HostDir > /mnt/user/appdata/audiobookshelf/config/</HostDir>
<ContainerDir > /config</ContainerDir>
<Mode > rw</Mode>
<Volume >
<HostDir > / m n t / u s e r / a p p d a t a / a u d i o b o o k s h e l f / m e t a d a t a / < / H o s t D i r >
<ContainerDir > /metadata</ContainerDir>
<Mode > rw</Mode>
<Labels />
2021-08-18 00:51:07 +02:00
<Config Name= "Audiobooks" Target= "/audiobooks" Default= "" Mode= "rw" Description= "Container Path: /audiobooks" Type= "Path" Display= "always" Required= "true" Mask= "false" />
2021-08-18 00:19:57 +02:00
<Config Name= "Config" Target= "/config" Default= "/mnt/user/appdata/audiobookshelf/config/" Mode= "rw" Description= "Container Path: /config" Type= "Path" Display= "always" Required= "true" Mask= "false" > /mnt/user/appdata/audiobookshelf/config/</Config>
<Config Name= "Metadata" Target= "/metadata" Default= "/mnt/user/appdata/audiobookshelf/metadata/" Mode= "rw" Description= "Container Path: /metadata" Type= "Path" Display= "always" Required= "true" Mask= "false" > /mnt/user/appdata/audiobookshelf/metadata/</Config>
2021-08-18 00:51:07 +02:00
<Config Name= "Web UI Port" Target= "80" Default= "13378" Mode= "tcp" Description= "Container Port: 80" Type= "Port" Display= "always" Required= "false" Mask= "false" > 13378</Config>
2023-04-24 00:08:36 +02:00