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const { expect } = require('chai')
const sinon = require('sinon')
const { Sequelize } = require('sequelize')
const fs = require('../../../server/libs/fsExtra')
const Logger = require('../../../server/Logger')
const MigrationManager = require('../../../server/managers/MigrationManager')
const path = require('path')
const { Umzug, memoryStorage } = require('../../../server/libs/umzug')
describe('MigrationManager', () => {
let sequelizeStub
let umzugStub
let migrationManager
let loggerInfoStub
let loggerErrorStub
let fsCopyStub
let fsMoveStub
let fsRemoveStub
let fsEnsureDirStub
let processExitStub
let configPath = '/path/to/config'
const serverVersion = '1.2.0'
beforeEach(() => {
sequelizeStub = sinon.createStubInstance(Sequelize)
umzugStub = {
migrations: sinon.stub(),
executed: sinon.stub(),
up: sinon.stub(),
down: sinon.stub()
migrationManager = new MigrationManager(sequelizeStub, false, configPath)
migrationManager.fetchVersionsFromDatabase = sinon.stub().resolves()
migrationManager.copyMigrationsToConfigDir = sinon.stub().resolves()
migrationManager.updateMaxVersion = sinon.stub().resolves()
2024-09-07 21:24:19 +02:00
migrationManager.initUmzug = sinon.stub()
migrationManager.umzug = umzugStub
loggerInfoStub = sinon.stub(Logger, 'info')
loggerErrorStub = sinon.stub(Logger, 'error')
fsCopyStub = sinon.stub(fs, 'copy').resolves()
fsMoveStub = sinon.stub(fs, 'move').resolves()
fsRemoveStub = sinon.stub(fs, 'remove').resolves()
fsEnsureDirStub = sinon.stub(fs, 'ensureDir').resolves()
fsPathExistsStub = sinon.stub(fs, 'pathExists').resolves(true)
processExitStub = sinon.stub(process, 'exit')
afterEach(() => {
2024-09-07 21:24:19 +02:00
describe('init', () => {
it('should initialize the MigrationManager', async () => {
// arrange
migrationManager.databaseVersion = '1.1.0'
migrationManager.maxVersion = '1.1.0'
migrationManager.umzug = null
migrationManager.configPath = __dirname
// Act
await migrationManager.init(serverVersion)
// Assert
2024-09-07 21:24:19 +02:00
expect(migrationManager.migrationsDir).to.equal(path.join(__dirname, 'migrations'))
it('should throw error if serverVersion is not provided', async () => {
// Act
try {
const result = await migrationManager.init()
expect.fail('Expected init to throw an error, but it did not.')
} catch (error) {
expect(error.message).to.equal('Invalid server version: undefined. Expected a version tag like v1.2.3.')
describe('runMigrations', () => {
it('should run up migrations successfully', async () => {
// Arrange
migrationManager.databaseVersion = '1.1.0'
migrationManager.maxVersion = '1.1.0'
2024-09-07 21:24:19 +02:00
migrationManager.serverVersion = '1.2.0'
migrationManager.initialized = true
umzugStub.migrations.resolves([{ name: 'v1.1.0-migration.js' }, { name: 'v1.1.1-migration.js' }, { name: 'v1.2.0-migration.js' }])
umzugStub.executed.resolves([{ name: 'v1.1.0-migration.js' }])
// Act
2024-09-07 21:24:19 +02:00
await migrationManager.runMigrations()
// Assert
2024-09-07 21:24:19 +02:00
2024-09-07 21:24:19 +02:00
expect(umzugStub.up.calledWith({ migrations: ['v1.1.1-migration.js', 'v1.2.0-migration.js'], rerun: 'ALLOW' })).to.be.true
expect(fsCopyStub.calledWith(path.join(configPath, 'absdatabase.sqlite'), path.join(configPath, 'absdatabase.backup.sqlite'))).to.be.true
expect(fsRemoveStub.calledWith(path.join(configPath, 'absdatabase.backup.sqlite'))).to.be.true
expect(loggerInfoStub.calledWith(sinon.match('Migrations successfully applied'))).to.be.true
it('should run down migrations successfully', async () => {
// Arrange
migrationManager.databaseVersion = '1.2.0'
migrationManager.maxVersion = '1.2.0'
2024-09-07 21:24:19 +02:00
migrationManager.serverVersion = '1.1.0'
migrationManager.initialized = true
umzugStub.migrations.resolves([{ name: 'v1.1.0-migration.js' }, { name: 'v1.1.1-migration.js' }, { name: 'v1.2.0-migration.js' }])
umzugStub.executed.resolves([{ name: 'v1.1.0-migration.js' }, { name: 'v1.1.1-migration.js' }, { name: 'v1.2.0-migration.js' }])
// Act
2024-09-07 21:24:19 +02:00
await migrationManager.runMigrations()
// Assert
2024-09-07 21:24:19 +02:00
2024-09-07 21:24:19 +02:00
expect(umzugStub.down.calledWith({ migrations: ['v1.2.0-migration.js', 'v1.1.1-migration.js'], rerun: 'ALLOW' })).to.be.true
expect(fsCopyStub.calledWith(path.join(configPath, 'absdatabase.sqlite'), path.join(configPath, 'absdatabase.backup.sqlite'))).to.be.true
expect(fsRemoveStub.calledWith(path.join(configPath, 'absdatabase.backup.sqlite'))).to.be.true
expect(loggerInfoStub.calledWith(sinon.match('Migrations successfully applied'))).to.be.true
it('should log that migrations will be skipped if database is new', async () => {
// Arrange
migrationManager.isDatabaseNew = true
migrationManager.initialized = true
// Act
await migrationManager.runMigrations()
// Assert
expect(loggerInfoStub.calledWith(sinon.match('Database is new. Skipping migrations.'))).to.be.true
it('should log that no migrations are needed if serverVersion equals databaseVersion', async () => {
// Arrange
migrationManager.serverVersion = '1.2.0'
migrationManager.databaseVersion = '1.2.0'
migrationManager.maxVersion = '1.2.0'
2024-09-07 21:24:19 +02:00
migrationManager.initialized = true
// Act
2024-09-07 21:24:19 +02:00
await migrationManager.runMigrations()
// Assert
expect(loggerInfoStub.calledWith(sinon.match('Database is already up to date.'))).to.be.true
it('should handle migration failure and restore the original database', async () => {
// Arrange
migrationManager.serverVersion = '1.2.0'
migrationManager.databaseVersion = '1.1.0'
migrationManager.maxVersion = '1.1.0'
2024-09-07 21:24:19 +02:00
migrationManager.initialized = true
umzugStub.migrations.resolves([{ name: 'v1.2.0-migration.js' }])
umzugStub.executed.resolves([{ name: 'v1.1.0-migration.js' }])
umzugStub.up.rejects(new Error('Migration failed'))
const originalDbPath = path.join(configPath, 'absdatabase.sqlite')
const backupDbPath = path.join(configPath, 'absdatabase.backup.sqlite')
// Act
2024-09-07 21:24:19 +02:00
await migrationManager.runMigrations()
// Assert
2024-09-07 21:24:19 +02:00
expect(loggerErrorStub.calledWith(sinon.match('Migration failed'))).to.be.true
expect(fsMoveStub.calledWith(originalDbPath, sinon.match('absdatabase.failed.sqlite'), { overwrite: true })).to.be.true
expect(fsMoveStub.calledWith(backupDbPath, originalDbPath, { overwrite: true })).to.be.true
expect(loggerInfoStub.calledWith(sinon.match('Restored the original database'))).to.be.true
describe('fetchVersionsFromDatabase', () => {
2024-09-07 21:24:19 +02:00
it('should fetch versions from the migrationsMeta table', async () => {
// Arrange
const sequelize = new Sequelize({ dialect: 'sqlite', storage: ':memory:', logging: false })
2024-09-07 21:24:19 +02:00
// Create a migrationsMeta table and populate it with version and maxVersion
await sequelize.query('CREATE TABLE migrationsMeta (key VARCHAR(255), value VARCHAR(255))')
await sequelize.query("INSERT INTO migrationsMeta (key, value) VALUES ('version', '1.1.0'), ('maxVersion', '1.1.0')")
const migrationManager = new MigrationManager(sequelize, false, configPath)
2024-09-07 21:24:19 +02:00
migrationManager.checkOrCreateMigrationsMetaTable = sinon.stub().resolves()
// Act
await migrationManager.fetchVersionsFromDatabase()
// Assert
2024-09-07 21:24:19 +02:00
it('should create the migrationsMeta table if it does not exist and fetch versions from it', async () => {
// Arrange
const sequelize = new Sequelize({ dialect: 'sqlite', storage: ':memory:', logging: false })
const migrationManager = new MigrationManager(sequelize, false, configPath)
2024-09-07 21:24:19 +02:00
migrationManager.serverVersion = serverVersion
// Act
await migrationManager.fetchVersionsFromDatabase()
// Assert
2024-09-07 21:24:19 +02:00
const tableDescription = await sequelize.getQueryInterface().describeTable('migrationsMeta')
key: { type: 'VARCHAR(255)', allowNull: false, defaultValue: undefined, primaryKey: false, unique: false },
value: { type: 'VARCHAR(255)', allowNull: false, defaultValue: undefined, primaryKey: false, unique: false }
it('should create the migrationsMeta with databaseVersion=serverVersion if database is new', async () => {
// Arrange
const sequelize = new Sequelize({ dialect: 'sqlite', storage: ':memory:', logging: false })
const migrationManager = new MigrationManager(sequelize, true, configPath)
migrationManager.serverVersion = serverVersion
// Act
await migrationManager.fetchVersionsFromDatabase()
// Assert
const tableDescription = await sequelize.getQueryInterface().describeTable('migrationsMeta')
key: { type: 'VARCHAR(255)', allowNull: false, defaultValue: undefined, primaryKey: false, unique: false },
value: { type: 'VARCHAR(255)', allowNull: false, defaultValue: undefined, primaryKey: false, unique: false }
it('should re-create the migrationsMeta table if it existed and database is new (Database force=true)', async () => {
// Arrange
const sequelize = new Sequelize({ dialect: 'sqlite', storage: ':memory:', logging: false })
// Create a migrationsMeta table and populate it with version and maxVersion
await sequelize.query('CREATE TABLE migrationsMeta (key VARCHAR(255), value VARCHAR(255))')
await sequelize.query("INSERT INTO migrationsMeta (key, value) VALUES ('version', '1.1.0'), ('maxVersion', '1.1.0')")
const migrationManager = new MigrationManager(sequelize, true, configPath)
migrationManager.serverVersion = serverVersion
// Act
await migrationManager.fetchVersionsFromDatabase()
// Assert
2024-09-07 21:24:19 +02:00
it('should throw an error if the database query fails', async () => {
// Arrange
const sequelizeStub = sinon.createStubInstance(Sequelize)
sequelizeStub.query.rejects(new Error('Database query failed'))
const migrationManager = new MigrationManager(sequelizeStub, false, configPath)
2024-09-07 21:24:19 +02:00
migrationManager.checkOrCreateMigrationsMetaTable = sinon.stub().resolves()
// Act
try {
await migrationManager.fetchVersionsFromDatabase()
expect.fail('Expected fetchVersionsFromDatabase to throw an error, but it did not.')
} catch (error) {
// Assert
expect(error.message).to.equal('Database query failed')
describe('updateMaxVersion', () => {
it('should update the maxVersion in the database', async () => {
// Arrange
const sequelize = new Sequelize({ dialect: 'sqlite', storage: ':memory:', logging: false })
2024-09-07 21:24:19 +02:00
// Create a migrationsMeta table and populate it with version and maxVersion
await sequelize.query('CREATE TABLE migrationsMeta (key VARCHAR(255), value VARCHAR(255))')
await sequelize.query("INSERT INTO migrationsMeta (key, value) VALUES ('version', '1.1.0'), ('maxVersion', '1.1.0')")
const migrationManager = new MigrationManager(sequelize, false, configPath)
2024-09-07 21:24:19 +02:00
migrationManager.serverVersion = '1.2.0'
// Act
2024-09-07 21:24:19 +02:00
await migrationManager.updateMaxVersion()
// Assert
2024-09-07 21:24:19 +02:00
const [{ maxVersion }] = await sequelize.query("SELECT value AS maxVersion FROM migrationsMeta WHERE key = 'maxVersion'", {
type: Sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT
describe('extractVersionFromTag', () => {
it('should return null if tag is not provided', () => {
// Arrange
const migrationManager = new MigrationManager(sequelizeStub, false, configPath)
// Act
const result = migrationManager.extractVersionFromTag()
// Assert
it('should return null if tag does not match the version format', () => {
// Arrange
const migrationManager = new MigrationManager(sequelizeStub, false, configPath)
const tag = 'invalid-tag'
// Act
const result = migrationManager.extractVersionFromTag(tag)
// Assert
it('should extract the version from the tag', () => {
// Arrange
const migrationManager = new MigrationManager(sequelizeStub, false, configPath)
const tag = 'v1.2.3'
// Act
const result = migrationManager.extractVersionFromTag(tag)
// Assert
describe('copyMigrationsToConfigDir', () => {
it('should copy migrations to the config directory', async () => {
// Arrange
const migrationManager = new MigrationManager(sequelizeStub, false, configPath)
migrationManager.migrationsDir = path.join(configPath, 'migrations')
const migrationsSourceDir = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', 'server', 'migrations')
const targetDir = migrationManager.migrationsDir
const files = ['migration1.js', 'migration2.js', 'readme.md']
const readdirStub = sinon.stub(fs, 'readdir').resolves(files)
// Act
await migrationManager.copyMigrationsToConfigDir()
// Assert
expect(fsCopyStub.calledWith(path.join(migrationsSourceDir, 'migration1.js'), path.join(targetDir, 'migration1.js'))).to.be.true
expect(fsCopyStub.calledWith(path.join(migrationsSourceDir, 'migration2.js'), path.join(targetDir, 'migration2.js'))).to.be.true
it('should throw an error if copying the migrations fails', async () => {
// Arrange
const migrationManager = new MigrationManager(sequelizeStub, false, configPath)
migrationManager.migrationsDir = path.join(configPath, 'migrations')
const migrationsSourceDir = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', 'server', 'migrations')
const targetDir = migrationManager.migrationsDir
const files = ['migration1.js', 'migration2.js', 'readme.md']
const readdirStub = sinon.stub(fs, 'readdir').resolves(files)
fsCopyStub = sinon.stub(fs, 'copy').rejects()
// Act
try {
// Act
await migrationManager.copyMigrationsToConfigDir()
expect.fail('Expected copyMigrationsToConfigDir to throw an error, but it did not.')
} catch (error) {}
// Assert
expect(fsCopyStub.calledWith(path.join(migrationsSourceDir, 'migration1.js'), path.join(targetDir, 'migration1.js'))).to.be.true
expect(fsCopyStub.calledWith(path.join(migrationsSourceDir, 'migration2.js'), path.join(targetDir, 'migration2.js'))).to.be.true
describe('findMigrationsToRun', () => {
it('should return migrations to run when direction is "up"', () => {
// Arrange
const migrations = [{ name: 'v1.0.0-migration.js' }, { name: 'v1.1.0-migration.js' }, { name: 'v1.2.0-migration.js' }, { name: 'v1.3.0-migration.js' }]
const executedMigrations = ['v1.0.0-migration.js']
migrationManager.databaseVersion = '1.0.0'
migrationManager.serverVersion = '1.2.0'
const direction = 'up'
// Act
const result = migrationManager.findMigrationsToRun(migrations, executedMigrations, direction)
// Assert
expect(result).to.deep.equal(['v1.1.0-migration.js', 'v1.2.0-migration.js'])
it('should return migrations to run when direction is "down"', () => {
// Arrange
const migrations = [{ name: 'v1.0.0-migration.js' }, { name: 'v1.1.0-migration.js' }, { name: 'v1.2.0-migration.js' }, { name: 'v1.3.0-migration.js' }]
const executedMigrations = ['v1.2.0-migration.js', 'v1.3.0-migration.js']
migrationManager.databaseVersion = '1.3.0'
migrationManager.serverVersion = '1.2.0'
const direction = 'down'
// Act
const result = migrationManager.findMigrationsToRun(migrations, executedMigrations, direction)
// Assert
it('should return empty array when no migrations to run up', () => {
// Arrange
const migrations = [{ name: 'v1.0.0-migration.js' }, { name: 'v1.1.0-migration.js' }, { name: 'v1.2.0-migration.js' }, { name: 'v1.3.0-migration.js' }]
const executedMigrations = ['v1.0.0-migration.js', 'v1.1.0-migration.js', 'v1.2.0-migration.js', 'v1.3.0-migration.js']
migrationManager.databaseVersion = '1.3.0'
migrationManager.serverVersion = '1.4.0'
const direction = 'up'
// Act
const result = migrationManager.findMigrationsToRun(migrations, executedMigrations, direction)
// Assert
it('should return empty array when no migrations to run down', () => {
// Arrange
const migrations = [{ name: 'v1.0.0-migration.js' }, { name: 'v1.1.0-migration.js' }, { name: 'v1.2.0-migration.js' }, { name: 'v1.3.0-migration.js' }]
const executedMigrations = []
migrationManager.databaseVersion = '1.4.0'
migrationManager.serverVersion = '1.3.0'
const direction = 'down'
// Act
const result = migrationManager.findMigrationsToRun(migrations, executedMigrations, direction)
// Assert
it('should return down migrations to run when direction is "down" and up migration was not executed', () => {
// Arrange
const migrations = [{ name: 'v1.0.0-migration.js' }, { name: 'v1.1.0-migration.js' }, { name: 'v1.2.0-migration.js' }, { name: 'v1.3.0-migration.js' }]
const executedMigrations = []
migrationManager.databaseVersion = '1.3.0'
migrationManager.serverVersion = '1.0.0'
const direction = 'down'
// Act
const result = migrationManager.findMigrationsToRun(migrations, executedMigrations, direction)
// Assert
expect(result).to.deep.equal(['v1.3.0-migration.js', 'v1.2.0-migration.js', 'v1.1.0-migration.js'])
it('should return empty array when direction is "down" and server version is higher than database version', () => {
// Arrange
const migrations = [{ name: 'v1.0.0-migration.js' }, { name: 'v1.1.0-migration.js' }, { name: 'v1.2.0-migration.js' }, { name: 'v1.3.0-migration.js' }]
const executedMigrations = ['v1.0.0-migration.js', 'v1.1.0-migration.js', 'v1.2.0-migration.js', 'v1.3.0-migration.js']
migrationManager.databaseVersion = '1.0.0'
migrationManager.serverVersion = '1.3.0'
const direction = 'down'
// Act
const result = migrationManager.findMigrationsToRun(migrations, executedMigrations, direction)
// Assert
it('should return empty array when direction is "up" and server version is lower than database version', () => {
// Arrange
const migrations = [{ name: 'v1.0.0-migration.js' }, { name: 'v1.1.0-migration.js' }, { name: 'v1.2.0-migration.js' }, { name: 'v1.3.0-migration.js' }]
const executedMigrations = ['v1.0.0-migration.js', 'v1.1.0-migration.js', 'v1.2.0-migration.js', 'v1.3.0-migration.js']
migrationManager.databaseVersion = '1.3.0'
migrationManager.serverVersion = '1.0.0'
const direction = 'up'
// Act
const result = migrationManager.findMigrationsToRun(migrations, executedMigrations, direction)
// Assert
it('should return up migrations to run when server version is between migrations', () => {
// Arrange
const migrations = [{ name: 'v1.0.0-migration.js' }, { name: 'v1.1.0-migration.js' }, { name: 'v1.2.0-migration.js' }, { name: 'v1.3.0-migration.js' }]
const executedMigrations = ['v1.0.0-migration.js', 'v1.1.0-migration.js']
migrationManager.databaseVersion = '1.1.0'
migrationManager.serverVersion = '1.2.3'
const direction = 'up'
// Act
const result = migrationManager.findMigrationsToRun(migrations, executedMigrations, direction)
// Assert
it('should return down migrations to run when server version is between migrations', () => {
// Arrange
const migrations = [{ name: 'v1.0.0-migration.js' }, { name: 'v1.1.0-migration.js' }, { name: 'v1.2.0-migration.js' }, { name: 'v1.3.0-migration.js' }]
const executedMigrations = ['v1.0.0-migration.js', 'v1.1.0-migration.js', 'v1.2.0-migration.js']
migrationManager.databaseVersion = '1.2.0'
migrationManager.serverVersion = '1.1.3'
const direction = 'down'
// Act
const result = migrationManager.findMigrationsToRun(migrations, executedMigrations, direction)
// Assert
describe('initUmzug', () => {
it('should initialize the umzug instance with migrations in the proper order', async () => {
// Arrange
const readdirStub = sinon.stub(fs, 'readdir').resolves(['v1.0.0-migration.js', 'v1.10.0-migration.js', 'v1.2.0-migration.js', 'v1.1.0-migration.js'])
const readFileSyncStub = sinon.stub(fs, 'readFileSync').returns('module.exports = { up: () => {}, down: () => {} }')
const umzugStorage = memoryStorage()
migrationManager = new MigrationManager(sequelizeStub, false, configPath)
migrationManager.migrationsDir = path.join(configPath, 'migrations')
const resolvedMigrationNames = ['v1.0.0-migration.js', 'v1.1.0-migration.js', 'v1.2.0-migration.js', 'v1.10.0-migration.js']
const resolvedMigrationPaths = resolvedMigrationNames.map((name) => path.resolve(path.join(migrationManager.migrationsDir, name)))
// Act
await migrationManager.initUmzug(umzugStorage)
// Assert
const migrations = await migrationManager.umzug.migrations()
expect(migrations.map((m) => m.name)).to.deep.equal(resolvedMigrationNames)
expect(migrations.map((m) => m.path)).to.deep.equal(resolvedMigrationPaths)