mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 00:16:39 +01:00
226 lines
7.7 KiB
226 lines
7.7 KiB
const Path = require('path')
const h = require('htmlparser2')
const ds = require('dom-serializer')
const Logger = require('../../Logger')
const StreamZip = require('../../libs/nodeStreamZip')
const css = require('../../libs/css')
const { xmlToJSON } = require('../index.js')
module.exports.parse = async (ebookFile, libraryItemId, token, isDev) => {
const zip = new StreamZip.async({ file: ebookFile.metadata.path })
const containerXml = await zip.entryData('META-INF/container.xml')
const containerJson = await xmlToJSON(containerXml.toString('utf8'))
const packageOpfPath = containerJson.container.rootfiles[0].rootfile[0].$['full-path']
const packageOpfDir = Path.dirname(packageOpfPath)
const packageDoc = await zip.entryData(packageOpfPath)
const packageJson = await xmlToJSON(packageDoc.toString('utf8'))
const pages = []
let manifestItems = packageJson.package.manifest[0].item.map(item => item.$)
const spineItems = packageJson.package.spine[0].itemref.map(ref => ref.$.idref)
for (const spineItem of spineItems) {
const mi = manifestItems.find(i => i.id === spineItem)
if (mi) {
manifestItems = manifestItems.filter(_mi => _mi.id !== mi.id) // Remove from manifest items
mi.path = Path.posix.join(packageOpfDir, mi.href)
} else {
Logger.error('[parseEpub] Invalid spine item', spineItem)
const stylesheets = []
const resources = []
for (const manifestItem of manifestItems) {
manifestItem.path = Path.posix.join(packageOpfDir, manifestItem.href)
if (manifestItem['media-type'] === 'text/css') {
const stylesheetData = await zip.entryData(manifestItem.path)
const modifiedCss = this.parseStylesheet(stylesheetData.toString('utf8'), manifestItem.path, libraryItemId, token, isDev)
if (modifiedCss) {
manifestItem.style = modifiedCss
} else {
Logger.error(`[parseEpub] Invalid stylesheet "${manifestItem.path}"`)
} else {
await zip.close()
return {
filepath: ebookFile.metadata.path,
epubVersion: packageJson.package.$.version,
packageDir: packageOpfDir,
module.exports.parsePage = async (pagePath, bookData, libraryItemId, token, isDev) => {
const pageDir = Path.dirname(pagePath)
const zip = new StreamZip.async({ file: bookData.filepath })
const pageData = await zip.entryData(pagePath)
await zip.close()
const rawHtml = pageData.toString('utf8')
const results = {}
const dh = new h.DomHandler((err, dom) => {
if (err) return results.error = err
// Get stylesheets
const isStylesheetLink = (elem) => elem.type == 'tag' && elem.name.toLowerCase() === 'link' && elem.attribs.rel === 'stylesheet' && elem.attribs.type === 'text/css'
const stylesheets = h.DomUtils.findAll(isStylesheetLink, dom)
// Get body tag
const isBodyTag = (elem) => elem.type == 'tag' && elem.name.toLowerCase() == 'body'
const body = h.DomUtils.findOne(isBodyTag, dom)
// Get all svg elements
const isSvgTag = (name) => ['svg'].includes((name || '').toLowerCase())
const svgElements = h.DomUtils.getElementsByTagName(isSvgTag, body.children)
svgElements.forEach((el) => {
if (el.attribs.class) el.attribs.class += ' abs-svg-scale'
else el.attribs.class = 'abs-svg-scale'
// Get all img elements
const isImageTag = (name) => ['img', 'image'].includes((name || '').toLowerCase())
const imgElements = h.DomUtils.getElementsByTagName(isImageTag, body.children)
imgElements.forEach(el => {
if (!el.attribs.src && !el.attribs['xlink:href']) {
Logger.warn('[parseEpub] parsePage: Invalid img element attribs', el.attribs)
if (el.attribs.class) el.attribs.class += ' abs-image-scale'
else el.attribs.class = 'abs-image-scale'
const srcKey = el.attribs.src ? 'src' : 'xlink:href'
const src = encodeURIComponent(Path.posix.join(pageDir, el.attribs[srcKey]))
const basePath = isDev ? 'http://localhost:3333' : ''
el.attribs[srcKey] = `${basePath}/api/ebooks/${libraryItemId}/resource?path=${src}&token=${token}`
let finalHtml = '<div class="abs-page-content" style="max-height: unset; margin-left: 15% !important; margin-right: 15% !important;">'
stylesheets.forEach((el) => {
const href = Path.posix.join(pageDir, el.attribs.href)
const ssObj = bookData.stylesheets.find(sso => sso.path === href)
// find @import css and add it
const importSheets = getStylesheetImports(ssObj.style, bookData.stylesheets)
if (importSheets) {
importSheets.forEach((sheet) => {
finalHtml += `<style>${sheet.style}</style>\n`
if (!ssObj) {
Logger.warn('[parseEpub] parsePage: Stylesheet object not found for href', href)
} else {
finalHtml += `<style>${ssObj.style}</style>\n`
finalHtml += `<style>
.abs-image-scale { max-width: 100%; object-fit: contain; object-position: top center; max-height: 100vh; }
.abs-svg-scale { width: auto; max-height: 80vh; }
finalHtml += ds.render(body.children)
finalHtml += '\n</div>'
results.html = finalHtml
const parser = new h.Parser(dh)
return results
module.exports.parseStylesheet = (rawCss, stylesheetPath, libraryItemId, token, isDev) => {
try {
const stylesheetDir = Path.dirname(stylesheetPath)
const res = css.parse(rawCss)
res.stylesheet.rules.forEach((rule) => {
if (rule.type === 'rule') {
rule.selectors = rule.selectors.map(s => s === 'body' ? '.abs-page-content' : `.abs-page-content ${s}`)
} else if (rule.type === 'font-face' && rule.declarations) {
rule.declarations = rule.declarations.map(dec => {
if (dec.property === 'src') {
const match = dec.value.trim().split(' ').shift().match(/url\((.+)\)/)
if (match && match[1]) {
const fontPath = Path.posix.join(stylesheetDir, match[1])
const newSrc = encodeURIComponent(fontPath)
const basePath = isDev ? 'http://localhost:3333' : ''
dec.value = dec.value.replace(match[1], `"${basePath}/api/ebooks/${libraryItemId}/resource?path=${newSrc}&token=${token}"`)
return dec
} else if (rule.type === 'import') {
const importUrl = rule.import
const match = importUrl.match(/\"(.*)\"/)
const path = match ? match[1] || '' : ''
if (path) {
// const newSrc = encodeURIComponent(Path.posix.join(stylesheetDir, path))
// const basePath = isDev ? 'http://localhost:3333' : ''
// const newPath = `"${basePath}/api/ebooks/${libraryItemId}/resource?path=${newSrc}&token=${token}"`
// rule.import = rule.import.replace(path, newPath)
rule.import = Path.posix.join(stylesheetDir, path)
return css.stringify(res)
} catch (error) {
Logger.error('[parseEpub] parseStylesheet: Failed', error)
return null
function getStylesheetImports(rawCss, stylesheets) {
try {
const res = css.parse(rawCss)
const imports = []
res.stylesheet.rules.forEach((rule) => {
if (rule.type === 'import') {
const importUrl = rule.import.replaceAll('"', '')
const sheet = stylesheets.find(s => s.path === importUrl)
if (sheet) imports.push(sheet)
else {
Logger.error('[parseEpub] getStylesheetImports: Sheet not found', stylesheets)
return imports
} catch (error) {
Logger.error('[parseEpub] getStylesheetImports: Failed', error)
return null