2023-09-04 18:50:55 +02:00
const uuidv4 = require ( "uuid" ) . v4
const Path = require ( 'path' )
const { LogLevel } = require ( '../utils/constants' )
const { getTitleIgnorePrefix } = require ( '../utils/index' )
const AudioFileScanner = require ( './AudioFileScanner' )
const Database = require ( '../Database' )
2023-10-09 23:41:43 +02:00
const { filePathToPOSIX , getFileTimestampsWithIno } = require ( '../utils/fileUtils' )
2023-09-04 18:50:55 +02:00
const AudioFile = require ( '../objects/files/AudioFile' )
const CoverManager = require ( '../managers/CoverManager' )
const LibraryFile = require ( '../objects/files/LibraryFile' )
const fsExtra = require ( "../libs/fsExtra" )
const PodcastEpisode = require ( "../models/PodcastEpisode" )
2023-10-09 23:41:43 +02:00
const AbsMetadataFileScanner = require ( "./AbsMetadataFileScanner" )
2023-09-04 18:50:55 +02:00
/ * *
* Metadata for podcasts pulled from files
* @ typedef PodcastMetadataObject
* @ property { string } title
* @ property { string } titleIgnorePrefix
* @ property { string } author
* @ property { string } r eleaseDate
* @ property { string } feedURL
* @ property { string } imageURL
* @ property { string } description
* @ property { string } itunesPageURL
* @ property { string } itunesId
* @ property { string } language
* @ property { string } podcastType
* @ property { string [ ] } genres
* @ property { string [ ] } tags
* @ property { boolean } explicit
* /
class PodcastScanner {
constructor ( ) { }
/ * *
* @ param { import ( '../models/LibraryItem' ) } existingLibraryItem
* @ param { import ( './LibraryItemScanData' ) } libraryItemData
* @ param { import ( '../models/Library' ) . LibrarySettingsObject } librarySettings
* @ param { import ( './LibraryScan' ) } libraryScan
2023-10-09 00:10:43 +02:00
* @ returns { Promise < { libraryItem : import ( '../models/LibraryItem' ) , wasUpdated : boolean } > }
2023-09-04 18:50:55 +02:00
* /
async rescanExistingPodcastLibraryItem ( existingLibraryItem , libraryItemData , librarySettings , libraryScan ) {
/** @type {import('../models/Podcast')} */
const media = await existingLibraryItem . getMedia ( {
include : [
model : Database . podcastEpisodeModel
} )
/** @type {import('../models/PodcastEpisode')[]} */
let existingPodcastEpisodes = media . podcastEpisodes
/** @type {AudioFile[]} */
let newAudioFiles = [ ]
if ( libraryItemData . hasAudioFileChanges || libraryItemData . audioLibraryFiles . length !== existingPodcastEpisodes . length ) {
// Filter out and destroy episodes that were removed
existingPodcastEpisodes = await Promise . all ( existingPodcastEpisodes . filter ( async ep => {
if ( libraryItemData . checkAudioFileRemoved ( ep . audioFile ) ) {
libraryScan . addLog ( LogLevel . INFO , ` Podcast episode " ${ ep . title } " audio file was removed ` )
// TODO: Should clean up other data linked to this episode
await ep . destroy ( )
return false
return true
} ) )
// Update audio files that were modified
if ( libraryItemData . audioLibraryFilesModified . length ) {
2024-03-19 18:28:26 +01:00
let scannedAudioFiles = await AudioFileScanner . executeMediaFileScans ( existingLibraryItem . mediaType , libraryItemData , libraryItemData . audioLibraryFilesModified . map ( lf => lf . new ) )
2023-09-04 18:50:55 +02:00
for ( const podcastEpisode of existingPodcastEpisodes ) {
let matchedScannedAudioFile = scannedAudioFiles . find ( saf => saf . metadata . path === podcastEpisode . audioFile . metadata . path )
if ( ! matchedScannedAudioFile ) {
matchedScannedAudioFile = scannedAudioFiles . find ( saf => saf . ino === podcastEpisode . audioFile . ino )
if ( matchedScannedAudioFile ) {
scannedAudioFiles = scannedAudioFiles . filter ( saf => saf !== matchedScannedAudioFile )
const audioFile = new AudioFile ( podcastEpisode . audioFile )
audioFile . updateFromScan ( matchedScannedAudioFile )
podcastEpisode . audioFile = audioFile . toJSON ( )
podcastEpisode . changed ( 'audioFile' , true )
// Set metadata and save episode
2023-10-09 23:41:43 +02:00
AudioFileScanner . setPodcastEpisodeMetadataFromAudioMetaTags ( podcastEpisode , libraryScan )
2023-09-04 18:50:55 +02:00
libraryScan . addLog ( LogLevel . INFO , ` Podcast episode " ${ podcastEpisode . title } " keys changed [ ${ podcastEpisode . changed ( ) ? . join ( ', ' ) } ] ` )
await podcastEpisode . save ( )
// Modified audio files that were not found as a podcast episode
if ( scannedAudioFiles . length ) {
newAudioFiles . push ( ... scannedAudioFiles )
// Add new audio files scanned in
if ( libraryItemData . audioLibraryFilesAdded . length ) {
const scannedAudioFiles = await AudioFileScanner . executeMediaFileScans ( existingLibraryItem . mediaType , libraryItemData , libraryItemData . audioLibraryFilesAdded )
newAudioFiles . push ( ... scannedAudioFiles )
// Create new podcast episodes from new found audio files
for ( const newAudioFile of newAudioFiles ) {
const newEpisode = {
title : newAudioFile . metaTags . tagTitle || newAudioFile . metadata . filenameNoExt ,
subtitle : null ,
season : null ,
episode : null ,
episodeType : null ,
pubDate : null ,
publishedAt : null ,
description : null ,
audioFile : newAudioFile . toJSON ( ) ,
chapters : newAudioFile . chapters || [ ] ,
podcastId : media . id
const newPodcastEpisode = Database . podcastEpisodeModel . build ( newEpisode )
// Set metadata and save new episode
2023-10-09 23:41:43 +02:00
AudioFileScanner . setPodcastEpisodeMetadataFromAudioMetaTags ( newPodcastEpisode , libraryScan )
2023-09-04 18:50:55 +02:00
libraryScan . addLog ( LogLevel . INFO , ` New Podcast episode " ${ newPodcastEpisode . title } " added ` )
await newPodcastEpisode . save ( )
existingPodcastEpisodes . push ( newPodcastEpisode )
let hasMediaChanges = false
// Check if cover was removed
2024-03-19 18:28:26 +01:00
if ( media . coverPath && libraryItemData . imageLibraryFilesRemoved . some ( lf => lf . metadata . path === media . coverPath ) ) {
2023-09-04 18:50:55 +02:00
media . coverPath = null
hasMediaChanges = true
2024-03-19 18:28:26 +01:00
// Update cover if it was modified
if ( media . coverPath && libraryItemData . imageLibraryFilesModified . length ) {
let coverMatch = libraryItemData . imageLibraryFilesModified . find ( iFile => iFile . old . metadata . path === media . coverPath )
if ( coverMatch ) {
const coverPath = coverMatch . new . metadata . path
if ( coverPath !== media . coverPath ) {
libraryScan . addLog ( LogLevel . DEBUG , ` Updating podcast cover " ${ media . coverPath } " => " ${ coverPath } " for podcast " ${ media . title } " ` )
media . coverPath = coverPath
media . changed ( 'coverPath' , true )
hasMediaChanges = true
2023-09-04 18:50:55 +02:00
// Check if cover is not set and image files were found
if ( ! media . coverPath && libraryItemData . imageLibraryFiles . length ) {
// Prefer using a cover image with the name "cover" otherwise use the first image
const coverMatch = libraryItemData . imageLibraryFiles . find ( iFile => / \ / cover \ . [ ^ . \ / ] * $ / . test ( iFile . metadata . path ) )
media . coverPath = coverMatch ? . metadata . path || libraryItemData . imageLibraryFiles [ 0 ] . metadata . path
hasMediaChanges = true
2023-09-29 00:23:52 +02:00
const podcastMetadata = await this . getPodcastMetadataFromScanData ( existingPodcastEpisodes , libraryItemData , libraryScan , existingLibraryItem . id )
2023-09-04 18:50:55 +02:00
for ( const key in podcastMetadata ) {
// Ignore unset metadata and empty arrays
if ( podcastMetadata [ key ] === undefined || ( Array . isArray ( podcastMetadata [ key ] ) && ! podcastMetadata [ key ] . length ) ) continue
if ( key === 'genres' ) {
const existingGenres = media . genres || [ ]
if ( podcastMetadata . genres . some ( g => ! existingGenres . includes ( g ) ) || existingGenres . some ( g => ! podcastMetadata . genres . includes ( g ) ) ) {
libraryScan . addLog ( LogLevel . DEBUG , ` Updating podcast genres " ${ existingGenres . join ( ',' ) } " => " ${ podcastMetadata . genres . join ( ',' ) } " for podcast " ${ podcastMetadata . title } " ` )
media . genres = podcastMetadata . genres
media . changed ( 'genres' , true )
hasMediaChanges = true
} else if ( key === 'tags' ) {
const existingTags = media . tags || [ ]
if ( podcastMetadata . tags . some ( t => ! existingTags . includes ( t ) ) || existingTags . some ( t => ! podcastMetadata . tags . includes ( t ) ) ) {
libraryScan . addLog ( LogLevel . DEBUG , ` Updating podcast tags " ${ existingTags . join ( ',' ) } " => " ${ podcastMetadata . tags . join ( ',' ) } " for podcast " ${ podcastMetadata . title } " ` )
media . tags = podcastMetadata . tags
media . changed ( 'tags' , true )
hasMediaChanges = true
} else if ( podcastMetadata [ key ] !== media [ key ] ) {
libraryScan . addLog ( LogLevel . DEBUG , ` Updating podcast ${ key } " ${ media [ key ] } " => " ${ podcastMetadata [ key ] } " for podcast " ${ podcastMetadata . title } " ` )
media [ key ] = podcastMetadata [ key ]
hasMediaChanges = true
// If no cover then extract cover from audio file if available
if ( ! media . coverPath && existingPodcastEpisodes . length ) {
const audioFiles = existingPodcastEpisodes . map ( ep => ep . audioFile )
2023-09-17 21:53:25 +02:00
const extractedCoverPath = await CoverManager . saveEmbeddedCoverArt ( audioFiles , existingLibraryItem . id , existingLibraryItem . path )
2023-09-04 18:50:55 +02:00
if ( extractedCoverPath ) {
libraryScan . addLog ( LogLevel . DEBUG , ` Updating podcast " ${ podcastMetadata . title } " extracted embedded cover art from audio file to path " ${ extractedCoverPath } " ` )
media . coverPath = extractedCoverPath
hasMediaChanges = true
existingLibraryItem . media = media
let libraryItemUpdated = false
// Save Podcast changes to db
if ( hasMediaChanges ) {
await media . save ( )
await this . saveMetadataFile ( existingLibraryItem , libraryScan )
libraryItemUpdated = global . ServerSettings . storeMetadataWithItem
if ( libraryItemUpdated ) {
existingLibraryItem . changed ( 'libraryFiles' , true )
await existingLibraryItem . save ( )
2023-10-09 00:10:43 +02:00
return {
libraryItem : existingLibraryItem ,
wasUpdated : hasMediaChanges || libraryItemUpdated
2023-09-04 18:50:55 +02:00
/ * *
* @ param { import ( './LibraryItemScanData' ) } libraryItemData
* @ param { import ( '../models/Library' ) . LibrarySettingsObject } librarySettings
* @ param { import ( './LibraryScan' ) } libraryScan
* @ returns { Promise < import ( '../models/LibraryItem' ) > }
* /
async scanNewPodcastLibraryItem ( libraryItemData , librarySettings , libraryScan ) {
// Scan audio files found
let scannedAudioFiles = await AudioFileScanner . executeMediaFileScans ( libraryItemData . mediaType , libraryItemData , libraryItemData . audioLibraryFiles )
// Do not add library items that have no valid audio files
if ( ! scannedAudioFiles . length ) {
libraryScan . addLog ( LogLevel . WARN , ` Library item at path " ${ libraryItemData . relPath } " has no audio files - ignoring ` )
return null
const newPodcastEpisodes = [ ]
// Create podcast episodes from audio files
for ( const audioFile of scannedAudioFiles ) {
const newEpisode = {
title : audioFile . metaTags . tagTitle || audioFile . metadata . filenameNoExt ,
subtitle : null ,
season : null ,
episode : null ,
episodeType : null ,
pubDate : null ,
publishedAt : null ,
description : null ,
audioFile : audioFile . toJSON ( ) ,
chapters : audioFile . chapters || [ ]
// Set metadata and save new episode
2023-10-09 23:41:43 +02:00
AudioFileScanner . setPodcastEpisodeMetadataFromAudioMetaTags ( newEpisode , libraryScan )
2023-09-04 18:50:55 +02:00
libraryScan . addLog ( LogLevel . INFO , ` New Podcast episode " ${ newEpisode . title } " found ` )
newPodcastEpisodes . push ( newEpisode )
const podcastMetadata = await this . getPodcastMetadataFromScanData ( newPodcastEpisodes , libraryItemData , libraryScan )
podcastMetadata . explicit = ! ! podcastMetadata . explicit // Ensure boolean
// Set cover image from library file
if ( libraryItemData . imageLibraryFiles . length ) {
// Prefer using a cover image with the name "cover" otherwise use the first image
const coverMatch = libraryItemData . imageLibraryFiles . find ( iFile => / \ / cover \ . [ ^ . \ / ] * $ / . test ( iFile . metadata . path ) )
podcastMetadata . coverPath = coverMatch ? . metadata . path || libraryItemData . imageLibraryFiles [ 0 ] . metadata . path
// Set default podcastType to episodic
if ( ! podcastMetadata . podcastType ) {
podcastMetadata . podcastType = 'episodic'
const podcastObject = {
... podcastMetadata ,
autoDownloadEpisodes : false ,
autoDownloadSchedule : '0 * * * *' ,
lastEpisodeCheck : 0 ,
maxEpisodesToKeep : 0 ,
maxNewEpisodesToDownload : 3 ,
podcastEpisodes : newPodcastEpisodes
const libraryItemObj = libraryItemData . libraryItemObject
libraryItemObj . id = uuidv4 ( ) // Generate library item id ahead of time to use for saving extracted cover image
libraryItemObj . isMissing = false
libraryItemObj . isInvalid = false
libraryItemObj . extraData = { }
// If cover was not found in folder then check embedded covers in audio files
if ( ! podcastObject . coverPath && scannedAudioFiles . length ) {
// Extract and save embedded cover art
2023-09-17 21:53:25 +02:00
podcastObject . coverPath = await CoverManager . saveEmbeddedCoverArt ( scannedAudioFiles , libraryItemObj . id , libraryItemObj . path )
2023-09-04 18:50:55 +02:00
libraryItemObj . podcast = podcastObject
const libraryItem = await Database . libraryItemModel . create ( libraryItemObj , {
include : {
model : Database . podcastModel ,
include : Database . podcastEpisodeModel
} )
Database . addGenresToFilterData ( libraryItemData . libraryId , libraryItem . podcast . genres )
Database . addTagsToFilterData ( libraryItemData . libraryId , libraryItem . podcast . tags )
// Load for emitting to client
libraryItem . media = await libraryItem . getMedia ( {
include : Database . podcastEpisodeModel
} )
await this . saveMetadataFile ( libraryItem , libraryScan )
if ( global . ServerSettings . storeMetadataWithItem ) {
libraryItem . changed ( 'libraryFiles' , true )
await libraryItem . save ( )
return libraryItem
/ * *
* @ param { PodcastEpisode [ ] } podcastEpisodes Not the models for new podcasts
* @ param { import ( './LibraryItemScanData' ) } libraryItemData
* @ param { import ( './LibraryScan' ) } libraryScan
2023-09-29 00:23:52 +02:00
* @ param { string } [ existingLibraryItemId ]
2023-09-04 18:50:55 +02:00
* @ returns { Promise < PodcastMetadataObject > }
* /
2023-09-29 00:23:52 +02:00
async getPodcastMetadataFromScanData ( podcastEpisodes , libraryItemData , libraryScan , existingLibraryItemId = null ) {
2023-09-04 18:50:55 +02:00
const podcastMetadata = {
title : libraryItemData . mediaMetadata . title ,
2023-10-09 23:41:43 +02:00
titleIgnorePrefix : undefined ,
2023-09-04 18:50:55 +02:00
author : undefined ,
releaseDate : undefined ,
feedURL : undefined ,
imageURL : undefined ,
description : undefined ,
itunesPageURL : undefined ,
itunesId : undefined ,
itunesArtistId : undefined ,
language : undefined ,
podcastType : undefined ,
explicit : undefined ,
tags : [ ] ,
genres : [ ]
2023-10-09 23:41:43 +02:00
// Use audio meta tags
2023-09-04 18:50:55 +02:00
if ( podcastEpisodes . length ) {
2023-10-09 23:41:43 +02:00
AudioFileScanner . setPodcastMetadataFromAudioMetaTags ( podcastEpisodes [ 0 ] . audioFile , podcastMetadata , libraryScan )
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2023-10-22 22:53:05 +02:00
// Use metadata.json file
2023-10-09 23:41:43 +02:00
await AbsMetadataFileScanner . scanPodcastMetadataFile ( libraryScan , libraryItemData , podcastMetadata , existingLibraryItemId )
2023-09-04 18:50:55 +02:00
podcastMetadata . titleIgnorePrefix = getTitleIgnorePrefix ( podcastMetadata . title )
return podcastMetadata
/ * *
* @ param { import ( '../models/LibraryItem' ) } libraryItem
* @ param { import ( './LibraryScan' ) } libraryScan
* @ returns { Promise }
* /
async saveMetadataFile ( libraryItem , libraryScan ) {
let metadataPath = Path . join ( global . MetadataPath , 'items' , libraryItem . id )
let storeMetadataWithItem = global . ServerSettings . storeMetadataWithItem
if ( storeMetadataWithItem ) {
metadataPath = libraryItem . path
} else {
// Make sure metadata book dir exists
storeMetadataWithItem = false
await fsExtra . ensureDir ( metadataPath )
2023-10-22 22:53:05 +02:00
const metadataFilePath = Path . join ( metadataPath , ` metadata. ${ global . ServerSettings . metadataFileFormat } ` )
const jsonObject = {
tags : libraryItem . media . tags || [ ] ,
title : libraryItem . media . title ,
author : libraryItem . media . author ,
description : libraryItem . media . description ,
releaseDate : libraryItem . media . releaseDate ,
genres : libraryItem . media . genres || [ ] ,
feedURL : libraryItem . media . feedURL ,
imageURL : libraryItem . media . imageURL ,
itunesPageURL : libraryItem . media . itunesPageURL ,
itunesId : libraryItem . media . itunesId ,
itunesArtistId : libraryItem . media . itunesArtistId ,
asin : libraryItem . media . asin ,
language : libraryItem . media . language ,
explicit : ! ! libraryItem . media . explicit ,
podcastType : libraryItem . media . podcastType
return fsExtra . writeFile ( metadataFilePath , JSON . stringify ( jsonObject , null , 2 ) ) . then ( async ( ) => {
// Add metadata.json to libraryFiles array if it is new
let metadataLibraryFile = libraryItem . libraryFiles . find ( lf => lf . metadata . path === filePathToPOSIX ( metadataFilePath ) )
if ( storeMetadataWithItem ) {
if ( ! metadataLibraryFile ) {
const newLibraryFile = new LibraryFile ( )
await newLibraryFile . setDataFromPath ( metadataFilePath , ` metadata.json ` )
metadataLibraryFile = newLibraryFile . toJSON ( )
libraryItem . libraryFiles . push ( metadataLibraryFile )
} else {
const fileTimestamps = await getFileTimestampsWithIno ( metadataFilePath )
if ( fileTimestamps ) {
metadataLibraryFile . metadata . mtimeMs = fileTimestamps . mtimeMs
metadataLibraryFile . metadata . ctimeMs = fileTimestamps . ctimeMs
metadataLibraryFile . metadata . size = fileTimestamps . size
metadataLibraryFile . ino = fileTimestamps . ino
2023-09-04 18:50:55 +02:00
2023-10-22 22:53:05 +02:00
const libraryItemDirTimestamps = await getFileTimestampsWithIno ( libraryItem . path )
if ( libraryItemDirTimestamps ) {
libraryItem . mtime = libraryItemDirTimestamps . mtimeMs
libraryItem . ctime = libraryItemDirTimestamps . ctimeMs
let size = 0
libraryItem . libraryFiles . forEach ( ( lf ) => size += ( ! isNaN ( lf . metadata . size ) ? Number ( lf . metadata . size ) : 0 ) )
libraryItem . size = size
2023-09-04 18:50:55 +02:00
2023-10-22 22:53:05 +02:00
libraryScan . addLog ( LogLevel . DEBUG , ` Success saving abmetadata to " ${ metadataFilePath } " ` )
2023-09-04 18:50:55 +02:00
2023-10-22 22:53:05 +02:00
return metadataLibraryFile
} ) . catch ( ( error ) => {
libraryScan . addLog ( LogLevel . ERROR , ` Failed to save json file at " ${ metadataFilePath } " ` , error )
return null
} )
2023-09-04 18:50:55 +02:00
module . exports = new PodcastScanner ( )