2024-05-10 11:43:33 +02:00
import LazyBookCard from '@/components/cards/LazyBookCard'
import Tooltip from '@/components/ui/Tooltip.vue'
import ExplicitIndicator from '@/components/widgets/ExplicitIndicator.vue'
import LoadingSpinner from '@/components/widgets/LoadingSpinner.vue'
import { Constants } from '@/plugins/constants'
function createMountOptions ( ) {
const book = {
id : '1' ,
libraryId : 'library-123' ,
mediaType : 'book' ,
media : {
id : 'book1' ,
2024-07-04 19:35:58 +02:00
metadata : { title : 'The Fellowship of the Ring' , titleIgnorePrefix : 'Fellowship of the Ring' , authorName : 'J. R. R. Tolkien' , subtitle : 'The Lord of the Rings, Book 1' } ,
2024-06-03 08:04:03 +02:00
numTracks : 1
2024-05-10 11:43:33 +02:00
const propsData = {
index : 0 ,
bookMount : book ,
bookshelfView : Constants . BookshelfView . DETAIL ,
continueListeningShelf : false ,
filterBy : null ,
sortingIgnorePrefix : false ,
orderBy : null
const stubs = {
'ui-tooltip' : Tooltip ,
'widgets-explicit-indicator' : ExplicitIndicator ,
'widgets-loading-spinner' : LoadingSpinner
const mocks = {
$config : {
routerBasePath : 'https://my.server.com'
} ,
$store : {
commit : ( ) => { } ,
getters : {
'user/getUserCanUpdate' : true ,
'user/getUserCanDelete' : true ,
'user/getUserCanDownload' : true ,
'user/getIsAdminOrUp' : true ,
'user/getUserMediaProgress' : ( id ) => null ,
2024-06-23 18:15:39 +02:00
'user/getUserSetting' : ( settingName ) => false ,
2024-06-03 08:04:03 +02:00
'user/getSizeMultiplier' : 1 ,
2024-05-10 11:43:33 +02:00
'libraries/getLibraryProvider' : ( ) => 'audible.us' ,
2024-06-03 08:04:03 +02:00
' libraries / getBookCoverAspectRatio ' : 1 ,
2024-05-10 11:43:33 +02:00
'globals/getLibraryItemCoverSrc' : ( ) => 'https://my.server.com/book_placeholder.jpg' ,
getLibraryItemsStreaming : ( ) => null ,
getIsMediaQueued : ( ) => false ,
getIsStreamingFromDifferentLibrary : ( ) => false
} ,
state : {
libraries : {
currentLibraryId : 'library-123'
} ,
processingBatch : false ,
serverSettings : {
dateFormat : 'MM/dd/yyyy'
return { propsData , stubs , mocks }
describe ( 'LazyBookCard' , ( ) => {
let mountOptions = null
beforeEach ( ( ) => {
mountOptions = createMountOptions ( )
} )
before ( ( ) => {
// Put placeholder image is in the browser cache
mountOptions = createMountOptions ( )
cy . intercept ( 'https://my.server.com/book_placeholder.jpg' , { fixture : 'images/book_placeholder.jpg' } ) . as ( 'bookCover' )
cy . mount ( LazyBookCard , mountOptions )
cy . wait ( '@bookCover' )
// Put cover1 (aspect ratio 1.6) image in the browser cache
mountOptions = createMountOptions ( )
mountOptions . mocks . $store . getters [ 'globals/getLibraryItemCoverSrc' ] = ( ) => 'https://my.server.com/cover1.jpg'
cy . intercept ( 'https://my.server.com/cover1.jpg' , { fixture : 'images/cover1.jpg' } ) . as ( 'bookCover1' )
cy . mount ( LazyBookCard , mountOptions )
cy . wait ( '@bookCover1' )
// Put cover2 (aspect ratio 1) image in the browser cache
mountOptions = createMountOptions ( )
mountOptions . mocks . $store . getters [ 'globals/getLibraryItemCoverSrc' ] = ( ) => 'https://my.server.com/cover2.jpg'
cy . intercept ( 'https://my.server.com/cover2.jpg' , { fixture : 'images/cover2.jpg' } ) . as ( 'bookCover2' )
cy . mount ( LazyBookCard , mountOptions )
cy . wait ( '@bookCover2' )
} )
it ( 'renders the component correctly' , ( ) => {
cy . mount ( LazyBookCard , mountOptions )
cy . get ( '&titleImageNotReady' ) . should ( 'be.hidden' )
cy . get ( '&coverImage' ) . should ( 'have.css' , 'opacity' , '1' )
cy . get ( '&coverBg' ) . should ( 'be.hidden' )
cy . get ( '&overlay' ) . should ( 'be.hidden' )
cy . get ( '&detailBottom' ) . should ( 'be.visible' )
cy . get ( '&title' ) . should ( 'have.text' , 'The Fellowship of the Ring' )
cy . get ( '&explicitIndicator' ) . should ( 'not.exist' )
cy . get ( '&line2' ) . should ( 'have.text' , 'J. R. R. Tolkien' )
cy . get ( '&line3' ) . should ( 'not.exist' )
cy . get ( 'seriesSequenceList' ) . should ( 'not.exist' )
cy . get ( '&booksInSeries' ) . should ( 'not.exist' )
cy . get ( '&placeholderTitle' ) . should ( 'be.visible' )
cy . get ( '&placeholderTitleText' ) . should ( 'have.text' , 'The Fellowship of the Ring' )
cy . get ( '&placeholderAuthor' ) . should ( 'be.visible' )
cy . get ( '&placeholderAuthorText' ) . should ( 'have.text' , 'J. R. R. Tolkien' )
cy . get ( '&progressBar' ) . should ( 'be.hidden' )
cy . get ( '&finishedProgressBar' ) . should ( 'not.exist' )
cy . get ( '&loadingSpinner' ) . should ( 'not.exist' )
cy . get ( '&seriesNameOverlay' ) . should ( 'not.exist' )
cy . get ( '&errorTooltip' ) . should ( 'not.exist' )
cy . get ( '&rssFeed' ) . should ( 'not.exist' )
cy . get ( '&seriesSequence' ) . should ( 'not.exist' )
cy . get ( '&podcastEpisdeNumber' ) . should ( 'not.exist' )
// this should actually fail, since the height does not cover
// the detailBottom element, currently rendered outside the card's area,
// and requires complex layout calculations outside of the component.
// todo: fix the component to render the detailBottom element inside the card's area
2024-06-03 08:04:03 +02:00
cy . get ( '#cover-area-0' ) . should ( ( $el ) => {
2024-05-10 11:43:33 +02:00
const width = $el . width ( )
const height = $el . height ( )
2024-06-03 08:04:03 +02:00
const defaultHeight = 192
const defaultWidth = defaultHeight
expect ( width ) . to . be . closeTo ( defaultWidth , 0.01 )
expect ( height ) . to . be . closeTo ( defaultHeight , 0.01 )
2024-05-10 11:43:33 +02:00
} )
} )
2024-07-04 19:35:58 +02:00
it ( 'shows subtitle when showSubtitles settings is true' , ( ) => {
mountOptions . mocks . $store . getters [ 'user/getUserSetting' ] = ( settingName ) => {
if ( settingName === 'showSubtitles' ) return true
cy . mount ( LazyBookCard , mountOptions )
cy . get ( '&titleImageNotReady' ) . should ( 'be.hidden' )
cy . get ( '&subtitle' ) . should ( 'be.visible' ) . and ( 'have.text' , 'The Lord of the Rings, Book 1' )
} )
2024-05-10 11:43:33 +02:00
it ( 'shows overlay on mouseover' , ( ) => {
cy . mount ( LazyBookCard , mountOptions )
cy . get ( '#book-card-0' ) . trigger ( 'mouseover' )
cy . get ( '&titleImageNotReady' ) . should ( 'be.hidden' )
cy . get ( '&overlay' ) . should ( 'be.visible' )
cy . get ( '&playButton' ) . should ( 'be.visible' )
cy . get ( '&readButton' ) . should ( 'be.hidden' )
cy . get ( '&editButton' ) . should ( 'be.visible' )
cy . get ( '&selectedRadioButton' ) . should ( 'be.visible' ) . and ( 'have.text' , 'radio_button_unchecked' )
cy . get ( '&moreButton' ) . should ( 'be.visible' )
cy . get ( '&ebookFormat' ) . should ( 'not.exist' )
} )
it ( 'routes to item page when clicked' , ( ) => {
mountOptions . mocks . $router = { push : cy . stub ( ) . as ( 'routerPush' ) }
cy . mount ( LazyBookCard , mountOptions )
cy . get ( '#book-card-0' ) . click ( )
2024-06-03 08:04:03 +02:00
cy . get ( '&titleImageNotReady' ) . should ( 'be.hidden' )
2024-05-10 11:43:33 +02:00
cy . get ( '@routerPush' ) . should ( 'have.been.calledOnceWithExactly' , '/item/1' )
} )
it ( 'shows titleImageNotReady and sets opacity 0 on coverImage when image not ready' , ( ) => {
cy . mount ( LazyBookCard , mountOptions )
cy . get ( '&titleImageNotReady' ) . should ( 'be.visible' )
cy . get ( '&coverImage' ) . should ( 'have.css' , 'opacity' , '0' )
} )
it ( 'shows coverBg when coverImage has different aspect ratio' , ( ) => {
mountOptions . mocks . $store . getters [ 'globals/getLibraryItemCoverSrc' ] = ( ) => 'https://my.server.com/cover1.jpg'
cy . mount ( LazyBookCard , mountOptions )
2024-06-03 08:04:03 +02:00
cy . get ( '&titleImageNotReady' ) . should ( 'be.hidden' )
2024-05-10 11:43:33 +02:00
cy . get ( '&coverBg' ) . should ( 'be.visible' )
cy . get ( '&coverImage' ) . should ( 'have.class' , 'object-contain' )
} )
it ( 'hides coverBg when coverImage has same aspect ratio' , ( ) => {
mountOptions . mocks . $store . getters [ 'globals/getLibraryItemCoverSrc' ] = ( ) => 'https://my.server.com/cover2.jpg'
cy . mount ( LazyBookCard , mountOptions )
2024-06-03 08:04:03 +02:00
cy . get ( '&titleImageNotReady' ) . should ( 'be.hidden' )
2024-05-10 11:43:33 +02:00
cy . get ( '&coverBg' ) . should ( 'be.hidden' )
cy . get ( '&coverImage' ) . should ( 'have.class' , 'object-fill' )
} )
// The logic for displaying placeholder title and author seems incorrect.
// It is currently based on existence of coverPath, but should be based weater the actual cover image is placeholder or not.
// todo: fix the logic to display placeholder title and author based on the actual cover image.
it ( 'hides placeholderTitle and placeholderAuthor when book has cover' , ( ) => {
mountOptions . mocks . $store . getters [ 'globals/getLibraryItemCoverSrc' ] = ( ) => 'https://my.server.com/cover1.jpg'
mountOptions . propsData . bookMount . media . coverPath = 'cover1.jpg'
cy . mount ( LazyBookCard , mountOptions )
2024-06-03 08:04:03 +02:00
cy . get ( '&titleImageNotReady' ) . should ( 'be.hidden' )
2024-05-10 11:43:33 +02:00
cy . get ( '&placeholderTitle' ) . should ( 'not.exist' )
cy . get ( '&placeholderAuthor' ) . should ( 'not.exist' )
} )
it ( 'hides detailBottom when bookShelfView is STANDARD' , ( ) => {
mountOptions . propsData . bookshelfView = Constants . BookshelfView . STANDARD
cy . mount ( LazyBookCard , mountOptions )
2024-06-03 08:04:03 +02:00
cy . get ( '&titleImageNotReady' ) . should ( 'be.hidden' )
2024-05-10 11:43:33 +02:00
cy . get ( '&detailBottom' ) . should ( 'not.exist' )
} )
it ( 'shows explicit indicator when book is explicit' , ( ) => {
mountOptions . propsData . bookMount . media . metadata . explicit = true
cy . mount ( LazyBookCard , mountOptions )
2024-06-03 08:04:03 +02:00
cy . get ( '&titleImageNotReady' ) . should ( 'be.hidden' )
2024-05-10 11:43:33 +02:00
cy . get ( '&explicitIndicator' ) . should ( 'be.visible' )
} )
describe ( 'when collapsedSeries is present' , ( ) => {
beforeEach ( ( ) => {
mountOptions . propsData . bookMount . collapsedSeries = {
id : 'series-123' ,
name : 'The Lord of the Rings' ,
nameIgnorePrefix : 'Lord of the Rings' ,
numBooks : 3 ,
libraryItemIds : [ '1' , '2' , '3' ]
} )
it ( 'shows the collpased series' , ( ) => {
cy . mount ( LazyBookCard , mountOptions )
2024-06-03 08:04:03 +02:00
cy . get ( '&titleImageNotReady' ) . should ( 'be.hidden' )
2024-05-10 11:43:33 +02:00
cy . get ( '&seriesSequenceList' ) . should ( 'not.exist' )
cy . get ( '&booksInSeries' ) . should ( 'be.visible' ) . and ( 'have.text' , '3' )
cy . get ( '&title' ) . should ( 'be.visible' ) . and ( 'have.text' , 'The Lord of the Rings' )
cy . get ( '&line2' ) . should ( 'be.visible' ) . and ( 'have.text' , '\u00a0' )
cy . get ( '&progressBar' ) . should ( 'be.hidden' )
} )
it ( 'shows the seriesNameOverlay on mouseover' , ( ) => {
mountOptions . propsData . bookMount . media . metadata . series = {
id : 'series-456' ,
name : 'Middle Earth Chronicles' ,
sequence : 1
cy . mount ( LazyBookCard , mountOptions )
cy . get ( '#book-card-0' ) . trigger ( 'mouseover' )
2024-06-03 08:04:03 +02:00
cy . get ( '&titleImageNotReady' ) . should ( 'be.hidden' )
2024-05-10 11:43:33 +02:00
cy . get ( '&seriesNameOverlay' ) . should ( 'be.visible' ) . and ( 'have.text' , 'Middle Earth Chronicles' )
} )
it ( 'shows the seriesSequenceList when collapsed series has a sequence list' , ( ) => {
mountOptions . propsData . bookMount . collapsedSeries . seriesSequenceList = '1-3'
cy . mount ( LazyBookCard , mountOptions )
2024-06-03 08:04:03 +02:00
cy . get ( '&titleImageNotReady' ) . should ( 'be.hidden' )
2024-05-10 11:43:33 +02:00
cy . get ( '&seriesSequenceList' ) . should ( 'be.visible' ) . and ( 'have.text' , '#1-3' )
cy . get ( '&booksInSeries' ) . should ( 'not.exist' )
} )
it ( 'routes to the series page when clicked' , ( ) => {
mountOptions . mocks . $router = { push : cy . stub ( ) . as ( 'routerPush' ) }
cy . mount ( LazyBookCard , mountOptions )
cy . get ( '#book-card-0' ) . click ( )
2024-06-03 08:04:03 +02:00
cy . get ( '&titleImageNotReady' ) . should ( 'be.hidden' )
2024-05-10 11:43:33 +02:00
cy . get ( '@routerPush' ) . should ( 'have.been.calledOnceWithExactly' , '/library/library-123/series/series-123' )
} )
it ( 'shows the series progress bar when series has progress' , ( ) => {
mountOptions . mocks . $store . getters [ 'user/getUserMediaProgress' ] = ( id ) => {
switch ( id ) {
case '1' :
return { isFinished : true }
case '2' :
return { progress : 0.5 }
default :
return null
cy . mount ( LazyBookCard , mountOptions )
2024-06-03 08:04:03 +02:00
cy . get ( '&titleImageNotReady' ) . should ( 'be.hidden' )
2024-05-10 11:43:33 +02:00
cy . get ( '&progressBar' )
. should ( 'be.visible' )
. and ( 'have.class' , 'bg-yellow-400' )
. and ( ( $el ) => {
const width = $el . width ( )
2024-06-03 08:04:03 +02:00
const defaultHeight = 192
const defaultWidth = defaultHeight
expect ( width ) . to . be . closeTo ( ( ( 1 + 0.5 ) / 3 ) * defaultWidth , 0.01 )
2024-05-10 11:43:33 +02:00
} )
} )
it ( 'shows full green progress bar when all books are finished' , ( ) => {
mountOptions . mocks . $store . getters [ 'user/getUserMediaProgress' ] = ( id ) => {
return { isFinished : true }
cy . mount ( LazyBookCard , mountOptions )
2024-06-03 08:04:03 +02:00
cy . get ( '&titleImageNotReady' ) . should ( 'be.hidden' )
2024-05-10 11:43:33 +02:00
cy . get ( '&progressBar' )
. should ( 'be.visible' )
. and ( 'have.class' , 'bg-success' )
. and ( ( $el ) => {
const width = $el . width ( )
2024-06-03 08:04:03 +02:00
const defaultHeight = 192
const defaultWidth = defaultHeight
expect ( width ) . to . be . equal ( defaultWidth )
2024-05-10 11:43:33 +02:00
} )
} )
} )
} )