2021-08-18 00:01:11 +02:00
const Ffmpeg = require ( 'fluent-ffmpeg' )
const EventEmitter = require ( 'events' )
const Path = require ( 'path' )
const fs = require ( 'fs-extra' )
const Logger = require ( './Logger' )
const { secondsToTimestamp } = require ( './utils/fileUtils' )
const hlsPlaylistGenerator = require ( './utils/hlsPlaylistGenerator' )
class Stream extends EventEmitter {
constructor ( streamPath , client , audiobook ) {
super ( )
this . id = ( Date . now ( ) + Math . trunc ( Math . random ( ) * 1000 ) ) . toString ( 36 )
this . client = client
this . audiobook = audiobook
this . segmentLength = 6
this . segmentBasename = 'output-%d.ts'
this . streamPath = Path . join ( streamPath , this . id )
this . concatFilesPath = Path . join ( this . streamPath , 'files.txt' )
this . playlistPath = Path . join ( this . streamPath , 'output.m3u8' )
this . fakePlaylistPath = Path . join ( this . streamPath , 'fake-output.m3u8' )
this . startTime = 0
this . ffmpeg = null
this . loop = null
this . isResetting = false
this . isClientInitialized = false
this . isTranscodeComplete = false
this . segmentsCreated = new Set ( )
this . furthestSegmentCreated = 0
this . clientCurrentTime = 0
this . init ( )
get socket ( ) {
return this . client . socket
get audiobookId ( ) {
return this . audiobook . id
get totalDuration ( ) {
return this . audiobook . totalDuration
get segmentStartNumber ( ) {
if ( ! this . startTime ) return 0
return Math . floor ( this . startTime / this . segmentLength )
get numSegments ( ) {
var numSegs = Math . floor ( this . totalDuration / this . segmentLength )
if ( this . totalDuration - ( numSegs * this . segmentLength ) > 0 ) {
numSegs ++
return numSegs
get tracks ( ) {
return this . audiobook . tracks
get clientPlaylistUri ( ) {
return ` /hls/ ${ this . id } /output.m3u8 `
get clientProgress ( ) {
if ( ! this . clientCurrentTime ) return 0
return Number ( ( this . clientCurrentTime / this . totalDuration ) . toFixed ( 3 ) )
toJSON ( ) {
return {
id : this . id ,
clientId : this . client . id ,
userId : this . client . user . id ,
audiobook : this . audiobook . toJSONMinified ( ) ,
segmentLength : this . segmentLength ,
playlistPath : this . playlistPath ,
clientPlaylistUri : this . clientPlaylistUri ,
clientCurrentTime : this . clientCurrentTime ,
startTime : this . startTime ,
2021-08-19 01:31:19 +02:00
segmentStartNumber : this . segmentStartNumber ,
isTranscodeComplete : this . isTranscodeComplete
2021-08-18 00:01:11 +02:00
init ( ) {
var clientUserAudiobooks = this . client . user ? this . client . user . audiobooks || { } : { }
var userAudiobook = clientUserAudiobooks [ this . audiobookId ] || null
if ( userAudiobook ) {
var timeRemaining = this . totalDuration - userAudiobook . currentTime
Logger . info ( '[STREAM] User has progress for audiobook' , userAudiobook , ` Time Remaining: ${ timeRemaining } s ` )
if ( timeRemaining > 15 ) {
this . startTime = userAudiobook . currentTime
this . clientCurrentTime = this . startTime
async checkSegmentNumberRequest ( segNum ) {
var segStartTime = segNum * this . segmentLength
if ( this . startTime > segStartTime ) {
Logger . warn ( ` [STREAM] Segment # ${ segNum } Request @ ${ secondsToTimestamp ( segStartTime ) } is before start time ( ${ secondsToTimestamp ( this . startTime ) } ) - Reset Transcode ` )
await this . reset ( segStartTime - ( this . segmentLength * 2 ) )
return segStartTime
} else if ( this . isTranscodeComplete ) {
return false
var distanceFromFurthestSegment = segNum - this . furthestSegmentCreated
if ( distanceFromFurthestSegment > 10 ) {
Logger . info ( ` Segment # ${ segNum } requested is ${ distanceFromFurthestSegment } segments from latest ( ${ secondsToTimestamp ( segStartTime ) } ) - Reset Transcode ` )
await this . reset ( segStartTime - ( this . segmentLength * 2 ) )
return segStartTime
return false
updateClientCurrentTime ( currentTime ) {
Logger . debug ( '[Stream] Updated client current time' , secondsToTimestamp ( currentTime ) )
this . clientCurrentTime = currentTime
async generatePlaylist ( ) {
fs . ensureDirSync ( this . streamPath )
await hlsPlaylistGenerator ( this . playlistPath , 'output' , this . totalDuration , this . segmentLength )
console . log ( 'Playlist generated' )
return this . clientPlaylistUri
async checkFiles ( ) {
try {
var files = await fs . readdir ( this . streamPath )
files . forEach ( ( file ) => {
var extname = Path . extname ( file )
if ( extname === '.ts' ) {
var basename = Path . basename ( file , extname )
var num _part = basename . split ( '-' ) [ 1 ]
var part _num = Number ( num _part )
this . segmentsCreated . add ( part _num )
} )
if ( ! this . segmentsCreated . size ) {
Logger . warn ( 'No Segments' )
if ( this . segmentsCreated . size > 6 && ! this . isClientInitialized ) {
this . isClientInitialized = true
Logger . info ( ` [STREAM] ${ this . id } notifying client that stream is ready ` )
this . socket . emit ( 'stream_open' , this . toJSON ( ) )
var chunks = [ ]
var current _chunk = [ ]
var last _seg _in _chunk = - 1
var segments = Array . from ( this . segmentsCreated ) . sort ( ( a , b ) => a - b ) ;
var lastSegment = segments [ segments . length - 1 ]
if ( lastSegment > this . furthestSegmentCreated ) {
this . furthestSegmentCreated = lastSegment
// console.log('SORT', [...this.segmentsCreated].slice(0, 200).join(', '), segments.slice(0, 200).join(', '))
segments . forEach ( ( seg ) => {
if ( ! current _chunk . length || last _seg _in _chunk + 1 === seg ) {
last _seg _in _chunk = seg
current _chunk . push ( seg )
} else {
// console.log('Last Seg is not equal to - 1', last_seg_in_chunk, seg)
if ( current _chunk . length === 1 ) chunks . push ( current _chunk [ 0 ] )
else chunks . push ( ` ${ current _chunk [ 0 ] } - ${ current _chunk [ current _chunk . length - 1 ] } ` )
last _seg _in _chunk = seg
current _chunk = [ seg ]
} )
if ( current _chunk . length ) {
if ( current _chunk . length === 1 ) chunks . push ( current _chunk [ 0 ] )
else chunks . push ( ` ${ current _chunk [ 0 ] } - ${ current _chunk [ current _chunk . length - 1 ] } ` )
var perc = ( this . segmentsCreated . size * 100 / this . numSegments ) . toFixed ( 2 ) + '%'
Logger . info ( '[STREAM-CHECK] Check Files' , this . segmentsCreated . size , 'of' , this . numSegments , perc , ` Furthest Segment: ${ this . furthestSegmentCreated } ` )
Logger . info ( '[STREAM-CHECK] Chunks' , chunks . join ( ', ' ) )
this . socket . emit ( 'stream_progress' , {
stream : this . id ,
percentCreated : perc ,
chunks ,
numSegments : this . numSegments
} )
} catch ( error ) {
Logger . error ( 'Failed checkign files' , error )
startLoop ( ) {
this . socket . emit ( 'stream_progress' , { chunks : [ ] , numSegments : 0 } )
this . loop = setInterval ( ( ) => {
if ( ! this . isTranscodeComplete ) {
this . checkFiles ( )
} else {
this . socket . emit ( 'stream_ready' )
clearTimeout ( this . loop )
} , 2000 )
escapeSingleQuotes ( path ) {
// return path.replace(/'/g, '\'\\\'\'')
return path . replace ( /\\/g , '/' ) . replace ( / /g , '\\ ' ) . replace ( /'/g , '\\\'' )
async start ( ) {
Logger . info ( ` [STREAM] START STREAM - Num Segments: ${ this . numSegments } ` )
this . ffmpeg = Ffmpeg ( )
var currTrackEnd = 0
var startingTrack = this . tracks . find ( t => {
currTrackEnd += t . duration
return this . startTime < currTrackEnd
} )
var trackStartTime = currTrackEnd - startingTrack . duration
var tracksToInclude = this . tracks . filter ( t => t . index >= startingTrack . index )
var trackPaths = tracksToInclude . map ( t => {
var line = 'file ' + this . escapeSingleQuotes ( t . fullPath ) + '\n' + ` duration ${ t . duration } `
return line
} )
var inputstr = trackPaths . join ( '\n\n' )
await fs . writeFile ( this . concatFilesPath , inputstr )
this . ffmpeg . addInput ( this . concatFilesPath )
this . ffmpeg . inputFormat ( 'concat' )
this . ffmpeg . inputOption ( '-safe 0' )
if ( this . startTime > 0 ) {
const shiftedStartTime = this . startTime - trackStartTime
Logger . info ( ` [STREAM] Starting Stream at startTime ${ secondsToTimestamp ( this . startTime ) } and Segment # ${ this . segmentStartNumber } ` )
this . ffmpeg . inputOption ( ` -ss ${ shiftedStartTime } ` )
this . ffmpeg . inputOption ( '-noaccurate_seek' )
this . ffmpeg . addOption ( [
'-loglevel warning' ,
'-map 0:a' ,
'-c:a copy'
] )
this . ffmpeg . addOption ( [
'-f hls' ,
"-copyts" ,
"-avoid_negative_ts disabled" ,
"-max_delay 5000000" ,
"-max_muxing_queue_size 2048" ,
` -hls_time 6 ` ,
"-hls_segment_type mpegts" ,
` -start_number ${ this . segmentStartNumber } ` ,
"-hls_playlist_type vod" ,
"-hls_list_size 0" ,
"-hls_allow_cache 0"
] )
var segmentFilename = Path . join ( this . streamPath , this . segmentBasename )
this . ffmpeg . addOption ( ` -hls_segment_filename ${ segmentFilename } ` )
this . ffmpeg . output ( this . fakePlaylistPath )
this . ffmpeg . on ( 'start' , ( command ) => {
Logger . info ( '[INFO] FFMPEG transcoding started with command: ' + command )
if ( this . isResetting ) {
setTimeout ( ( ) => {
Logger . info ( '[STREAM] Clearing isResetting' )
this . isResetting = false
} , 500 )
this . startLoop ( )
} )
this . ffmpeg . on ( 'stderr' , ( stdErrline ) => {
Logger . info ( stdErrline )
} )
this . ffmpeg . on ( 'error' , ( err , stdout , stderr ) => {
if ( err . message && err . message . includes ( 'SIGKILL' ) ) {
// This is an intentional SIGKILL
Logger . info ( '[FFMPEG] Transcode Killed' )
this . ffmpeg = null
} else {
Logger . error ( 'Ffmpeg Err' , err . message )
} )
this . ffmpeg . on ( 'end' , ( stdout , stderr ) => {
Logger . info ( '[FFMPEG] Transcoding ended' )
2021-08-21 01:29:10 +02:00
// For very small fast load
if ( ! this . isClientInitialized ) {
this . isClientInitialized = true
Logger . info ( ` [STREAM] ${ this . id } notifying client that stream is ready ` )
this . socket . emit ( 'stream_open' , this . toJSON ( ) )
2021-08-18 00:01:11 +02:00
this . isTranscodeComplete = true
this . ffmpeg = null
} )
this . ffmpeg . run ( )
async close ( ) {
clearInterval ( this . loop )
Logger . info ( 'Closing Stream' , this . id )
if ( this . ffmpeg ) {
this . ffmpeg . kill ( 'SIGKILL' )
await fs . remove ( this . streamPath ) . then ( ( ) => {
Logger . info ( 'Deleted session data' , this . streamPath )
} ) . catch ( ( err ) => {
Logger . error ( 'Failed to delete session data' , err )
} )
this . client . socket . emit ( 'stream_closed' , this . id )
this . emit ( 'closed' )
cancelTranscode ( ) {
clearInterval ( this . loop )
if ( this . ffmpeg ) {
this . ffmpeg . kill ( 'SIGKILL' )
async waitCancelTranscode ( ) {
for ( let i = 0 ; i < 20 ; i ++ ) {
if ( ! this . ffmpeg ) return true
await new Promise ( ( resolve ) => setTimeout ( resolve , 500 ) )
Logger . error ( '[STREAM] Transcode never closed...' )
return false
async reset ( time ) {
if ( this . isResetting ) {
return Logger . info ( ` [STREAM] Stream ${ this . id } already resetting ` )
time = Math . max ( 0 , time )
this . isResetting = true
if ( this . ffmpeg ) {
this . cancelTranscode ( )
await this . waitCancelTranscode ( )
this . isTranscodeComplete = false
this . startTime = time
this . clientCurrentTime = this . startTime
Logger . info ( ` Stream Reset New Start Time ${ secondsToTimestamp ( this . startTime ) } ` )
this . start ( )
module . exports = Stream