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synced 2025-02-19 00:18:56 +01:00
Resolve some weird unrelated flakiness in BookFinder test
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ describe('TitleCandidates', () => {
describe('single add', () => {
['adds candidate', 'anna karenina', ['anna karenina']],
['adds lowercased candidate', 'ANNA KARENINA', ['anna karenina']],
['adds candidate, removing redundant spaces', 'anna karenina', ['anna karenina']],
@ -40,23 +40,27 @@ describe('TitleCandidates', () => {
['adds candidate + variant, removing preceding/trailing numbers', '1 anna karenina 2', ['anna karenina', '1 anna karenina 2']],
['does not add empty candidate', '', []],
['does not add spaces-only candidate', ' ', []],
['does not add empty variant', '1984', ['1984']],
].forEach(([name, title, expected]) => it(name, () => {
['does not add empty variant', '1984', ['1984']]
].forEach(([name, title, expected]) =>
it(name, () => {
describe('multiple adds', () => {
['demotes digits-only candidates', ['01', 'anna karenina'], ['anna karenina', '01']],
['promotes transformed variants', ['title1 1', 'title2 1'], ['title1', 'title2', 'title1 1', 'title2 1']],
['orders by position', ['title2', 'title1'], ['title2', 'title1']],
['dedupes candidates', ['title1', 'title1'], ['title1']],
].forEach(([name, titles, expected]) => it(name, () => {
for (const title of titles) titleCandidates.add(title)
['dedupes candidates', ['title1', 'title1'], ['title1']]
].forEach(([name, titles, expected]) =>
it(name, () => {
for (const title of titles) titleCandidates.add(title)
@ -69,12 +73,12 @@ describe('TitleCandidates', () => {
describe('single add', () => {
['adds a candidate', 'leo tolstoy', ['leo tolstoy']],
].forEach(([name, title, expected]) => it(name, () => {
;[['adds a candidate', 'leo tolstoy', ['leo tolstoy']]].forEach(([name, title, expected]) =>
it(name, () => {
@ -82,11 +86,7 @@ describe('TitleCandidates', () => {
describe('AuthorCandidates', () => {
let authorCandidates
const audnexus = {
authorASINsRequest: sinon.stub().resolves([
{ name: 'Leo Tolstoy' },
{ name: 'Nikolai Gogol' },
{ name: 'J. K. Rowling' },
authorASINsRequest: sinon.stub().resolves([{ name: 'Leo Tolstoy' }, { name: 'Nikolai Gogol' }, { name: 'J. K. Rowling' }])
describe('cleanAuthor is null', () => {
@ -95,15 +95,15 @@ describe('AuthorCandidates', () => {
describe('no adds', () => {
['returns empty author candidate', []],
].forEach(([name, expected]) => it(name, async () => {
expect(await authorCandidates.getCandidates()).to.deep.equal([...expected, ''])
;[['returns empty author candidate', []]].forEach(([name, expected]) =>
it(name, async () => {
expect(await authorCandidates.getCandidates()).to.deep.equal([...expected, ''])
describe('single add', () => {
['adds recognized candidate', 'nikolai gogol', ['nikolai gogol']],
['does not add unrecognized candidate', 'fyodor dostoevsky', []],
['adds recognized author if candidate is a superstring', 'dr. nikolai gogol', ['nikolai gogol']],
@ -112,21 +112,25 @@ describe('AuthorCandidates', () => {
['does not add candidate if edit distance from any recognized author is large', 'nikolai google', []],
['adds normalized recognized candidate (contains redundant spaces)', 'nikolai gogol', ['nikolai gogol']],
['adds normalized recognized candidate (et al removed)', 'nikolai gogol et al.', ['nikolai gogol']],
['adds normalized recognized candidate (normalized initials)', 'j.k. rowling', ['j. k. rowling']],
].forEach(([name, author, expected]) => it(name, async () => {
expect(await authorCandidates.getCandidates()).to.deep.equal([...expected, ''])
['adds normalized recognized candidate (normalized initials)', 'j.k. rowling', ['j. k. rowling']]
].forEach(([name, author, expected]) =>
it(name, async () => {
expect(await authorCandidates.getCandidates()).to.deep.equal([...expected, ''])
describe('multi add', () => {
['adds recognized author candidates', ['nikolai gogol', 'leo tolstoy'], ['nikolai gogol', 'leo tolstoy']],
['dedupes author candidates', ['nikolai gogol', 'nikolai gogol'], ['nikolai gogol']],
].forEach(([name, authors, expected]) => it(name, async () => {
for (const author of authors) authorCandidates.add(author)
expect(await authorCandidates.getCandidates()).to.deep.equal([...expected, ''])
['dedupes author candidates', ['nikolai gogol', 'nikolai gogol'], ['nikolai gogol']]
].forEach(([name, authors, expected]) =>
it(name, async () => {
for (const author of authors) authorCandidates.add(author)
expect(await authorCandidates.getCandidates()).to.deep.equal([...expected, ''])
@ -138,21 +142,23 @@ describe('AuthorCandidates', () => {
describe('no adds', () => {
['adds cleanAuthor as candidate', [cleanAuthor]],
].forEach(([name, expected]) => it(name, async () => {
expect(await authorCandidates.getCandidates()).to.deep.equal([...expected, ''])
;[['adds cleanAuthor as candidate', [cleanAuthor]]].forEach(([name, expected]) =>
it(name, async () => {
expect(await authorCandidates.getCandidates()).to.deep.equal([...expected, ''])
describe('single add', () => {
['adds recognized candidate', 'nikolai gogol', [cleanAuthor, 'nikolai gogol']],
['does not add candidate if it is a dupe of cleanAuthor', cleanAuthor, [cleanAuthor]],
].forEach(([name, author, expected]) => it(name, async () => {
expect(await authorCandidates.getCandidates()).to.deep.equal([...expected, ''])
['does not add candidate if it is a dupe of cleanAuthor', cleanAuthor, [cleanAuthor]]
].forEach(([name, author, expected]) =>
it(name, async () => {
expect(await authorCandidates.getCandidates()).to.deep.equal([...expected, ''])
@ -164,43 +170,47 @@ describe('AuthorCandidates', () => {
describe('no adds', () => {
['adds cleanAuthor as candidate', [cleanAuthor]],
].forEach(([name, expected]) => it(name, async () => {
expect(await authorCandidates.getCandidates()).to.deep.equal([...expected, ''])
;[['adds cleanAuthor as candidate', [cleanAuthor]]].forEach(([name, expected]) =>
it(name, async () => {
expect(await authorCandidates.getCandidates()).to.deep.equal([...expected, ''])
describe('single add', () => {
['adds recognized candidate and removes cleanAuthor', 'nikolai gogol', ['nikolai gogol']],
['does not add unrecognized candidate', 'jackie chan', [cleanAuthor]],
].forEach(([name, author, expected]) => it(name, async () => {
expect(await authorCandidates.getCandidates()).to.deep.equal([...expected, ''])
['does not add unrecognized candidate', 'jackie chan', [cleanAuthor]]
].forEach(([name, author, expected]) =>
it(name, async () => {
expect(await authorCandidates.getCandidates()).to.deep.equal([...expected, ''])
describe('cleanAuthor is unrecognized and dirty', () => {
describe('no adds', () => {
['adds aggressively cleaned cleanAuthor', 'fyodor dostoevsky, translated by jackie chan', ['fyodor dostoevsky']],
['adds cleanAuthor if aggresively cleaned cleanAuthor is empty', ', jackie chan', [', jackie chan']],
].forEach(([name, cleanAuthor, expected]) => it(name, async () => {
authorCandidates = new bookFinder.constructor.AuthorCandidates(cleanAuthor, audnexus)
expect(await authorCandidates.getCandidates()).to.deep.equal([...expected, ''])
['adds cleanAuthor if aggresively cleaned cleanAuthor is empty', ', jackie chan', [', jackie chan']]
].forEach(([name, cleanAuthor, expected]) =>
it(name, async () => {
authorCandidates = new bookFinder.constructor.AuthorCandidates(cleanAuthor, audnexus)
expect(await authorCandidates.getCandidates()).to.deep.equal([...expected, ''])
describe('single add', () => {
['adds recognized candidate and removes cleanAuthor', 'fyodor dostoevsky, translated by jackie chan', 'nikolai gogol', ['nikolai gogol']],
].forEach(([name, cleanAuthor, author, expected]) => it(name, async () => {
authorCandidates = new bookFinder.constructor.AuthorCandidates(cleanAuthor, audnexus)
expect(await authorCandidates.getCandidates()).to.deep.equal([...expected, ''])
;[['adds recognized candidate and removes cleanAuthor', 'fyodor dostoevsky, translated by jackie chan', 'nikolai gogol', ['nikolai gogol']]].forEach(([name, cleanAuthor, author, expected]) =>
it(name, async () => {
authorCandidates = new bookFinder.constructor.AuthorCandidates(cleanAuthor, audnexus)
expect(await authorCandidates.getCandidates()).to.deep.equal([...expected, ''])
@ -211,16 +221,21 @@ describe('search', () => {
const u = 'unrecognized'
const r = ['book']
const runSearchStub = sinon.stub(bookFinder, 'runSearch')
runSearchStub.withArgs(t, a).resolves(r)
runSearchStub.withArgs(t, u).resolves(r)
const audnexusStub = sinon.stub(bookFinder.audnexus, 'authorASINsRequest')
audnexusStub.resolves([{ name: a }])
let runSearchStub
let audnexusStub
beforeEach(() => {
runSearchStub = sinon.stub(bookFinder, 'runSearch')
runSearchStub.withArgs(t, a).resolves(r)
runSearchStub.withArgs(t, u).resolves(r)
audnexusStub = sinon.stub(bookFinder.audnexus, 'authorASINsRequest')
audnexusStub.resolves([{ name: a }])
afterEach(() => {
describe('search title is empty', () => {
@ -238,50 +253,26 @@ describe('search', () => {
describe('search title contains recognized title and search author is a recognized author', () => {
[`${t} -`],
[`${t} - ${a}`],
[`${a} - ${t}`],
[`${t}- ${a}`],
[`${t} -${a}`],
[`${t} ${a}`],
[`${a} - ${t} (unabridged)`],
[`${a} - ${t} (subtitle) - mp3`],
[`${t} {narrator} - series-01 64kbps 10:00:00`],
[`${a} - ${t} (2006) narrated by narrator [unabridged]`],
[`${t} - ${a} 2022 mp3`],
[`01 ${t}`],
].forEach(([searchTitle]) => {
;[[`${t} -`], [`${t} - ${a}`], [`${a} - ${t}`], [`${t}- ${a}`], [`${t} -${a}`], [`${t} ${a}`], [`${a} - ${t} (unabridged)`], [`${a} - ${t} (subtitle) - mp3`], [`${t} {narrator} - series-01 64kbps 10:00:00`], [`${a} - ${t} (2006) narrated by narrator [unabridged]`], [`${t} - ${a} 2022 mp3`], [`01 ${t}`], [`2022_${t}_HQ`]].forEach(([searchTitle]) => {
it(`search('${searchTitle}', '${a}') returns non-empty result (with 1 fuzzy search)`, async () => {
expect(await bookFinder.search(null, '', searchTitle, a)).to.deep.equal(r)
sinon.assert.callCount(bookFinder.runSearch, 2)
[`s-01 - ${t} (narrator) 64kbps 10:00:00`],
[`${a} - series 01 - ${t}`],
].forEach(([searchTitle]) => {
;[[`s-01 - ${t} (narrator) 64kbps 10:00:00`], [`${a} - series 01 - ${t}`]].forEach(([searchTitle]) => {
it(`search('${searchTitle}', '${a}') returns non-empty result (with 2 fuzzy searches)`, async () => {
expect(await bookFinder.search(null, '', searchTitle, a)).to.deep.equal(r)
sinon.assert.callCount(bookFinder.runSearch, 3)
[`${t} junk`],
].forEach(([searchTitle]) => {
;[[`${t}-${a}`], [`${t} junk`]].forEach(([searchTitle]) => {
it(`search('${searchTitle}', '${a}') returns an empty result`, async () => {
expect(await bookFinder.search(null, '', searchTitle, a)).to.deep.equal([])
describe('maxFuzzySearches = 0', () => {
[`${t} - ${a}`],
].forEach(([searchTitle]) => {
;[[`${t} - ${a}`]].forEach(([searchTitle]) => {
it(`search('${searchTitle}', '${a}') returns an empty result (with no fuzzy searches)`, async () => {
expect(await bookFinder.search(null, '', searchTitle, a, null, null, { maxFuzzySearches: 0 })).to.deep.equal([])
sinon.assert.callCount(bookFinder.runSearch, 1)
@ -290,10 +281,7 @@ describe('search', () => {
describe('maxFuzzySearches = 1', () => {
[`s-01 - ${t} (narrator) 64kbps 10:00:00`],
[`${a} - series 01 - ${t}`],
].forEach(([searchTitle]) => {
;[[`s-01 - ${t} (narrator) 64kbps 10:00:00`], [`${a} - series 01 - ${t}`]].forEach(([searchTitle]) => {
it(`search('${searchTitle}', '${a}') returns an empty result (1 fuzzy search)`, async () => {
expect(await bookFinder.search(null, '', searchTitle, a, null, null, { maxFuzzySearches: 1 })).to.deep.equal([])
sinon.assert.callCount(bookFinder.runSearch, 2)
@ -303,21 +291,13 @@ describe('search', () => {
describe('search title contains recognized title and search author is empty', () => {
[`${t} - ${a}`],
[`${a} - ${t}`],
].forEach(([searchTitle]) => {
;[[`${t} - ${a}`], [`${a} - ${t}`]].forEach(([searchTitle]) => {
it(`search('${searchTitle}', '') returns a non-empty result (1 fuzzy search)`, async () => {
expect(await bookFinder.search(null, '', searchTitle, '')).to.deep.equal(r)
sinon.assert.callCount(bookFinder.runSearch, 2)
[`${t} - ${u}`],
[`${u} - ${t}`]
].forEach(([searchTitle]) => {
;[[`${t}`], [`${t} - ${u}`], [`${u} - ${t}`]].forEach(([searchTitle]) => {
it(`search('${searchTitle}', '') returns an empty result`, async () => {
expect(await bookFinder.search(null, '', searchTitle, '')).to.deep.equal([])
@ -325,19 +305,13 @@ describe('search', () => {
describe('search title contains recognized title and search author is an unrecognized author', () => {
[`${t} - ${u}`],
[`${u} - ${t}`]
].forEach(([searchTitle]) => {
;[[`${t} - ${u}`], [`${u} - ${t}`]].forEach(([searchTitle]) => {
it(`search('${searchTitle}', '${u}') returns a non-empty result (1 fuzzy search)`, async () => {
expect(await bookFinder.search(null, '', searchTitle, u)).to.deep.equal(r)
sinon.assert.callCount(bookFinder.runSearch, 2)
].forEach(([searchTitle]) => {
;[[`${t}`]].forEach(([searchTitle]) => {
it(`search('${searchTitle}', '${u}') returns a non-empty result (no fuzzy search)`, async () => {
expect(await bookFinder.search(null, '', searchTitle, u)).to.deep.equal(r)
sinon.assert.callCount(bookFinder.runSearch, 1)
@ -346,16 +320,19 @@ describe('search', () => {
describe('search provider results have duration', () => {
const libraryItem = { media: { duration: 60 * 1000 } }
const libraryItem = { media: { duration: 60 * 1000 } }
const provider = 'audible'
const unsorted = [{ duration: 3000 }, { duration: 2000 }, { duration: 1000 }, { duration: 500 }]
const sorted = [{ duration: 1000 }, { duration: 500 }, { duration: 2000 }, { duration: 3000 }]
runSearchStub.withArgs(t, a, provider).resolves(unsorted)
beforeEach(() => {
runSearchStub.withArgs(t, a, provider).resolves(unsorted)
it('returns results sorted by library item duration diff', async () => {
expect(await bookFinder.search(libraryItem, provider, t, a)).to.deep.equal(sorted)
it('returns unsorted results if library item is null', async () => {
expect(await bookFinder.search(null, provider, t, a)).to.deep.equal(unsorted)
@ -365,10 +342,10 @@ describe('search', () => {
it('returns unsorted results if library item media is undefined', async () => {
expect(await bookFinder.search({ }, provider, t, a)).to.deep.equal(unsorted)
expect(await bookFinder.search({}, provider, t, a)).to.deep.equal(unsorted)
it ('should return a result last if it has no duration', async () => {
it('should return a result last if it has no duration', async () => {
const unsorted = [{}, { duration: 3000 }, { duration: 2000 }, { duration: 1000 }, { duration: 500 }]
const sorted = [{ duration: 1000 }, { duration: 500 }, { duration: 2000 }, { duration: 3000 }, {}]
runSearchStub.withArgs(t, a, provider).resolves(unsorted)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user