mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 00:18:30 +01:00
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
"ButtonAdd": "Hinzufügen",
"ButtonAddChapters": "Kapitel hinzufügen",
"ButtonAddYourFirstLibrary": "Erste Bibliothek hinzufügen",
"ButtonApplyChapters": "Kapitel hinzufügen",
"ButtonAuthors": "Autor",
"ButtonBrowseForFolder": "Ordner durchsuchen",
"ButtonCancel": "Abbrechen",
"ButtonChangePasswordSubmit": "Absenden",
"ButtonChangeRootPassword": "Root-Passwort ändern",
"ButtonChooseAFolder": "Ordner auswählen",
"ButtonChooseFiles": "Dateien auswählen",
"ButtonCollections": "Sammlungen",
"ButtonCreate": "Erstellen",
"ButtonCreateBackup": "Erstelle ein Backup",
"ButtonEditChapters": "Kapitel bearbeiten",
"ButtonForceReScan": "Erzwinge Neu-Scann",
"ButtonFullPath": "Vollständiger Pfad",
"ButtonHide": "Ausblenden",
"ButtonHome": "Startseite",
"ButtonIssues": "Probleme",
"ButtonLatest": "Neuste",
"ButtonLogout": "Ausloggen",
"ButtonLookup": "Nachschlagen",
"ButtonLibrary": "Bibliothek",
"ButtonMatchAllAuthors": "Abgleich aller Autoren",
"ButtonMatchBooks": "Abgleich Bücher",
"ButtonMapChapterTitles": "Übersicht Kapitelüberschriften",
"ButtonNevermind": "Vergiss es",
"ButtonOk": "Ok",
"ButtonOpenManager": "Offene Manager",
"ButtonPurgeAllCache": "Lösche den gesamten Cache",
"ButtonPurgeItemsCache": "Lösche den Artikel Cache",
"ButtonPurgeMediaProgress": "Fortschritt Medienbereinigung",
"ButtonQuickMatch": "Schnellabgleich",
"ButtonRemove": "Lösche",
"ButtonRemoveAll": "Lösche alles",
"ButtonRemoveAllLibraryItems": "Lösche alle Bibliothekselemente",
"ButtonReScan": "Neu scannen",
"ButtonReset": "Zurücksetzen",
"ButtonRestore": "Wiederherstellen",
"ButtonSave": "Speichern",
"ButtonSaveAndClose": "Speichern & Schließen",
"ButtonScan": "Scann",
"ButtonSearch": "Suche",
"ButtonSelectFolderPath": "Auswahl Ordnerpfad",
"ButtonSeries": "Serien",
"ButtonShiftTimes": "Arbeitszeit",
"ButtonShow": "Anzeigen",
"ButtonSubmit": "Abschicken",
"ButtonUpload": "Upload",
"ButtonUploadBackup": "Upload Backup",
"ButtonUploadCover": "Upload Cover",
"ButtonViewAll": "View All",
"ButtonYes": "Yes",
"HeaderAccount": "Account",
"HeaderAdvanced": "Advanced",
"HeaderAppriseNotificationSettings": "Apprise Notification Settings",
"HeaderAudiobookTools": "Audiobook File Management Tools",
"HeaderAudioTracks": "Audio Tracks",
"HeaderBackups": "Backups",
"HeaderChangePassword": "Change Password",
"HeaderChapters": "Chapters",
"HeaderChooseAFolder": "Choose a Folder",
"HeaderCollection": "Collection",
"HeaderCover": "Cover",
"HeaderDetails": "Details",
"HeaderEpisodes": "Episodes",
"HeaderFiles": "Files",
"HeaderFindChapters": "Find Chapters",
"HeaderIgnoredFiles": "Ignored Files",
"HeaderItemFiles": "Item Files",
"HeaderLastListeningSession": "Last Listening Session",
"HeaderLibraries": "Libraries",
"HeaderLibraryFiles": "Library Files",
"HeaderLibraryStats": "Library Stats",
"HeaderListeningSessions": "Listening Sessions",
"HeaderListeningStats": "Listening Stats",
"HeaderLogs": "Logs",
"HeaderMatch": "Match",
"HeaderNewAccount": "New Account",
"HeaderNewLibrary": "New Library",
"HeaderNotifications": "Notifications",
"HeaderOtherFiles": "Other Files",
"HeaderPermissions": "Permissions",
"HeaderPreviewCover": "Preview Cover",
"HeaderSavedMediaProgress": "Saved Media Progress",
"HeaderSchedule": "Schedule",
"HeaderScheduleLibraryScans": "Schedule Automatic Library Scans",
"HeaderSettings": "Settings",
"HeaderSettingsDisplay": "Display",
"HeaderSettingsExperimental": "Experimental Features",
"HeaderSettingsGeneral": "General",
"HeaderSettingsScanner": "Scanner",
"HeaderStatsLongestItems": "Longest Items (hrs)",
"HeaderStatsMinutesListeningChart": "Minutes Listening (last 7 days)",
"HeaderStatsRecentSessions": "Recent Sessions",
"HeaderStatsTop10Authors": "Top 10 Authors",
"HeaderStatsTop5Genres": "Top 5 Genres",
"HeaderTools": "Tools",
"HeaderUpdateAccount": "Update Account",
"HeaderUpdateDetails": "Update Details",
"HeaderUpdateLibrary": "Update Library",
"HeaderUsers": "Users",
"HeaderYourStats": "Your Stats",
"LabelAccountType": "Account Type",
"LabelActivity": "Activity",
"LabelAllUsers": "All Users",
"LabelAuthor": "Author",
"LabelAuthors": "Authors",
"LabelBackToUser": "Back to User",
"LabelBackupsEnableAutomaticBackups": "Enable automatic backups",
"LabelBackupsEnableAutomaticBackupsHelp": "Backups saved in /metadata/backups",
"LabelBackupsMaxBackupSize": "Maximum backup size (in GB)",
"LabelBackupsMaxBackupSizeHelp": "As a safeguard against misconfiguration, backups will fail if they exceed the configured size.",
"LabelBackupsNumberToKeep": "Number of backups to keep",
"LabelBackupsNumberToKeepHelp": "Only 1 backup will be removed at a time so if you already have more backups than this you should manually remove them.",
"LabelBooks": "Books",
"LabelChangePassword": "Change Password",
"LabelCollapseSeries": "Collapse Series",
"LabelCollections": "Collections",
"LabelConfirmPassword": "Confirm Password",
"LabelCover": "Cover",
"LabelCoverImageURL": "Cover Image URL",
"LabelCreatedAt": "Created At",
"LabelCronExpression": "Cron Expression",
"LabelCurrently": "Currently:",
"LabelDatetime": "Datetime",
"LabelDescription": "Description",
"LabelDeviceInfo": "Device Info",
"LabelDirectory": "Directory",
"LabelDownload": "Download",
"LabelDuration": "Duration",
"LabelEnable": "Enable",
"LabelEnd": "End",
"LabelExplicit": "Explicit",
"LabelFile": "File",
"LabelFilename": "Filename",
"LabelFilterByUser": "Filter by User",
"LabelFinished": "Finished",
"LabelFolder": "Folder",
"LabelFolders": "Folders",
"LabelGenres": "Genres",
"LabelHour": "Hour",
"LabelIcon": "Icon",
"LabelInterval": "Interval",
"LabelItem": "Item",
"LabelLanguage": "Language",
"LabelLastSeen": "Last Seen",
"LabelLastTime": "Last Time",
"LabelLastUpdate": "Last Update",
"LabelLibrariesAccessibleToUser": "Libraries Accessible to User",
"LabelLibrary": "Library",
"LabelLibraryName": "Library Name",
"LabelMarkSeries": "Mark Series",
"LabelMediaType": "Media Type",
"LabelMetadataProvider": "Metadata Provider",
"LabelMinute": "Minute",
"LabelName": "Name",
"LabelNarrators": "Narrators",
"LabelNewPassword": "New Password",
"LabelNotFinished": "Not Finished",
"LabelNotificationEvent": "Notification Event",
"LabelNotificationAppriseURL": "Apprise URL(s)",
"LabelNotificationAvailableVariables": "Available variables",
"LabelNotificationBodyTemplate": "Body Template",
"LabelNotificationTitleTemplate": "Title Template",
"LabelNotificationsMaxFailedAttempts": "Max failed attempts",
"LabelNotificationsMaxFailedAttemptsHelp": "Notifications are disabled once they fail to send this many times",
"LabelNotificationsMaxQueueSize": "Max queue size for notification events",
"LabelNotificationsMaxQueueSizeHelp": "Events are limited to firing 1 per second. Events will be ignored if the queue is at max size. This prevents notification spamming.",
"LabelPassword": "Password",
"LabelPath": "Path",
"LabelPermissionsAccessAllLibraries": "Can Access All Libraries",
"LabelPermissionsAccessAllTags": "Can Access All Tags",
"LabelPermissionsAccessExplicitContent": "Can Access Explicit Content",
"LabelPermissionsDelete": "Can Delete",
"LabelPermissionsDownload": "Can Download",
"LabelPermissionsUpdate": "Can Update",
"LabelPermissionsUpload": "Can Upload",
"LabelPlayMethod": "Play Method",
"LabelPodcasts": "Podcasts",
"LabelPrefixesToIgnore": "Prefixes to Ignore (case insensitive)",
"LabelProgress": "Progress",
"LabelProvider": "Provider",
"LabelPublisher": "Publisher",
"LabelPublishYear": "Publish Year",
"LabelRegion": "Region",
"LabelReleaseDate": "Release Date",
"LabelSearchTerm": "Search Term",
"LabelSearchTitle": "Search Title",
"LabelSearchTitleOrASIN": "Search Title or ASIN",
"LabelSequence": "Sequence",
"LabelSeries": "Series",
"LabelSeriesName": "Series Name",
"LabelSettingsBookshelfViewHelp": "Skeumorphic design with wooden shelves",
"LabelSettingsChromecastSupport": "Chromecast support",
"LabelSettingsDateFormat": "Date Format",
"LabelSettingsDisableWatcher": "Disable Watcher",
"LabelSettingsDisableWatcherForLibrary": "Disable folder watcher for library",
"LabelSettingsDisableWatcherHelp": "Disables the automatic adding/updating of items when file changes are detected. *Requires server restart",
"LabelSettingsEnableEReader": "Enable e-reader for all users",
"LabelSettingsEnableEReaderHelp": "E-reader is still a work in progress, but use this setting to open it up to all your users (or use the \"Experimental Features\" toggle just for use by you)",
"LabelSettingsExperimentalFeatures": "Experimental features",
"LabelSettingsExperimentalFeaturesHelp": "Features in development that could use your feedback and help testing. Click to open github discussion.",
"LabelSettingsFindCovers": "Find covers",
"LabelSettingsFindCoversHelp": "If your audiobook does not have an embedded cover or a cover image inside the folder, the scanner will attempt to find a cover.<br>Note: This will extend scan time",
"LabelSettingsHomePageBookshelfView": "Home page use bookshelf view",
"LabelSettingsLibraryBookshelfView": "Library use bookshelf view",
"LabelSettingsOverdriveMediaMarkers": "Use Overdrive Media Markers for chapters",
"LabelSettingsOverdriveMediaMarkersHelp": "MP3 files from Overdrive come with chapter timings embedded as custom metadata. Enabling this will use these tags for chapter timings automatically",
"LabelSettingsParseSubtitles": "Parse subtitles",
"LabelSettingsParseSubtitlesHelp": "Extract subtitles from audiobook folder names.<br>Subtitle must be seperated by \" - \"<br>i.e. \"Book Title - A Subtitle Here\" has the subtitle \"A Subtitle Here\"",
"LabelSettingsPreferAudioMetadata": "Prefer audio metadata",
"LabelSettingsPreferAudioMetadataHelp": "Audio file ID3 meta tags will be used for book details over folder names",
"LabelSettingsPreferMatchedMetadata": "Prefer matched metadata",
"LabelSettingsPreferMatchedMetadataHelp": "Matched data will overide item details when using Quick Match. By default Quick Match will only fill in missing details.",
"LabelSettingsPreferOPFMetadata": "Prefer OPF metadata",
"LabelSettingsPreferOPFMetadataHelp": "OPF file metadata will be used for book details over folder names",
"LabelSettingsSkipMatchingBooksWithASIN": "Skip matching books that already have an ASIN",
"LabelSettingsSkipMatchingBooksWithISBN": "Skip matching books that already have an ISBN",
"LabelSettingsSortingIgnorePrefixes": "Ignore prefixes when sorting",
"LabelSettingsSortingIgnorePrefixesHelp": "i.e. for prefix \"the\" book title \"The Book Title\" would sort as \"Book Title, The\"",
"LabelSettingsStoreCoversWithItem": "Store covers with item",
"LabelSettingsStoreCoversWithItemHelp": "By default covers are stored in /metadata/items, enabling this setting will store covers in your library item folder. Only one file named \"cover\" will be kept",
"LabelSettingsStoreMetadataWithItem": "Store metadata with item",
"LabelSettingsStoreMetadataWithItemHelp": "By default metadata files are stored in /metadata/items, enabling this setting will store metadata files in your library item folders. Uses .abs file extension",
"LabelSettingsSquareBookCovers": "User square book covers",
"LabelSettingsSquareBookCoversHelp": "Prefer to use square covers over standard 1.6:1 book covers",
"LabelSize": "Size",
"LabelStart": "Start",
"LabelStartedAt": "Started At",
"LabelStatsAudioTracks": "Audio Tracks",
"LabelStatsAuthors": "Authors",
"LabelStatsBestDay": "Best Day",
"LabelStatsDailyAverage": "Daily Average",
"LabelStatsDays": "Days",
"LabelStatsDaysListened": "Days Listened",
"LabelStatsHours": "Hours",
"LabelStatsInARow": "in a row",
"LabelStatsItemsFinished": "Items Finished",
"LabelStatsItemsInLibrary": "Items in Library",
"LabelStatsMinutes": "minutes",
"LabelStatsMinutesListening": "Minutes Listening",
"LabelStatsOverall": "Overall",
"LabelStatsWeekListening": "Week Listening",
"LabelSubtitle": "Subtitle",
"LabelSupportedFileTypes": "Supported File Types",
"LabelTags": "Tags",
"LabelTagsAccessibleToUser": "Tags Accessible to User",
"LabelTimeListened": "Time Listened",
"LabelTimeListenedToday": "Time Listened Today",
"LabelTimeToShift": "Time to shift in seconds",
"LabelTitle": "Title",
"LabelTotalTimeListened": "Total Time Listened",
"LabelType": "Type",
"LabelUploaderDragAndDrop": "Drag & drop files or folders",
"LabelUploaderDropFiles": "Drop files",
"LabelUser": "User",
"LabelUsername": "Username",
"LabelWeekdaysToRun": "Weekdays to run",
"MessageBackupsDescription": "Backups include users, user progress, library item details, server settings, and images stored in",
"MessageBackupsNote": "Backups do not include any files stored in your library folders.",
"MessageCheckingCron": "Checking cron...",
"MessageForceReScanDescription": "will scan all files again like a fresh scan. Audio file ID3 tags, OPF files, and text files will be scanned as new.",
"MessageImportantNotice": "Important Notice!",
"MessageInsertChapterBelow": "Insert chapter below",
"MessageJoinUsOn": "Join us on",
"MessageLoading": "Loading...",
"MessageLoadingFolders": "Loading folders...",
"MessageMapChapterTitles": "Map chapter titles to your existing audiobook chapters without adjusting timestamps",
"MessageMatchBooksDescription": "will attempt to match books in the library with a book from the selected search provider and fill in empty details and cover art. Does not overwrite details.",
"MessageNoAuthors": "No Authors",
"MessageNoChapters": "No Chapters",
"MessageNoCoversFound": "No Covers Found",
"MessageNoFoldersAvailable": "No Folders Available",
"MessageNoGenres": "No Genres",
"MessageNoItems": "No Items",
"MessageNoItemsFound": "No items found",
"MessageNoListeningSessions": "No Listening Sessions",
"MessageNoLogs": "No Logs",
"MessageNoMediaProgress": "No Media Progress",
"MessageNoNotifications": "No Notifications",
"MessageNoResults": "No Results",
"MessageQuickMatchDescription": "Populate empty item details & cover with first match result from '{0}'. Does not overwrite details unless 'Prefer matched metadata' server setting is enabled.",
"MessageRemoveAllItemsWarning": "WARNING! This action will remove all library items from the database including any updates or matches you have made. This does not do anything to your actual files. Are you sure?",
"MessageRemoveUserWarning": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete user \"{0}\"?",
"MessageReportBugsAndContribute": "Report bugs, request features, and contribute on",
"MessageRestoreBackupConfirm": "Are you sure you want to restore the backup created on",
"MessageRestoreBackupWarning": "Restoring a backup will overwrite the entire database located at /config and cover images in /metadata/items & /metadata/authors.<br /><br />Backups do not modify any files in your library folders. If you have enabled server settings to store cover art and metadata in your library folders then those are not backed up or overwritten.<br /><br />All clients using your server will be automatically refreshed.",
"MessageSearchResultsFor": "Search results for",
"MessageStartPlaybackAtTime": "Start playback for \"{0}\" at {1}?",
"MessageUploaderItemFailed": "Failed to upload",
"MessageUploaderItemSuccess": "Successfully Uploaded!",
"MessageUploading": "Uploading...",
"MessageValidCronExpression": "Valid cron expression",
"MessageWatcherIsDisabledGlobally": "Watcher is disabled globally in server settings",
"NoteChangeRootPassword": "Root user is the only user that can have an empty password",
"NoteChapterEditorTimes": "Note: First chapter start time must remain at 0:00 and the last chapter start time cannot exceed this audiobooks duration.",
"NoteFolderPicker": "Note: folders already mapped will not be shown",
"NoteFolderPickerDebian": "Note: Folder picker for the debian install is not fully implemented. You should enter the path to your library directly.",
"NoteUploaderFoldersWithMediaFiles": "Folders with media files will be handled as separate library items.",
"NoteUploaderOnlyAudioFiles": "If uploading only audio files then each audio file will be handled as a separate audiobook.",
"NoteUploaderUnsupportedFiles": "Unsupported files are ignored. When choosing or dropping a folder, other files that are not in an item folder are ignored.",
"PlaceholderNewFolderPath": "New folder path",
"PlaceholderSearch": "Search..",
"WeekdayFriday": "Friday",
"WeekdayMonday": "Monday",
"WeekdaySaturday": "Saturday",
"WeekdaySunday": "Sunday",
"WeekdayThursday": "Thursday",
"WeekdayTuesday": "Tuesday",
"WeekdayWednesday": "Wednesday"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user