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synced 2025-03-01 00:15:54 +01:00
Merge pull request #1105 from ruoti/collapseseries-patch
Patching handling of titles with multiple series
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,13 +28,19 @@
<span class="font-mono">{{ numShowing }}</span>
<div class="flex-grow" />
<ui-btn color="primary" small :loading="processingSeries" class="flex items-center" @click="markSeriesFinished">
<ui-checkbox v-model="settings.collapseBookSeries" label="Collapse Series" checkbox-bg="bg"
check-color="white" small class="mr-2" @input="updateCollapseBookSeries" />
<ui-btn color="primary" small :loading="processingSeries" class="flex items-center ml-1 sm:ml-4"
<div class="h-5 w-5">
<svg v-if="isSeriesFinished" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="rgb(63, 181, 68)">
<path d="M19 1H5c-1.1 0-1.99.9-1.99 2L3 15.93c0 .69.35 1.3.88 1.66L12 23l8.11-5.41c.53-.36.88-.97.88-1.66L21 3c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2zm-9 15l-5-5 1.41-1.41L10 13.17l7.59-7.59L19 7l-9 9z" />
<svg v-if="isSeriesFinished" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24"
fill="rgb(63, 181, 68)">
d="M19 1H5c-1.1 0-1.99.9-1.99 2L3 15.93c0 .69.35 1.3.88 1.66L12 23l8.11-5.41c.53-.36.88-.97.88-1.66L21 3c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2zm-9 15l-5-5 1.41-1.41L10 13.17l7.59-7.59L19 7l-9 9z" />
<svg v-else xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor">
<path d="M19 1H5c-1.1 0-1.99.9-1.99 2L3 15.93c0 .69.35 1.3.88 1.66L12 23l8.11-5.41c.53-.36.88-.97.88-1.66L21 3c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2zm-7 19.6l-7-4.66V3h14v12.93l-7 4.67zm-2.01-7.42l-2.58-2.59L6 12l4 4 8-8-1.42-1.42z" />
d="M19 1H5c-1.1 0-1.99.9-1.99 2L3 15.93c0 .69.35 1.3.88 1.66L12 23l8.11-5.41c.53-.36.88-.97.88-1.66L21 3c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2zm-7 19.6l-7-4.66V3h14v12.93l-7 4.67zm-2.01-7.42l-2.58-2.59L6 12l4 4 8-8-1.42-1.42z" />
<span class="pl-2"> Mark Series {{ isSeriesFinished ? 'Not Finished' : 'Finished' }}</span>
@ -280,6 +286,9 @@ export default {
updateCollapseSeries() {
updateCollapseBookSeries() {
saveSettings() {
this.$store.dispatch('user/updateUserSettings', this.settings)
@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
<div id="bookshelf" class="w-full overflow-y-auto">
<template v-for="shelf in totalShelves">
<div :key="shelf" :id="`shelf-${shelf - 1}`" class="w-full px-4 sm:px-8 relative" :class="{ bookshelfRow: !isAlternativeBookshelfView }" :style="{ height: shelfHeight + 'px' }">
<div v-if="!isAlternativeBookshelfView" class="bookshelfDivider w-full absolute bottom-0 left-0 right-0 z-20" :class="`h-${shelfDividerHeightIndex}`" />
<div :key="shelf" :id="`shelf-${shelf - 1}`" class="w-full px-4 sm:px-8 relative"
:class="{ bookshelfRow: !isAlternativeBookshelfView }" :style="{ height: shelfHeight + 'px' }">
<div v-if="!isAlternativeBookshelfView" class="bookshelfDivider w-full absolute bottom-0 left-0 right-0 z-20"
:class="`h-${shelfDividerHeightIndex}`" />
<div v-if="initialized && !totalShelves && !hasFilter && entityName === 'books'" class="w-full flex flex-col items-center justify-center py-12">
<div v-if="initialized && !totalShelves && !hasFilter && entityName === 'books'"
class="w-full flex flex-col items-center justify-center py-12">
<p class="text-center text-2xl font-book mb-4 py-4">{{ libraryName }} Library is empty!</p>
<div v-if="userIsAdminOrUp" class="flex">
<ui-btn to="/config" color="primary" class="w-52 mr-2">Configure Scanner</ui-btn>
@ -119,6 +122,9 @@ export default {
collapseSeries() {
return this.$store.getters['user/getUserSetting']('collapseSeries')
collapseBookSeries() {
return this.$store.getters['user/getUserSetting']('collapseBookSeries')
coverAspectRatio() {
return this.$store.getters['libraries/getBookCoverAspectRatio']
@ -319,7 +325,6 @@ export default {
this.totalEntities = payload.total
this.totalShelves = Math.ceil(this.totalEntities / this.entitiesPerShelf)
this.entities = new Array(this.totalEntities)
this.$eventBus.$emit('bookshelf-total-entities', this.totalEntities)
for (let i = 0; i < payload.results.length; i++) {
@ -329,8 +334,21 @@ export default {
this.$eventBus.$emit('bookshelf-total-entities', this.getEntitiesCount())
getEntitiesCount() {
let uniqueEntities = new Set()
this.entities.forEach(entity => {
if (entity.collapsedSeries) {
entity.collapsedSeries.libraryItemIds.forEach(uniqueEntities.add, uniqueEntities)
} else {
return uniqueEntities.size
loadPage(page) {
this.pagesLoaded[page] = true
@ -437,6 +455,9 @@ export default {
searchParams.set('filter', this.seriesFilterBy)
} else if (this.page === 'series-books') {
searchParams.set('filter', `series.${this.$encode(this.seriesId)}`)
if (this.collapseBookSeries) {
searchParams.set('collapseseries', 1)
} else {
if (this.filterBy && this.filterBy !== 'all') {
searchParams.set('filter', this.filterBy)
@ -452,8 +473,6 @@ export default {
return searchParams.toString()
checkUpdateSearchParams() {
if (this.page === 'series-books') return false
var newSearchParams = this.buildSearchParams()
var currentQueryString = window.location.search
if (currentQueryString && currentQueryString.startsWith('?')) currentQueryString = currentQueryString.slice(1)
@ -513,7 +532,7 @@ export default {
if (indexOf >= 0) {
this.entities = this.entities.filter((ent) => ent.id !== libraryItem.id)
this.totalEntities = this.entities.length
this.$eventBus.$emit('bookshelf-total-entities', this.totalEntities)
this.$eventBus.$emit('bookshelf-total-entities', this.getEntitiesCount())
@ -551,7 +570,7 @@ export default {
if (indexOf >= 0) {
this.entities = this.entities.filter((ent) => ent.id !== collection.id)
this.totalEntities = this.entities.length
this.$eventBus.$emit('bookshelf-total-entities', this.totalEntities)
this.$eventBus.$emit('bookshelf-total-entities', this.getEntitiesCount())
@ -715,6 +734,7 @@ export default {
.bookshelfRow {
background-image: var(--bookshelf-texture-img);
.bookshelfDivider {
background: rgb(149, 119, 90);
background: var(--bookshelf-divider-bg);
@ -1,106 +1,164 @@
<div ref="card" :id="`book-card-${index}`" :style="{ minWidth: width + 'px', maxWidth: width + 'px', height: height + 'px' }" class="rounded-sm z-10 bg-primary cursor-pointer box-shadow-book" @mousedown.prevent @mouseup.prevent @mousemove.prevent @mouseover="mouseover" @mouseleave="mouseleave" @click="clickCard">
<div ref="card" :id="`book-card-${index}`"
:style="{ minWidth: width + 'px', maxWidth: width + 'px', height: height + 'px' }"
class="rounded-sm z-10 bg-primary cursor-pointer box-shadow-book" @mousedown.prevent @mouseup.prevent
@mousemove.prevent @mouseover="mouseover" @mouseleave="mouseleave" @click="clickCard">
<!-- When cover image does not fill -->
<div v-show="showCoverBg" class="absolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full overflow-hidden rounded-sm bg-primary">
<div class="absolute cover-bg" ref="coverBg" />
<!-- Alternative bookshelf title/author/sort -->
<div v-if="isAlternativeBookshelfView || isAuthorBookshelfView" class="absolute left-0 z-50 w-full" :style="{ bottom: `-${titleDisplayBottomOffset}rem` }">
<div v-if="isAlternativeBookshelfView || isAuthorBookshelfView" class="absolute left-0 z-50 w-full"
:style="{ bottom: `-${titleDisplayBottomOffset}rem` }">
<p class="truncate" :style="{ fontSize: 0.9 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }">
{{ displayTitle }}
<p class="truncate text-gray-400" :style="{ fontSize: 0.8 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }">{{ displayLineTwo || ' ' }}</p>
<p v-if="displaySortLine" class="truncate text-gray-400" :style="{ fontSize: 0.8 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }">{{ displaySortLine }}</p>
<p class="truncate text-gray-400" :style="{ fontSize: 0.8 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }">{{ displayLineTwo ||
' '
<p v-if="displaySortLine" class="truncate text-gray-400" :style="{ fontSize: 0.8 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }">{{
<div v-if="booksInSeries" class="absolute z-20 top-1.5 right-1.5 rounded-md leading-3 text-sm p-1 font-semibold text-white flex items-center justify-center" style="background-color: #cd9d49dd">{{ booksInSeries }}</div>
<div v-if="seriesSequenceList" class="absolute rounded-lg bg-black bg-opacity-90 box-shadow-md z-20 text-right"
:style="{ top: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', right: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', padding: `${0.1 * sizeMultiplier}rem ${0.25 * sizeMultiplier}rem` }"
style="background-color: #78350f">
<p :style="{ fontSize: sizeMultiplier * 0.8 + 'rem' }">#{{ seriesSequenceList }}</p>
<div v-else-if="booksInSeries" class="absolute rounded-lg bg-black bg-opacity-90 box-shadow-md z-20"
:style="{ top: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', right: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', padding: `${0.1 * sizeMultiplier}rem ${0.25 * sizeMultiplier}rem` }"
style="background-color: #cd9d49dd">
<p :style="{ fontSize: sizeMultiplier * 0.8 + 'rem' }">{{ booksInSeries }}</p>
<div class="w-full h-full absolute top-0 left-0 rounded overflow-hidden z-10">
<div v-show="libraryItem && !imageReady" class="absolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full flex items-center justify-center" :style="{ padding: sizeMultiplier * 0.5 + 'rem' }">
<p :style="{ fontSize: sizeMultiplier * 0.8 + 'rem' }" class="font-book text-gray-300 text-center">{{ title }}</p>
<div v-show="libraryItem && !imageReady"
class="absolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full flex items-center justify-center"
:style="{ padding: sizeMultiplier * 0.5 + 'rem' }">
<p :style="{ fontSize: sizeMultiplier * 0.8 + 'rem' }" class="font-book text-gray-300 text-center">{{ title }}
<!-- Cover Image -->
<img v-show="libraryItem" ref="cover" :src="bookCoverSrc" class="w-full h-full transition-opacity duration-300" :class="showCoverBg ? 'object-contain' : 'object-fill'" @load="imageLoaded" :style="{ opacity: imageReady ? 1 : 0 }" />
<img v-show="libraryItem" ref="cover" :src="bookCoverSrc" class="w-full h-full transition-opacity duration-300"
:class="showCoverBg ? 'object-contain' : 'object-fill'" @load="imageLoaded"
:style="{ opacity: imageReady ? 1 : 0 }" />
<!-- Placeholder Cover Title & Author -->
<div v-if="!hasCover" class="absolute top-0 left-0 right-0 bottom-0 w-full h-full flex items-center justify-center" :style="{ padding: placeholderCoverPadding + 'rem' }">
<div v-if="!hasCover"
class="absolute top-0 left-0 right-0 bottom-0 w-full h-full flex items-center justify-center"
:style="{ padding: placeholderCoverPadding + 'rem' }">
<p class="text-center font-book" style="color: rgb(247 223 187)" :style="{ fontSize: titleFontSize + 'rem' }">{{ titleCleaned }}</p>
<p class="text-center font-book" style="color: rgb(247 223 187)" :style="{ fontSize: titleFontSize + 'rem' }">
{{ titleCleaned }}</p>
<div v-if="!hasCover" class="absolute left-0 right-0 w-full flex items-center justify-center" :style="{ padding: placeholderCoverPadding + 'rem', bottom: authorBottom + 'rem' }">
<p class="text-center font-book" style="color: rgb(247 223 187); opacity: 0.75" :style="{ fontSize: authorFontSize + 'rem' }">{{ authorCleaned }}</p>
<div v-if="!hasCover" class="absolute left-0 right-0 w-full flex items-center justify-center"
:style="{ padding: placeholderCoverPadding + 'rem', bottom: authorBottom + 'rem' }">
<p class="text-center font-book" style="color: rgb(247 223 187); opacity: 0.75"
:style="{ fontSize: authorFontSize + 'rem' }">{{ authorCleaned }}</p>
<!-- No progress shown for collapsed series in library and podcasts (unless showing podcast episode) -->
<div v-if="!booksInSeries && (!isPodcast || episodeProgress)" class="absolute bottom-0 left-0 h-1 shadow-sm max-w-full z-10 rounded-b" :class="itemIsFinished ? 'bg-success' : 'bg-yellow-400'" :style="{ width: width * userProgressPercent + 'px' }"></div>
<div v-if="!booksInSeries && (!isPodcast || episodeProgress)"
class="absolute bottom-0 left-0 h-1 shadow-sm max-w-full z-10 rounded-b"
:class="itemIsFinished ? 'bg-success' : 'bg-yellow-400'" :style="{ width: width * userProgressPercent + 'px' }">
<!-- Finished progress bar for collapsed series -->
<div v-else-if="booksInSeries && seriesIsFinished" class="absolute bottom-0 left-0 h-1 shadow-sm max-w-full z-10 rounded-b bg-success" :style="{ width: width * userProgressPercent + 'px' }"></div>
<div v-else-if="booksInSeries && seriesIsFinished"
class="absolute bottom-0 left-0 h-1 shadow-sm max-w-full z-10 rounded-b bg-success"
:style="{ width: width * userProgressPercent + 'px' }"></div>
<!-- Overlay is not shown if collapsing series in library -->
<div v-show="!booksInSeries && libraryItem && (isHovering || isSelectionMode || isMoreMenuOpen) && !processing" class="w-full h-full absolute top-0 left-0 z-10 bg-black rounded hidden md:block" :class="overlayWrapperClasslist">
<div v-show="!booksInSeries && libraryItem && (isHovering || isSelectionMode || isMoreMenuOpen) && !processing"
class="w-full h-full absolute top-0 left-0 z-10 bg-black rounded hidden md:block"
<div v-show="showPlayButton" class="h-full flex items-center justify-center pointer-events-none">
<div class="hover:text-white text-gray-200 hover:scale-110 transform duration-200 pointer-events-auto" @click.stop.prevent="play">
<div class="hover:text-white text-gray-200 hover:scale-110 transform duration-200 pointer-events-auto"
<span class="material-icons" :style="{ fontSize: playIconFontSize + 'rem' }">play_circle_filled</span>
<div v-show="showReadButton" class="h-full flex items-center justify-center pointer-events-none">
<div class="hover:text-white text-gray-200 hover:scale-110 transform duration-200 pointer-events-auto" @click.stop.prevent="clickReadEBook">
<div class="hover:text-white text-gray-200 hover:scale-110 transform duration-200 pointer-events-auto"
<span class="material-icons" :style="{ fontSize: playIconFontSize + 'rem' }">auto_stories</span>
<div v-if="userCanUpdate" v-show="!isSelectionMode" class="absolute cursor-pointer hover:text-yellow-300 hover:scale-125 transform duration-150 top-0 right-0" :style="{ padding: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }" @click.stop.prevent="editClick">
<div v-if="userCanUpdate" v-show="!isSelectionMode"
class="absolute cursor-pointer hover:text-yellow-300 hover:scale-125 transform duration-150 top-0 right-0"
:style="{ padding: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }" @click.stop.prevent="editClick">
<span class="material-icons" :style="{ fontSize: sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }">edit</span>
<div class="absolute cursor-pointer hover:text-yellow-300 hover:scale-125 transform duration-100" :style="{ top: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', left: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }" @click.stop.prevent="selectBtnClick">
<span class="material-icons" :class="selected ? 'text-yellow-400' : ''" :style="{ fontSize: 1.25 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }">{{ selected ? 'radio_button_checked' : 'radio_button_unchecked' }}</span>
<div class="absolute cursor-pointer hover:text-yellow-300 hover:scale-125 transform duration-100"
:style="{ top: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', left: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }"
<span class="material-icons" :class="selected ? 'text-yellow-400' : ''"
:style="{ fontSize: 1.25 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }">{{ selected ? 'radio_button_checked' :
<!-- More Menu Icon -->
<div ref="moreIcon" v-show="!isSelectionMode" class="hidden md:block absolute cursor-pointer hover:text-yellow-300 300 hover:scale-125 transform duration-150" :style="{ bottom: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', right: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }" @click.stop.prevent="clickShowMore">
<div ref="moreIcon" v-show="!isSelectionMode"
class="hidden md:block absolute cursor-pointer hover:text-yellow-300 300 hover:scale-125 transform duration-150"
:style="{ bottom: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', right: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }"
<span class="material-icons" :style="{ fontSize: 1.2 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }">more_vert</span>
<!-- Processing/loading spinner overlay -->
<div v-if="processing" class="w-full h-full absolute top-0 left-0 z-10 bg-black bg-opacity-40 rounded flex items-center justify-center">
<div v-if="processing"
class="w-full h-full absolute top-0 left-0 z-10 bg-black bg-opacity-40 rounded flex items-center justify-center">
<widgets-loading-spinner size="la-lg" />
<!-- Series name overlay -->
<div v-if="booksInSeries && libraryItem && isHovering" class="w-full h-full absolute top-0 left-0 z-10 bg-black bg-opacity-60 rounded flex items-center justify-center" :style="{ padding: sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }">
<div v-if="booksInSeries && libraryItem && isHovering"
class="w-full h-full absolute top-0 left-0 z-10 bg-black bg-opacity-60 rounded flex items-center justify-center"
:style="{ padding: sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }">
<p class="text-gray-200 text-center" :style="{ fontSize: 1.1 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }">{{ series }}</p>
<!-- Error widget -->
<ui-tooltip v-if="showError" :text="errorText" class="absolute bottom-4 left-0 z-10">
<div :style="{ height: 1.5 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', width: 2.5 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }" class="bg-error rounded-r-full shadow-md flex items-center justify-end border-r border-b border-red-300">
<span class="material-icons text-red-100 pr-1" :style="{ fontSize: 0.875 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }">priority_high</span>
<div :style="{ height: 1.5 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', width: 2.5 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }"
class="bg-error rounded-r-full shadow-md flex items-center justify-end border-r border-b border-red-300">
<span class="material-icons text-red-100 pr-1"
:style="{ fontSize: 0.875 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }">priority_high</span>
<div v-if="rssFeed && !isSelectionMode && !isHovering" class="absolute text-success top-0 left-0 z-10" :style="{ padding: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }">
<div v-if="rssFeed && !isSelectionMode && !isHovering" class="absolute text-success top-0 left-0 z-10"
:style="{ padding: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }">
<span class="material-icons" :style="{ fontSize: sizeMultiplier * 1.5 + 'rem' }">rss_feed</span>
<!-- Series sequence -->
<div v-if="seriesSequence && !isHovering && !isSelectionMode" class="absolute rounded-lg bg-black bg-opacity-90 box-shadow-md z-10" :style="{ top: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', right: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', padding: `${0.1 * sizeMultiplier}rem ${0.25 * sizeMultiplier}rem` }">
<div v-if="seriesSequence && !isHovering && !isSelectionMode"
class="absolute rounded-lg bg-black bg-opacity-90 box-shadow-md z-10"
:style="{ top: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', right: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', padding: `${0.1 * sizeMultiplier}rem ${0.25 * sizeMultiplier}rem` }">
<p :style="{ fontSize: sizeMultiplier * 0.8 + 'rem' }">#{{ seriesSequence }}</p>
<!-- Podcast Episode # -->
<div v-if="recentEpisodeNumber && !isHovering && !isSelectionMode && !processing" class="absolute rounded-lg bg-black bg-opacity-90 box-shadow-md z-10" :style="{ top: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', right: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', padding: `${0.1 * sizeMultiplier}rem ${0.25 * sizeMultiplier}rem` }">
<div v-if="recentEpisodeNumber && !isHovering && !isSelectionMode && !processing"
class="absolute rounded-lg bg-black bg-opacity-90 box-shadow-md z-10"
:style="{ top: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', right: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', padding: `${0.1 * sizeMultiplier}rem ${0.25 * sizeMultiplier}rem` }">
<p :style="{ fontSize: sizeMultiplier * 0.8 + 'rem' }">Episode #{{ recentEpisodeNumber }}</p>
<!-- Podcast Num Episodes -->
<div v-else-if="numEpisodes && !isHovering && !isSelectionMode" class="absolute rounded-full bg-black bg-opacity-90 box-shadow-md z-10 flex items-center justify-center" :style="{ top: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', right: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', width: 1.25 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', height: 1.25 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }">
<div v-else-if="numEpisodes && !isHovering && !isSelectionMode"
class="absolute rounded-full bg-black bg-opacity-90 box-shadow-md z-10 flex items-center justify-center"
:style="{ top: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', right: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', width: 1.25 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', height: 1.25 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }">
<p :style="{ fontSize: sizeMultiplier * 0.8 + 'rem' }">{{ numEpisodes }}</p>
@ -236,6 +294,9 @@ export default {
// Only added to item object when collapseSeries is enabled
return this.collapsedSeries ? this.collapsedSeries.numBooks : 0
seriesSequenceList() {
return this.collapsedSeries ? this.collapsedSeries.seriesSequenceList : null
libraryItemIdsInSeries() {
// Only added to item object when collapseSeries is enabled
return this.collapsedSeries ? this.collapsedSeries.libraryItemIds || [] : []
@ -515,7 +576,7 @@ export default {
var mediaMetadata = libraryItem.media.metadata
if (mediaMetadata.series) {
if (mediaMetadata.series && Array.isArray(mediaMetadata.series)) {
var newSeries = mediaMetadata.series.find((se) => se.id === this.series.id)
if (newSeries) {
// update selected series
@ -1,19 +1,27 @@
<div ref="wrapper" class="relative" v-click-outside="clickOutside">
<button type="button" class="relative w-full h-full bg-fg border border-gray-500 hover:border-gray-400 rounded shadow-sm pl-3 pr-3 py-0 text-left focus:outline-none sm:text-sm cursor-pointer" aria-haspopup="listbox" aria-expanded="true" aria-labelledby="listbox-label" @click.prevent="showMenu = !showMenu">
<button type="button"
class="relative w-full h-full bg-fg border border-gray-500 hover:border-gray-400 rounded shadow-sm pl-3 pr-3 py-0 text-left focus:outline-none sm:text-sm cursor-pointer"
aria-haspopup="listbox" aria-expanded="true" aria-labelledby="listbox-label"
@click.prevent="showMenu = !showMenu">
<span class="flex items-center justify-between">
<span class="block truncate text-xs" :class="!selectedText ? 'text-gray-300' : ''">{{ selectedText }}</span>
<span class="material-icons text-lg text-yellow-400">{{ descending ? 'expand_more' : 'expand_less' }}</span>
<ul v-show="showMenu" class="absolute z-10 mt-1 w-full bg-bg border border-black-200 shadow-lg max-h-80 rounded-md py-1 text-base ring-1 ring-black ring-opacity-5 overflow-auto focus:outline-none sm:text-sm" role="listbox" aria-labelledby="listbox-label">
<ul v-show="showMenu"
class="absolute z-10 mt-1 w-full bg-bg border border-black-200 shadow-lg max-h-96 rounded-md py-1 text-base ring-1 ring-black ring-opacity-5 overflow-auto focus:outline-none sm:text-sm"
role="listbox" aria-labelledby="listbox-label">
<template v-for="item in selectItems">
<li :key="item.value" class="text-gray-50 select-none relative py-2 pr-9 cursor-pointer hover:bg-black-400" :class="item.value === selected ? 'bg-primary bg-opacity-50' : ''" role="option" @click="clickedOption(item.value)">
<li :key="item.value" class="text-gray-50 select-none relative py-2 pr-9 cursor-pointer hover:bg-black-400"
:class="item.value === selected ? 'bg-primary bg-opacity-50' : ''" role="option"
<div class="flex items-center">
<span class="font-normal ml-3 block truncate text-xs">{{ item.text }}</span>
<span v-if="item.value === selected" class="text-yellow-400 absolute inset-y-0 right-0 flex items-center pr-4">
<span v-if="item.value === selected"
class="text-yellow-400 absolute inset-y-0 right-0 flex items-center pr-4">
<span class="material-icons text-xl">{{ descending ? 'expand_more' : 'expand_less' }}</span>
@ -29,46 +37,54 @@ export default {
descending: Boolean
data() {
const bookItems = [
text: 'Title',
value: 'media.metadata.title'
text: 'Author (First Last)',
value: 'media.metadata.authorName'
text: 'Author (Last, First)',
value: 'media.metadata.authorNameLF'
text: 'Published Year',
value: 'media.metadata.publishedYear'
text: 'Added At',
value: 'addedAt'
text: 'Size',
value: 'size'
text: 'Duration',
value: 'media.duration'
text: 'File Birthtime',
value: 'birthtimeMs'
text: 'File Modified',
value: 'mtimeMs'
const seriesItems = [...bookItems, {
text: 'Sequence',
value: 'sequence'
return {
showMenu: false,
bookItems: [
text: 'Title',
value: 'media.metadata.title'
text: 'Author (First Last)',
value: 'media.metadata.authorName'
text: 'Author (Last, First)',
value: 'media.metadata.authorNameLF'
text: 'Published Year',
value: 'media.metadata.publishedYear'
text: 'Added At',
value: 'addedAt'
text: 'Size',
value: 'size'
text: 'Duration',
value: 'media.duration'
text: 'File Birthtime',
value: 'birthtimeMs'
text: 'File Modified',
value: 'mtimeMs'
bookItems: bookItems,
seriesItems: seriesItems,
podcastItems: [
text: 'Title',
@ -122,8 +138,21 @@ export default {
return this.$store.getters['libraries/getCurrentLibraryMediaType'] == 'podcast'
selectItems() {
if (this.isPodcast) return this.podcastItems
return this.bookItems
let items = null
if (this.isPodcast) {
items = this.podcastItems
} else if (this.$store.getters['user/getUserSetting']('filterBy').startsWith('series.')) {
items = this.seriesItems
} else {
items = this.bookItems
if (!items.some(i => i.value === this.selected)) {
this.selected = items[0].value
this.selectedDesc = !this.defaultsToAsc(items[0].value)
return items
selectedText() {
var _selected = this.selected
@ -143,12 +172,19 @@ export default {
this.selectedDesc = !this.selectedDesc
} else {
this.selected = val
if (val == 'media.metadata.title' || val == 'media.metadata.author' || val == 'media.metadata.authorName' || val == 'media.metadata.authorNameLF') {
this.selectedDesc = false
if (this.defaultsToAsc(val)) this.selectedDesc = false
this.showMenu = false
this.$nextTick(() => this.$emit('change', val))
defaultsToAsc(val) {
return (
val == 'media.metadata.title' ||
val == 'media.metadata.author' ||
val == 'media.metadata.authorName' ||
val == 'media.metadata.authorNameLF' ||
val == 'sequence'
@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ export const state = () => ({
filterBy: 'all',
playbackRate: 1,
bookshelfCoverSize: 120,
collapseSeries: false
collapseSeries: false,
collapseBookSeries: false
settingsListeners: [],
collections: [],
@ -160,21 +160,42 @@ class LibraryController {
minified: req.query.minified === '1',
collapseseries: req.query.collapseseries === '1'
var mediaIsBook = payload.mediaType === 'book'
// Step 1 - Filter the retrieved library items
var filterSeries = null
if (payload.filterBy) {
// If filtering by series, will include seriesName and seriesSequence on media metadata
filterSeries = (payload.mediaType == 'book' && payload.filterBy.startsWith('series.')) ? libraryHelpers.decode(payload.filterBy.replace('series.', '')) : null
if (filterSeries === 'No Series') filterSeries = null
libraryItems = libraryHelpers.getFilteredLibraryItems(libraryItems, payload.filterBy, req.user, this.rssFeedManager.feedsArray)
payload.total = libraryItems.length
// Determining if we are filtering titles by a series, and if so, which series
filterSeries = (mediaIsBook && payload.filterBy.startsWith('series.')) ? libraryHelpers.decode(payload.filterBy.replace('series.', '')) : null
if (filterSeries === 'No Series') filterSeries = null
// Step 2 - If selected, collapse library items by the series they belong to.
// If also filtering by series, will not collapse the filtered series as this would lead
// to series having a collapsed series that is just that series.
if (payload.collapseseries) {
let collapsedItems = libraryHelpers.collapseBookSeries(libraryItems, this.db.series, filterSeries)
if (!(collapsedItems.length == 1 && collapsedItems[0].collapsedSeries)) {
libraryItems = collapsedItems
payload.total = libraryItems.length
// Step 3 - Sort the retrieved library items.
var sortArray = []
// When on the series page, sort by sequence only
if (filterSeries && !payload.sortBy) {
sortArray.push({ asc: (li) => li.media.metadata.getSeries(filterSeries).sequence })
if (payload.sortBy) {
var sortKey = payload.sortBy
// old sort key TODO: should be mutated in dbMigration
var sortKey = payload.sortBy
if (sortKey.startsWith('book.')) {
sortKey = sortKey.replace('book.', 'media.metadata.')
@ -186,29 +207,42 @@ class LibraryController {
sortKey += 'IgnorePrefix'
// Start sort
var direction = payload.sortDesc ? 'desc' : 'asc'
var sortArray = [
[direction]: (li) => {
// When collapsing by series and sorting by title use the series name instead of the book title
if (payload.mediaType === 'book' && payload.collapseseries && li.media.metadata.seriesName) {
if (sortByTitle) {
return this.db.serverSettings.sortingIgnorePrefix ? li.media.metadata.seriesNameIgnorePrefix : li.media.metadata.seriesName
} else {
// When not sorting by title always show the collapsed series at the end
return direction === 'desc' ? -1 : 'zzzz'
// If series are collapsed and not sorting by title or sequence,
// sort all collapsed series to the end in alphabetical order
const sortBySequence = filterSeries && (sortKey === 'sequence')
if (payload.collapseseries && !(sortByTitle || sortBySequence)) {
asc: (li) => {
if (li.collapsedSeries) {
return this.db.serverSettings.sortingIgnorePrefix ?
li.collapsedSeries.nameIgnorePrefix :
} else {
return ''
// Sort series based on the sortBy attribute
var direction = payload.sortDesc ? 'desc' : 'asc'
[direction]: (li) => {
if (mediaIsBook && sortBySequence) {
return li.media.metadata.getSeries(filterSeries).sequence
} else if (mediaIsBook && sortByTitle && li.collapsedSeries) {
return this.db.serverSettings.sortingIgnorePrefix ?
li.collapsedSeries.nameIgnorePrefix :
} else {
// Supports dot notation strings i.e. "media.metadata.title"
return sortKey.split('.').reduce((a, b) => a[b], li)
// Secondary sort when sorting by book author use series sort title
if (payload.mediaType === 'book' && payload.sortBy.includes('author')) {
if (mediaIsBook && payload.sortBy.includes('author')) {
asc: (li) => {
if (li.media.metadata.series && li.media.metadata.series.length) {
@ -218,30 +252,55 @@ class LibraryController {
if (sortArray.length) {
libraryItems = naturalSort(libraryItems).by(sortArray)
if (payload.collapseseries) {
libraryItems = libraryHelpers.collapseBookSeries(libraryItems, this.db.series)
payload.total = libraryItems.length
} else if (filterSeries) {
// Book media when filtering series will include series object on media metadata
libraryItems = libraryItems.map(li => {
var series = li.media.metadata.getSeries(filterSeries)
var liJson = payload.minified ? li.toJSONMinified() : li.toJSON()
liJson.media.metadata.series = series
return liJson
libraryItems = naturalSort(libraryItems).asc(li => li.media.metadata.series.sequence)
} else {
libraryItems = libraryItems.map(li => payload.minified ? li.toJSONMinified() : li.toJSON())
// Step 4 - Transform the items to pass to the client side
payload.results = libraryItems.map(li => {
let json = payload.minified ? li.toJSONMinified() : li.toJSON()
if (li.collapsedSeries) {
json.collapsedSeries = {
id: li.collapsedSeries.id,
name: li.collapsedSeries.name,
nameIgnorePrefix: li.collapsedSeries.nameIgnorePrefix,
libraryItemIds: li.collapsedSeries.books.map(b => b.id),
numBooks: li.collapsedSeries.books.length
// If collapsing by series and filtering by a series, generate the list of sequences the collapsed
// series represents in the filtered series
if (filterSeries) {
json.collapsedSeries.seriesSequenceList =
naturalSort(li.collapsedSeries.books.map(b => b.filterSeriesSequence)).asc()
.reduce((ranges, currentSequence) => {
let lastRange = ranges.at(-1)
let isNumber = /^(\d+|\d+\.\d*|\d*\.\d+)$/.test(currentSequence)
if (isNumber) currentSequence = parseFloat(currentSequence)
if (lastRange && isNumber && lastRange.isNumber && ((lastRange.end + 1) == currentSequence)) {
lastRange.end = currentSequence
else {
ranges.push({ start: currentSequence, end: currentSequence, isNumber: isNaN(currentSequence) })
return ranges
}, [])
.map(r => r.start == r.end ? r.start : `${r.start}-${r.end}`)
.join(', ')
} else if (filterSeries) {
// If filtering by series, make sure to include the series metadata
json.media.metadata.series = li.media.metadata.getSeries(filterSeries)
return json
if (payload.limit) {
var startIndex = payload.page * payload.limit
libraryItems = libraryItems.slice(startIndex, startIndex + payload.limit)
payload.results = libraryItems
@ -275,7 +334,7 @@ class LibraryController {
minified: req.query.minified === '1'
var series = libraryHelpers.getSeriesFromBooks(libraryItems, this.db.series, payload.filterBy, req.user, payload.minified)
var series = libraryHelpers.getSeriesFromBooks(libraryItems, this.db.series, null, payload.filterBy, req.user, payload.minified)
const direction = payload.sortDesc ? 'desc' : 'asc'
series = naturalSort(series).by([
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ module.exports = {
return data
getSeriesFromBooks(books, allSeries, filterBy, user, minified = false) {
getSeriesFromBooks(books, allSeries, filterSeries, filterBy, user, minified = false) {
const _series = {}
const seriesToFilterOut = {}
books.forEach((libraryItem) => {
@ -179,6 +179,9 @@ module.exports = {
const abJson = minified ? libraryItem.toJSONMinified() : libraryItem.toJSONExpanded()
abJson.sequence = bookSeriesObj.sequence
if (filterSeries) {
abJson.filterSeriesSequence = libraryItem.media.metadata.getSeries(filterSeries).sequence
if (!_series[bookSeriesObj.id]) {
_series[bookSeriesObj.id] = {
id: bookSeriesObj.id,
@ -280,35 +283,34 @@ module.exports = {
return totalSize
collapseBookSeries(libraryItems, series) {
var seriesObjects = this.getSeriesFromBooks(libraryItems, series, null, null, true)
var seriesToUse = {}
var libraryItemIdsToHide = []
seriesObjects.forEach((series) => {
series.firstBook = series.books.find(b => !seriesToUse[b.id]) // Find first book not already used
if (series.firstBook) {
seriesToUse[series.firstBook.id] = series
libraryItemIdsToHide = libraryItemIdsToHide.concat(series.books.filter(b => !seriesToUse[b.id]).map(b => b.id))
return libraryItems.map((li) => {
collapseBookSeries(libraryItems, series, filterSeries) {
// Get series from the library items. If this list is being collapsed after filtering for a series,
// don't collapse that series, only books that are in other series.
var seriesObjects = this
.getSeriesFromBooks(libraryItems, series, filterSeries, null, null, true)
.filter(s => s.id != filterSeries)
var filteredLibraryItems = []
libraryItems.forEach((li) => {
if (li.mediaType != 'book') return
var libraryItemJson = li.toJSONMinified()
if (libraryItemIdsToHide.includes(li.id)) {
return null
if (seriesToUse[li.id]) {
libraryItemJson.collapsedSeries = {
id: seriesToUse[li.id].id,
name: seriesToUse[li.id].name,
nameIgnorePrefix: seriesToUse[li.id].nameIgnorePrefix,
libraryItemIds: seriesToUse[li.id].books.map(b => b.id),
numBooks: seriesToUse[li.id].books.length
return libraryItemJson
}).filter(li => li)
// Handle when this is the first book in a series
seriesObjects.filter(s => s.books[0].id == li.id).forEach(series => {
// Clone the library item as we need to attach data to it, but don't
// want to change the global copy of the library item
li, { collapsedSeries: series }))
// Only included books not contained in series
if (!seriesObjects.some(s => s.books.some(b => b.id == li.id)))
return filteredLibraryItems
buildPersonalizedShelves(user, libraryItems, mediaType, allSeries, allAuthors, maxEntitiesPerShelf = 10) {
Reference in New Issue
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