Add:SMTP email setting to disable certificate verification #3030

This commit is contained in:
advplyr 2024-05-29 16:59:43 -05:00
parent 6edbab863a
commit 941f3248d8
28 changed files with 123 additions and 35 deletions

View File

@ -20,13 +20,30 @@
<div class="flex items-center mb-2 py-3">
<ui-toggle-switch labeledBy="email-settings-secure" v-model="" :disabled="savingSettings" />
<ui-tooltip :text="$strings.LabelEmailSettingsSecureHelp">
<div class="pl-4 flex items-center">
<span id="email-settings-secure">{{ $strings.LabelEmailSettingsSecure }}</span>
<span class="material-icons text-lg pl-1">info_outlined</span>
<div class="w-full md:w-1/2 px-1">
<!-- secure toggle -->
<div class="flex items-center">
<ui-toggle-switch labeledBy="email-settings-secure" v-model="" :disabled="savingSettings" />
<ui-tooltip :text="$strings.LabelEmailSettingsSecureHelp">
<div class="pl-4 flex items-center">
<span id="email-settings-secure">{{ $strings.LabelEmailSettingsSecure }}</span>
<span class="material-icons text-lg pl-1">info_outlined</span>
<div class="w-full md:w-1/2 px-1">
<!-- reject unauthorized toggle -->
<div class="flex items-center">
<ui-toggle-switch labeledBy="email-settings-reject-unauthorized" v-model="newSettings.rejectUnauthorized" :disabled="savingSettings" />
<ui-tooltip :text="$strings.LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorizedHelp">
<div class="pl-4 flex items-center">
<span id="email-settings-reject-unauthorized">{{ $strings.LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorized }}</span>
<span class="material-icons text-lg pl-1">info_outlined</span>
<div class="flex items-center -mx-1 mb-2">
@ -119,6 +136,7 @@ export default {
host: null,
port: 465,
secure: true,
rejectUnauthorized: true,
user: null,
pass: null,
testAddress: null,
@ -257,6 +275,7 @@ export default {
port: this.newSettings.port,
rejectUnauthorized: this.newSettings.rejectUnauthorized,
user: this.newSettings.user,
pass: this.newSettings.pass,
testAddress: this.newSettings.testAddress,

View File

@ -279,6 +279,8 @@
"LabelEdit": "Редакция",
"LabelEmail": "Email",
"LabelEmailSettingsFromAddress": "От Адрес",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorized": "Reject unauthorized certificates",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorizedHelp": "Disabling SSL certificate validation may expose your connection to security risks, such as man-in-the-middle attacks. Only disable this option if you understand the implications and trust the mail server you are connecting to.",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecure": "Сигурна",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecureHelp": "Ако е вярно възката ще изполва TLS когате се свързва със сървъра. Ако не е то TLS ще се използва ако сървъра поддържа разширението STARTTLS. В повечето случаи задайте тази стойност на истина ако се свързвате към порт 465. За порт 587 или 25 оставете я на лъжа. (от",
"LabelEmailSettingsTestAddress": "Тестов Адрес",

View File

@ -279,6 +279,8 @@
"LabelEdit": "সম্পাদনা করুন",
"LabelEmail": "ইমেইল",
"LabelEmailSettingsFromAddress": "ঠিকানা থেকে",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorized": "Reject unauthorized certificates",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorizedHelp": "Disabling SSL certificate validation may expose your connection to security risks, such as man-in-the-middle attacks. Only disable this option if you understand the implications and trust the mail server you are connecting to.",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecure": "নিরাপদ",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecureHelp": "যদি সত্য হয় সার্ভারের সাথে সংযোগ করার সময় সংযোগটি TLS ব্যবহার করবে। মিথ্যা হলে TLS ব্যবহার করা হবে যদি সার্ভার STARTTLS এক্সটেনশন সমর্থন করে। বেশিরভাগ ক্ষেত্রে এই মানটিকে সত্য হিসাবে সেট করুন যদি আপনি পোর্ট 465-এর সাথে সংযোগ করছেন। পোর্ট 587 বা পোর্টের জন্য 25 এটি মিথ্যা রাখুন। ( থেকে)",
"LabelEmailSettingsTestAddress": "পরীক্ষার ঠিকানা",

View File

@ -279,6 +279,8 @@
"LabelEdit": "Upravit",
"LabelEmail": "E-mail",
"LabelEmailSettingsFromAddress": "Z adresy",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorized": "Reject unauthorized certificates",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorizedHelp": "Disabling SSL certificate validation may expose your connection to security risks, such as man-in-the-middle attacks. Only disable this option if you understand the implications and trust the mail server you are connecting to.",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecure": "Zabezpečené",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecureHelp": "Pokud je true, připojení bude při připojování k serveru používat TLS. Pokud je false, použije se protokol TLS, pokud server podporuje rozšíření STARTTLS. Ve většině případů nastavte tuto hodnotu na true, pokud se připojujete k portu 465. Pro port 587 nebo 25 ponechte hodnotu false. (z",
"LabelEmailSettingsTestAddress": "Testovací adresa",

View File

@ -279,6 +279,8 @@
"LabelEdit": "Rediger",
"LabelEmail": "Email",
"LabelEmailSettingsFromAddress": "Fra Adresse",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorized": "Reject unauthorized certificates",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorizedHelp": "Disabling SSL certificate validation may expose your connection to security risks, such as man-in-the-middle attacks. Only disable this option if you understand the implications and trust the mail server you are connecting to.",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecure": "Sikker",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecureHelp": "Hvis sandt, vil forbindelsen bruge TLS ved tilslutning til serveren. Hvis falsk, bruges TLS, hvis serveren understøtter STARTTLS-udvidelsen. I de fleste tilfælde skal denne værdi sættes til sandt, hvis du tilslutter til port 465. Til port 587 eller 25 skal du holde det falsk. (fra",
"LabelEmailSettingsTestAddress": "Test Adresse",

View File

@ -279,6 +279,8 @@
"LabelEdit": "Bearbeiten",
"LabelEmail": "Email",
"LabelEmailSettingsFromAddress": "Von Adresse",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorized": "Reject unauthorized certificates",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorizedHelp": "Disabling SSL certificate validation may expose your connection to security risks, such as man-in-the-middle attacks. Only disable this option if you understand the implications and trust the mail server you are connecting to.",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecure": "Sicher",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecureHelp": "Wenn \"an\", verwendet die Verbindung TLS, wenn du eine Verbindung zum Server herstellst. Bei \"aus\" wird TLS verwendet, wenn der Server die STARTTLS-Erweiterung unterstützt. In den meisten Fällen solltest du diesen Wert auf \"an\" schalten, wenn du eine Verbindung zu Port 465 herstellst. Für Port 587 oder 25 behalte den Wert \"aus\" bei. (von",
"LabelEmailSettingsTestAddress": "Test Adresse",
@ -807,4 +809,4 @@
"ToastSortingPrefixesUpdateSuccess": "Die Sortier-Prefixe wirden geupdated ({0} Einträge)",
"ToastUserDeleteFailed": "Benutzer konnte nicht gelöscht werden",
"ToastUserDeleteSuccess": "Benutzer gelöscht"

View File

@ -279,6 +279,8 @@
"LabelEdit": "Edit",
"LabelEmail": "Email",
"LabelEmailSettingsFromAddress": "From Address",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorized": "Reject unauthorized certificates",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorizedHelp": "Disabling SSL certificate validation may expose your connection to security risks, such as man-in-the-middle attacks. Only disable this option if you understand the implications and trust the mail server you are connecting to.",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecure": "Secure",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecureHelp": "If true the connection will use TLS when connecting to server. If false then TLS is used if server supports the STARTTLS extension. In most cases set this value to true if you are connecting to port 465. For port 587 or 25 keep it false. (from",
"LabelEmailSettingsTestAddress": "Test Address",

View File

@ -279,6 +279,8 @@
"LabelEdit": "Editar",
"LabelEmail": "Email",
"LabelEmailSettingsFromAddress": "Remitente",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorized": "Reject unauthorized certificates",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorizedHelp": "Disabling SSL certificate validation may expose your connection to security risks, such as man-in-the-middle attacks. Only disable this option if you understand the implications and trust the mail server you are connecting to.",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecure": "Seguridad",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecureHelp": "Si está activado, se usará TLS para conectarse al servidor. Si está apagado, se usará TLS si su servidor tiene soporte para la extensión STARTTLS. En la mayoría de los casos, puede dejar esta opción activada si se está conectando al puerto 465. Apáguela en el caso de usar los puertos 587 o 25. (de",
"LabelEmailSettingsTestAddress": "Probar Dirección",

View File

@ -279,6 +279,8 @@
"LabelEdit": "Muuda",
"LabelEmail": "E-post",
"LabelEmailSettingsFromAddress": "Saatja aadress",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorized": "Reject unauthorized certificates",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorizedHelp": "Disabling SSL certificate validation may expose your connection to security risks, such as man-in-the-middle attacks. Only disable this option if you understand the implications and trust the mail server you are connecting to.",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecure": "Turvaline",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecureHelp": "Kui see on tõene, kasutab ühendus serveriga ühenduse loomisel TLS-i. Kui see on väär, kasutatakse TLS-i, kui server toetab STARTTLS-i laiendust. Enamikul juhtudest seadke see väärtus tõeks, kui ühendate pordile 465. Pordi 587 või 25 korral hoidke seda väär. (",
"LabelEmailSettingsTestAddress": "Testi aadress",

View File

@ -279,6 +279,8 @@
"LabelEdit": "Modifier",
"LabelEmail": "Courriel",
"LabelEmailSettingsFromAddress": "Expéditeur",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorized": "Reject unauthorized certificates",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorizedHelp": "Disabling SSL certificate validation may expose your connection to security risks, such as man-in-the-middle attacks. Only disable this option if you understand the implications and trust the mail server you are connecting to.",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecure": "Sécurisé",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecureHelp": "Utiliser TLS lors de la connexion au serveur, autrement TLS sera utilisé si le serveur prend en charge lextension STARTTLS. Dans la plupart des cas, actviez loption si vous vous connectez au port 465. Désactivez loption pour utiliser port 587 ou 25. (source:",
"LabelEmailSettingsTestAddress": "Adresse de test",
@ -807,4 +809,4 @@
"ToastSortingPrefixesUpdateSuccess": "Mise à jour des préfixes de tri ({0} élément)",
"ToastUserDeleteFailed": "Échec de la suppression de lutilisateur",
"ToastUserDeleteSuccess": "Utilisateur supprimé"

View File

@ -279,6 +279,8 @@
"LabelEdit": "Edit",
"LabelEmail": "Email",
"LabelEmailSettingsFromAddress": "From Address",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorized": "Reject unauthorized certificates",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorizedHelp": "Disabling SSL certificate validation may expose your connection to security risks, such as man-in-the-middle attacks. Only disable this option if you understand the implications and trust the mail server you are connecting to.",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecure": "Secure",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecureHelp": "If true the connection will use TLS when connecting to server. If false then TLS is used if server supports the STARTTLS extension. In most cases set this value to true if you are connecting to port 465. For port 587 or 25 keep it false. (from",
"LabelEmailSettingsTestAddress": "Test Address",

View File

@ -279,6 +279,8 @@
"LabelEdit": "עריכה",
"LabelEmail": "דואר אלקטרוני",
"LabelEmailSettingsFromAddress": "מאת",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorized": "Reject unauthorized certificates",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorizedHelp": "Disabling SSL certificate validation may expose your connection to security risks, such as man-in-the-middle attacks. Only disable this option if you understand the implications and trust the mail server you are connecting to.",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecure": "מאובטח",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecureHelp": "אם מופעל, החיבור ישתמש ב-TLS בעת ההתחברות לשרת. אם לא, אז TLS יהיה בשימוש אם השרת תומך בהרחבת STARTTLS. ברוב המקרים מומלץ להפעיל את הגדרה זו אם אתה מתחבר לפורט 465. לפורט 587 או 25, השאר כבוי. (from",
"LabelEmailSettingsTestAddress": "כתובת לבדיקה",

View File

@ -279,6 +279,8 @@
"LabelEdit": "Edit",
"LabelEmail": "Email",
"LabelEmailSettingsFromAddress": "From Address",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorized": "Reject unauthorized certificates",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorizedHelp": "Disabling SSL certificate validation may expose your connection to security risks, such as man-in-the-middle attacks. Only disable this option if you understand the implications and trust the mail server you are connecting to.",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecure": "Secure",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecureHelp": "If true the connection will use TLS when connecting to server. If false then TLS is used if server supports the STARTTLS extension. In most cases set this value to true if you are connecting to port 465. For port 587 or 25 keep it false. (from",
"LabelEmailSettingsTestAddress": "Test Address",

View File

@ -279,6 +279,8 @@
"LabelEdit": "Uredi",
"LabelEmail": "Email",
"LabelEmailSettingsFromAddress": "From Address",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorized": "Reject unauthorized certificates",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorizedHelp": "Disabling SSL certificate validation may expose your connection to security risks, such as man-in-the-middle attacks. Only disable this option if you understand the implications and trust the mail server you are connecting to.",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecure": "Secure",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecureHelp": "If true the connection will use TLS when connecting to server. If false then TLS is used if server supports the STARTTLS extension. In most cases set this value to true if you are connecting to port 465. For port 587 or 25 keep it false. (from",
"LabelEmailSettingsTestAddress": "Test Address",

View File

@ -279,6 +279,8 @@
"LabelEdit": "Szerkesztés",
"LabelEmail": "E-mail",
"LabelEmailSettingsFromAddress": "Feladó címe",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorized": "Reject unauthorized certificates",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorizedHelp": "Disabling SSL certificate validation may expose your connection to security risks, such as man-in-the-middle attacks. Only disable this option if you understand the implications and trust the mail server you are connecting to.",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecure": "Biztonságos",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecureHelp": "Ha igaz, a kapcsolat TLS-t használ a szerverhez való csatlakozáskor. Ha hamis, akkor TLS-t használ, ha a szerver támogatja a STARTTLS kiterjesztést. A legtöbb esetben állítsa ezt az értéket igazra, ha a 465-ös portra csatlakozik. A 587-es vagy 25-ös port esetében tartsa hamis értéken. (a oldalról)",
"LabelEmailSettingsTestAddress": "Teszt cím",

View File

@ -279,6 +279,8 @@
"LabelEdit": "Modifica",
"LabelEmail": "Email",
"LabelEmailSettingsFromAddress": "Da Indirizzo",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorized": "Reject unauthorized certificates",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorizedHelp": "Disabling SSL certificate validation may expose your connection to security risks, such as man-in-the-middle attacks. Only disable this option if you understand the implications and trust the mail server you are connecting to.",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecure": "Secure",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecureHelp": "Se vero, la connessione utilizzerà TLS durante la connessione al server. Se false, viene utilizzato TLS se il server supporta l'estensione STARTTLS. Nella maggior parte dei casi impostare questo valore su true se ci si connette alla porta 465. Per la porta 587 o 25 mantenerlo false. (da",
"LabelEmailSettingsTestAddress": "Test Indirizzo",

View File

@ -279,6 +279,8 @@
"LabelEdit": "Redaguoti",
"LabelEmail": "El. paštas",
"LabelEmailSettingsFromAddress": "Siuntėjo adresas",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorized": "Reject unauthorized certificates",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorizedHelp": "Disabling SSL certificate validation may expose your connection to security risks, such as man-in-the-middle attacks. Only disable this option if you understand the implications and trust the mail server you are connecting to.",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecure": "Apsaugota",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecureHelp": "Jei ši reikšmė yra \"true\", ryšys naudos TLS protokolą. Jei \"false\", TLS bus naudojamas tik tada, jei serveris palaiko STARTTLS plėtinį. Daugumos atveju, jei jungiamasi prie 465 prievado, šią reikšmę turėtumėte nustatyti kaip \"true\". Jei jungiamasi prie 587 arba 25 prievado, turi būti nustatyta \"false\". (iš",
"LabelEmailSettingsTestAddress": "Testinis adresas",

View File

@ -279,6 +279,8 @@
"LabelEdit": "Wijzig",
"LabelEmail": "Email",
"LabelEmailSettingsFromAddress": "Van-adres",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorized": "Reject unauthorized certificates",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorizedHelp": "Disabling SSL certificate validation may expose your connection to security risks, such as man-in-the-middle attacks. Only disable this option if you understand the implications and trust the mail server you are connecting to.",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecure": "Veilig",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecureHelp": "Als 'waar', dan gebruikt de verbinding TLS om met de server te verbinden. Als 'onwaar', dan wordt TLS gebruikt als de server de STARTTLS-extensie ondersteunt. In de meeste gevallen kies je voor 'waar' verbindt met poort 465. Voo poort 587 of 25, laat op 'onwaar'. (van",
"LabelEmailSettingsTestAddress": "Test-adres",

View File

@ -279,6 +279,8 @@
"LabelEdit": "Rediger",
"LabelEmail": "Epost",
"LabelEmailSettingsFromAddress": "Fra Adresse",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorized": "Reject unauthorized certificates",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorizedHelp": "Disabling SSL certificate validation may expose your connection to security risks, such as man-in-the-middle attacks. Only disable this option if you understand the implications and trust the mail server you are connecting to.",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecure": "Sikker",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecureHelp": "Hvis aktivert, vil tilkoblingen bruke TLS under tilkobling til tjeneren. Ellers vil TLS bli brukt hvis tjeneren støtter STARTTLS utvidelsen. I de fleste tilfeller aktiver valget hvis du kobler til med port 465. Med port 587 eller 25 deaktiver valget. (fra",
"LabelEmailSettingsTestAddress": "Test Adresse",

View File

@ -279,6 +279,8 @@
"LabelEdit": "Edytuj",
"LabelEmail": "Email",
"LabelEmailSettingsFromAddress": "From Address",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorized": "Reject unauthorized certificates",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorizedHelp": "Disabling SSL certificate validation may expose your connection to security risks, such as man-in-the-middle attacks. Only disable this option if you understand the implications and trust the mail server you are connecting to.",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecure": "Secure",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecureHelp": "If true the connection will use TLS when connecting to server. If false then TLS is used if server supports the STARTTLS extension. In most cases set this value to true if you are connecting to port 465. For port 587 or 25 keep it false. (from",
"LabelEmailSettingsTestAddress": "Test Address",

View File

@ -279,6 +279,8 @@
"LabelEdit": "Editar",
"LabelEmail": "Email",
"LabelEmailSettingsFromAddress": "Remetente",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorized": "Reject unauthorized certificates",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorizedHelp": "Disabling SSL certificate validation may expose your connection to security risks, such as man-in-the-middle attacks. Only disable this option if you understand the implications and trust the mail server you are connecting to.",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecure": "Seguro",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecureHelp": "Se ativado, a conexão utilizará TLS para a conexão ao servidor. Se desativado TLS será usado se o servidor suportar a extensão STARTTLS. Na maioria dos casos ative esse valor se estiver conectando pela porta 465. Para portas 587 ou 25, mantenha inativo. (de",
"LabelEmailSettingsTestAddress": "Endereço de teste",

View File

@ -279,6 +279,8 @@
"LabelEdit": "Редактировать",
"LabelEmail": "Email",
"LabelEmailSettingsFromAddress": "Адрес От",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorized": "Reject unauthorized certificates",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorizedHelp": "Disabling SSL certificate validation may expose your connection to security risks, such as man-in-the-middle attacks. Only disable this option if you understand the implications and trust the mail server you are connecting to.",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecure": "Безопасность",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecureHelp": "Если значение истинно, то соединение будет использовать TLS при подключении к серверу. Если значение ложно, то TLS будет использован, если сервер поддерживает расширение STARTTLS. В большинстве случаев установите это значение в истину, если вы подключаетесь к порту 465. Для порта 587 или 25 оставьте значение ложным. (из",
"LabelEmailSettingsTestAddress": "Тестовый адрес",

View File

@ -279,6 +279,8 @@
"LabelEdit": "Redigera",
"LabelEmail": "E-post",
"LabelEmailSettingsFromAddress": "Från adress",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorized": "Reject unauthorized certificates",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorizedHelp": "Disabling SSL certificate validation may expose your connection to security risks, such as man-in-the-middle attacks. Only disable this option if you understand the implications and trust the mail server you are connecting to.",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecure": "Säker",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecureHelp": "Om sant kommer anslutningen att använda TLS vid anslutning till servern. Om falskt används TLS om servern stöder STARTTLS-tillägget. I de flesta fall, om du ansluter till port 465, bör du ställa in detta värde till sant. För port 587 eller 25, låt det vara falskt. (från",
"LabelEmailSettingsTestAddress": "Testadress",

View File

@ -279,6 +279,8 @@
"LabelEdit": "Редагувати",
"LabelEmail": "Електронна пошта",
"LabelEmailSettingsFromAddress": "Адреса відправника",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorized": "Reject unauthorized certificates",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorizedHelp": "Disabling SSL certificate validation may expose your connection to security risks, such as man-in-the-middle attacks. Only disable this option if you understand the implications and trust the mail server you are connecting to.",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecure": "Безпечне",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecureHelp": "Увімкніть, аби використовувати TLS при підключенні до сервера. Якщо вимкнути, то TLS буде використано, якщо сервер підтримує STARTTLS. Увімкніть, якщо ви підключаєтеся до порту 465. Вимкніть для портів 587 або 25. (з",
"LabelEmailSettingsTestAddress": "Тестова адреса",

View File

@ -279,6 +279,8 @@
"LabelEdit": "Chỉnh Sửa",
"LabelEmail": "Email",
"LabelEmailSettingsFromAddress": "Địa chỉ Gửi từ",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorized": "Reject unauthorized certificates",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorizedHelp": "Disabling SSL certificate validation may expose your connection to security risks, such as man-in-the-middle attacks. Only disable this option if you understand the implications and trust the mail server you are connecting to.",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecure": "Bảo Mật",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecureHelp": "Nếu đúng thì kết nối sẽ sử dụng TLS khi kết nối đến máy chủ. Nếu sai thì TLS sẽ được sử dụng nếu máy chủ hỗ trợ phần mở rộng STARTTLS. Trong hầu hết các trường hợp, hãy đặt giá trị này là đúng nếu bạn kết nối đến cổng 465. Đối với cổng 587 hoặc 25, giữ nó sai. (từ",
"LabelEmailSettingsTestAddress": "Địa Chỉ Kiểm Tra",

View File

@ -279,6 +279,8 @@
"LabelEdit": "编辑",
"LabelEmail": "邮箱",
"LabelEmailSettingsFromAddress": "发件人地址",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorized": "Reject unauthorized certificates",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorizedHelp": "Disabling SSL certificate validation may expose your connection to security risks, such as man-in-the-middle attacks. Only disable this option if you understand the implications and trust the mail server you are connecting to.",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecure": "安全",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecureHelp": "如果选是, 则连接将在连接到服务器时使用TLS. 如果选否, 则若服务器支持STARTTLS扩展, 则使用TLS. 在大多数情况下, 如果连接到端口465, 请将该值设置为是. 对于端口587或25, 请保持为否. (来自",
"LabelEmailSettingsTestAddress": "测试地址",

View File

@ -279,6 +279,8 @@
"LabelEdit": "編輯",
"LabelEmail": "郵箱",
"LabelEmailSettingsFromAddress": "發件人位址",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorized": "Reject unauthorized certificates",
"LabelEmailSettingsRejectUnauthorizedHelp": "Disabling SSL certificate validation may expose your connection to security risks, such as man-in-the-middle attacks. Only disable this option if you understand the implications and trust the mail server you are connecting to.",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecure": "安全",
"LabelEmailSettingsSecureHelp": "如果選是, 則連接將在連接到伺服器時使用TLS. 如果選否, 則若伺服器支援STARTTLS擴展, 則使用TLS. 在大多數情況下, 如果連接到465埠, 請將該值設定為是. 對於587或25埠, 請保持為否. (來自",
"LabelEmailSettingsTestAddress": "測試位址",

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ class EmailSettings { = null
this.port = 465 = true
this.rejectUnauthorized = true
this.user = null
this.pass = null
this.testAddress = null
@ -33,11 +34,17 @@ class EmailSettings { =
this.port = settings.port = !!
this.rejectUnauthorized = !!settings.rejectUnauthorized
this.user = settings.user
this.pass = settings.pass
this.testAddress = settings.testAddress
this.fromAddress = settings.fromAddress
this.ereaderDevices = settings.ereaderDevices?.map(d => ({ ...d })) || []
this.ereaderDevices = settings.ereaderDevices?.map((d) => ({ ...d })) || []
// rejectUnauthorized added after v2.10.1 - defaults to true
if (settings.rejectUnauthorized === undefined) {
this.rejectUnauthorized = true
toJSON() {
@ -46,11 +53,12 @@ class EmailSettings {
port: this.port,
rejectUnauthorized: this.rejectUnauthorized,
user: this.user,
pass: this.pass,
testAddress: this.testAddress,
fromAddress: this.fromAddress,
ereaderDevices: => ({ ...d }))
ereaderDevices: => ({ ...d }))
@ -62,27 +70,30 @@ class EmailSettings {
else payload.port = Number(payload.port)
if ( !== undefined) = !!
if (payload.rejectUnauthorized !== undefined) payload.rejectUnauthorized = !!payload.rejectUnauthorized
if (payload.ereaderDevices !== undefined && !Array.isArray(payload.ereaderDevices)) payload.ereaderDevices = undefined
if (payload.ereaderDevices?.length) {
// Validate ereader devices
payload.ereaderDevices = => {
if (! || ! {
Logger.error(`[EmailSettings] Update ereader device is invalid`, device)
return null
if (!device.availabilityOption || !['adminOrUp', 'userOrUp', 'guestOrUp', 'specificUsers'].includes(device.availabilityOption)) {
device.availabilityOption = 'adminOrUp'
if (device.availabilityOption === 'specificUsers' && !device.users?.length) {
device.availabilityOption = 'adminOrUp'
if (device.availabilityOption !== 'specificUsers' && device.users?.length) {
device.users = []
return device
}).filter(d => d)
payload.ereaderDevices = payload.ereaderDevices
.map((device) => {
if (! || ! {
Logger.error(`[EmailSettings] Update ereader device is invalid`, device)
return null
if (!device.availabilityOption || !['adminOrUp', 'userOrUp', 'guestOrUp', 'specificUsers'].includes(device.availabilityOption)) {
device.availabilityOption = 'adminOrUp'
if (device.availabilityOption === 'specificUsers' && !device.users?.length) {
device.availabilityOption = 'adminOrUp'
if (device.availabilityOption !== 'specificUsers' && device.users?.length) {
device.users = []
return device
.filter((d) => d)
let hasUpdates = false
@ -116,14 +127,20 @@ class EmailSettings {
pass: this.pass
// Allow self-signed certs (
if (!this.rejectUnauthorized) {
payload.tls = {
rejectUnauthorized: false
return payload
* @param {EreaderDeviceObject} device
* @param {import('../user/User')} user
* @param {EreaderDeviceObject} device
* @param {import('../user/User')} user
* @returns {boolean}
checkUserCanAccessDevice(device, user) {
@ -140,8 +157,8 @@ class EmailSettings {
* Get ereader devices accessible to user
* @param {import('../user/User')} user
* @param {import('../user/User')} user
* @returns {EreaderDeviceObject[]}
getEReaderDevices(user) {
@ -150,12 +167,12 @@ class EmailSettings {
* Get ereader device by name
* @param {string} deviceName
* @param {string} deviceName
* @returns {EreaderDeviceObject}
getEReaderDevice(deviceName) {
return this.ereaderDevices.find(d => === deviceName)
return this.ereaderDevices.find((d) => === deviceName)
module.exports = EmailSettings
module.exports = EmailSettings