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synced 2025-03-24 00:16:39 +01:00
Update:Heatmap day of week translations
This commit is contained in:
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ export default {
dayLabels() {
return [
label: 'Mon',
label: this.$strings.WeekdayMon,
style: {
transform: `translate(${-25}px, ${13}px)`,
lineHeight: '10px',
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ export default {
label: 'Wed',
label: this.$strings.WeekdayWed,
style: {
transform: `translate(${-25}px, ${13 * 3}px)`,
lineHeight: '10px',
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ export default {
label: 'Fri',
label: this.$strings.WeekdayFri,
style: {
transform: `translate(${-25}px, ${13 * 5}px)`,
lineHeight: '10px',
@ -532,6 +532,18 @@
"MessageXLibraryIsEmpty": "{0} Bibliothek ist leer!",
"MessageYourAudiobookDurationIsLonger": "Die Dauer Ihres Mediums ist länger als die gefundene Dauer",
"MessageYourAudiobookDurationIsShorter": "Die Dauer Ihres Mediums ist kürzer als die gefundene Dauer",
"MonthApr": "Apr",
"MonthAug": "Aug",
"MonthDec": "Dec",
"MonthFeb": "Feb",
"MonthJan": "Jan",
"MonthJul": "Jul",
"MonthJun": "Jun",
"MonthMar": "Mar",
"MonthMay": "May",
"MonthNov": "Nov",
"MonthOct": "Oct",
"MonthSep": "Sep",
"NoteChangeRootPassword": "Der Root-Benutzer (Hauptbenutzer) ist der einzige Benutzer, der ein leeres Passwort haben kann",
"NoteChapterEditorTimes": "Hinweis: Die Anfangszeit des ersten Kapitels muss bei 0:00 beginnen und die Anfangszeit des letzten Kapitels darf die Dauer des Mediums nicht überschreiten.",
"NoteFolderPicker": "Hinweis: Bereits zugeordnete Ordner werden nicht angezeigt.",
@ -614,11 +626,14 @@
"ToastSocketFailedToConnect": "Verbindung zum WebSocket fehlgeschlagen",
"ToastUserDeleteFailed": "Benutzer konnte nicht gelöscht werden",
"ToastUserDeleteSuccess": "Benutzer gelöscht",
"WeekdayFri": "Fri",
"WeekdayFriday": "Freitag",
"WeekdayMon": "Mon",
"WeekdayMonday": "Montag",
"WeekdaySaturday": "Samstag",
"WeekdaySunday": "Sonntag",
"WeekdayThursday": "Donnerstag",
"WeekdayTuesday": "Dienstag",
"WeekdayWed": "Wed",
"WeekdayWednesday": "Mittwoch"
@ -532,6 +532,18 @@
"MessageXLibraryIsEmpty": "{0} Library is empty!",
"MessageYourAudiobookDurationIsLonger": "Your audiobook duration is longer than the duration found",
"MessageYourAudiobookDurationIsShorter": "Your audiobook duration is shorter than duration found",
"MonthApr": "Apr",
"MonthAug": "Aug",
"MonthDec": "Dec",
"MonthFeb": "Feb",
"MonthJan": "Jan",
"MonthJul": "Jul",
"MonthJun": "Jun",
"MonthMar": "Mar",
"MonthMay": "May",
"MonthNov": "Nov",
"MonthOct": "Oct",
"MonthSep": "Sep",
"NoteChangeRootPassword": "Root user is the only user that can have an empty password",
"NoteChapterEditorTimes": "Note: First chapter start time must remain at 0:00 and the last chapter start time cannot exceed this audiobooks duration.",
"NoteFolderPicker": "Note: folders already mapped will not be shown",
@ -614,11 +626,14 @@
"ToastSocketFailedToConnect": "Socket failed to connect",
"ToastUserDeleteFailed": "Failed to delete user",
"ToastUserDeleteSuccess": "User deleted",
"WeekdayFri": "Fri",
"WeekdayFriday": "Friday",
"WeekdayMon": "Mon",
"WeekdayMonday": "Monday",
"WeekdaySaturday": "Saturday",
"WeekdaySunday": "Sunday",
"WeekdayThursday": "Thursday",
"WeekdayTuesday": "Tuesday",
"WeekdayWed": "Wed",
"WeekdayWednesday": "Wednesday"
@ -532,6 +532,18 @@
"MessageXLibraryIsEmpty": "{0} Library is empty!",
"MessageYourAudiobookDurationIsLonger": "Your audiobook duration is longer than the duration found",
"MessageYourAudiobookDurationIsShorter": "Your audiobook duration is shorter than duration found",
"MonthApr": "Apr",
"MonthAug": "Aug",
"MonthDec": "Dec",
"MonthFeb": "Feb",
"MonthJan": "Jan",
"MonthJul": "Jul",
"MonthJun": "Jun",
"MonthMar": "Mar",
"MonthMay": "May",
"MonthNov": "Nov",
"MonthOct": "Oct",
"MonthSep": "Sep",
"NoteChangeRootPassword": "Root user is the only user that can have an empty password",
"NoteChapterEditorTimes": "Note: First chapter start time must remain at 0:00 and the last chapter start time cannot exceed this audiobooks duration.",
"NoteFolderPicker": "Note: folders already mapped will not be shown",
@ -614,11 +626,14 @@
"ToastSocketFailedToConnect": "Socket failed to connect",
"ToastUserDeleteFailed": "Failed to delete user",
"ToastUserDeleteSuccess": "User deleted",
"WeekdayFri": "Fri",
"WeekdayFriday": "Friday",
"WeekdayMon": "Mon",
"WeekdayMonday": "Monday",
"WeekdaySaturday": "Saturday",
"WeekdaySunday": "Sunday",
"WeekdayThursday": "Thursday",
"WeekdayTuesday": "Tuesday",
"WeekdayWed": "Wed",
"WeekdayWednesday": "Wednesday"
@ -532,6 +532,18 @@
"MessageXLibraryIsEmpty": "La Bibliothèque {0} est vide!",
"MessageYourAudiobookDurationIsLonger": "La durée de votre Livre Audio est plus longue que la durée trouvée",
"MessageYourAudiobookDurationIsShorter": "La durée de votre Livre Audio est plus courte que la durée trouvée",
"MonthApr": "Apr",
"MonthAug": "Aug",
"MonthDec": "Dec",
"MonthFeb": "Feb",
"MonthJan": "Jan",
"MonthJul": "Jul",
"MonthJun": "Jun",
"MonthMar": "Mar",
"MonthMay": "May",
"MonthNov": "Nov",
"MonthOct": "Oct",
"MonthSep": "Sep",
"NoteChangeRootPassword": "L'utilisateur Root est le seul a pouvoir utiliser un mote de passe vide",
"NoteChapterEditorTimes": "Information: L'horodatage du premier chapitre doit être à 0:00 et celui du dernier chapitre ne peut se situer au-delà de la durée du Livre Audio.",
"NoteFolderPicker": "Information: Les dossiers déjà surveillés ne sont pas affichés",
@ -614,11 +626,14 @@
"ToastSocketFailedToConnect": "Échec de la connexion WebSocket",
"ToastUserDeleteFailed": "Échec de la suppression de l'utilisateur",
"ToastUserDeleteSuccess": "Utilisateur supprimé",
"WeekdayFri": "Fri",
"WeekdayFriday": "Vendredi",
"WeekdayMon": "Mon",
"WeekdayMonday": "Lundi",
"WeekdaySaturday": "Samedi",
"WeekdaySunday": "Dimanche",
"WeekdayThursday": "Jeudi",
"WeekdayTuesday": "Mardi",
"WeekdayWed": "Wed",
"WeekdayWednesday": "Mercredi"
@ -532,6 +532,18 @@
"MessageXLibraryIsEmpty": "{0} Library is empty!",
"MessageYourAudiobookDurationIsLonger": "Trajanje audio knjige je duže nego pronadeđna duljina trajanja",
"MessageYourAudiobookDurationIsShorter": "Trajanje audio knjige je kraća nego pronadeđna duljina trajanja",
"MonthApr": "Apr",
"MonthAug": "Aug",
"MonthDec": "Dec",
"MonthFeb": "Feb",
"MonthJan": "Jan",
"MonthJul": "Jul",
"MonthJun": "Jun",
"MonthMar": "Mar",
"MonthMay": "May",
"MonthNov": "Nov",
"MonthOct": "Oct",
"MonthSep": "Sep",
"NoteChangeRootPassword": "Root korisnik je jedini korisnik koji može imati praznu lozinku",
"NoteChapterEditorTimes": "Bilješka: Prvo početno vrijeme poglavlja mora ostati na 0:00 i posljednje vrijeme poglavlja ne smije preći vrijeme trajanja ove audio knjige.",
"NoteFolderPicker": "Bilješka: več mapirani folderi neće biti prikazani",
@ -614,11 +626,14 @@
"ToastSocketFailedToConnect": "Socket failed to connect",
"ToastUserDeleteFailed": "Neuspješno brisanje korisnika",
"ToastUserDeleteSuccess": "Korisnik obrisan",
"WeekdayFri": "Fri",
"WeekdayFriday": "Petak",
"WeekdayMon": "Mon",
"WeekdayMonday": "Ponedjeljak",
"WeekdaySaturday": "Subota",
"WeekdaySunday": "Nedjelja",
"WeekdayThursday": "Četvrtak",
"WeekdayTuesday": "Utorak",
"WeekdayWed": "Wed",
"WeekdayWednesday": "Srijeda"
@ -532,6 +532,18 @@
"MessageXLibraryIsEmpty": "{0} libreria vuota!",
"MessageYourAudiobookDurationIsLonger": "La durata dell'audiolibro è più lunga della durata trovata",
"MessageYourAudiobookDurationIsShorter": "La durata dell'audiolibro è inferiore alla durata trovata",
"MonthApr": "Apr",
"MonthAug": "Ago",
"MonthDec": "Dic",
"MonthFeb": "Feb",
"MonthJan": "Gen",
"MonthJul": "Lul",
"MonthJun": "Giu",
"MonthMar": "Mar",
"MonthMay": "Mag",
"MonthNov": "Nov",
"MonthOct": "Ott",
"MonthSep": "Set",
"NoteChangeRootPassword": "L'utente root è l'unico utente che può avere una password vuota",
"NoteChapterEditorTimes": "Nota: l'ora di inizio del primo capitolo deve rimanere alle 0:00 e l'ora di inizio dell'ultimo capitolo non può superare la durata di questo audiolibro.",
"NoteFolderPicker": "Nota: le cartelle già mappate non verranno visualizzate",
@ -614,26 +626,14 @@
"ToastSocketFailedToConnect": "Socket non riesce a connettersi",
"ToastUserDeleteFailed": "Errore eliminazione utente",
"ToastUserDeleteSuccess": "Utente eliminato",
"WeekdayFri": "Ven",
"WeekdayFriday": "Venerdì",
"WeekdayMon": "Lun",
"WeekdayMonday": "Lunedì",
"WeekdaySaturday": "Sabato",
"WeekdaySunday": "Domenica",
"WeekdayThursday": "Giovedì",
"WeekdayTuesday": "Martedì",
"WeekdayWednesday": "Mercoledì",
"WeekdayMon": "Lun",
"WeekdayWed": "Mer",
"WeekdayFri": "Ven",
"MonthJan": "Gen",
"MonthFeb": "Feb",
"MonthMar": "Mar",
"MonthApr": "Apr",
"MonthMay": "Mag",
"MonthJun": "Giu",
"MonthJul": "Lul",
"MonthAug": "Ago",
"monthSep": "Set",
"MonthOct": "Ott",
"MonthNov": "Nov",
"MonthDec": "Dic"
"WeekdayWednesday": "Mercoledì"
@ -532,6 +532,18 @@
"MessageXLibraryIsEmpty": "{0} Biblioteka jest pusta!",
"MessageYourAudiobookDurationIsLonger": "Czas trwania Twojego audiobooka jest dłuższy niż znaleziony czas trwania",
"MessageYourAudiobookDurationIsShorter": "Czas trwania Twojego audiobooka jest krótszy niż znaleziony czas trwania",
"MonthApr": "Apr",
"MonthAug": "Aug",
"MonthDec": "Dec",
"MonthFeb": "Feb",
"MonthJan": "Jan",
"MonthJul": "Jul",
"MonthJun": "Jun",
"MonthMar": "Mar",
"MonthMay": "May",
"MonthNov": "Nov",
"MonthOct": "Oct",
"MonthSep": "Sep",
"NoteChangeRootPassword": "Tylko użytkownik root, może posiadać puste hasło",
"NoteChapterEditorTimes": "Uwaga: Czas rozpoczęcia pierwszego rozdziału musi pozostać na poziomie 0:00, a czas rozpoczęcia ostatniego rozdziału nie może przekroczyć czasu trwania audiobooka.",
"NoteFolderPicker": "Uwaga: dotychczas zmapowane foldery nie zostaną wyświetlone",
@ -614,11 +626,14 @@
"ToastSocketFailedToConnect": "Poączenie z serwerem nie powiodło się",
"ToastUserDeleteFailed": "Nie udało się usunąć użytkownika",
"ToastUserDeleteSuccess": "Użytkownik usunięty",
"WeekdayFri": "Fri",
"WeekdayFriday": "Piątek",
"WeekdayMon": "Mon",
"WeekdayMonday": "Poniedziałek",
"WeekdaySaturday": "Sobota",
"WeekdaySunday": "Niedziela",
"WeekdayThursday": "Czwartek",
"WeekdayTuesday": "Wtorek",
"WeekdayWed": "Wed",
"WeekdayWednesday": "Środa"
@ -532,6 +532,18 @@
"MessageXLibraryIsEmpty": "{0} 库为空!",
"MessageYourAudiobookDurationIsLonger": "您的有声读物持续时间比找到的持续时间长",
"MessageYourAudiobookDurationIsShorter": "您的有声读物持续时间比找到的持续时间短",
"MonthApr": "Apr",
"MonthAug": "Aug",
"MonthDec": "Dec",
"MonthFeb": "Feb",
"MonthJan": "Jan",
"MonthJul": "Jul",
"MonthJun": "Jun",
"MonthMar": "Mar",
"MonthMay": "May",
"MonthNov": "Nov",
"MonthOct": "Oct",
"MonthSep": "Sep",
"NoteChangeRootPassword": "Root 是唯一可以拥有空密码的用户",
"NoteChapterEditorTimes": "注意: 第一章开始时间必须保持在 0:00, 最后一章开始时间不能超过有声读物持续时间.",
"NoteFolderPicker": "注意: 将不显示已映射的文件夹",
@ -614,11 +626,14 @@
"ToastSocketFailedToConnect": "网络连接失败",
"ToastUserDeleteFailed": "删除用户失败",
"ToastUserDeleteSuccess": "用户已删除",
"WeekdayFri": "Fri",
"WeekdayFriday": "星期五",
"WeekdayMon": "Mon",
"WeekdayMonday": "星期一",
"WeekdaySaturday": "星期六",
"WeekdaySunday": "星期日",
"WeekdayThursday": "星期四",
"WeekdayTuesday": "星期二",
"WeekdayWed": "Wed",
"WeekdayWednesday": "星期三"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user