mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 00:21:31 +01:00
Update:i18n strings for playlists
This commit is contained in:
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
"ButtonOpenManager": "Manager öffnen",
"ButtonPlay": "Abspielen",
"ButtonPlaying": "Spielt",
"ButtonPlaylists": "Playlists",
"ButtonPurgeAllCache": "Bereinige alle Zwischenspeicher",
"ButtonPurgeItemsCache": "Bereinige den Hörbuch/Podcast-Zwischenspeicher",
"ButtonPurgeMediaProgress": "Bereinige die Hörfortschritte",
@ -111,6 +112,8 @@
"HeaderOtherFiles": "Sonstige Dateien",
"HeaderPermissions": "Berechtigungen",
"HeaderPlayerQueue": "Spieler Warteschlange",
"HeaderPlaylist": "Playlist",
"HeaderPlaylistItems": "Playlist Items",
"HeaderPodcastsToAdd": "Podcasts zum Hinzufügen",
"HeaderPreviewCover": "Vorschau Titelbild",
"HeaderRemoveEpisode": "Episode löschen",
@ -147,6 +150,8 @@
"LabelAddedAt": "Hinzugefügt am",
"LabelAddToCollection": "Zur Sammlung hinzufügen",
"LabelAddToCollectionBatch": "Füge {0} Bücher der Sammlung hinzu",
"LabelAddToPlaylist": "Add to Playlist",
"LabelAddToPlaylistBatch": "Add {0} Items to Playlist",
"LabelAll": "Alle",
"LabelAllUsers": "Alle Benutzer",
"LabelAuthor": "Autor",
@ -282,6 +287,7 @@
"LabelPermissionsUpdate": "Aktualisieren",
"LabelPermissionsUpload": "Hochladen",
"LabelPhotoPathURL": "Foto Pfad/URL",
"LabelPlaylists": "Playlists",
"LabelPlayMethod": "Abspielmethode",
"LabelPodcast": "Podcast",
"LabelPodcasts": "Podcasts",
@ -405,7 +411,9 @@
"LabelWeekdaysToRun": "Wochentage für die Ausführung",
"LabelYourAudiobookDuration": "Laufzeit Ihres Hörbuchs",
"LabelYourBookmarks": "Lesezeichen",
"LabelYourPlaylists": "Your Playlists",
"LabelYourProgress": "Fortschritt",
"MessageAddToPlayerQueue": "Add to player queue",
"MessageAppriseDescription": "Um diese Funktion nutzen zu können, müssen Sie eine Instanz von <a href=\"https://github.com/caronc/apprise-api\" target=\"_blank\">Apprise API</a> laufen haben oder eine API verwenden welche dieselbe Anfragen bearbeiten kann. <br />Die Apprise API Url muss der vollständige URL-Pfad sein, an den die Benachrichtigung gesendet werden soll, z.B. wenn Ihre API-Instanz unter <code></code> läuft, würden Sie <code></code> eingeben.",
"MessageBackupsDescription": "In Sicherungen werden Benutzer, Benutzerfortschritte, Details zu den Bibliotheksobjekten, Servereinstellungen und Bilder gespeichert <code>/metadata/items</code> & <code>/metadata/authors</code>. Die Sicherungen enthalten keine Dateien welche in Ihren Bibliotheksordnern gespeichert sind.",
"MessageBatchQuickMatchDescription": "Der Schnellabgleich versucht, fehlende Titelbilder und Metadaten für die ausgewählten Artikel hinzuzufügen. Aktivieren Sie die nachstehenden Optionen, damit der Schnellabgleich vorhandene Titelbilder und/oder Metadaten überschreiben kann.",
@ -423,6 +431,7 @@
"MessageConfirmRemoveCollection": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Sammlung \"{0}\" löschen wollen?",
"MessageConfirmRemoveEpisode": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Episode \"{0}\" löschen möchten?",
"MessageConfirmRemoveEpisodes": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie {0} Episoden löschen wollen?",
"MessageConfirmRemovePlaylist": "Are you sure you want to remove your playlist \"{0}\"?",
"MessageDownloadingEpisode": "Episode herunterladen",
"MessageDragFilesIntoTrackOrder": "Verschieben Sie die Dateien in die richtige Reihenfolge",
"MessageEmbedFinished": "Einbettung abgeschlossen!",
@ -468,6 +477,7 @@
"MessageNotYetImplemented": "Noch nicht implementiert",
"MessageNoUpdateNecessary": "Keine Aktualisierung erforderlich",
"MessageNoUpdatesWereNecessary": "Keine Aktualisierungen waren notwendig",
"MessageNoUserPlaylists": "You have no playlists",
"MessageOr": "oder",
"MessagePauseChapter": "Kapitelwiedergabe pausieren",
"MessagePlayChapter": "Kapitelanfang anhören",
@ -476,6 +486,7 @@
"MessageRemoveAllItemsWarning": "WARNUNG! Bei dieser Aktion werden alle Bibliotheksobjekte aus der Datenbank entfernt, einschließlich aller Aktualisierungen oder Online-Abgleichs, die Sie vorgenommen haben. Ihre eigentlichen Dateien bleiben davon unberührt. Sind Sie sicher?",
"MessageRemoveChapter": "Kapitel löschen",
"MessageRemoveEpisodes": "Entferne {0} Episode(n)",
"MessageRemoveFromPlayerQueue": "Remove from player queue",
"MessageRemoveUserWarning": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie den Benutzer \"{0}\" dauerhaft löschen wollen?",
"MessageReportBugsAndContribute": "Fehler melden, Funktionen anfordern und Beiträge leisten auf",
"MessageRestoreBackupConfirm": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Sicherung wiederherstellen wollen, welche am",
@ -503,6 +514,7 @@
"NoteUploaderUnsupportedFiles": "Nicht unterstützte Dateien werden ignoriert. Bei der Auswahl oder dem Löschen eines Ordners werden andere Dateien, die sich nicht in einem Elementordner befinden, ignoriert.",
"PlaceholderNewCollection": "Neuer Sammlungsname",
"PlaceholderNewFolderPath": "Neuer Ordnerpfad",
"PlaceholderNewPlaylist": "New playlist name",
"PlaceholderSearch": "Suche...",
"ToastAccountUpdateFailed": "Aktualisierung des Kontos fehlgeschlagen",
"ToastAccountUpdateSuccess": "Konto aktualisiert",
@ -550,6 +562,10 @@
"ToastLibraryScanStarted": "Bibliotheksscan gestartet",
"ToastLibraryUpdateFailed": "Aktualisierung der Bibliothek fehlgeschlagen",
"ToastLibraryUpdateSuccess": "Bibliothek \"{0}\" aktualisiert",
"ToastPlaylistRemoveFailed": "Failed to remove playlist",
"ToastPlaylistRemoveSuccess": "Playlist removed",
"ToastPlaylistUpdateFailed": "Failed to update playlist",
"ToastPlaylistUpdateSuccess": "Playlist updated",
"ToastPodcastCreateFailed": "Podcast konnte nicht erstellt werden",
"ToastPodcastCreateSuccess": "Podcast erfolgreich erstellt",
"ToastRemoveItemFromCollectionFailed": "Element/Eintrag konnte nicht aus der Sammlung entfernt werden",
@ -570,4 +586,4 @@
"WeekdayThursday": "Donnerstag",
"WeekdayTuesday": "Dienstag",
"WeekdayWednesday": "Mittwoch"
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
"ButtonOpenManager": "Open Manager",
"ButtonPlay": "Play",
"ButtonPlaying": "Playing",
"ButtonPlaylists": "Playlists",
"ButtonPurgeAllCache": "Purge All Cache",
"ButtonPurgeItemsCache": "Purge Items Cache",
"ButtonPurgeMediaProgress": "Purge Media Progress",
@ -111,6 +112,8 @@
"HeaderOtherFiles": "Other Files",
"HeaderPermissions": "Permissions",
"HeaderPlayerQueue": "Player Queue",
"HeaderPlaylist": "Playlist",
"HeaderPlaylistItems": "Playlist Items",
"HeaderPodcastsToAdd": "Podcasts to Add",
"HeaderPreviewCover": "Preview Cover",
"HeaderRemoveEpisode": "Remove Episode",
@ -147,6 +150,8 @@
"LabelAddedAt": "Added At",
"LabelAddToCollection": "Add to Collection",
"LabelAddToCollectionBatch": "Add {0} Books to Collection",
"LabelAddToPlaylist": "Add to Playlist",
"LabelAddToPlaylistBatch": "Add {0} Items to Playlist",
"LabelAll": "All",
"LabelAllUsers": "All Users",
"LabelAuthor": "Author",
@ -282,6 +287,7 @@
"LabelPermissionsUpdate": "Can Update",
"LabelPermissionsUpload": "Can Upload",
"LabelPhotoPathURL": "Photo Path/URL",
"LabelPlaylists": "Playlists",
"LabelPlayMethod": "Play Method",
"LabelPodcast": "Podcast",
"LabelPodcasts": "Podcasts",
@ -405,7 +411,9 @@
"LabelWeekdaysToRun": "Weekdays to run",
"LabelYourAudiobookDuration": "Your audiobook duration",
"LabelYourBookmarks": "Your Bookmarks",
"LabelYourPlaylists": "Your Playlists",
"LabelYourProgress": "Your Progress",
"MessageAddToPlayerQueue": "Add to player queue",
"MessageAppriseDescription": "To use this feature you will need to have an instance of <a href=\"https://github.com/caronc/apprise-api\" target=\"_blank\">Apprise API</a> running or an api that will handle those same requests. <br />The Apprise API Url should be the full URL path to send the notification, e.g., if your API instance is served at <code></code> then you would put <code></code>.",
"MessageBackupsDescription": "Backups include users, user progress, library item details, server settings, and images stored in <code>/metadata/items</code> & <code>/metadata/authors</code>. Backups <strong>do not</strong> include any files stored in your library folders.",
"MessageBatchQuickMatchDescription": "Quick Match will attempt to add missing covers and metadata for the selected items. Enable the options below to allow Quick Match to overwrite existing covers and/or metadata.",
@ -423,6 +431,7 @@
"MessageConfirmRemoveCollection": "Are you sure you want to remove collection \"{0}\"?",
"MessageConfirmRemoveEpisode": "Are you sure you want to remove episode \"{0}\"?",
"MessageConfirmRemoveEpisodes": "Are you sure you want to remove {0} episodes?",
"MessageConfirmRemovePlaylist": "Are you sure you want to remove your playlist \"{0}\"?",
"MessageDownloadingEpisode": "Downloading episode",
"MessageDragFilesIntoTrackOrder": "Drag files into correct track order",
"MessageEmbedFinished": "Embed Finished!",
@ -468,6 +477,7 @@
"MessageNotYetImplemented": "Not yet implemented",
"MessageNoUpdateNecessary": "No update necessary",
"MessageNoUpdatesWereNecessary": "No updates were necessary",
"MessageNoUserPlaylists": "You have no playlists",
"MessageOr": "or",
"MessagePauseChapter": "Pause chapter playback",
"MessagePlayChapter": "Listen to beginning of chapter",
@ -476,6 +486,7 @@
"MessageRemoveAllItemsWarning": "WARNING! This action will remove all library items from the database including any updates or matches you have made. This does not do anything to your actual files. Are you sure?",
"MessageRemoveChapter": "Remove chapter",
"MessageRemoveEpisodes": "Remove {0} episode(s)",
"MessageRemoveFromPlayerQueue": "Remove from player queue",
"MessageRemoveUserWarning": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete user \"{0}\"?",
"MessageReportBugsAndContribute": "Report bugs, request features, and contribute on",
"MessageRestoreBackupConfirm": "Are you sure you want to restore the backup created on",
@ -503,6 +514,7 @@
"NoteUploaderUnsupportedFiles": "Unsupported files are ignored. When choosing or dropping a folder, other files that are not in an item folder are ignored.",
"PlaceholderNewCollection": "New collection name",
"PlaceholderNewFolderPath": "New folder path",
"PlaceholderNewPlaylist": "New playlist name",
"PlaceholderSearch": "Search..",
"ToastAccountUpdateFailed": "Failed to update account",
"ToastAccountUpdateSuccess": "Account updated",
@ -550,6 +562,10 @@
"ToastLibraryScanStarted": "Library scan started",
"ToastLibraryUpdateFailed": "Failed to update library",
"ToastLibraryUpdateSuccess": "Library \"{0}\" updated",
"ToastPlaylistRemoveFailed": "Failed to remove playlist",
"ToastPlaylistRemoveSuccess": "Playlist removed",
"ToastPlaylistUpdateFailed": "Failed to update playlist",
"ToastPlaylistUpdateSuccess": "Playlist updated",
"ToastPodcastCreateFailed": "Failed to create podcast",
"ToastPodcastCreateSuccess": "Podcast created successfully",
"ToastRemoveItemFromCollectionFailed": "Failed to remove item from collection",
@ -570,4 +586,4 @@
"WeekdayThursday": "Thursday",
"WeekdayTuesday": "Tuesday",
"WeekdayWednesday": "Wednesday"
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
"ButtonOpenManager": "Ouvrir le Gestionnaire",
"ButtonPlay": "Ecouter",
"ButtonPlaying": "En Lecture",
"ButtonPlaylists": "Playlists",
"ButtonPurgeAllCache": "Purger Tout le Cache",
"ButtonPurgeItemsCache": "Purger le Cache des Articles",
"ButtonPurgeMediaProgress": "Purger la Progression des Médias",
@ -111,6 +112,8 @@
"HeaderOtherFiles": "Autres Fichiers",
"HeaderPermissions": "Permissions",
"HeaderPlayerQueue": "Liste d'Ecoute",
"HeaderPlaylist": "Playlist",
"HeaderPlaylistItems": "Playlist Items",
"HeaderPodcastsToAdd": "Podcasts à Ajouter",
"HeaderPreviewCover": "Prévisualiser la Couverture",
"HeaderRemoveEpisode": "Supprimer l'Episode",
@ -147,6 +150,8 @@
"LabelAddedAt": "Date d'Ajout",
"LabelAddToCollection": "Ajouter à la Collection",
"LabelAddToCollectionBatch": "Ajout de {0} Livres à la Collection",
"LabelAddToPlaylist": "Add to Playlist",
"LabelAddToPlaylistBatch": "Add {0} Items to Playlist",
"LabelAll": "Tout",
"LabelAllUsers": "Tous les Utilisateurs",
"LabelAuthor": "Auteur",
@ -282,6 +287,7 @@
"LabelPermissionsUpdate": "Peut Mettre à Jour",
"LabelPermissionsUpload": "Peut Téléverser",
"LabelPhotoPathURL": "Chemin/URL des photos",
"LabelPlaylists": "Playlists",
"LabelPlayMethod": "Méthode d'Ecoute",
"LabelPodcast": "Podcast",
"LabelPodcasts": "Podcasts",
@ -405,7 +411,9 @@
"LabelWeekdaysToRun": "Jours de la semaine à exécuter",
"LabelYourAudiobookDuration": "Durée de vos Livres Audios",
"LabelYourBookmarks": "Vos Signets",
"LabelYourPlaylists": "Your Playlists",
"LabelYourProgress": "Votre Progression",
"MessageAddToPlayerQueue": "Add to player queue",
"MessageAppriseDescription": "Nécessite une instance d'<a href=\"https://github.com/caronc/apprise-api\" target=\"_blank\">API Apprise</a> pour utiliser cette fonctionnalité ou une api qui prend en charge les mêmes requêtes. <br />L'URL de l'API Apprise doit comprendre le chemin complet pour envoyer la notification. Par exemple, si votre instance écoute sur <code></code> alors vous devez mettre <code></code>.",
"MessageBackupsDescription": "Les Sauvegardes incluent les utilisateurs, la progression de lecture par utilisateur, les détails des articles des bibliothèques, les paramètres du serveur et les images sauvegardées. Les Sauvegardes n'incluent pas les fichiers de votre bibliothèque.",
"MessageBatchQuickMatchDescription": "La Recherche par Correspondance Rapide tentera d'ajouter les couvertures et les métadonnées manquantes pour les articles sélectionnés. Activer l'option suivante pour autoriser la Recherche par Correspondance à écraser les données existantes.",
@ -423,6 +431,7 @@
"MessageConfirmRemoveCollection": "Etes vous certain de vouloir supprimer la collection \"{0}\"?",
"MessageConfirmRemoveEpisode": "Etes vous certain de vouloir supprimer l'épisode \"{0}\"?",
"MessageConfirmRemoveEpisodes": "Etes vous certain de vouloir supprimer {0} épisodes?",
"MessageConfirmRemovePlaylist": "Are you sure you want to remove your playlist \"{0}\"?",
"MessageDownloadingEpisode": "Téléchargement de l'épisode",
"MessageDragFilesIntoTrackOrder": "Faire glisser les fichiers dans l'ordre correct",
"MessageEmbedFinished": "Intégration Terminée!",
@ -468,6 +477,7 @@
"MessageNotYetImplemented": "Non implémenté",
"MessageNoUpdateNecessary": "Pas de mise à jour nécessaire",
"MessageNoUpdatesWereNecessary": "Aucune mise à jour n'était nécessaire",
"MessageNoUserPlaylists": "You have no playlists",
"MessageOr": "ou",
"MessagePauseChapter": "Suspendre la lecture du chapitre",
"MessagePlayChapter": "Ecouter depuis le début du chapitre",
@ -476,6 +486,7 @@
"MessageRemoveAllItemsWarning": "ATTENTION! Cette action supprimera toute la base de données de la bibliothèque ainsi que les mises à jour ou correspondances qui auraient été effectuées. Cela n'a aucune incidence sur les fichiers de la bibliothèque. Voulez-vous continuer?",
"MessageRemoveChapter": "Supprimer le chapitre",
"MessageRemoveEpisodes": "Suppression de {0} épisode(s)",
"MessageRemoveFromPlayerQueue": "Remove from player queue",
"MessageRemoveUserWarning": "Etes-vous certain de vouloir supprimer définitivement l'utilisateur \"{0}\"?",
"MessageReportBugsAndContribute": "Remonter des anomalies, demander des fonctionnalités et contribuer sur",
"MessageRestoreBackupConfirm": "Etes-vous certain de vouloir restaurer la sauvegarde créée le",
@ -503,6 +514,7 @@
"NoteUploaderUnsupportedFiles": "Les fichiers non-supportés seront ignorés. En sélectionnant ou déponsant un dossier, les autres fichiers qui ne sont pas un dossier contenant un article seront ignorés.",
"PlaceholderNewCollection": "Nom de la nouvelle collection",
"PlaceholderNewFolderPath": "Nouveau chemin de dossier",
"PlaceholderNewPlaylist": "New playlist name",
"PlaceholderSearch": "Recherche...",
"ToastAccountUpdateFailed": "Echec de la mise à jour du compte",
"ToastAccountUpdateSuccess": "Compte mis à jour",
@ -550,6 +562,10 @@
"ToastLibraryScanStarted": "Analyse de la bibliothèque démarrée",
"ToastLibraryUpdateFailed": "Echec de la mise à jour de la bibliothèque",
"ToastLibraryUpdateSuccess": "Bibliothèque \"{0}\" mise à jour",
"ToastPlaylistRemoveFailed": "Failed to remove playlist",
"ToastPlaylistRemoveSuccess": "Playlist removed",
"ToastPlaylistUpdateFailed": "Failed to update playlist",
"ToastPlaylistUpdateSuccess": "Playlist updated",
"ToastPodcastCreateFailed": "Echec de la création du Podcast",
"ToastPodcastCreateSuccess": "Podcast créé",
"ToastRemoveItemFromCollectionFailed": "Echec de la suppression de l'article de la collection",
@ -570,4 +586,4 @@
"WeekdayThursday": "Jeudi",
"WeekdayTuesday": "Mardi",
"WeekdayWednesday": "Mercredi"
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
"ButtonOpenManager": "Otvori menadžera",
"ButtonPlay": "Pokreni",
"ButtonPlaying": "Playing",
"ButtonPlaylists": "Playlists",
"ButtonPurgeAllCache": "Isprazni sav cache",
"ButtonPurgeItemsCache": "Isprazni Items Cache",
"ButtonPurgeMediaProgress": "Purge Media Progress",
@ -111,6 +112,8 @@
"HeaderOtherFiles": "Druge datoteke",
"HeaderPermissions": "Dozvole",
"HeaderPlayerQueue": "Player Queue",
"HeaderPlaylist": "Playlist",
"HeaderPlaylistItems": "Playlist Items",
"HeaderPodcastsToAdd": "Podcasti za dodati",
"HeaderPreviewCover": "Pregledaj Cover",
"HeaderRemoveEpisode": "Ukloni epizodu",
@ -147,6 +150,8 @@
"LabelAddedAt": "Added At",
"LabelAddToCollection": "Dodaj u kolekciju",
"LabelAddToCollectionBatch": "Add {0} Books to Collection",
"LabelAddToPlaylist": "Add to Playlist",
"LabelAddToPlaylistBatch": "Add {0} Items to Playlist",
"LabelAll": "All",
"LabelAllUsers": "Svi korisnici",
"LabelAuthor": "Autor",
@ -282,6 +287,7 @@
"LabelPermissionsUpdate": "Smije aktualizirati",
"LabelPermissionsUpload": "Smije uploadati",
"LabelPhotoPathURL": "Slika putanja/URL",
"LabelPlaylists": "Playlists",
"LabelPlayMethod": "Vrsta reprodukcije",
"LabelPodcast": "Podcast",
"LabelPodcasts": "Podcasts",
@ -405,7 +411,9 @@
"LabelWeekdaysToRun": "Radnih dana da radi",
"LabelYourAudiobookDuration": "Tvoje trajanje audiobooka",
"LabelYourBookmarks": "Tvoje knjižne oznake",
"LabelYourPlaylists": "Your Playlists",
"LabelYourProgress": "Tvoj napredak",
"MessageAddToPlayerQueue": "Add to player queue",
"MessageAppriseDescription": "To use this feature you will need to have an instance of <a href=\"https://github.com/caronc/apprise-api\" target=\"_blank\">Apprise API</a> running or an api that will handle those same requests. <br />The Apprise API Url should be the full URL path to send the notification, e.g., if your API instance is served at <code></code> then you would put <code></code>.",
"MessageBackupsDescription": "Backups uključuju korisnike, korisnikov napredak, detalje stavki iz biblioteke, postavke server i slike iz <code>/metadata/items</code> & <code>/metadata/authors</code>. Backups ne uključuju nijedne datoteke koje su u folderima biblioteke.",
"MessageBatchQuickMatchDescription": "Quick Match će probati dodati nedostale covere i metapodatke za odabrane stavke. Uključi postavke ispod da omočutie Quick Mathchu da zamijeni postojeće covere i/ili metapodatke.",
@ -423,6 +431,7 @@
"MessageConfirmRemoveCollection": "AJeste li sigurni da želite obrisati kolekciju \"{0}\"?",
"MessageConfirmRemoveEpisode": "Jeste li sigurni da želite obrisati epizodu \"{0}\"?",
"MessageConfirmRemoveEpisodes": "Jeste li sigurni da želite obrisati {0} epizoda/-u?",
"MessageConfirmRemovePlaylist": "Are you sure you want to remove your playlist \"{0}\"?",
"MessageDownloadingEpisode": "Preuzimam epizodu",
"MessageDragFilesIntoTrackOrder": "Povuci datoteke u pravilan redoslijed tracka.",
"MessageEmbedFinished": "Embed završen!",
@ -468,6 +477,7 @@
"MessageNotYetImplemented": "Not yet implemented",
"MessageNoUpdateNecessary": "Aktualiziranje nije potrebno",
"MessageNoUpdatesWereNecessary": "Aktualiziranje nije bilo potrebno",
"MessageNoUserPlaylists": "You have no playlists",
"MessageOr": "or",
"MessagePauseChapter": "Pause chapter playback",
"MessagePlayChapter": "Listen to beginning of chapter",
@ -476,6 +486,7 @@
"MessageRemoveAllItemsWarning": "UPOZORENJE! Ova radnja briše sve stavke iz biblioteke uključujući bilokakve aktualizacije ili matcheve. Ovo ne mjenja vaše lokalne datoteke. Jeste li sigurni?",
"MessageRemoveChapter": "Remove chapter",
"MessageRemoveEpisodes": "ukloni {0} epizoda/-e",
"MessageRemoveFromPlayerQueue": "Remove from player queue",
"MessageRemoveUserWarning": "Jeste li sigurni da želite trajno obrisati korisnika \"{0}\"?",
"MessageReportBugsAndContribute": "Prijavte bugove, zatržite featurese i doprinosite na",
"MessageRestoreBackupConfirm": "Jeste li sigurni da želite povratiti backup kreiran",
@ -503,6 +514,7 @@
"NoteUploaderUnsupportedFiles": "Nepodržane datoteke su ignorirane. Kada birate ili ubacujete folder, ostale datoteke koje nisu folder će biti ignorirane.",
"PlaceholderNewCollection": "Ime nove kolekcije",
"PlaceholderNewFolderPath": "Nova folder putanja",
"PlaceholderNewPlaylist": "New playlist name",
"PlaceholderSearch": "Traži...",
"ToastAccountUpdateFailed": "Neuspješno aktualiziranje korisničkog računa",
"ToastAccountUpdateSuccess": "Korisnički račun aktualiziran",
@ -550,6 +562,10 @@
"ToastLibraryScanStarted": "Sken biblioteke pokrenut",
"ToastLibraryUpdateFailed": "Aktualiziranje biblioteke neuspješno",
"ToastLibraryUpdateSuccess": "Biblioteka \"{0}\" aktualizirana",
"ToastPlaylistRemoveFailed": "Failed to remove playlist",
"ToastPlaylistRemoveSuccess": "Playlist removed",
"ToastPlaylistUpdateFailed": "Failed to update playlist",
"ToastPlaylistUpdateSuccess": "Playlist updated",
"ToastPodcastCreateFailed": "Neuspješno kreiranje podcasta",
"ToastPodcastCreateSuccess": "Podcast uspješno kreiran",
"ToastRemoveItemFromCollectionFailed": "Neuspješno uklanjanje stavke iz kolekcije",
@ -570,4 +586,4 @@
"WeekdayThursday": "Četvrtak",
"WeekdayTuesday": "Utorak",
"WeekdayWednesday": "Srijeda"
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
"ButtonOpenManager": "Apri Manager",
"ButtonPlay": "Play",
"ButtonPlaying": "In Riproduzione",
"ButtonPlaylists": "Playlists",
"ButtonPurgeAllCache": "Elimina tutta la Cache",
"ButtonPurgeItemsCache": "Elimina la Cache selezionata",
"ButtonPurgeMediaProgress": "Elimina info dei media ascoltati",
@ -111,6 +112,8 @@
"HeaderOtherFiles": "Altri File",
"HeaderPermissions": "Permessi",
"HeaderPlayerQueue": "Coda Riproduzione",
"HeaderPlaylist": "Playlist",
"HeaderPlaylistItems": "Playlist Items",
"HeaderPodcastsToAdd": "Podcasts da Aggiungere",
"HeaderPreviewCover": "Anteprima Cover",
"HeaderRemoveEpisode": "Rimuovi Episodi",
@ -147,6 +150,8 @@
"LabelAddedAt": "Aggiunto il",
"LabelAddToCollection": "Aggiungi alla Raccolta",
"LabelAddToCollectionBatch": "Aggiungi {0} Libri alla Raccolta",
"LabelAddToPlaylist": "Add to Playlist",
"LabelAddToPlaylistBatch": "Add {0} Items to Playlist",
"LabelAll": "All",
"LabelAllUsers": "Tutti gli Utenti",
"LabelAuthor": "Autore",
@ -282,6 +287,7 @@
"LabelPermissionsUpdate": "Può Aggiornare",
"LabelPermissionsUpload": "Può caricare",
"LabelPhotoPathURL": "foto Path/URL",
"LabelPlaylists": "Playlists",
"LabelPlayMethod": "Metodo di riproduzione",
"LabelPodcast": "Podcast",
"LabelPodcasts": "Podcasts",
@ -405,7 +411,9 @@
"LabelWeekdaysToRun": "Giorni feriali da eseguire",
"LabelYourAudiobookDuration": "La durata dell'audiolibro",
"LabelYourBookmarks": "I tuoi Preferiti",
"LabelYourPlaylists": "Your Playlists",
"LabelYourProgress": "Completato al",
"MessageAddToPlayerQueue": "Add to player queue",
"MessageAppriseDescription": "Per utilizzare questa funzione è necessario disporre di un'istanza di <a href=\"https://github.com/caronc/apprise-api\" target=\"_blank\">Apprise API</a> in esecuzione o un'API che gestirà quelle stesse richieste. <br />L'API Url dovrebbe essere il percorso URL completo per inviare la notifica, ad esempio se la tua istanza API è servita cosi .<code></code> Allora dovrai mettere <code></code>.",
"MessageBackupsDescription": "I backup includono utenti, progressi degli utenti, dettagli sugli elementi della libreria, impostazioni del server e immagini archiviate in <code>/metadata/items</code> & <code>/metadata/authors</code>. I backup non includono i file archiviati nelle cartelle della libreria.",
"MessageBatchQuickMatchDescription": "Quick Match tenterà di aggiungere copertine e metadati mancanti per gli elementi selezionati. Attiva l'opzione per consentire a Quick Match di sovrascrivere copertine e/o metadati esistenti.",
@ -423,6 +431,7 @@
"MessageConfirmRemoveCollection": "Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere la Raccolta \"{0}\"?",
"MessageConfirmRemoveEpisode": "Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere l'episodio \"{0}\"?",
"MessageConfirmRemoveEpisodes": "Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere {0} episodi?",
"MessageConfirmRemovePlaylist": "Are you sure you want to remove your playlist \"{0}\"?",
"MessageDownloadingEpisode": "Download episodio in corso",
"MessageDragFilesIntoTrackOrder": "Trascina i file nell'ordine di traccia corretto",
"MessageEmbedFinished": "Incorporamento finito!",
@ -468,6 +477,7 @@
"MessageNotYetImplemented": "Non Ancora Implementato",
"MessageNoUpdateNecessary": "Nessun aggiornamento necessario",
"MessageNoUpdatesWereNecessary": "Nessun aggiornamento necessario",
"MessageNoUserPlaylists": "You have no playlists",
"MessageOr": "o",
"MessagePauseChapter": "Metti in Pausa Capitolo",
"MessagePlayChapter": "Ascolta dall'inizio del capitolo",
@ -476,6 +486,7 @@
"MessageRemoveAllItemsWarning": "AVVERTIMENTO! Questa azione rimuoverà tutti gli elementi della libreria dal database, inclusi eventuali aggiornamenti o corrispondenze apportate. Questo non fa nulla ai tuoi file effettivi. Sei sicuro?",
"MessageRemoveChapter": "Rimuovi Capitolo",
"MessageRemoveEpisodes": "rimuovi {0} episodio(i)",
"MessageRemoveFromPlayerQueue": "Remove from player queue",
"MessageRemoveUserWarning": "Sei sicuro di voler eliminare definitivamente l'utente \"{0}\"?",
"MessageReportBugsAndContribute": "Segnala bug, richiedi funzionalità e contribuisci",
"MessageRestoreBackupConfirm": "Sei sicuro di voler ripristinare il backup creato su",
@ -503,6 +514,7 @@
"NoteUploaderUnsupportedFiles": "I file non supportati vengono ignorati. Quando si sceglie o si elimina una cartella, gli altri file che non si trovano in una cartella di elementi vengono ignorati.",
"PlaceholderNewCollection": "Nome Nuova Raccolta",
"PlaceholderNewFolderPath": "Nuovo percorso Cartella",
"PlaceholderNewPlaylist": "New playlist name",
"PlaceholderSearch": "Cerca..",
"ToastAccountUpdateFailed": "Aggiornamento Account Fallito",
"ToastAccountUpdateSuccess": "Account Aggiornato",
@ -550,6 +562,10 @@
"ToastLibraryScanStarted": "Scansione Libreria iniziata",
"ToastLibraryUpdateFailed": "Errore Aggiornamento libreria",
"ToastLibraryUpdateSuccess": "Libreria \"{0}\" aggiornata",
"ToastPlaylistRemoveFailed": "Failed to remove playlist",
"ToastPlaylistRemoveSuccess": "Playlist removed",
"ToastPlaylistUpdateFailed": "Failed to update playlist",
"ToastPlaylistUpdateSuccess": "Playlist updated",
"ToastPodcastCreateFailed": "Errore Creazione podcast",
"ToastPodcastCreateSuccess": "Podcast creato Correttamwnte",
"ToastRemoveItemFromCollectionFailed": "Errore rimozione file dalla Raccolta",
@ -570,4 +586,4 @@
"WeekdayThursday": "Giovedi",
"WeekdayTuesday": "Martedì",
"WeekdayWednesday": "Mercoledì"
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
"ButtonOpenManager": "Otwórz menadżera",
"ButtonPlay": "Odtwarzaj",
"ButtonPlaying": "Odtwarzane",
"ButtonPlaylists": "Playlists",
"ButtonPurgeAllCache": "Wyczyść dane tymczasowe",
"ButtonPurgeItemsCache": "Wyczyść dane tymczasowe pozycji",
"ButtonPurgeMediaProgress": "Wyczyść postęp",
@ -111,6 +112,8 @@
"HeaderOtherFiles": "Inne pliki",
"HeaderPermissions": "Uprawnienia",
"HeaderPlayerQueue": "Player Queue",
"HeaderPlaylist": "Playlist",
"HeaderPlaylistItems": "Playlist Items",
"HeaderPodcastsToAdd": "Podcasty do dodania",
"HeaderPreviewCover": "Podgląd okładki",
"HeaderRemoveEpisode": "Usuń odcinek",
@ -147,6 +150,8 @@
"LabelAddedAt": "Dodano",
"LabelAddToCollection": "Dodaj do kolekcji",
"LabelAddToCollectionBatch": "Dodaj {0} książki do kolekcji",
"LabelAddToPlaylist": "Add to Playlist",
"LabelAddToPlaylistBatch": "Add {0} Items to Playlist",
"LabelAll": "All",
"LabelAllUsers": "Wszyscy użytkownicy",
"LabelAuthor": "Autor",
@ -282,6 +287,7 @@
"LabelPermissionsUpdate": "Ma możliwość aktualizowania",
"LabelPermissionsUpload": "Ma możliwość dodawania",
"LabelPhotoPathURL": "Scieżka/URL do zdjęcia",
"LabelPlaylists": "Playlists",
"LabelPlayMethod": "Metoda odtwarzania",
"LabelPodcast": "Podcast",
"LabelPodcasts": "Podcasty",
@ -405,7 +411,9 @@
"LabelWeekdaysToRun": "Dni tygodnia",
"LabelYourAudiobookDuration": "Czas trwania audiobooka",
"LabelYourBookmarks": "Twoje zakładki",
"LabelYourPlaylists": "Your Playlists",
"LabelYourProgress": "Twój postęp",
"MessageAddToPlayerQueue": "Add to player queue",
"MessageAppriseDescription": "Aby użyć tej funkcji, konieczne jest posiadanie instancji <a href=\"https://github.com/caronc/apprise-api\" target=\"_blank\">Apprise API</a> albo innego rozwiązania, które obsługuje schemat zapytań Apprise. <br />URL do interfejsu API powinno być całkowitą ścieżką, np., jeśli Twoje API do powiadomień jest dostępne pod adresem <code></code> to wpisany tutaj URL powinien mieć postać: <code></code>.",
"MessageBackupsDescription": "Kopie zapasowe obejmują użytkowników, postępy użytkowników, szczegóły pozycji biblioteki, ustawienia serwera i obrazy przechowywane w <code>/metadata/items</code> & <code>/metadata/authors</code>. Kopie zapasowe nie obejmują żadnych plików przechowywanych w folderach biblioteki.",
"MessageBatchQuickMatchDescription": "Quick Match będzie próbował dodać brakujące okładki i metadane dla wybranych elementów. Włącz poniższe opcje, aby umożliwić Quick Match nadpisanie istniejących okładek i/lub metadanych.",
@ -423,6 +431,7 @@
"MessageConfirmRemoveCollection": "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć kolekcję \"{0}\"?",
"MessageConfirmRemoveEpisode": "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć odcinek \"{0}\"?",
"MessageConfirmRemoveEpisodes": "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć {0} odcinki?",
"MessageConfirmRemovePlaylist": "Are you sure you want to remove your playlist \"{0}\"?",
"MessageDownloadingEpisode": "Pobieranie odcinka",
"MessageDragFilesIntoTrackOrder": "przeciągnij pliki aby ustawić właściwą kolejność utworów",
"MessageEmbedFinished": "Osadzanie zakończone!",
@ -468,6 +477,7 @@
"MessageNotYetImplemented": "Jeszcze nie zaimplementowane",
"MessageNoUpdateNecessary": "Brak konieczności aktualizacji",
"MessageNoUpdatesWereNecessary": "Brak aktualizacji",
"MessageNoUserPlaylists": "You have no playlists",
"MessageOr": "lub",
"MessagePauseChapter": "Zatrzymaj odtwarzanie rozdziały",
"MessagePlayChapter": "Rozpocznij odtwarzanie od początku rozdziału",
@ -476,6 +486,7 @@
"MessageRemoveAllItemsWarning": "UWAGA! Ta akcja usunie wszystkie elementy biblioteki z bazy danych, w tym wszystkie aktualizacje lub dopasowania, które zostały wykonane. Pliki pozostaną niezmienione. Czy jesteś pewien?",
"MessageRemoveChapter": "Usuń rozdział",
"MessageRemoveEpisodes": "Usuń {0} odcinków",
"MessageRemoveFromPlayerQueue": "Remove from player queue",
"MessageRemoveUserWarning": "Czy na pewno chcesz trwale usunąć użytkownika \"{0}\"?",
"MessageReportBugsAndContribute": "Zgłoś błędy, pomysły i pomóż rozwijać aplikację na",
"MessageRestoreBackupConfirm": "Czy na pewno chcesz przywrócić kopię zapasową utworzoną w dniu",
@ -503,6 +514,7 @@
"NoteUploaderUnsupportedFiles": "Nieobsługiwane pliki są ignorowane. Podczas dodawania folderu, inne pliki, które nie znajdują się w folderze elementu, są ignorowane.",
"PlaceholderNewCollection": "Nowa nazwa kolekcji",
"PlaceholderNewFolderPath": "Nowa ścieżka folderu",
"PlaceholderNewPlaylist": "New playlist name",
"PlaceholderSearch": "Szukanie..",
"ToastAccountUpdateFailed": "Nie udało się zaktualizować konta",
"ToastAccountUpdateSuccess": "Zaktualizowano konto",
@ -550,6 +562,10 @@
"ToastLibraryScanStarted": "Rozpoczęto skanowanie biblioteki",
"ToastLibraryUpdateFailed": "Nie udało się zaktualizować biblioteki",
"ToastLibraryUpdateSuccess": "Zaktualizowano \"{0}\" pozycji",
"ToastPlaylistRemoveFailed": "Failed to remove playlist",
"ToastPlaylistRemoveSuccess": "Playlist removed",
"ToastPlaylistUpdateFailed": "Failed to update playlist",
"ToastPlaylistUpdateSuccess": "Playlist updated",
"ToastPodcastCreateFailed": "Nie udało się utworzyć podcastu",
"ToastPodcastCreateSuccess": "Podcast został pomyślnie utworzony",
"ToastRemoveItemFromCollectionFailed": "Nie udało się usunąć elementu z kolekcji",
@ -570,4 +586,4 @@
"WeekdayThursday": "Czwartek",
"WeekdayTuesday": "Wtorek",
"WeekdayWednesday": "Środa"
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
"ButtonOpenManager": "打开管理器",
"ButtonPlay": "播放",
"ButtonPlaying": "正在播放",
"ButtonPlaylists": "Playlists",
"ButtonPurgeAllCache": "清理所有缓存",
"ButtonPurgeItemsCache": "清理项目缓存",
"ButtonPurgeMediaProgress": "清理媒体进度",
@ -111,6 +112,8 @@
"HeaderOtherFiles": "其他文件",
"HeaderPermissions": "权限",
"HeaderPlayerQueue": "播放列表",
"HeaderPlaylist": "Playlist",
"HeaderPlaylistItems": "Playlist Items",
"HeaderPodcastsToAdd": "要添加的播客",
"HeaderPreviewCover": "预览封面",
"HeaderRemoveEpisode": "移除剧集",
@ -147,6 +150,8 @@
"LabelAddedAt": "添加于",
"LabelAddToCollection": "添加到收藏",
"LabelAddToCollectionBatch": "批量添加 {0} 个媒体到收藏",
"LabelAddToPlaylist": "Add to Playlist",
"LabelAddToPlaylistBatch": "Add {0} Items to Playlist",
"LabelAll": "全部",
"LabelAllUsers": "所有用户",
"LabelAuthor": "作者",
@ -282,6 +287,7 @@
"LabelPermissionsUpdate": "可以更新",
"LabelPermissionsUpload": "可以上传",
"LabelPhotoPathURL": "图片路径或 URL",
"LabelPlaylists": "Playlists",
"LabelPlayMethod": "播放方法",
"LabelPodcast": "播客",
"LabelPodcasts": "播客",
@ -405,7 +411,9 @@
"LabelWeekdaysToRun": "工作日运行",
"LabelYourAudiobookDuration": "你的有声读物持续时间",
"LabelYourBookmarks": "你的书签",
"LabelYourPlaylists": "Your Playlists",
"LabelYourProgress": "你的进度",
"MessageAddToPlayerQueue": "Add to player queue",
"MessageAppriseDescription": "要使用此功能,您需要运行一个 <a href=\"https://github.com/caronc/apprise-api\" target=\"_blank\">Apprise API</a> 实例或一个可以处理这些相同请求的 API. <br />Apprise API Url 应该是发送通知的完整 URL 路径, 例如: 如果你的 API 实例运行在 <code></code>, 那么你可以输入 <code></code>.",
"MessageBackupsDescription": "备份包括用户, 用户进度, 媒体库项目详细信息, 服务器设置和图像, 存储在 <code>/metadata/items</code> & <code>/metadata/authors</code>. 备份不包括存储在您的媒体库文件夹中的任何文件.",
"MessageBatchQuickMatchDescription": "快速匹配将尝试为所选项目添加缺少的封面和元数据. 启用以下选项以允许快速匹配覆盖现有封面和或元数据.",
@ -423,6 +431,7 @@
"MessageConfirmRemoveCollection": "您确定要移除收藏 \"{0}\"?",
"MessageConfirmRemoveEpisode": "您确定要移除剧集 \"{0}\"?",
"MessageConfirmRemoveEpisodes": "你确定要移除 {0} 剧集?",
"MessageConfirmRemovePlaylist": "Are you sure you want to remove your playlist \"{0}\"?",
"MessageDownloadingEpisode": "正在下载剧集",
"MessageDragFilesIntoTrackOrder": "将文件拖动到正确的音轨顺序",
"MessageEmbedFinished": "嵌入完成!",
@ -468,6 +477,7 @@
"MessageNotYetImplemented": "尚未实施",
"MessageNoUpdateNecessary": "无需更新",
"MessageNoUpdatesWereNecessary": "无需更新",
"MessageNoUserPlaylists": "You have no playlists",
"MessageOr": "或",
"MessagePauseChapter": "暂停章节播放",
"MessagePlayChapter": "开始章节播放",
@ -476,6 +486,7 @@
"MessageRemoveAllItemsWarning": "警告! 此操作将从数据库中删除所有的媒体库项, 包括您所做的任何更新或匹配. 这不会对实际文件产生任何影响. 你确定吗?",
"MessageRemoveChapter": "移除章节",
"MessageRemoveEpisodes": "移除 {0} 剧集",
"MessageRemoveFromPlayerQueue": "Remove from player queue",
"MessageRemoveUserWarning": "是否确实要永久删除用户 \"{0}\"?",
"MessageReportBugsAndContribute": "报告错误、请求功能和贡献在",
"MessageRestoreBackupConfirm": "您确定要恢复创建的这个备份",
@ -503,6 +514,7 @@
"NoteUploaderUnsupportedFiles": "不支持的文件将被忽略. 选择或删除文件夹时, 将忽略不在项目文件夹中的其他文件.",
"PlaceholderNewCollection": "新建收藏夹名称",
"PlaceholderNewFolderPath": "输入文件夹路径",
"PlaceholderNewPlaylist": "New playlist name",
"PlaceholderSearch": "查找..",
"ToastAccountUpdateFailed": "账户更新失败",
"ToastAccountUpdateSuccess": "帐户已更新",
@ -550,6 +562,10 @@
"ToastLibraryScanStarted": "媒体库扫描已启动",
"ToastLibraryUpdateFailed": "更新图书库失败",
"ToastLibraryUpdateSuccess": "媒体库 \"{0}\" 已更新",
"ToastPlaylistRemoveFailed": "Failed to remove playlist",
"ToastPlaylistRemoveSuccess": "Playlist removed",
"ToastPlaylistUpdateFailed": "Failed to update playlist",
"ToastPlaylistUpdateSuccess": "Playlist updated",
"ToastPodcastCreateFailed": "创建播客失败",
"ToastPodcastCreateSuccess": "已成功创建播客",
"ToastRemoveItemFromCollectionFailed": "从收藏中删除项目失败",
@ -570,4 +586,4 @@
"WeekdayThursday": "星期四",
"WeekdayTuesday": "星期二",
"WeekdayWednesday": "星期三"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user