Fix:Setting book chapters from audio files #1052

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advplyr 2022-10-08 17:32:46 -05:00
parent bec599f325
commit d7952dab04

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@ -408,54 +408,29 @@ class Book {
setChapters(preferOverdriveMediaMarker = false) {
// If 1 audio file without chapters, then no chapters will be set
var includedAudioFiles = this.audioFiles.filter(af => !af.exclude)
if (!includedAudioFiles.length) return
// If overdrive media markers are present and preferred, use those instead
if (preferOverdriveMediaMarker) {
var overdriveChapters = parseOverdriveMediaMarkersAsChapters(includedAudioFiles)
if (overdriveChapters) {'[Book] Overdrive Media Markers and preference found! Using these for chapter definitions')
return this.chapters = overdriveChapters
this.chapters = overdriveChapters
if (includedAudioFiles.length === 1) {
// 1 audio file with chapters
if (includedAudioFiles[0].chapters) {
this.chapters = includedAudioFiles[0] => ({ ...c }))
} else {
// IF first audio file has embedded chapters then use embedded chapters
if (includedAudioFiles[0].chapters && includedAudioFiles[0].chapters.length) {
Logger.debug(`[Book] setChapters: Using embedded chapters in audio file ${includedAudioFiles[0].metadata.path}`)
this.chapters = includedAudioFiles[0] => ({ ...c }))
} else if (includedAudioFiles.length > 1) {
// Build chapters from audio files
this.chapters = []
var currChapterId = 0
var currStartTime = 0
includedAudioFiles.forEach((file) => {
// If audio file has chapters use chapters
if (file.chapters && file.chapters.length) {
file.chapters.forEach((chapter) => {
if (currStartTime > this.duration) {
Logger.warn(`[Book] Invalid chapter start time > duration`)
} else {
var chapterAlreadyExists = this.chapters.find(ch => ch.start === currStartTime)
if (!chapterAlreadyExists) {
var chapterDuration = chapter.end - chapter.start
if (chapterDuration > 0) {
var title = `Chapter ${currChapterId}`
if (chapter.title) {
title += ` (${chapter.title})`
var endTime = Math.min(this.duration, currStartTime + chapterDuration)
id: currChapterId++,
start: currStartTime,
end: endTime,
currStartTime += chapterDuration
} else if (file.duration) {
// Otherwise just use track has chapter
if (file.duration) {
id: currChapterId++,
start: currStartTime,