mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 00:18:30 +01:00
@ -67,120 +67,7 @@ export default {
data() {
return {
showMenu: false,
sublist: null,
seriesItems: [
text: 'All',
value: 'all'
text: 'Genre',
value: 'genres',
sublist: true
text: 'Tag',
value: 'tags',
sublist: true
text: 'Authors',
value: 'authors',
sublist: true
text: 'Narrator',
value: 'narrators',
sublist: true
text: 'Language',
value: 'languages',
sublist: true
text: 'Series Progress',
value: 'progress',
sublist: true
bookItems: [
text: 'All',
value: 'all'
text: 'Genre',
value: 'genres',
sublist: true
text: 'Tag',
value: 'tags',
sublist: true
text: 'Series',
value: 'series',
sublist: true
text: 'Authors',
value: 'authors',
sublist: true
text: 'Narrator',
value: 'narrators',
sublist: true
text: 'Language',
value: 'languages',
sublist: true
text: 'Progress',
value: 'progress',
sublist: true
text: 'Missing',
value: 'missing',
sublist: true
text: 'Issues',
value: 'issues',
sublist: false
text: 'RSS Feed Open',
value: 'feed-open',
sublist: false
podcastItems: [
text: 'All',
value: 'all'
text: 'Genre',
value: 'genres',
sublist: true
text: 'Tag',
value: 'tags',
sublist: true
text: 'Issues',
value: 'issues',
sublist: false
sublist: null
watch: {
@ -203,6 +90,125 @@ export default {
isPodcast() {
return this.$store.getters['libraries/getCurrentLibraryMediaType'] == 'podcast'
seriesItems() {
return [
text: this.$strings.LabelAll,
value: 'all'
text: this.$strings.LabelGenre,
value: 'genres',
sublist: true
text: this.$strings.LabelTag,
value: 'tags',
sublist: true
text: this.$strings.LabelAuthor,
value: 'authors',
sublist: true
text: this.$strings.LabelNarrator,
value: 'narrators',
sublist: true
text: this.$strings.LabelLanguage,
value: 'languages',
sublist: true
text: this.$strings.LabelSeriesProgress,
value: 'progress',
sublist: true
bookItems() {
return [
text: this.$strings.LabelAll,
value: 'all'
text: this.$strings.LabelGenre,
value: 'genres',
sublist: true
text: this.$strings.LabelTag,
value: 'tags',
sublist: true
text: this.$strings.LabelSeries,
value: 'series',
sublist: true
text: this.$strings.LabelAuthor,
value: 'authors',
sublist: true
text: this.$strings.LabelNarrator,
value: 'narrators',
sublist: true
text: this.$strings.LabelLanguage,
value: 'languages',
sublist: true
text: this.$strings.LabelProgress,
value: 'progress',
sublist: true
text: this.$strings.LabelMissing,
value: 'missing',
sublist: true
text: this.$strings.ButtonIssues,
value: 'issues',
sublist: false
text: this.$strings.LabelRSSFeedOpen,
value: 'feed-open',
sublist: false
podcastItems() {
return [
text: this.$strings.LabelAll,
value: 'all'
text: this.$strings.LabelGenre,
value: 'genres',
sublist: true
text: this.$strings.LabelTag,
value: 'tags',
sublist: true
text: this.$strings.ButtonIssues,
value: 'issues',
sublist: false
selectItems() {
if (this.isSeries) return this.seriesItems
if (this.isPodcast) return this.podcastItems
@ -56,31 +56,31 @@ export default {
podcastItems() {
return [
text: 'Title',
text: this.$strings.LabelTitle,
value: 'media.metadata.title'
text: 'Author',
text: this.$strings.LabelAuthor,
value: 'media.metadata.author'
text: 'Added At',
text: this.$strings.LabelAddedAt,
value: 'addedAt'
text: 'Size',
text: this.$strings.LabelSize,
value: 'size'
text: '# of Episodes',
text: this.$strings.LabelNumberOfEpisodes,
value: 'media.numTracks'
text: 'File Birthtime',
text: this.$strings.LabelFileBirthtime,
value: 'birthtimeMs'
text: 'File Modified',
text: this.$strings.LabelFileModified,
value: 'mtimeMs'
@ -92,35 +92,35 @@ export default {
value: 'media.metadata.title'
text: 'Author (First Last)',
text: this.$strings.LabelAuthorFirstLast,
value: 'media.metadata.authorName'
text: 'Author (Last, First)',
text: this.$strings.LabelAuthorLastFirst,
value: 'media.metadata.authorNameLF'
text: 'Published Year',
text: this.$strings.LabelPublishYear,
value: 'media.metadata.publishedYear'
text: 'Added At',
text: this.$strings.LabelAddedAt,
value: 'addedAt'
text: 'Size',
text: this.$strings.LabelSize,
value: 'size'
text: 'Duration',
text: this.$strings.LabelDuration,
value: 'media.duration'
text: 'File Birthtime',
text: this.$strings.LabelFileBirthtime,
value: 'birthtimeMs'
text: 'File Modified',
text: this.$strings.LabelFileModified,
value: 'mtimeMs'
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ export default {
return [
text: 'Sequence',
text: this.$strings.LabelSequence,
value: 'sequence'
@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
"ButtonHome": "Startseite",
"ButtonIssues": "Probleme",
"ButtonLatest": "Neuste",
"ButtonLibrary": "Bibliothek",
"ButtonLogout": "Abmelden",
"ButtonLookup": "Nachschlagen",
"ButtonLibrary": "Bibliothek",
"ButtonManageTracks": "Tracks verwalten",
"ButtonMapChapterTitles": "Kapitelüberschriften zuordnen",
"ButtonMatchAllAuthors": "Abgleich aller Autoren",
@ -104,8 +104,8 @@
"HeaderNewAccount": "Neues Konto",
"HeaderNewLibrary": "Neue Bibliothek",
"HeaderNotifications": "Benachrichtigungen",
"HeaderOtherFiles": "Sonstige Dateien",
"HeaderOpenRSSFeed": "RSS-Feed öffnen",
"HeaderOtherFiles": "Sonstige Dateien",
"HeaderPermissions": "Berechtigungen",
"HeaderPlayerQueue": "Player Queue",
"HeaderPodcastsToAdd": "Podcasts zum Hinzufügen",
@ -141,10 +141,14 @@
"LabelAccountTypeGuest": "Gast",
"LabelAccountTypeUser": "Benutzer",
"LabelActivity": "Aktivitäten",
"LabelAddedAt": "Added At",
"LabelAddToCollection": "Zur Sammlung hinzufügen",
"LabelAddToCollectionBatch": "Füge {0} Bücher der Sammlung hinzu",
"LabelAll": "All",
"LabelAllUsers": "Alle Benutzer",
"LabelAuthor": "Autor",
"LabelAuthorFirstLast": "Author (First Last)",
"LabelAuthorLastFirst": "Author (Last, First)",
"LabelAuthors": "Autoren",
"LabelAutoDownloadEpisodes": "Episoden automatisch herunterladen",
"LabelBackToUser": "Zurück zum Benutzer",
@ -190,12 +194,15 @@
"LabelExplicit": "Ausdrücklich",
"LabelFeedURL": "Feed URL",
"LabelFile": "Datei",
"LabelFileBirthtime": "File Birthtime",
"LabelFileModified": "File Modified",
"LabelFilename": "Dateiname",
"LabelFilterByUser": "Nach Benutzern filtern",
"LabelFindEpisodes": "Episoden suchen",
"LabelFinished": "Beendet",
"LabelFolder": "Ordner",
"LabelFolders": "Verzeichnisse",
"LabelGenre": "Genre",
"LabelGenres": "Kategorien",
"LabelHardDeleteFile": "Datei dauerhaft löschen",
"LabelHour": "Stunde",
@ -229,6 +236,7 @@
"LabelMissingParts": "Fehlende Teile",
"LabelMore": "Mehr",
"LabelName": "Name",
"LabelNarrator": "Narrator",
"LabelNarrators": "Erzähler",
"LabelNew": "Neu",
"LabelNewestAuthors": "Neuste Autoren",
@ -236,15 +244,16 @@
"LabelNewPassword": "Neues Passwort",
"LabelNotes": "Hinweise",
"LabelNotFinished": "Nicht Beendet",
"LabelNotificationEvent": "Benachrichtigungs Event",
"LabelNotificationAppriseURL": "Apprise URL(s)",
"LabelNotificationAvailableVariables": "Verfügbare Variablen",
"LabelNotificationBodyTemplate": "Textvorlage",
"LabelNotificationTitleTemplate": "Titelvorlage",
"LabelNotificationEvent": "Benachrichtigungs Event",
"LabelNotificationsMaxFailedAttempts": "Maximale Fehlversuche",
"LabelNotificationsMaxFailedAttemptsHelp": "Benachrichtigungen werden deaktiviert, wenn sie mehrmals nicht gesendet werden können.",
"LabelNotificationsMaxQueueSize": "Maximale Größe der Warteschlange für die Benachrichtigungsereignisse",
"LabelNotificationsMaxQueueSizeHelp": "Es wird nur 1 Ereignis pro Sekunde ausgelöst. Ereignisse werden ignoriert, wenn die Warteschlange die maximale Größe erreicht hat. Dies verhindert Benachrichtigungsspamming.",
"LabelNotificationTitleTemplate": "Titelvorlage",
"LabelNumberOfEpisodes": "# of Episodes",
"LabelOpenRSSFeed": "Öffne RSS Feed",
"LabelPassword": "Passwort",
"LabelPath": "Pfad",
@ -269,6 +278,7 @@
"LabelRecentSeries": "Aktuelle Serien",
"LabelRegion": "Region",
"LabelReleaseDate": "Veröffentlichungsdatum",
"LabelRSSFeedOpen": "RSS Feed Open",
"LabelRSSFeedSlug": "RSS Feed Schlagwort",
"LabelRSSFeedURL": "RSS Feed URL",
"LabelSearchTerm": "Begriff suchen",
@ -278,6 +288,7 @@
"LabelSequence": "Reihenfolge",
"LabelSeries": "Serie",
"LabelSeriesName": "Serienname",
"LabelSeriesProgress": "Series Progress",
"LabelSettingsBookshelfViewHelp": "Skeumorphes Design mit Holzeinlegeböden",
"LabelSettingsChromecastSupport": "Chromecast-unterstützung",
"LabelSettingsDateFormat": "Datumsformat",
@ -306,12 +317,12 @@
"LabelSettingsSkipMatchingBooksWithISBN": "Überspringe beim Abgleich alle Bücher die bereits eine ISBN haben",
"LabelSettingsSortingIgnorePrefixes": "Vorwort/Artikel beim Sortieren ignorieren",
"LabelSettingsSortingIgnorePrefixesHelp": "Beispiel: für den Artikel \"der\" würde der Hörbuchtitel \"Der Buchtitel\" als \"Buchtitel, Der\" sortiert werden.",
"LabelSettingsSquareBookCovers": "Benutze quadratische Titelbilder",
"LabelSettingsSquareBookCoversHelp": "Bevorzugen quadratische Titelbilder gegenüber den Standardtielbildern im Verhältnis 1,6:1",
"LabelSettingsStoreCoversWithItem": "Titelbilder im Hörbuchordner speichern",
"LabelSettingsStoreCoversWithItemHelp": "Standardmäßig werden die Titelbilder in /metadata/items gespeichert. Wenn diese Option aktiviert wird, werden die Titelbilder in dem selben Ordner, in welchem auch das zugehörige Hörbuch gespeichert ist, gespeichert. Es wird nur eine Datei mit dem Namen \"cover\" gespeichert.",
"LabelSettingsStoreMetadataWithItem": "Metadaten als OPF-Datei im Hörbuchordner speichern",
"LabelSettingsStoreMetadataWithItemHelp": "Standardmäßig werden die Metadaten in /metadata/items gespeichert. Wenn diese Option aktiviert wird, werden die Metadaten in dem selben Ordner, in welchem auch das zugehörige Hörbuch gespeichert ist, gespeichert. Es wird eine Datei mit der Endung \".abs\" gespeichert.",
"LabelSettingsSquareBookCovers": "Benutze quadratische Titelbilder",
"LabelSettingsSquareBookCoversHelp": "Bevorzugen quadratische Titelbilder gegenüber den Standardtielbildern im Verhältnis 1,6:1",
"LabelShowAll": "Alles anzeigen",
"LabelSize": "Größe",
"LabelStart": "Start",
@ -335,6 +346,7 @@
"LabelStatsWeekListening": "Gehörte Wochen",
"LabelSubtitle": "Untertitel",
"LabelSupportedFileTypes": "Unterstützte Dateitypen",
"LabelTag": "Tag",
"LabelTags": "Schlagwörter",
"LabelTagsAccessibleToUser": "Für Benutzer zugängliche Schlagwörter",
"LabelTimeListened": "Gehörte Zeit",
@ -378,8 +390,8 @@
"MessageChapterStartIsAfter": "Der Kapitelanfang liegt nach dem Ende Ihres Hörbuchs",
"MessageCheckingCron": "Überprüfe cron...",
"MessageConfirmDeleteBackup": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Sicherung für {0} löschen wollen?",
"MessageConfirmDeleteSession": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diese Sitzung löschen möchten?",
"MessageConfirmDeleteLibrary": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Bibliothek \"{0}\" dauerhaft löschen wollen?",
"MessageConfirmDeleteSession": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diese Sitzung löschen möchten?",
"MessageConfirmForceReScan": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie einen erneuten Scanvorgang erzwingen wollen?",
"MessageConfirmRemoveCollection": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Sammlung \"{0}\" löschen wollen?",
"MessageConfirmRemoveEpisode": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Episode \"{0}\" löschen möchten?",
@ -508,8 +520,8 @@
"ToastLibraryUpdateSuccess": "Bibliothek \"{0}\" aktualisiert",
"ToastPodcastCreateFailed": "Podcast konnte nicht erstellt werden",
"ToastPodcastCreateSuccess": "Podcast erfolgreich erstellt",
"ToastRemoveItemFromCollectionSuccess": "Element/Eintrag aus der Sammlung entfernt",
"ToastRemoveItemFromCollectionFailed": "Element/Eintrag konnte nicht aus der Sammlung entfernt werden",
"ToastRemoveItemFromCollectionSuccess": "Element/Eintrag aus der Sammlung entfernt",
"ToastRSSFeedCloseFailed": "RSS-Feed konnte nicht geschlossen werden",
"ToastRSSFeedCloseSuccess": "RSS-Feed geschlossen",
"ToastSessionDeleteFailed": "Sitzung konnte nicht gelöscht werden",
@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
"ButtonHome": "Home",
"ButtonIssues": "Issues",
"ButtonLatest": "Latest",
"ButtonLibrary": "Library",
"ButtonLogout": "Logout",
"ButtonLookup": "Lookup",
"ButtonLibrary": "Library",
"ButtonManageTracks": "Manage Tracks",
"ButtonMapChapterTitles": "Map Chapter Titles",
"ButtonMatchAllAuthors": "Match All Authors",
@ -104,8 +104,8 @@
"HeaderNewAccount": "New Account",
"HeaderNewLibrary": "New Library",
"HeaderNotifications": "Notifications",
"HeaderOtherFiles": "Other Files",
"HeaderOpenRSSFeed": "Open RSS Feed",
"HeaderOtherFiles": "Other Files",
"HeaderPermissions": "Permissions",
"HeaderPlayerQueue": "Player Queue",
"HeaderPodcastsToAdd": "Podcasts to Add",
@ -141,10 +141,14 @@
"LabelAccountTypeGuest": "Guest",
"LabelAccountTypeUser": "User",
"LabelActivity": "Activity",
"LabelAddedAt": "Added At",
"LabelAddToCollection": "Add to Collection",
"LabelAddToCollectionBatch": "Add {0} Books to Collection",
"LabelAll": "All",
"LabelAllUsers": "All Users",
"LabelAuthor": "Author",
"LabelAuthorFirstLast": "Author (First Last)",
"LabelAuthorLastFirst": "Author (Last, First)",
"LabelAuthors": "Authors",
"LabelAutoDownloadEpisodes": "Auto Download Episodes",
"LabelBackToUser": "Back to User",
@ -190,12 +194,15 @@
"LabelExplicit": "Explicit",
"LabelFeedURL": "Feed URL",
"LabelFile": "File",
"LabelFileBirthtime": "File Birthtime",
"LabelFileModified": "File Modified",
"LabelFilename": "Filename",
"LabelFilterByUser": "Filter by User",
"LabelFindEpisodes": "Find Episodes",
"LabelFinished": "Finished",
"LabelFolder": "Folder",
"LabelFolders": "Folders",
"LabelGenre": "Genre",
"LabelGenres": "Genres",
"LabelHardDeleteFile": "Hard delete file",
"LabelHour": "Hour",
@ -229,6 +236,7 @@
"LabelMissingParts": "Missing Parts",
"LabelMore": "More",
"LabelName": "Name",
"LabelNarrator": "Narrator",
"LabelNarrators": "Narrators",
"LabelNew": "New",
"LabelNewestAuthors": "Newest Authors",
@ -236,15 +244,16 @@
"LabelNewPassword": "New Password",
"LabelNotes": "Notes",
"LabelNotFinished": "Not Finished",
"LabelNotificationEvent": "Notification Event",
"LabelNotificationAppriseURL": "Apprise URL(s)",
"LabelNotificationAvailableVariables": "Available variables",
"LabelNotificationBodyTemplate": "Body Template",
"LabelNotificationTitleTemplate": "Title Template",
"LabelNotificationEvent": "Notification Event",
"LabelNotificationsMaxFailedAttempts": "Max failed attempts",
"LabelNotificationsMaxFailedAttemptsHelp": "Notifications are disabled once they fail to send this many times",
"LabelNotificationsMaxQueueSize": "Max queue size for notification events",
"LabelNotificationsMaxQueueSizeHelp": "Events are limited to firing 1 per second. Events will be ignored if the queue is at max size. This prevents notification spamming.",
"LabelNotificationTitleTemplate": "Title Template",
"LabelNumberOfEpisodes": "# of Episodes",
"LabelOpenRSSFeed": "Open RSS Feed",
"LabelPassword": "Password",
"LabelPath": "Path",
@ -269,6 +278,7 @@
"LabelRecentSeries": "Recent Series",
"LabelRegion": "Region",
"LabelReleaseDate": "Release Date",
"LabelRSSFeedOpen": "RSS Feed Open",
"LabelRSSFeedSlug": "RSS Feed Slug",
"LabelRSSFeedURL": "RSS Feed URL",
"LabelSearchTerm": "Search Term",
@ -278,6 +288,7 @@
"LabelSequence": "Sequence",
"LabelSeries": "Series",
"LabelSeriesName": "Series Name",
"LabelSeriesProgress": "Series Progress",
"LabelSettingsBookshelfViewHelp": "Skeumorphic design with wooden shelves",
"LabelSettingsChromecastSupport": "Chromecast support",
"LabelSettingsDateFormat": "Date Format",
@ -306,12 +317,12 @@
"LabelSettingsSkipMatchingBooksWithISBN": "Skip matching books that already have an ISBN",
"LabelSettingsSortingIgnorePrefixes": "Ignore prefixes when sorting",
"LabelSettingsSortingIgnorePrefixesHelp": "i.e. for prefix \"the\" book title \"The Book Title\" would sort as \"Book Title, The\"",
"LabelSettingsSquareBookCovers": "User square book covers",
"LabelSettingsSquareBookCoversHelp": "Prefer to use square covers over standard 1.6:1 book covers",
"LabelSettingsStoreCoversWithItem": "Store covers with item",
"LabelSettingsStoreCoversWithItemHelp": "By default covers are stored in /metadata/items, enabling this setting will store covers in your library item folder. Only one file named \"cover\" will be kept",
"LabelSettingsStoreMetadataWithItem": "Store metadata with item",
"LabelSettingsStoreMetadataWithItemHelp": "By default metadata files are stored in /metadata/items, enabling this setting will store metadata files in your library item folders. Uses .abs file extension",
"LabelSettingsSquareBookCovers": "User square book covers",
"LabelSettingsSquareBookCoversHelp": "Prefer to use square covers over standard 1.6:1 book covers",
"LabelShowAll": "Show All",
"LabelSize": "Size",
"LabelStart": "Start",
@ -335,6 +346,7 @@
"LabelStatsWeekListening": "Week Listening",
"LabelSubtitle": "Subtitle",
"LabelSupportedFileTypes": "Supported File Types",
"LabelTag": "Tag",
"LabelTags": "Tags",
"LabelTagsAccessibleToUser": "Tags Accessible to User",
"LabelTimeListened": "Time Listened",
@ -378,8 +390,8 @@
"MessageChapterStartIsAfter": "Chapter start is after the end of your audiobook",
"MessageCheckingCron": "Checking cron...",
"MessageConfirmDeleteBackup": "Are you sure you want to delete backup for {0}?",
"MessageConfirmDeleteSession": "Are you sure you want to delete this session?",
"MessageConfirmDeleteLibrary": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete library \"{0}\"?",
"MessageConfirmDeleteSession": "Are you sure you want to delete this session?",
"MessageConfirmForceReScan": "Are you sure you want to force re-scan?",
"MessageConfirmRemoveCollection": "Are you sure you want to remove collection \"{0}\"?",
"MessageConfirmRemoveEpisode": "Are you sure you want to remove episode \"{0}\"?",
@ -508,8 +520,8 @@
"ToastLibraryUpdateSuccess": "Library \"{0}\" updated",
"ToastPodcastCreateFailed": "Failed to create podcast",
"ToastPodcastCreateSuccess": "Podcast created successfully",
"ToastRemoveItemFromCollectionSuccess": "Item removed from collection",
"ToastRemoveItemFromCollectionFailed": "Failed to remove item from collection",
"ToastRemoveItemFromCollectionSuccess": "Item removed from collection",
"ToastRSSFeedCloseFailed": "Failed to close RSS feed",
"ToastRSSFeedCloseSuccess": "RSS feed closed",
"ToastSessionDeleteFailed": "Failed to delete session",
@ -1,54 +1,541 @@
"ButtonAdd": "Add",
"ButtonAddChapters": "Add Chapters",
"ButtonAddPodcasts": "Add Podcasts",
"ButtonAddYourFirstLibrary": "Add your first library",
"ButtonApply": "Apply",
"ButtonApplyChapters": "Apply Chapters",
"ButtonAuthors": "Authors",
"ButtonBrowseForFolder": "Browse for Folder",
"ButtonCancel": "Cancel",
"ButtonCancelEncode": "Cancel Encode",
"ButtonChangeRootPassword": "Change Root Password",
"ButtonCheckAndDownloadNewEpisodes": "Check & Download New Episodes",
"ButtonChooseAFolder": "Choose a folder",
"ButtonChooseFiles": "Choose files",
"ButtonCloseFeed": "Close Feed",
"ButtonCollections": "Collections",
"ButtonCreate": "Create",
"ButtonCreateBackup": "Create Backup",
"ButtonDelete": "Delete",
"ButtonEditChapters": "Edit Chapters",
"ButtonEditPodcast": "Edit Podcast",
"ButtonForceReScan": "Force Re-Scan",
"ButtonFullPath": "Full Path",
"ButtonHide": "Hide",
"ButtonHome": "Home",
"ButtonIssues": "Issues",
"ButtonLatest": "Latest",
"ButtonLibrary": "Library",
"ButtonSeries": "Series",
"ButtonCollections": "Collections",
"ButtonAuthors": "Authors",
"ButtonSearch": "Search",
"ButtonIssues": "Issues",
"ButtonChangePasswordSubmit": "Submit",
"ButtonLogout": "Logout",
"ButtonLookup": "Lookup",
"ButtonManageTracks": "Manage Tracks",
"ButtonMapChapterTitles": "Map Chapter Titles",
"ButtonMatchAllAuthors": "Match All Authors",
"ButtonMatchBooks": "Match Books",
"ButtonNevermind": "Nevermind",
"ButtonOk": "Ok",
"ButtonOpenFeed": "Open Feed",
"ButtonOpenManager": "Open Manager",
"ButtonPlay": "Play",
"ButtonPlaying": "Playing",
"ButtonPurgeAllCache": "Purge All Cache",
"ButtonPurgeItemsCache": "Purge Items Cache",
"ButtonPurgeMediaProgress": "Purge Media Progress",
"ButtonQueueAddItem": "Add to queue",
"ButtonQueueRemoveItem": "Remove from queue",
"ButtonQuickMatch": "Quick Match",
"ButtonRead": "Read",
"ButtonRemove": "Remove",
"ButtonRemoveAll": "Remove All",
"ButtonRemoveAllLibraryItems": "Remove All Library Items",
"ButtonRemoveFromContinueListening": "Remove from Continue Listening",
"ButtonRemoveSeriesFromContinueSeries": "Remove Series from Continue Series",
"ButtonReScan": "Re-Scan",
"ButtonReset": "Reset",
"ButtonRestore": "Restore",
"ButtonSave": "Save",
"ButtonSaveAndClose": "Save & Close",
"ButtonSaveTracklist": "Save Tracklist",
"ButtonScan": "Scan",
"ButtonSearch": "Search",
"ButtonSelectFolderPath": "Select Folder Path",
"ButtonSeries": "Series",
"ButtonShiftTimes": "Shift Times",
"ButtonShow": "Show",
"ButtonStartM4BEncode": "Start M4B Encode",
"ButtonStartMetadataEmbed": "Start Metadata Embed",
"ButtonSubmit": "Submit",
"ButtonUpload": "Upload",
"ButtonUploadBackup": "Upload Backup",
"ButtonUploadCover": "Upload Cover",
"ButtonUploadOPMLFile": "Upload OPML File",
"ButtonViewAll": "View All",
"ButtonYes": "Yes",
"HeaderAccount": "Account",
"HeaderChangePassword": "Change Password",
"HeaderSettings": "Settings",
"HeaderLibraries": "Libraries",
"HeaderUsers": "Users",
"HeaderListeningSessions": "Listening Sessions",
"HeaderAdvanced": "Advanced",
"HeaderAppriseNotificationSettings": "Apprise Notification Settings",
"HeaderAudiobookTools": "Audiobook File Management Tools",
"HeaderAudioTracks": "Audio Tracks",
"HeaderBackups": "Backups",
"HeaderLogs": "Logs",
"HeaderNotifications": "Notifications",
"HeaderChangePassword": "Change Password",
"HeaderChapters": "Chapters",
"HeaderChooseAFolder": "Choose a Folder",
"HeaderCollection": "Collection",
"HeaderCollectionItems": "Collection Items",
"HeaderCover": "Cover",
"HeaderDetails": "Details",
"HeaderEpisodes": "Episodes",
"HeaderFiles": "Files",
"HeaderFindChapters": "Find Chapters",
"HeaderIgnoredFiles": "Ignored Files",
"HeaderItemFiles": "Item Files",
"HeaderLastListeningSession": "Last Listening Session",
"HeaderLatestEpisodes": "Latest episodes",
"HeaderLibraries": "Libraries",
"HeaderLibraryFiles": "Library Files",
"HeaderLibraryStats": "Library Stats",
"HeaderYourStats": "Your Stats",
"HeaderSettingsGeneral": "General",
"HeaderSettingsScanner": "Scanner",
"HeaderListeningSessions": "Listening Sessions",
"HeaderListeningStats": "Listening Stats",
"HeaderLogin": "Login",
"HeaderLogs": "Logs",
"HeaderMatch": "Match",
"HeaderMetadataToEmbed": "Metadata to embed",
"HeaderNewAccount": "New Account",
"HeaderNewLibrary": "New Library",
"HeaderNotifications": "Notifications",
"HeaderOpenRSSFeed": "Open RSS Feed",
"HeaderOtherFiles": "Other Files",
"HeaderPermissions": "Permissions",
"HeaderPlayerQueue": "Player Queue",
"HeaderPodcastsToAdd": "Podcasts to Add",
"HeaderPreviewCover": "Preview Cover",
"HeaderRemoveEpisode": "Remove Episode",
"HeaderRemoveEpisodes": "Remove {0} Episodes",
"HeaderRSSFeedIsOpen": "RSS Feed is Open",
"HeaderSavedMediaProgress": "Saved Media Progress",
"HeaderSchedule": "Schedule",
"HeaderScheduleLibraryScans": "Schedule Automatic Library Scans",
"HeaderSession": "Session",
"HeaderSetBackupSchedule": "Set Backup Schedule",
"HeaderSettings": "Settings",
"HeaderSettingsDisplay": "Display",
"HeaderSettingsExperimental": "Experimental Features",
"LabelUsername": "Username",
"HeaderSettingsGeneral": "General",
"HeaderSettingsScanner": "Scanner",
"HeaderSleepTimer": "Sleep Timer",
"HeaderStatsLongestItems": "Longest Items (hrs)",
"HeaderStatsMinutesListeningChart": "Minutes Listening (last 7 days)",
"HeaderStatsRecentSessions": "Recent Sessions",
"HeaderStatsTop10Authors": "Top 10 Authors",
"HeaderStatsTop5Genres": "Top 5 Genres",
"HeaderTools": "Tools",
"HeaderUpdateAccount": "Update Account",
"HeaderUpdateAuthor": "Update Author",
"HeaderUpdateDetails": "Update Details",
"HeaderUpdateLibrary": "Update Library",
"HeaderUsers": "Users",
"HeaderYourStats": "Your Stats",
"LabelAccountType": "Account Type",
"LabelPassword": "Password",
"LabelNewPassword": "New Password",
"LabelAccountTypeAdmin": "Admin",
"LabelAccountTypeGuest": "Guest",
"LabelAccountTypeUser": "User",
"LabelActivity": "Activity",
"LabelAddedAt": "Added At",
"LabelAddToCollection": "Add to Collection",
"LabelAddToCollectionBatch": "Add {0} Books to Collection",
"LabelAll": "All",
"LabelAllUsers": "All Users",
"LabelAuthor": "Author",
"LabelAuthorFirstLast": "Author (First Last)",
"LabelAuthorLastFirst": "Author (Last, First)",
"LabelAuthors": "Authors",
"LabelAutoDownloadEpisodes": "Auto Download Episodes",
"LabelBackToUser": "Back to User",
"LabelBackupsEnableAutomaticBackups": "Enable automatic backups",
"LabelBackupsEnableAutomaticBackupsHelp": "Backups saved in /metadata/backups",
"LabelBackupsMaxBackupSize": "Maximum backup size (in GB)",
"LabelBackupsMaxBackupSizeHelp": "As a safeguard against misconfiguration, backups will fail if they exceed the configured size.",
"LabelBackupsNumberToKeep": "Number of backups to keep",
"LabelBackupsNumberToKeepHelp": "Only 1 backup will be removed at a time so if you already have more backups than this you should manually remove them.",
"LabelBooks": "Books",
"LabelChangePassword": "Change Password",
"LabelChaptersFound": "chapters found",
"LabelChapterTitle": "Chapter Title",
"LabelCollapseSeries": "Collapse Series",
"LabelCollections": "Collections",
"LabelComplete": "Complete",
"LabelConfirmPassword": "Confirm Password",
"LabelContinueListening": "Continue Listening",
"LabelContinueSeries": "Continue Series",
"LabelCover": "Cover",
"LabelCoverImageURL": "Cover Image URL",
"LabelCreatedAt": "Created At",
"LabelCronExpression": "Cron Expression",
"LabelCurrent": "Current",
"LabelCurrently": "Currently:",
"LabelDatetime": "Datetime",
"LabelDescription": "Description",
"LabelDeselectAll": "Deselect All",
"LabelDevice": "Device",
"LabelDeviceInfo": "Device Info",
"LabelDirectory": "Directory",
"LabelDiscFromFilename": "Disc from Filename",
"LabelDiscFromMetadata": "Disc from Metadata",
"LabelDownload": "Download",
"LabelDuration": "Duration",
"LabelDurationFound": "Duration found:",
"LabelEdit": "Edit",
"LabelEnable": "Enable",
"LabelEnd": "End",
"LabelEpisode": "Episode",
"LabelEpisodeTitle": "Episode Title",
"LabelEpisodeType": "Episode Type",
"LabelExplicit": "Explicit",
"LabelFeedURL": "Feed URL",
"LabelFile": "File",
"LabelFileBirthtime": "File Birthtime",
"LabelFileModified": "File Modified",
"LabelFilename": "Filename",
"LabelFilterByUser": "Filter by User",
"LabelFindEpisodes": "Find Episodes",
"LabelFinished": "Finished",
"LabelFolder": "Folder",
"LabelFolders": "Folders",
"LabelGenre": "Genre",
"LabelGenres": "Genres",
"LabelHardDeleteFile": "Hard delete file",
"LabelHour": "Hour",
"LabelIcon": "Icon",
"LabelIncludeInTracklist": "Include in Tracklist",
"LabelIncomplete": "Incomplete",
"LabelInProgress": "In Progress",
"LabelInterval": "Interval",
"LabelInvalidParts": "Invalid Parts",
"LabelItem": "Item",
"LabelLanguage": "Language",
"LabelLanguageDefaultServer": "Default Server Language",
"LabelLastSeen": "Last Seen",
"LabelLastTime": "Last Time",
"LabelLastUpdate": "Last Update",
"LabelLess": "Less",
"LabelLibrariesAccessibleToUser": "Libraries Accessible to User",
"LabelLibrary": "Library",
"LabelLibraryItem": "Library Item",
"LabelLibraryName": "Library Name",
"LabelLimit": "Limit",
"LabelListenAgain": "Listen Again",
"LabelLookForNewEpisodesAfterDate": "Look for new episodes after this date",
"LabelMarkSeries": "Mark Series",
"LabelMediaPlayer": "Media Player",
"LabelMediaType": "Media Type",
"LabelMetadataProvider": "Metadata Provider",
"LabelMetaTag": "Meta Tag",
"LabelMinute": "Minute",
"LabelMissing": "Missing",
"LabelMissingParts": "Missing Parts",
"LabelMore": "More",
"LabelName": "Name",
"LabelNarrator": "Narrator",
"LabelNarrators": "Narrators",
"LabelNew": "New",
"LabelNewestAuthors": "Newest Authors",
"LabelNewestEpisodes": "Newest Episodes",
"LabelNewPassword": "New Password",
"LabelNotes": "Notes",
"LabelNotFinished": "Not Finished",
"LabelNotificationAppriseURL": "Apprise URL(s)",
"LabelNotificationAvailableVariables": "Available variables",
"LabelNotificationBodyTemplate": "Body Template",
"LabelNotificationEvent": "Notification Event",
"LabelNotificationsMaxFailedAttempts": "Max failed attempts",
"LabelNotificationsMaxFailedAttemptsHelp": "Notifications are disabled once they fail to send this many times",
"LabelNotificationsMaxQueueSize": "Max queue size for notification events",
"LabelNotificationsMaxQueueSizeHelp": "Events are limited to firing 1 per second. Events will be ignored if the queue is at max size. This prevents notification spamming.",
"LabelNotificationTitleTemplate": "Title Template",
"LabelNumberOfEpisodes": "# of Episodes",
"LabelOpenRSSFeed": "Open RSS Feed",
"LabelPassword": "Password",
"LabelPath": "Path",
"LabelPermissionsAccessAllLibraries": "Can Access All Libraries",
"LabelPermissionsAccessAllTags": "Can Access All Tags",
"LabelPermissionsAccessExplicitContent": "Can Access Explicit Content",
"LabelPermissionsDelete": "Can Delete",
"LabelPermissionsDownload": "Can Download",
"LabelPermissionsUpdate": "Can Update",
"LabelPermissionsUpload": "Can Upload",
"LabelPhotoPathURL": "Photo Path/URL",
"LabelPlayMethod": "Play Method",
"LabelPodcast": "Podcast",
"LabelPodcasts": "Podcasts",
"LabelPrefixesToIgnore": "Prefixes to Ignore (case insensitive)",
"LabelProgress": "Progress",
"LabelProvider": "Provider",
"LabelPubDate": "Pub Date",
"LabelPublisher": "Publisher",
"LabelPublishYear": "Publish Year",
"LabelRecentlyAdded": "Recently Added",
"LabelRecentSeries": "Recent Series",
"LabelRegion": "Region",
"LabelReleaseDate": "Release Date",
"LabelRSSFeedOpen": "RSS Feed Open",
"LabelRSSFeedSlug": "RSS Feed Slug",
"LabelRSSFeedURL": "RSS Feed URL",
"LabelSearchTerm": "Search Term",
"LabelSearchTitle": "Search Title",
"LabelSearchTitleOrASIN": "Search Title or ASIN",
"LabelSeason": "Season",
"LabelSequence": "Sequence",
"LabelSeries": "Series",
"LabelSeriesName": "Series Name",
"LabelSeriesProgress": "Series Progress",
"LabelSettingsBookshelfViewHelp": "Skeumorphic design with wooden shelves",
"LabelSettingsChromecastSupport": "Chromecast support",
"LabelSettingsDateFormat": "Date Format",
"LabelSettingsDisableWatcher": "Disable Watcher",
"LabelSettingsDisableWatcherForLibrary": "Disable folder watcher for library",
"LabelSettingsDisableWatcherHelp": "Disables the automatic adding/updating of items when file changes are detected. *Requires server restart",
"LabelSettingsEnableEReader": "Enable e-reader for all users",
"LabelSettingsEnableEReaderHelp": "E-reader is still a work in progress, but use this setting to open it up to all your users (or use the \"Experimental Features\" toggle just for use by you)",
"LabelSettingsExperimentalFeatures": "Experimental features",
"LabelSettingsExperimentalFeaturesHelp": "Features in development that could use your feedback and help testing. Click to open github discussion.",
"LabelSettingsFindCovers": "Find covers",
"LabelSettingsFindCoversHelp": "If your audiobook does not have an embedded cover or a cover image inside the folder, the scanner will attempt to find a cover.<br>Note: This will extend scan time",
"LabelSettingsHomePageBookshelfView": "Home page use bookshelf view",
"LabelSettingsLibraryBookshelfView": "Library use bookshelf view",
"LabelSettingsOverdriveMediaMarkers": "Use Overdrive Media Markers for chapters",
"LabelSettingsOverdriveMediaMarkersHelp": "MP3 files from Overdrive come with chapter timings embedded as custom metadata. Enabling this will use these tags for chapter timings automatically",
"LabelSettingsParseSubtitles": "Parse subtitles",
"LabelSettingsParseSubtitlesHelp": "Extract subtitles from audiobook folder names.<br>Subtitle must be seperated by \" - \"<br>i.e. \"Book Title - A Subtitle Here\" has the subtitle \"A Subtitle Here\"",
"LabelSettingsPreferAudioMetadata": "Prefer audio metadata",
"LabelSettingsPreferAudioMetadataHelp": "Audio file ID3 meta tags will be used for book details over folder names",
"LabelSettingsPreferMatchedMetadata": "Prefer matched metadata",
"LabelSettingsPreferMatchedMetadataHelp": "Matched data will overide item details when using Quick Match. By default Quick Match will only fill in missing details.",
"LabelSettingsPreferOPFMetadata": "Prefer OPF metadata",
"LabelSettingsPreferOPFMetadataHelp": "OPF file metadata will be used for book details over folder names",
"LabelSettingsSkipMatchingBooksWithASIN": "Skip matching books that already have an ASIN",
"LabelSettingsSkipMatchingBooksWithISBN": "Skip matching books that already have an ISBN",
"LabelSettingsSortingIgnorePrefixes": "Ignore prefixes when sorting",
"LabelSettingsSortingIgnorePrefixesHelp": "i.e. for prefix \"the\" book title \"The Book Title\" would sort as \"Book Title, The\"",
"LabelSettingsSquareBookCovers": "User square book covers",
"LabelSettingsSquareBookCoversHelp": "Prefer to use square covers over standard 1.6:1 book covers",
"LabelSettingsStoreCoversWithItem": "Store covers with item",
"LabelSettingsStoreCoversWithItemHelp": "By default covers are stored in /metadata/items, enabling this setting will store covers in your library item folder. Only one file named \"cover\" will be kept",
"LabelSettingsStoreMetadataWithItem": "Store metadata with item",
"LabelSettingsStoreMetadataWithItemHelp": "By default metadata files are stored in /metadata/items, enabling this setting will store metadata files in your library item folders. Uses .abs file extension",
"LabelSettingsSortingIgnorePrefixes": "Ignore prefixes when sorting",
"LabelSettingsSortingIgnorePrefixesHelp": "i.e. for prefix \"the\" book title \"The Book Title\" would sort as \"Book Title, The\"",
"LabelPrefixesToIgnore": "Prefixes to Ignore (case insensitive)",
"LabelSettingsChromecastSupport": "Chromecast support",
"LabelSettingsHomePageBookshelfView": "Home page use bookshelf view",
"LabelSettingsLibraryBookshelfView": "Library use bookshelf view",
"LabelSettingsBookshelfViewHelp": "Skeumorphic design with wooden shelves",
"LabelSettingsDateFormat": "Date Format",
"LabelSettingsParseSubtitles": "Parse subtitles",
"LabelSettingsParseSubtitlesHelp": "Extract subtitles from audiobook folder names.<br>Subtitle must be seperated by \" - \"<br>i.e. \"Book Title - A Subtitle Here\" has the subtitle \"A Subtitle Here\"",
"LabelSettingsFindCovers": "Find covers",
"LabelSettingsFindCoversHelp": "If your audiobook does not have an embedded cover or a cover image inside the folder, the scanner will attempt to find a cover.<br>Note: This will extend scan time",
"LabelShowAll": "Show All",
"LabelSize": "Size",
"LabelStart": "Start",
"LabelStarted": "Started",
"LabelStartedAt": "Started At",
"LabelStartTime": "Start Time",
"LabelStatsAudioTracks": "Audio Tracks",
"LabelStatsAuthors": "Authors",
"LabelStatsBestDay": "Best Day",
"LabelStatsDailyAverage": "Daily Average",
"LabelStatsDays": "Days",
"LabelStatsDaysListened": "Days Listened",
"LabelStatsHours": "Hours",
"LabelStatsInARow": "in a row",
"LabelStatsItemsFinished": "Items Finished",
"LabelStatsItemsInLibrary": "Items in Library",
"LabelStatsMinutes": "minutes",
"LabelStatsMinutesListening": "Minutes Listening",
"LabelStatsOverallDays": "Overall Days",
"LabelStatsOverallHours": "Overall Hours",
"LabelStatsWeekListening": "Week Listening",
"LabelSubtitle": "Subtitle",
"LabelSupportedFileTypes": "Supported File Types",
"LabelTag": "Tag",
"LabelTags": "Tags",
"LabelTagsAccessibleToUser": "Tags Accessible to User",
"LabelTimeListened": "Time Listened",
"LabelTimeListenedToday": "Time Listened Today",
"LabelTimeRemaining": "{0} remaining",
"LabelTimeToShift": "Time to shift in seconds",
"LabelTitle": "Title",
"LabelToolsEmbedMetadata": "Embed Metadata",
"LabelToolsEmbedMetadataDescription": "Embed metadata into audio files including cover image and chapters.",
"LabelToolsMakeM4b": "Make M4B Audiobook File",
"LabelToolsMakeM4bDescription": "Generate a .M4B audiobook file with embedded metadata, cover image, and chapters.",
"LabelToolsSplitM4b": "Split M4B to MP3's",
"LabelToolsSplitM4bDescription": "Create MP3's from an M4B split by chapters with embedded metadata, cover image, and chapters.",
"LabelTotalTimeListened": "Total Time Listened",
"LabelTrackFromFilename": "Track from Filename",
"LabelTrackFromMetadata": "Track from Metadata",
"LabelType": "Type",
"LabelUnknown": "Unknown",
"LabelUpdateCover": "Update Cover",
"LabelUpdateCoverHelp": "Allow overwriting of existing covers for the selected books when a match is located",
"LabelUpdatedAt": "Updated At",
"LabelUpdateDetails": "Update Details",
"LabelUpdateDetailsHelp": "Allow overwriting of existing details for the selected books when a match is located",
"LabelUploaderDragAndDrop": "Drag & drop files or folders",
"LabelUploaderDropFiles": "Drop files",
"LabelUseChapterTrack": "Use chapter track",
"LabelUseFullTrack": "Use full track",
"LabelUser": "User",
"LabelUsername": "Username",
"LabelValue": "Value",
"LabelVersion": "Version",
"LabelWeekdaysToRun": "Weekdays to run",
"LabelYourAudiobookDuration": "Your audiobook duration",
"LabelYourBookmarks": "Your Bookmarks",
"LabelYourProgress": "Your Progress",
"MessageAppriseDescription": "To use this feature you will need to have an instance of <a href=\"https://github.com/caronc/apprise-api\" target=\"_blank\">Apprise API</a> running or an api that will handle those same requests. <br />The Apprise API Url should be the full URL path to send the notification, e.g., if your API instance is served at <code></code> then you would put <code></code>.",
"MessageBackupsDescription": "Backups include users, user progress, library item details, server settings, and images stored in",
"MessageBackupsNote": "Backups do not include any files stored in your library folders.",
"MessageBatchQuickMatchDescription": "Quick Match will attempt to add missing covers and metadata for the selected items. Enable the options below to allow Quick Match to overwrite existing covers and/or metadata.",
"MessageChapterEndIsAfter": "Chapter end is after the end of your audiobook",
"MessageChapterStartIsAfter": "Chapter start is after the end of your audiobook",
"MessageCheckingCron": "Checking cron...",
"MessageConfirmDeleteBackup": "Are you sure you want to delete backup for {0}?",
"MessageConfirmDeleteLibrary": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete library \"{0}\"?",
"MessageConfirmDeleteSession": "Are you sure you want to delete this session?",
"MessageConfirmForceReScan": "Are you sure you want to force re-scan?",
"MessageConfirmRemoveCollection": "Are you sure you want to remove collection \"{0}\"?",
"MessageConfirmRemoveEpisode": "Are you sure you want to remove episode \"{0}\"?",
"MessageConfirmRemoveEpisodes": "Are you sure you want to remove {0} episodes?",
"MessageDownloadingEpisode": "Downloading episode",
"MessageDragFilesIntoTrackOrder": "Drag files into correct track order",
"MessageEmbedFinished": "Embed Finished!",
"MessageEpisodesQueuedForDownload": "{0} Episode(s) queued for download",
"MessageFeedURLWillBe": "Feed URL will be {0}",
"MessageFetching": "Fetching...",
"MessageForceReScanDescription": "will scan all files again like a fresh scan. Audio file ID3 tags, OPF files, and text files will be scanned as new.",
"MessageImportantNotice": "Important Notice!",
"MessageInsertChapterBelow": "Insert chapter below",
"MessageItemsSelected": "{0} Items Selected",
"MessageJoinUsOn": "Join us on",
"MessageListeningSessionsInTheLastYear": "{0} listening sessions in the last year",
"MessageLoading": "Loading...",
"MessageLoadingFolders": "Loading folders...",
"MessageM4BFailed": "M4B Failed!",
"MessageM4BFinished": "M4B Finished!",
"MessageMapChapterTitles": "Map chapter titles to your existing audiobook chapters without adjusting timestamps",
"MessageMarkAsFinished": "Mark as Finished",
"MessageMarkAsNotFinished": "Mark as Not Finished",
"MessageMatchBooksDescription": "will attempt to match books in the library with a book from the selected search provider and fill in empty details and cover art. Does not overwrite details.",
"MessageNoAudioTracks": "No audio tracks",
"MessageNoAuthors": "No Authors",
"MessageNoBackups": "No Backups",
"MessageNoBookmarks": "No Bookmarks",
"MessageNoChapters": "No Chapters",
"MessageNoCollections": "No Collections",
"MessageNoCoversFound": "No Covers Found",
"MessageNoDescription": "No description",
"MessageNoEpisodeMatchesFound": "No episode matches found",
"MessageNoEpisodes": "No Episodes",
"MessageNoFoldersAvailable": "No Folders Available",
"MessageNoGenres": "No Genres",
"MessageNoItems": "No Items",
"MessageNoItemsFound": "No items found",
"MessageNoListeningSessions": "No Listening Sessions",
"MessageNoLogs": "No Logs",
"MessageNoMediaProgress": "No Media Progress",
"MessageNoNotifications": "No Notifications",
"MessageNoPodcastsFound": "No podcasts found",
"MessageNoResults": "No Results",
"MessageNoSearchResultsFor": "No search results for \"{0}\"",
"MessageNotYetImplemented": "Not yet implemented",
"MessageNoUpdateNecessary": "No update necessary",
"MessageNoUpdatesWereNecessary": "No updates were necessary",
"MessageOr": "or",
"MessagePodcastHasNoRSSFeedForMatching": "Podcast has no RSS feed url to use for matching",
"MessageQuickMatchDescription": "Populate empty item details & cover with first match result from '{0}'. Does not overwrite details unless 'Prefer matched metadata' server setting is enabled.",
"MessageRemoveAllItemsWarning": "WARNING! This action will remove all library items from the database including any updates or matches you have made. This does not do anything to your actual files. Are you sure?",
"MessageRemoveEpisodes": "Remove {0} episode(s)",
"MessageRemoveUserWarning": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete user \"{0}\"?",
"MessageReportBugsAndContribute": "Report bugs, request features, and contribute on",
"MessageRestoreBackupConfirm": "Are you sure you want to restore the backup created on",
"MessageRestoreBackupWarning": "Restoring a backup will overwrite the entire database located at /config and cover images in /metadata/items & /metadata/authors.<br /><br />Backups do not modify any files in your library folders. If you have enabled server settings to store cover art and metadata in your library folders then those are not backed up or overwritten.<br /><br />All clients using your server will be automatically refreshed.",
"MessageSearchResultsFor": "Search results for",
"MessageServerCouldNotBeReached": "Server could not be reached",
"MessageStartPlaybackAtTime": "Start playback for \"{0}\" at {1}?",
"MessageThinking": "Thinking...",
"MessageUploaderItemFailed": "Failed to upload",
"MessageUploaderItemSuccess": "Successfully Uploaded!",
"MessageUploading": "Uploading...",
"MessageValidCronExpression": "Valid cron expression",
"MessageWatcherIsDisabledGlobally": "Watcher is disabled globally in server settings",
"MessageYourAudiobookDurationIsLonger": "Your audiobook duration is longer than the duration found",
"MessageYourAudiobookDurationIsShorter": "Your audiobook duration is shorter than duration found",
"NoteChangeRootPassword": "Root user is the only user that can have an empty password",
"SearchPlaceholder": "Search.."
"NoteChapterEditorTimes": "Note: First chapter start time must remain at 0:00 and the last chapter start time cannot exceed this audiobooks duration.",
"NoteFolderPicker": "Note: folders already mapped will not be shown",
"NoteFolderPickerDebian": "Note: Folder picker for the debian install is not fully implemented. You should enter the path to your library directly.",
"NoteRSSFeedPodcastAppsHttps": "Warning: Most podcast apps will require the RSS feed URL is using HTTPS",
"NoteRSSFeedPodcastAppsPubDate": "Warning: 1 or more of your episodes do not have a Pub Date. Some podcast apps require this.",
"NoteUploaderFoldersWithMediaFiles": "Folders with media files will be handled as separate library items.",
"NoteUploaderOnlyAudioFiles": "If uploading only audio files then each audio file will be handled as a separate audiobook.",
"NoteUploaderUnsupportedFiles": "Unsupported files are ignored. When choosing or dropping a folder, other files that are not in an item folder are ignored.",
"PlaceholderNewCollection": "New collection name",
"PlaceholderNewFolderPath": "New folder path",
"PlaceholderSearch": "Search..",
"ToastAccountUpdateFailed": "Failed to update account",
"ToastAccountUpdateSuccess": "Account updated",
"ToastAuthorImageRemoveFailed": "Failed to remove image",
"ToastAuthorImageRemoveSuccess": "Author image removed",
"ToastAuthorUpdateFailed": "Failed to update author",
"ToastAuthorUpdateMerged": "Author merged",
"ToastAuthorUpdateSuccess": "Author updated",
"ToastAuthorUpdateSuccessNoImageFound": "Author updated (no image found)",
"ToastBackupCreateFailed": "Failed to create backup",
"ToastBackupCreateSuccess": "Backup created",
"ToastBackupDeleteFailed": "Failed to delete backup",
"ToastBackupDeleteSuccess": "Backup deleted",
"ToastBackupRestoreFailed": "Failed to restore backup",
"ToastBackupUploadFailed": "Failed to upload backup",
"ToastBackupUploadSuccess": "Backup uploaded",
"ToastBatchUpdateFailed": "Batch update failed",
"ToastBatchUpdateSuccess": "Batch update success",
"ToastBookmarkCreateFailed": "Failed to create bookmark",
"ToastBookmarkCreateSuccess": "Bookmark added",
"ToastBookmarkRemoveFailed": "Failed to remove bookmark",
"ToastBookmarkRemoveSuccess": "Bookmark removed",
"ToastBookmarkUpdateFailed": "Failed to update bookmark",
"ToastBookmarkUpdateSuccess": "Bookmark updated",
"ToastCollectionItemsRemoveFailed": "Failed to remove item(s) from collection",
"ToastCollectionItemsRemoveSuccess": "Item(s) removed from collection",
"ToastCollectionRemoveFailed": "Failed to remove collection",
"ToastCollectionRemoveSuccess": "Collection removed",
"ToastCollectionUpdateFailed": "Failed to update collection",
"ToastCollectionUpdateSuccess": "Collection updated",
"ToastItemCoverUpdateFailed": "Failed to update item cover",
"ToastItemCoverUpdateSuccess": "Item cover updated",
"ToastItemDetailsUpdateFailed": "Failed to update item details",
"ToastItemDetailsUpdateSuccess": "Item details updated",
"ToastItemDetailsUpdateUnneeded": "No updates needed for item details",
"ToastItemMarkedAsFinishedFailed": "Failed to mark as Finished",
"ToastItemMarkedAsFinishedSuccess": "Item marked as Finished",
"ToastItemMarkedAsNotFinishedFailed": "Failed to mark as Not Finished",
"ToastItemMarkedAsNotFinishedSuccess": "Item marked as Not Finished",
"ToastLibraryCreateFailed": "Failed to create library",
"ToastLibraryCreateSuccess": "Library \"{0}\" created",
"ToastLibraryDeleteFailed": "Failed to delete library",
"ToastLibraryDeleteSuccess": "Library deleted",
"ToastLibraryScanFailedToStart": "Failed to start scan",
"ToastLibraryScanStarted": "Library scan started",
"ToastLibraryUpdateFailed": "Failed to update library",
"ToastLibraryUpdateSuccess": "Library \"{0}\" updated",
"ToastPodcastCreateFailed": "Failed to create podcast",
"ToastPodcastCreateSuccess": "Podcast created successfully",
"ToastRemoveItemFromCollectionFailed": "Failed to remove item from collection",
"ToastRemoveItemFromCollectionSuccess": "Item removed from collection",
"ToastRSSFeedCloseFailed": "Failed to close RSS feed",
"ToastRSSFeedCloseSuccess": "RSS feed closed",
"ToastSessionDeleteFailed": "Failed to delete session",
"ToastSessionDeleteSuccess": "Session deleted",
"ToastSocketConnected": "Socket connected",
"ToastSocketDisconnected": "Socket disconnected",
"ToastSocketFailedToConnect": "Socket failed to connect",
"ToastUserDeleteFailed": "Failed to delete user",
"ToastUserDeleteSuccess": "User deleted",
"WeekdayFriday": "Friday",
"WeekdayMonday": "Monday",
"WeekdaySaturday": "Saturday",
"WeekdaySunday": "Sunday",
"WeekdayThursday": "Thursday",
"WeekdayTuesday": "Tuesday",
"WeekdayWednesday": "Wednesday"
@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
"ButtonHome": "Accueil",
"ButtonIssues": "Problèmes",
"ButtonLatest": "Dernière Version",
"ButtonLibrary": "Bibliothèque",
"ButtonLogout": "Se Déconnecter",
"ButtonLookup": "Rechercher",
"ButtonLibrary": "Bibliothèque",
"ButtonManageTracks": "Gérer les pistes",
"ButtonMapChapterTitles": "Correspondance des titres de chapitres",
"ButtonMatchAllAuthors": "Rechercher tous les Auteurs",
@ -104,8 +104,8 @@
"HeaderNewAccount": "Nouveau Compte",
"HeaderNewLibrary": "Nouvelle Bibliothèque",
"HeaderNotifications": "Notifications",
"HeaderOtherFiles": "Autres Fichiers",
"HeaderOpenRSSFeed": "Ouvrir Flux RSS",
"HeaderOtherFiles": "Autres Fichiers",
"HeaderPermissions": "Permissions",
"HeaderPlayerQueue": "Liste d'Ecoute",
"HeaderPodcastsToAdd": "Podcasts à Ajouter",
@ -141,10 +141,14 @@
"LabelAccountTypeGuest": "Invité",
"LabelAccountTypeUser": "Utilisateur",
"LabelActivity": "Activité",
"LabelAddedAt": "Added At",
"LabelAddToCollection": "Ajouter à la Collection",
"LabelAddToCollectionBatch": "Ajout de {0} Livres à la Collection",
"LabelAll": "All",
"LabelAllUsers": "Tous les Utilisateurs",
"LabelAuthor": "Auteur",
"LabelAuthorFirstLast": "Author (First Last)",
"LabelAuthorLastFirst": "Author (Last, First)",
"LabelAuthors": "Auteurs",
"LabelAutoDownloadEpisodes": "Téléchargement Automatique d'Episode",
"LabelBackToUser": "Revenir à l'Utilisateur",
@ -190,12 +194,15 @@
"LabelExplicit": "Restriction",
"LabelFeedURL": "URL de Flux",
"LabelFile": "Fichier",
"LabelFileBirthtime": "File Birthtime",
"LabelFileModified": "File Modified",
"LabelFilename": "Nom de Fichier",
"LabelFilterByUser": "Filtrer par l'Utilisateur",
"LabelFindEpisodes": "Trouver des Episodes",
"LabelFinished": "Finis",
"LabelFolder": "Dossier",
"LabelFolders": "Dossiers",
"LabelGenre": "Genre",
"LabelGenres": "Genres",
"LabelHardDeleteFile": "Effacement du Fichier",
"LabelHour": "Heure",
@ -229,6 +236,7 @@
"LabelMissingParts": "Parties Manquantes",
"LabelMore": "Plus",
"LabelName": "Nom",
"LabelNarrator": "Narrator",
"LabelNarrators": "Narrateurs",
"LabelNew": "Nouveau",
"LabelNewestAuthors": "Nouveaux Auteurs",
@ -236,15 +244,16 @@
"LabelNewPassword": "Nouveau Mot de Passe",
"LabelNotes": "Notes",
"LabelNotFinished": "Non Terminés",
"LabelNotificationEvent": "Evènement de Notification",
"LabelNotificationAppriseURL": "URL(s) d'Apprise",
"LabelNotificationAvailableVariables": "Variables Disponibles",
"LabelNotificationBodyTemplate": "Modèle de Message",
"LabelNotificationTitleTemplate": "Modèle de Titre",
"LabelNotificationEvent": "Evènement de Notification",
"LabelNotificationsMaxFailedAttempts": "Nombres de Tentatives d'Envoi",
"LabelNotificationsMaxFailedAttemptsHelp": "La notification est abandonnée une fois ce seuil atteint",
"LabelNotificationsMaxQueueSize": "Nombres de notifications maximum à mettre en attente",
"LabelNotificationsMaxQueueSizeHelp": "La limite de notification est de un évènement par seconde. Le notification seront ignorées si la file d'attente est à son maximum. Cela empêche un flot trop important.",
"LabelNotificationTitleTemplate": "Modèle de Titre",
"LabelNumberOfEpisodes": "# of Episodes",
"LabelOpenRSSFeed": "Ouvrir le flux RSS",
"LabelPassword": "Mot de Passe",
"LabelPath": "Chemin",
@ -269,6 +278,7 @@
"LabelRecentSeries": "Séries Récentes",
"LabelRegion": "Région",
"LabelReleaseDate": "Date de Parution",
"LabelRSSFeedOpen": "RSS Feed Open",
"LabelRSSFeedSlug": "Flux RSS Slug",
"LabelRSSFeedURL": "URL du Flux RSS",
"LabelSearchTerm": "Terme de Recherche",
@ -278,6 +288,7 @@
"LabelSequence": "Séquence",
"LabelSeries": "Série",
"LabelSeriesName": "Nom de la Série",
"LabelSeriesProgress": "Series Progress",
"LabelSettingsBookshelfViewHelp": "Design Skeumorphic avec une Etagère en Bois",
"LabelSettingsChromecastSupport": "Support Chromecast",
"LabelSettingsDateFormat": "Format de Date",
@ -306,12 +317,12 @@
"LabelSettingsSkipMatchingBooksWithISBN": "Ignorer la recherche par correspondance sur les livres ayant déjà un ISBN",
"LabelSettingsSortingIgnorePrefixes": "Ignorer les préfixes lors du tri",
"LabelSettingsSortingIgnorePrefixesHelp": "i.e. pour le préfixe \"le\", le livre avec pour titre \"Le Titre du Livre\" sera trié en tant que \"Titre du Livre, Le\"",
"LabelSettingsSquareBookCovers": "Utiliser des couvertures carrées",
"LabelSettingsSquareBookCoversHelp": "Préférer les couvertures carrées par rapport aux couvertures standardes de 1.6:1.",
"LabelSettingsStoreCoversWithItem": "Enregistrer la couverture avec les articles",
"LabelSettingsStoreCoversWithItemHelp": "Par défaut, les couvertures sont enregistrées dans /metadata/items. Activer ce paramètre enregistrera les couvertures dans le dossier avec les fichiersde l'article. Seul un fichier nommé \"cover\" sera gardé.",
"LabelSettingsStoreMetadataWithItem": "Enregistrer les Métadonnées avec les articles",
"LabelSettingsStoreMetadataWithItemHelp": "Par défaut, les métadonnées sont enregistrées dans /metadata/items. Activer ce paramètre enregistrera les métadonnées dans le dossier de l'article avec une extension \".abs\".",
"LabelSettingsSquareBookCovers": "Utiliser des couvertures carrées",
"LabelSettingsSquareBookCoversHelp": "Préférer les couvertures carrées par rapport aux couvertures standardes de 1.6:1.",
"LabelShowAll": "Afficher Tout",
"LabelSize": "Taille",
"LabelStart": "Démarrer",
@ -335,6 +346,7 @@
"LabelStatsWeekListening": "Ecoute de la Semaine",
"LabelSubtitle": "Sous-Titre",
"LabelSupportedFileTypes": "Types de Fichiers Supportés",
"LabelTag": "Tag",
"LabelTags": "Etiquettes",
"LabelTagsAccessibleToUser": "Etiquettes Accessibles à l'Utilisateur",
"LabelTimeListened": "Temps d'écoute",
@ -378,8 +390,8 @@
"MessageChapterStartIsAfter": "Le Chapitre Début est situé au début de votre Livre Audio",
"MessageCheckingCron": "Vérification du cron...",
"MessageConfirmDeleteBackup": "Etes vous certain de vouloir supprimer la Sauvegarde de {0}?",
"MessageConfirmDeleteSession": "Etes vous certain de vouloir supprimer cette session?",
"MessageConfirmDeleteLibrary": "Etes vous certain de vouloir supprimer définitivement la bibliothèque \"{0}\"?",
"MessageConfirmDeleteSession": "Etes vous certain de vouloir supprimer cette session?",
"MessageConfirmForceReScan": "Etes vous certain de vouloir lancer une Analyse Forcée?",
"MessageConfirmRemoveCollection": "Etes vous certain de vouloir supprimer la collection \"{0}\"?",
"MessageConfirmRemoveEpisode": "Etes vous certain de vouloir supprimer l'épisode \"{0}\"?",
@ -508,8 +520,8 @@
"ToastLibraryUpdateSuccess": "Bibliothèque \"{0}\" mise à jour",
"ToastPodcastCreateFailed": "Echec de la création du Podcast",
"ToastPodcastCreateSuccess": "Podcast créé",
"ToastRemoveItemFromCollectionSuccess": "Article supprimé de la collection",
"ToastRemoveItemFromCollectionFailed": "Echec de la suppression de l'article de la collection",
"ToastRemoveItemFromCollectionSuccess": "Article supprimé de la collection",
"ToastRSSFeedCloseFailed": "Echec de la fermeture du flux RSS",
"ToastRSSFeedCloseSuccess": "Flux RSS fermé",
"ToastSessionDeleteFailed": "Echec de la suppression de session",
@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
"ButtonHome": "Početna stranica",
"ButtonIssues": "Problemi",
"ButtonLatest": "Najnovije",
"ButtonLibrary": "Biblioteka",
"ButtonLogout": "Odjavi se",
"ButtonLookup": "Potraži",
"ButtonLibrary": "Biblioteka",
"ButtonManageTracks": "Upravljanje pjesmama",
"ButtonMapChapterTitles": "Mapiraj imena poglavlja",
"ButtonMatchAllAuthors": "Matchaj sve autore",
@ -104,8 +104,8 @@
"HeaderNewAccount": "Novi korisnički račun",
"HeaderNewLibrary": "Nova biblioteka",
"HeaderNotifications": "Obavijesti",
"HeaderOtherFiles": "Druge datoteke",
"HeaderOpenRSSFeed": "Otvori RSS Feed",
"HeaderOtherFiles": "Druge datoteke",
"HeaderPermissions": "Dozvole",
"HeaderPlayerQueue": "Player Queue",
"HeaderPodcastsToAdd": "Podcasti za dodati",
@ -141,10 +141,14 @@
"LabelAccountTypeGuest": "Gost",
"LabelAccountTypeUser": "Korisnik",
"LabelActivity": "Aktivnost",
"LabelAddedAt": "Added At",
"LabelAddToCollection": "Dodaj u kolekciju",
"LabelAddToCollectionBatch": "Add {0} Books to Collection",
"LabelAll": "All",
"LabelAllUsers": "Svi korisnici",
"LabelAuthor": "Autor",
"LabelAuthorFirstLast": "Author (First Last)",
"LabelAuthorLastFirst": "Author (Last, First)",
"LabelAuthors": "Autori",
"LabelAutoDownloadEpisodes": "Automatski preuzmi epizode",
"LabelBackToUser": "Nazad k korisniku",
@ -190,12 +194,15 @@
"LabelExplicit": "Explicit",
"LabelFeedURL": "Feed URL",
"LabelFile": "Datoteka",
"LabelFileBirthtime": "File Birthtime",
"LabelFileModified": "File Modified",
"LabelFilename": "Ime datoteke",
"LabelFilterByUser": "Filtriraj po korisniku",
"LabelFindEpisodes": "Pronađi epizode",
"LabelFinished": "Finished",
"LabelFolder": "Folder",
"LabelFolders": "Folderi",
"LabelGenre": "Genre",
"LabelGenres": "Žanrovi",
"LabelHardDeleteFile": "Obriši datoteku zauvijek",
"LabelHour": "Sat",
@ -229,6 +236,7 @@
"LabelMissingParts": "Nedostajali dijelovi",
"LabelMore": "Više",
"LabelName": "Ime",
"LabelNarrator": "Narrator",
"LabelNarrators": "Naratori",
"LabelNew": "Novo",
"LabelNewestAuthors": "Najnoviji autori",
@ -236,15 +244,16 @@
"LabelNewPassword": "Nova lozinka",
"LabelNotes": "Bilješke",
"LabelNotFinished": "Nedovršeno",
"LabelNotificationEvent": "Notification Event",
"LabelNotificationAppriseURL": "Apprise URL(s)",
"LabelNotificationAvailableVariables": "Dostupne varijable",
"LabelNotificationBodyTemplate": "Body Template",
"LabelNotificationTitleTemplate": "Title Template",
"LabelNotificationEvent": "Notification Event",
"LabelNotificationsMaxFailedAttempts": "Maksimalan broj neuspjelih pokušaja",
"LabelNotificationsMaxFailedAttemptsHelp": "Obavijesti će biti isključene ako par puta budu neuspješno poslane.",
"LabelNotificationsMaxQueueSize": "Maksimalna veličina queuea za notification events",
"LabelNotificationsMaxQueueSizeHelp": "Samo 1 event po sekundi može biti pokrenut. Eventi će biti ignorirani ako je queue na maksimalnoj veličini. To spriječava spammanje s obavijestima.",
"LabelNotificationTitleTemplate": "Title Template",
"LabelNumberOfEpisodes": "# of Episodes",
"LabelOpenRSSFeed": "Otvori RSS Feed",
"LabelPassword": "Lozinka",
"LabelPath": "Putanja",
@ -269,6 +278,7 @@
"LabelRecentSeries": "Nedavne serije",
"LabelRegion": "Regija",
"LabelReleaseDate": "Datum izlaska",
"LabelRSSFeedOpen": "RSS Feed Open",
"LabelRSSFeedSlug": "RSS Feed Slug",
"LabelRSSFeedURL": "RSS Feed URL",
"LabelSearchTerm": "Traži pojam",
@ -278,6 +288,7 @@
"LabelSequence": "Sekvenca",
"LabelSeries": "Serije",
"LabelSeriesName": "Ime serije",
"LabelSeriesProgress": "Series Progress",
"LabelSettingsBookshelfViewHelp": "Skeumorfski (što god to bilo) dizajn sa drvenim policama",
"LabelSettingsChromecastSupport": "Chromecast podrška",
"LabelSettingsDateFormat": "Format datuma",
@ -306,12 +317,12 @@
"LabelSettingsSkipMatchingBooksWithISBN": "SPreskoči matchanje knjiga koje već imaju ISBN",
"LabelSettingsSortingIgnorePrefixes": "Zanemari prefikse tokom sortiranja",
"LabelSettingsSortingIgnorePrefixesHelp": "npr. za prefiks \"the\" book title \"The Ime Knjige\" će sortirati kao \"Ime Knjige, The\"",
"LabelSettingsSquareBookCovers": "Kockasti cover knjige",
"LabelSettingsSquareBookCoversHelp": "Koristi kockasti cover knjige umjesto klasičnog 1.6:1.",
"LabelSettingsStoreCoversWithItem": "Spremi cover uz stakvu",
"LabelSettingsStoreCoversWithItemHelp": "By default covers are stored in /metadata/items, enabling this setting will store covers in your library item folder. Only one file named \"cover\" will be kept",
"LabelSettingsStoreMetadataWithItem": "Spremi metapodatke uz stavku",
"LabelSettingsStoreMetadataWithItemHelp": "Po defaultu metapodatci su spremljeni u /metadata/items, uključujućite li ovu postavku, metapodatci će biti spremljeni u folderima od biblioteke. Koristi .abs ekstenziju.",
"LabelSettingsSquareBookCovers": "Kockasti cover knjige",
"LabelSettingsSquareBookCoversHelp": "Koristi kockasti cover knjige umjesto klasičnog 1.6:1.",
"LabelShowAll": "Prikaži sve",
"LabelSize": "Veličina",
"LabelStart": "Pokreni",
@ -335,6 +346,7 @@
"LabelStatsWeekListening": "Tjedno slušanje",
"LabelSubtitle": "Podnapis",
"LabelSupportedFileTypes": "Podržtani tip datoteke",
"LabelTag": "Tag",
"LabelTags": "Tags",
"LabelTagsAccessibleToUser": "Tags dostupni korisniku",
"LabelTimeListened": "Vremena odslušano",
@ -378,8 +390,8 @@
"MessageChapterStartIsAfter": "Početak poglavlja je nakon kraja audioknjige.",
"MessageCheckingCron": "Provjeravam cron...",
"MessageConfirmDeleteBackup": "Jeste li sigurni da želite obrisati backup za {0}?",
"MessageConfirmDeleteSession": "Jeste li sigurni da želite obrisati ovu sesiju?",
"MessageConfirmDeleteLibrary": "Jeste li sigurni da želite trajno obrisati biblioteku \"{0}\"?",
"MessageConfirmDeleteSession": "Jeste li sigurni da želite obrisati ovu sesiju?",
"MessageConfirmForceReScan": "Jeste li sigurni da želite ponovno skenirati?",
"MessageConfirmRemoveCollection": "AJeste li sigurni da želite obrisati kolekciju \"{0}\"?",
"MessageConfirmRemoveEpisode": "Jeste li sigurni da želite obrisati epizodu \"{0}\"?",
@ -508,8 +520,8 @@
"ToastLibraryUpdateSuccess": "Biblioteka \"{0}\" aktualizirana",
"ToastPodcastCreateFailed": "Neuspješno kreiranje podcasta",
"ToastPodcastCreateSuccess": "Podcast uspješno kreiran",
"ToastRemoveItemFromCollectionSuccess": "Stavka uklonjena iz kolekcije",
"ToastRemoveItemFromCollectionFailed": "Neuspješno uklanjanje stavke iz kolekcije",
"ToastRemoveItemFromCollectionSuccess": "Stavka uklonjena iz kolekcije",
"ToastRSSFeedCloseFailed": "Neuspješno zatvaranje RSS Feeda",
"ToastRSSFeedCloseSuccess": "RSS Feed zatvoren",
"ToastSessionDeleteFailed": "Neuspješno brisanje serije",
@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
"ButtonHome": "Home",
"ButtonIssues": "problemi",
"ButtonLatest": "Ultimi",
"ButtonLibrary": "Libreria",
"ButtonLogout": "Disconnetti",
"ButtonLookup": "Consulta",
"ButtonLibrary": "Libreria",
"ButtonManageTracks": "Gestisci le Tracce",
"ButtonMapChapterTitles": "Titoli dei Capitoli",
"ButtonMatchAllAuthors": "Aggiungi metadata degli autori",
@ -104,8 +104,8 @@
"HeaderNewAccount": "Nuovo Account",
"HeaderNewLibrary": "Nuova Libreria",
"HeaderNotifications": "Notifiche",
"HeaderOtherFiles": "Altri File",
"HeaderOpenRSSFeed": "Apri RSS Feed",
"HeaderOtherFiles": "Altri File",
"HeaderPermissions": "Permessi",
"HeaderPlayerQueue": "Player Queue",
"HeaderPodcastsToAdd": "Podcasts da Aggiungere",
@ -141,10 +141,14 @@
"LabelAccountTypeGuest": "Ospite",
"LabelAccountTypeUser": "Utente",
"LabelActivity": "Attività",
"LabelAddedAt": "Added At",
"LabelAddToCollection": "Aggiungi alla Collezione",
"LabelAddToCollectionBatch": "Aggiungi {0} Libri alla Collezione",
"LabelAll": "All",
"LabelAllUsers": "Tutti gli Utenti",
"LabelAuthor": "Autore",
"LabelAuthorFirstLast": "Author (First Last)",
"LabelAuthorLastFirst": "Author (Last, First)",
"LabelAuthors": "Autori",
"LabelAutoDownloadEpisodes": "Auto Download Episodi",
"LabelBackToUser": "Torna a Utenti",
@ -190,12 +194,15 @@
"LabelExplicit": "Esplicito",
"LabelFeedURL": "Feed URL",
"LabelFile": "File",
"LabelFileBirthtime": "File Birthtime",
"LabelFileModified": "File Modified",
"LabelFilename": "Nome File",
"LabelFilterByUser": "Filter per Utente",
"LabelFindEpisodes": "Trova Episodi",
"LabelFinished": "Finita",
"LabelFolder": "Cartella",
"LabelFolders": "cartelle",
"LabelGenre": "Genre",
"LabelGenres": "Generi",
"LabelHardDeleteFile": "Elimina Definitivamente",
"LabelHour": "Ora",
@ -229,6 +236,7 @@
"LabelMissingParts": "Parti rimantenti",
"LabelMore": "Espandi",
"LabelName": "Nome",
"LabelNarrator": "Narrator",
"LabelNarrators": "Narratore",
"LabelNew": "Nuovo",
"LabelNewestAuthors": "Autori Recenti",
@ -236,15 +244,16 @@
"LabelNewPassword": "Nuova Password",
"LabelNotes": "Note",
"LabelNotFinished": "Non Finita",
"LabelNotificationEvent": "Notifiche Eventi",
"LabelNotificationAppriseURL": "Apprendi URL(s)",
"LabelNotificationAvailableVariables": "Variabili Selezionabili",
"LabelNotificationBodyTemplate": "Body Template",
"LabelNotificationTitleTemplate": "Title Template",
"LabelNotificationEvent": "Notifiche Eventi",
"LabelNotificationsMaxFailedAttempts": "Numero massimo di tentativi falliti",
"LabelNotificationsMaxFailedAttemptsHelp": "Le notifiche vengono disabilitate se falliscono molte volte",
"LabelNotificationsMaxQueueSize": "Coda Massima di notifiche eventi",
"LabelNotificationsMaxQueueSizeHelp": "Le notifiche sono limitate per 1 al secondo, per evitare lo spamming le notifiche verrano ignorare se superano la coda",
"LabelNotificationTitleTemplate": "Title Template",
"LabelNumberOfEpisodes": "# of Episodes",
"LabelOpenRSSFeed": "Apri RSS Feed",
"LabelPassword": "Password",
"LabelPath": "Percorso",
@ -269,6 +278,7 @@
"LabelRecentSeries": "Serie Recenti",
"LabelRegion": "Regione",
"LabelReleaseDate": "Release Date",
"LabelRSSFeedOpen": "RSS Feed Open",
"LabelRSSFeedSlug": "RSS Feed Slug",
"LabelRSSFeedURL": "RSS Feed URL",
"LabelSearchTerm": "Termini di Ricerca",
@ -278,6 +288,7 @@
"LabelSequence": "Sequenza",
"LabelSeries": "Serie",
"LabelSeriesName": "Nome Serie",
"LabelSeriesProgress": "Series Progress",
"LabelSettingsBookshelfViewHelp": "Design con scaffali in legno",
"LabelSettingsChromecastSupport": "Supporto a Chromecast",
"LabelSettingsDateFormat": "Formato Data",
@ -306,12 +317,12 @@
"LabelSettingsSkipMatchingBooksWithISBN": "Salta la ricerca dati in internet se è già presente un codice ISBN",
"LabelSettingsSortingIgnorePrefixes": "Ignora i prefissi nei titoli durante l'aggiunta",
"LabelSettingsSortingIgnorePrefixesHelp": "per prefisso si intende ad esempio \"il\" cone nel libro \"Il signore degli anelli\" che verrebbe ordinato come \"signore degli anelli, il\"",
"LabelSettingsSquareBookCovers": "Utilizza le copertine quadrate",
"LabelSettingsSquareBookCoversHelp": "Preferisci usare copertine quadrate rispetto a copertine di libri standard 1,6:1",
"LabelSettingsStoreCoversWithItem": "Archivia le copertine con il file",
"LabelSettingsStoreCoversWithItemHelp": "Di default, le immagini di copertina sono salvate dentro /metadata/items, abilitando questa opzione le copertine saranno archiviate nella cartella della libreria corrispondente. Verrà conservato solo un file denominato \"cover\"",
"LabelSettingsStoreMetadataWithItem": "Archivia i metadata con il file",
"LabelSettingsStoreMetadataWithItemHelp": "Di default, i metadati sono salvati dentro /metadata/items, abilitando questa opzione si memorizzeranno i metadata nella cartella della libreria. I file avranno estensione .abs",
"LabelSettingsSquareBookCovers": "Utilizza le copertine quadrate",
"LabelSettingsSquareBookCoversHelp": "Preferisci usare copertine quadrate rispetto a copertine di libri standard 1,6:1",
"LabelShowAll": "Mostra Tutto",
"LabelSize": "Dimensione",
"LabelStart": "Inizo",
@ -335,6 +346,7 @@
"LabelStatsWeekListening": "Ascolto Settimanale",
"LabelSubtitle": "Sottotitoli",
"LabelSupportedFileTypes": "Tipi di file Supportati",
"LabelTag": "Tag",
"LabelTags": "Tags",
"LabelTagsAccessibleToUser": "Tags permessi agli Utenti",
"LabelTimeListened": "Tempo di Ascolto",
@ -378,8 +390,8 @@
"MessageChapterStartIsAfter": "L'inizio del capitolo è dopo la fine del tuo audiolibro",
"MessageCheckingCron": "Checking cron...",
"MessageConfirmDeleteBackup": "Sei sicuro di voler eliminare il backup {0}?",
"MessageConfirmDeleteSession": "Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questa sessione?",
"MessageConfirmDeleteLibrary": "Sei sicuro di voler eliminare definitivamente la libreria \"{0}\"?",
"MessageConfirmDeleteSession": "Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questa sessione?",
"MessageConfirmForceReScan": "Sei sicuro di voler forzare una nuova scansione?",
"MessageConfirmRemoveCollection": "Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere la Collezioni \"{0}\"?",
"MessageConfirmRemoveEpisode": "Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere l'episodio \"{0}\"?",
@ -508,8 +520,8 @@
"ToastLibraryUpdateSuccess": "Libreria \"{0}\" aggiornata",
"ToastPodcastCreateFailed": "Errore Creazione podcast",
"ToastPodcastCreateSuccess": "Podcast creato Correttamwnte",
"ToastRemoveItemFromCollectionSuccess": "Oggetto rimosso dalla collezione",
"ToastRemoveItemFromCollectionFailed": "Errore rimozione file dalla collezione",
"ToastRemoveItemFromCollectionSuccess": "Oggetto rimosso dalla collezione",
"ToastRSSFeedCloseFailed": "Failed to close RSS feed",
"ToastRSSFeedCloseSuccess": "RSS feed closed",
"ToastSessionDeleteFailed": "Errore eliminazione sessione",
@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
"ButtonHome": "Strona główna",
"ButtonIssues": "Błędy",
"ButtonLatest": "Aktualna wersja:",
"ButtonLibrary": "Biblioteka",
"ButtonLogout": "Wyloguj",
"ButtonLookup": "Importuj",
"ButtonLibrary": "Biblioteka",
"ButtonManageTracks": "Zarządzaj ścieżkami",
"ButtonMapChapterTitles": "Mapuj nazwy rozdziałów",
"ButtonMatchAllAuthors": "Dopasuj wszystkich autorów",
@ -104,8 +104,8 @@
"HeaderNewAccount": "Nowe konto",
"HeaderNewLibrary": "Nowa biblioteka",
"HeaderNotifications": "Powiadomienia",
"HeaderOtherFiles": "Inne pliki",
"HeaderOpenRSSFeed": "Utwórz kanał RSS",
"HeaderOtherFiles": "Inne pliki",
"HeaderPermissions": "Uprawnienia",
"HeaderPlayerQueue": "Player Queue",
"HeaderPodcastsToAdd": "Podcasty do dodania",
@ -141,10 +141,14 @@
"LabelAccountTypeGuest": "Gość",
"LabelAccountTypeUser": "Użytkownik",
"LabelActivity": "Aktywność",
"LabelAddedAt": "Added At",
"LabelAddToCollection": "Dodaj do kolekcji",
"LabelAddToCollectionBatch": "Dodaj {0} książki do kolekcji",
"LabelAll": "All",
"LabelAllUsers": "Wszyscy użytkownicy",
"LabelAuthor": "Autor",
"LabelAuthorFirstLast": "Author (First Last)",
"LabelAuthorLastFirst": "Author (Last, First)",
"LabelAuthors": "Autorzy",
"LabelAutoDownloadEpisodes": "Automatyczne pobieranie odcinków",
"LabelBackToUser": "Powrót",
@ -190,12 +194,15 @@
"LabelExplicit": "Nieprzyzwoite",
"LabelFeedURL": "URL kanału",
"LabelFile": "Plik",
"LabelFileBirthtime": "File Birthtime",
"LabelFileModified": "File Modified",
"LabelFilename": "Nazwa pliku",
"LabelFilterByUser": "Filtruj według danego użytkownika",
"LabelFindEpisodes": "Znajdź odcinki",
"LabelFinished": "Zakończone",
"LabelFolder": "Folder",
"LabelFolders": "Foldery",
"LabelGenre": "Genre",
"LabelGenres": "Gatunki",
"LabelHardDeleteFile": "Usuń trwale plik",
"LabelHour": "Godzina",
@ -229,6 +236,7 @@
"LabelMissingParts": "Brakujące cześci",
"LabelMore": "Więcej",
"LabelName": "Nazwa",
"LabelNarrator": "Narrator",
"LabelNarrators": "Lektorzy",
"LabelNew": "Nowy",
"LabelNewestAuthors": "Najnowsi autorzy",
@ -236,15 +244,16 @@
"LabelNewPassword": "Nowe hasło",
"LabelNotes": "Uwagi",
"LabelNotFinished": "Nieukończone",
"LabelNotificationEvent": "Zdarzenie",
"LabelNotificationAppriseURL": "URLe Apprise",
"LabelNotificationAvailableVariables": "Dostępne zmienne",
"LabelNotificationBodyTemplate": "Szablon treści powiadomienia",
"LabelNotificationTitleTemplate": "Szablon tytułu powiadmienia",
"LabelNotificationEvent": "Zdarzenie",
"LabelNotificationsMaxFailedAttempts": "Maksymalna liczba nieudanych prób",
"LabelNotificationsMaxFailedAttemptsHelp": "Powiadomienia są wyłączane, gdy próba ich wysyłki nie powiedzie się kilkukrotnie",
"LabelNotificationsMaxQueueSize": "Maksymalny rozmiar kolejki dla powiadomień",
"LabelNotificationsMaxQueueSizeHelp": "Zdarzenia są ograniczone do 1 na sekundę. Zdarzenia będą ignorowane jeśli kolejka ma maksymalny rozmiar. Zapobiega to spamowaniu powiadomieniami.",
"LabelNotificationTitleTemplate": "Szablon tytułu powiadmienia",
"LabelNumberOfEpisodes": "# of Episodes",
"LabelOpenRSSFeed": "Otwórz kanał RSS",
"LabelPassword": "Hasło",
"LabelPath": "Ścieżka",
@ -269,6 +278,7 @@
"LabelRecentSeries": "Ostatnie serie",
"LabelRegion": "Region",
"LabelReleaseDate": "Data wydania",
"LabelRSSFeedOpen": "RSS Feed Open",
"LabelRSSFeedSlug": "RSS Feed Slug",
"LabelRSSFeedURL": "URL kanały RSS",
"LabelSearchTerm": "Wyszukiwanie frazy",
@ -278,6 +288,7 @@
"LabelSequence": "Kolejność",
"LabelSeries": "Serie",
"LabelSeriesName": "Nazwy serii",
"LabelSeriesProgress": "Series Progress",
"LabelSettingsBookshelfViewHelp": "Widok półki z ksiązkami",
"LabelSettingsChromecastSupport": "Wsparcie Chromecast",
"LabelSettingsDateFormat": "Format daty",
@ -306,12 +317,12 @@
"LabelSettingsSkipMatchingBooksWithISBN": "Pomiń dopasowanie książek, które już mają ISBN",
"LabelSettingsSortingIgnorePrefixes": "Ignoruj prefiksy podczas sortowania",
"LabelSettingsSortingIgnorePrefixesHelp": "np. dla prefiksu \"the\" tytuł ksiązki \"The Book Title\" będzie sortowany jako \"Book Title, The\"",
"LabelSettingsSquareBookCovers": "Używaj kwadratowych okładek książek",
"LabelSettingsSquareBookCoversHelp": "Preferuj stosowanie kwadratowych okładek zamiast standardowych okładek książkowych o propocji 1,6:1",
"LabelSettingsStoreCoversWithItem": "Przechowuj okładkę w folderze książki",
"LabelSettingsStoreCoversWithItemHelp": "Domyślnie okładki są przechowywane w folderze /metadata/items, włączenie tej opcji spowoduje, że okładka będzie przechowywana w folderze ksiązki. Tylko jedna okładka o nazwie pliku \"cover\" będzie przechowywana.",
"LabelSettingsStoreMetadataWithItem": "Przechowuj metadane w folderze książki",
"LabelSettingsStoreMetadataWithItemHelp": "Domyślnie metadane są przechowywane w folderze /metadata/items, włączenie tej opcji spowoduje, że okładka będzie przechowywana w folderze ksiązki. Tylko jedna okładka o nazwie pliku \"cover\" będzie przechowywana. Rozszerzenie pliku metadanych: .abs",
"LabelSettingsSquareBookCovers": "Używaj kwadratowych okładek książek",
"LabelSettingsSquareBookCoversHelp": "Preferuj stosowanie kwadratowych okładek zamiast standardowych okładek książkowych o propocji 1,6:1",
"LabelShowAll": "Pokaż wszystko",
"LabelSize": "Rozmiar",
"LabelStart": "Rozpocznij",
@ -335,6 +346,7 @@
"LabelStatsWeekListening": "Tydzień odtwarzania",
"LabelSubtitle": "Podtytuł",
"LabelSupportedFileTypes": "Obsługiwane typy plików",
"LabelTag": "Tag",
"LabelTags": "Tagi",
"LabelTagsAccessibleToUser": "Tagi dostępne dla użytkownika",
"LabelTimeListened": "Czas odtwarzania",
@ -366,7 +378,7 @@
"LabelUsername": "Nazwa użytkownika",
"LabelValue": "Wartość",
"LabelVersion": "Wersja",
"Dni tygodnia": "Weekdays to run",
"LabelWeekdaysToRun": "Dni tygodnia",
"LabelYourAudiobookDuration": "Czas trwania audiobooka",
"LabelYourBookmarks": "Twoje zakładki",
"LabelYourProgress": "Twój postęp",
@ -378,8 +390,8 @@
"MessageChapterStartIsAfter": "Początek rozdziału następuje po zakończeniu audiobooka",
"MessageCheckingCron": "Sprawdzanie cron...",
"MessageConfirmDeleteBackup": "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć kopię zapasową dla {0}?",
"MessageConfirmDeleteSession": "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć tę sesję?",
"MessageConfirmDeleteLibrary": "Czy na pewno chcesz trwale usunąć bibliotekę \"{0}\"?",
"MessageConfirmDeleteSession": "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć tę sesję?",
"MessageConfirmForceReScan": "Czy na pewno chcesz wymusić ponowne skanowanie?",
"MessageConfirmRemoveCollection": "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć kolekcję \"{0}\"?",
"MessageConfirmRemoveEpisode": "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć odcinek \"{0}\"?",
@ -508,8 +520,8 @@
"ToastLibraryUpdateSuccess": "Zaktualizowano \"{0}\" pozycji",
"ToastPodcastCreateFailed": "Nie udało się utworzyć podcastu",
"ToastPodcastCreateSuccess": "Podcast został pomyślnie utworzony",
"ToastRemoveItemFromCollectionSuccess": "Pozycja usunięta z kolekcji",
"ToastRemoveItemFromCollectionFailed": "Nie udało się usunąć elementu z kolekcji",
"ToastRemoveItemFromCollectionSuccess": "Pozycja usunięta z kolekcji",
"ToastRSSFeedCloseFailed": "Zamknięcie kanału RSS nie powiodło się",
"ToastRSSFeedCloseSuccess": "Zamknięcie kanału RSS powiodło się",
"ToastSessionDeleteFailed": "Nie udało się usunąć sesji",
@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
"ButtonHome": "首页",
"ButtonIssues": "反馈问题",
"ButtonLatest": "最新",
"ButtonLibrary": "图书库",
"ButtonLogout": "注销",
"ButtonLookup": "查找",
"ButtonLibrary": "图书库",
"ButtonManageTracks": "管理音轨",
"ButtonMapChapterTitles": "章节标题结构",
"ButtonMatchAllAuthors": "匹配所有作者",
@ -104,8 +104,8 @@
"HeaderNewAccount": "新建帐户",
"HeaderNewLibrary": "新建图书库",
"HeaderNotifications": "通知",
"HeaderOtherFiles": "其他文件",
"HeaderOpenRSSFeed": "打开 RSS 源",
"HeaderOtherFiles": "其他文件",
"HeaderPermissions": "权限",
"HeaderPlayerQueue": "播放列表",
"HeaderPodcastsToAdd": "要添加的播客",
@ -141,10 +141,14 @@
"LabelAccountTypeGuest": "来宾",
"LabelAccountTypeUser": "用户",
"LabelActivity": "活动",
"LabelAddedAt": "Added At",
"LabelAddToCollection": "添加到收藏",
"LabelAddToCollectionBatch": "添加 {0} 图书到收藏",
"LabelAll": "All",
"LabelAllUsers": "所有用户",
"LabelAuthor": "作者",
"LabelAuthorFirstLast": "Author (First Last)",
"LabelAuthorLastFirst": "Author (Last, First)",
"LabelAuthors": "作者",
"LabelAutoDownloadEpisodes": "自动下载剧集",
"LabelBackToUser": "返回到用户",
@ -190,12 +194,15 @@
"LabelExplicit": "显式",
"LabelFeedURL": "源 URL",
"LabelFile": "文件",
"LabelFileBirthtime": "File Birthtime",
"LabelFileModified": "File Modified",
"LabelFilename": "文件名",
"LabelFilterByUser": "按用户筛选",
"LabelFindEpisodes": "查找剧集",
"LabelFinished": "听完",
"LabelFolder": "文件夹",
"LabelFolders": "文件夹",
"LabelGenre": "Genre",
"LabelGenres": "流派",
"LabelHardDeleteFile": "完全删除文件",
"LabelHour": "小时",
@ -229,6 +236,7 @@
"LabelMissingParts": "丢失的部分",
"LabelMore": "更多",
"LabelName": "名称",
"LabelNarrator": "Narrator",
"LabelNarrators": "演播者",
"LabelNew": "新建",
"LabelNewestAuthors": "最新作者",
@ -236,15 +244,16 @@
"LabelNewPassword": "新密码",
"LabelNotes": "注释",
"LabelNotFinished": "未完成",
"LabelNotificationEvent": "通知事件",
"LabelNotificationAppriseURL": "通知 URL(s)",
"LabelNotificationAvailableVariables": "可用变量",
"LabelNotificationBodyTemplate": "正文模板",
"LabelNotificationTitleTemplate": "标题模板",
"LabelNotificationEvent": "通知事件",
"LabelNotificationsMaxFailedAttempts": "最大失败尝试次数",
"LabelNotificationsMaxFailedAttemptsHelp": "如果多次发送失败,通知将被禁用",
"LabelNotificationsMaxQueueSize": "通知事件的最大队列大小",
"LabelNotificationsMaxQueueSizeHelp": "通知事件被限制为每秒触发 1 个. 如果队列处于最大大小, 则将忽略事件. 这可以防止通知垃圾邮件.",
"LabelNotificationTitleTemplate": "标题模板",
"LabelNumberOfEpisodes": "# of Episodes",
"LabelOpenRSSFeed": "打开 RSS 源",
"LabelPassword": "密码",
"LabelPath": "路径",
@ -269,6 +278,7 @@
"LabelRecentSeries": "最近添加系列",
"LabelRegion": "区域",
"LabelReleaseDate": "发布日期",
"LabelRSSFeedOpen": "RSS Feed Open",
"LabelRSSFeedSlug": "RSS 源段",
"LabelRSSFeedURL": "RSS 源 URL",
"LabelSearchTerm": "搜索项",
@ -278,6 +288,7 @@
"LabelSequence": "序列",
"LabelSeries": "系列",
"LabelSeriesName": "系列名称",
"LabelSeriesProgress": "Series Progress",
"LabelSettingsBookshelfViewHelp": "带有木架子的拟物化设计",
"LabelSettingsChromecastSupport": "Chromecast 支持",
"LabelSettingsDateFormat": "日期格式",
@ -306,12 +317,12 @@
"LabelSettingsSkipMatchingBooksWithISBN": "跳过匹配已有 ISBN 的图书",
"LabelSettingsSortingIgnorePrefixes": "排序时忽略前缀",
"LabelSettingsSortingIgnorePrefixesHelp": "例如: 前缀为 \"The\" 的图书标题 \"The Book Title\" 将按 \"Book Title, The\" 进行排序",
"LabelSettingsSquareBookCovers": "用户方形图书封面",
"LabelSettingsSquareBookCoversHelp": "比起标准的 1.6:1 图书封面,更喜欢使用方形封面",
"LabelSettingsStoreCoversWithItem": "存储项目封面",
"LabelSettingsStoreCoversWithItemHelp": "默认情况下封面存储在/metadata/items文件夹中, 启用此设置将存储封面在你图书项目文件夹中. 只保留一个名为 \"cover\" 的文件",
"LabelSettingsStoreMetadataWithItem": "存储项目元数据",
"LabelSettingsStoreMetadataWithItemHelp": "默认情况下元数据文件存储在/metadata/items文件夹中, 启用此设置将存储元数据在你图书项目文件夹中. 使 .abs 文件护展名",
"LabelSettingsSquareBookCovers": "用户方形图书封面",
"LabelSettingsSquareBookCoversHelp": "比起标准的 1.6:1 图书封面,更喜欢使用方形封面",
"LabelShowAll": "全部显示",
"LabelSize": "大小",
"LabelStart": "开始",
@ -335,6 +346,7 @@
"LabelStatsWeekListening": "每周收听",
"LabelSubtitle": "副标题",
"LabelSupportedFileTypes": "支持的文件类型",
"LabelTag": "Tag",
"LabelTags": "标签",
"LabelTagsAccessibleToUser": "用户可访问的标签",
"LabelTimeListened": "收听时间",
@ -378,8 +390,8 @@
"MessageChapterStartIsAfter": "章节开始是在有声读物结束之后",
"MessageCheckingCron": "检查计划任务...",
"MessageConfirmDeleteBackup": "你确定要删除备份 {0}?",
"MessageConfirmDeleteSession": "你确定要删除此会话吗?",
"MessageConfirmDeleteLibrary": "你确定要永久删除图书库 \"{0}\"?",
"MessageConfirmDeleteSession": "你确定要删除此会话吗?",
"MessageConfirmForceReScan": "你确定要强制重新扫描吗?",
"MessageConfirmRemoveCollection": "您确定要移除收藏 \"{0}\"?",
"MessageConfirmRemoveEpisode": "您确定要移除剧集 \"{0}\"?",
@ -508,8 +520,8 @@
"ToastLibraryUpdateSuccess": "图书库 \"{0}\" 已更新",
"ToastPodcastCreateFailed": "创建播客失败",
"ToastPodcastCreateSuccess": "已成功创建播客",
"ToastRemoveItemFromCollectionSuccess": "项目已从收藏中删除",
"ToastRemoveItemFromCollectionFailed": "从收藏中删除项目失败",
"ToastRemoveItemFromCollectionSuccess": "项目已从收藏中删除",
"ToastRSSFeedCloseFailed": "关闭 RSS 源失败",
"ToastRSSFeedCloseSuccess": "RSS 源已关闭",
"ToastSessionDeleteFailed": "删除会话失败",
Reference in New Issue
Block a user