components: schemas: PodcastEpisode: type: object description: A single episode of a podcast. properties: libraryItemId: $ref: '../LibraryItem.yaml#/components/schemas/libraryItemId' podcastId: $ref: '../mediaTypes/Podcast.yaml#/components/schemas/podcastId' id: $ref: '../mediaTypes/Podcast.yaml#/components/schemas/podcastId' oldEpisodeId: $ref: '../mediaTypes/Podcast.yaml#/components/schemas/oldPodcastId' index: type: integer description: The index of the episode within the podcast. nullable: true season: type: string description: The season number of the episode. nullable: true episode: type: string description: The episode number within the season. nullable: true episodeType: type: string description: The type of episode (e.g., full, trailer). nullable: true title: type: string description: The title of the episode. nullable: true subtitle: type: string description: The subtitle of the episode. nullable: true description: type: string description: The description of the episode. nullable: true enclosure: type: object description: The enclosure object containing additional episode data. nullable: true additionalProperties: true guid: type: string description: The globally unique identifier for the episode. nullable: true pubDate: type: string description: The publication date of the episode. nullable: true chapters: type: array description: The chapters within the episode. items: type: object audioFile: $ref: '../files/AudioFile.yaml#/components/schemas/audioFile' publishedAt: $ref: '../../schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/createdAt' addedAt: $ref: '../../schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/addedAt' updatedAt: $ref: '../../schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/updatedAt' audioTrack: $ref: '../files/AudioTrack.yaml#/components/schemas/AudioTrack' duration: $ref: '../../schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/durationSec' size: $ref: '../../schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/size'