const { expect } = require('chai') const sinon = require('sinon') const Logger = require('../../server/Logger') // Adjust the path as needed const { LogLevel } = require('../../server/utils/constants') const date = require('../../server/libs/dateAndTime') const util = require('util') describe('Logger', function () { let consoleTraceStub let consoleDebugStub let consoleInfoStub let consoleWarnStub let consoleErrorStub let consoleLogStub beforeEach(function () { // Stub the date format function to return a consistent timestamp sinon.stub(date, 'format').returns('2024-09-10 12:34:56.789') // Stub the source getter to return a consistent source sinon.stub(Logger, 'source').get(() => 'some/source.js') // Stub the console methods used in Logger consoleTraceStub = sinon.stub(console, 'trace') consoleDebugStub = sinon.stub(console, 'debug') consoleInfoStub = sinon.stub(console, 'info') consoleWarnStub = sinon.stub(console, 'warn') consoleErrorStub = sinon.stub(console, 'error') consoleLogStub = sinon.stub(console, 'log') // Initialize the Logger's logManager as a mock object Logger.logManager = { logToFile: sinon.stub().resolves() } }) afterEach(function () { sinon.restore() }) describe('logging methods', function () { it('should have a method for each log level defined in the static block', function () { const loggerMethods = Object.keys(LogLevel).map((key) => key.toLowerCase()) loggerMethods.forEach((method) => { expect(Logger)'function') }) }) it('should call console.trace for trace logging', function () { // Arrange Logger.logLevel = LogLevel.TRACE // Act Logger.trace('Test message') // Assert expect(consoleTraceStub.calledOnce) }) it('should call console.debug for debug logging', function () { // Arrange Logger.logLevel = LogLevel.TRACE // Act Logger.debug('Test message') // Assert expect(consoleDebugStub.calledOnce) }) it('should call for info logging', function () { // Arrange Logger.logLevel = LogLevel.TRACE // Act'Test message') // Assert expect(consoleInfoStub.calledOnce) }) it('should call console.warn for warn logging', function () { // Arrange Logger.logLevel = LogLevel.TRACE // Act Logger.warn('Test message') // Assert expect(consoleWarnStub.calledOnce) }) it('should call console.error for error logging', function () { // Arrange Logger.logLevel = LogLevel.TRACE // Act Logger.error('Test message') // Assert expect(consoleErrorStub.calledOnce) }) it('should call console.error for fatal logging', function () { // Arrange Logger.logLevel = LogLevel.TRACE // Act Logger.fatal('Test message') // Assert expect(consoleErrorStub.calledOnce) }) it('should call console.log for note logging', function () { // Arrange Logger.logLevel = LogLevel.TRACE // Act Logger.note('Test message') // Assert expect(consoleLogStub.calledOnce) }) }) describe('#log', function () { it('should log to console and file if level is high enough', async function () { // Arrange const logArgs = ['Test message'] Logger.logLevel = LogLevel.TRACE // Act Logger.debug(...logArgs) expect(consoleDebugStub.calledOnce) expect(consoleDebugStub.calledWithExactly('[2024-09-10 12:34:56.789] DEBUG:', ...logArgs)) expect(Logger.logManager.logToFile.calledOnce) expect( Logger.logManager.logToFile.calledWithExactly({ timestamp: '2024-09-10 12:34:56.789', source: 'some/source.js', message: 'Test message', levelName: 'DEBUG', level: LogLevel.DEBUG }) ) }) it('should not log if log level is too low', function () { // Arrange const logArgs = ['This log should not appear'] // Set log level to ERROR, so DEBUG log should be ignored Logger.logLevel = LogLevel.ERROR // Act Logger.debug(...logArgs) // Verify console.debug is not called expect(consoleDebugStub.called) expect(Logger.logManager.logToFile.called) }) it('should emit log to all connected sockets with appropriate log level', async function () { // Arrange const socket1 = { id: '1', emit: sinon.spy() } const socket2 = { id: '2', emit: sinon.spy() } Logger.addSocketListener(socket1, LogLevel.DEBUG) Logger.addSocketListener(socket2, LogLevel.ERROR) const logArgs = ['Socket test'] Logger.logLevel = LogLevel.TRACE // Act await Logger.debug(...logArgs) // socket1 should receive the log, but not socket2 expect(socket1.emit.calledOnce) expect( socket1.emit.calledWithExactly('log', { timestamp: '2024-09-10 12:34:56.789', source: 'some/source.js', message: 'Socket test', levelName: 'DEBUG', level: LogLevel.DEBUG }) ) expect(socket2.emit.called) }) it('should log fatal messages to console and file regardless of log level', async function () { // Arrange const logArgs = ['Fatal error'] // Set log level to NOTE + 1, so nothing should be logged Logger.logLevel = LogLevel.NOTE + 1 // Act await Logger.fatal(...logArgs) // Assert expect(consoleErrorStub.calledOnce) expect(consoleErrorStub.calledWithExactly('[2024-09-10 12:34:56.789] FATAL:', ...logArgs)) expect(Logger.logManager.logToFile.calledOnce) expect( Logger.logManager.logToFile.calledWithExactly({ timestamp: '2024-09-10 12:34:56.789', source: 'some/source.js', message: 'Fatal error', levelName: 'FATAL', level: LogLevel.FATAL }) ) }) it('should log note messages to console and file regardless of log level', async function () { // Arrange const logArgs = ['Note message'] // Set log level to NOTE + 1, so nothing should be logged Logger.logLevel = LogLevel.NOTE + 1 // Act await Logger.note(...logArgs) // Assert expect(consoleLogStub.calledOnce) expect(consoleLogStub.calledWithExactly('[2024-09-10 12:34:56.789] NOTE:', ...logArgs)) expect(Logger.logManager.logToFile.calledOnce) expect( Logger.logManager.logToFile.calledWithExactly({ timestamp: '2024-09-10 12:34:56.789', source: 'some/source.js', message: 'Note message', levelName: 'NOTE', level: LogLevel.NOTE }) ) }) it('should log util.inspect(arg) for non-string objects', async function () { // Arrange const obj = { key: 'value' } const logArgs = ['Logging object:', obj] Logger.logLevel = LogLevel.TRACE // Act await Logger.debug(...logArgs) // Assert expect(consoleDebugStub.calledOnce) expect(consoleDebugStub.calledWithExactly('[2024-09-10 12:34:56.789] DEBUG:', 'Logging object:', obj)) expect(Logger.logManager.logToFile.calledOnce) expect(Logger.logManager.logToFile.firstCall.args[0].message).to.equal('Logging object: ' + util.inspect(obj)) }) }) describe('socket listeners', function () { it('should add and remove socket listeners', function () { // Arrange const socket1 = { id: '1', emit: sinon.spy() } const socket2 = { id: '2', emit: sinon.spy() } // Act Logger.addSocketListener(socket1, LogLevel.DEBUG) Logger.addSocketListener(socket2, LogLevel.ERROR) Logger.removeSocketListener('1') // Assert expect(Logger.socketListeners).to.have.lengthOf(1) expect(Logger.socketListeners[0].id).to.equal('2') }) }) describe('setLogLevel', function () { it('should change the log level and log the new level', function () { // Arrange const debugSpy = sinon.spy(Logger, 'debug') // Act Logger.setLogLevel(LogLevel.WARN) // Assert expect(Logger.logLevel).to.equal(LogLevel.WARN) expect(debugSpy.calledOnce) expect(debugSpy.calledWithExactly('Set Log Level to WARN')) }) }) })