<template> <div v-if="tasksToShow.length" class="w-4 h-4 mx-3 relative" v-click-outside="clickOutsideObj"> <button type="button" :disabled="disabled" class="w-10 sm:w-full relative h-full cursor-pointer" aria-haspopup="listbox" :aria-expanded="showMenu" @click.stop.prevent="clickShowMenu"> <div class="flex h-full items-center justify-center"> <ui-tooltip v-if="tasksRunning" :text="$strings.LabelTasks" direction="bottom" class="flex items-center"> <widgets-loading-spinner /> </ui-tooltip> <ui-tooltip v-else text="Activities" direction="bottom" class="flex items-center"> <span class="material-symbols text-1.5xl" aria-label="Activities" role="button">notifications</span> </ui-tooltip> </div> <div v-if="showUnseenSuccessIndicator" class="w-2 h-2 rounded-full bg-success pointer-events-none absolute -top-1 -right-0.5" /> <div v-if="showUnseenSuccessIndicator" class="w-2 h-2 rounded-full bg-success/50 pointer-events-none absolute animate-ping -top-1 -right-0.5" /> </button> <transition name="menu"> <div class="sm:w-80 w-full relative"> <div v-show="showMenu" class="absolute z-40 -mt-px w-40 sm:w-full bg-bg border border-black-200 shadow-lg rounded-md text-base ring-1 ring-black ring-opacity-5 overflow-auto focus:outline-none sm:text-sm globalTaskRunningMenu"> <ul class="h-full w-full" role="listbox" aria-labelledby="listbox-label"> <template v-if="tasksToShow.length"> <template v-for="task in tasksToShow"> <nuxt-link :key="task.id" v-if="actionLink(task)" :to="actionLink(task)"> <li class="text-gray-50 select-none relative hover:bg-black-400 py-1 cursor-pointer"> <cards-item-task-running-card :task="task" /> </li> </nuxt-link> <li v-else :key="task.id" class="text-gray-50 select-none relative hover:bg-black-400 py-1"> <cards-item-task-running-card :task="task" /> </li> </template> </template> <li v-else class="py-2 px-2"> <p>{{ $strings.MessageNoTasksRunning }}</p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </transition> </div> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { clickOutsideObj: { handler: this.clickedOutside, events: ['mousedown'], isActive: true }, showMenu: false, disabled: false, tasksSeen: [] } }, computed: { tasks() { return this.$store.state.tasks.tasks }, tasksRunning() { return this.tasks.some((t) => !t.isFinished) }, tasksToShow() { // return just the tasks that are running or failed (or show success) in the last 1 minute const tasks = this.tasks.filter((t) => !t.isFinished || ((t.isFailed || t.showSuccess) && t.finishedAt > new Date().getTime() - 1000 * 60)) || [] return tasks.sort((a, b) => b.startedAt - a.startedAt) }, showUnseenSuccessIndicator() { return this.tasksToShow.some((t) => t.isFinished && !t.isFailed && !this.tasksSeen.includes(t.id)) } }, methods: { clickShowMenu() { if (this.disabled) return this.showMenu = !this.showMenu if (this.showMenu) { this.tasksToShow.forEach((t) => { if (!this.tasksSeen.includes(t.id)) this.tasksSeen.push(t.id) }) } }, clickedOutside() { this.showMenu = false }, actionLink(task) { switch (task.action) { case 'download-podcast-episode': return `/library/${task.data.libraryId}/podcast/download-queue` case 'encode-m4b': return `/audiobook/${task.data.libraryItemId}/manage?tool=m4b` case 'embed-metadata': return `/audiobook/${task.data.libraryItemId}/manage?tool=embed` case 'scan-item': return `/item/${task.data.libraryItemId}` default: return '' } }, taskFinished(task) { // add task as seen if menu is open when it finished if (this.showMenu && !this.tasksSeen.includes(task.id)) { this.tasksSeen.push(task.id) } } }, mounted() { this.$root.socket?.on('task_finished', this.taskFinished) }, beforeDestroy() { this.$root.socket?.off('task_finished', this.taskFinished) } } </script> <style> .globalTaskRunningMenu { max-height: 80vh; } </style>