const fs = require('fs-extra') const rra = require('recursive-readdir-async') const axios = require('axios') const Logger = require('../Logger') async function getFileStat(path) { try { var stat = await fs.stat(path) return { size: stat.size, atime: stat.atime, mtime: stat.mtime, ctime: stat.ctime, birthtime: stat.birthtime } } catch (err) { console.error('Failed to stat', err) return false } } module.exports.getFileStat = getFileStat async function getFileSize(path) { var stat = await getFileStat(path) if (!stat) return 0 return stat.size || 0 } module.exports.getFileSize = getFileSize async function readTextFile(path) { try { var data = await fs.readFile(path) return String(data) } catch (error) { Logger.error(`[FileUtils] ReadTextFile error ${error}`) return '' } } module.exports.readTextFile = readTextFile function bytesPretty(bytes, decimals = 0) { if (bytes === 0) { return '0 Bytes' } const k = 1024 var dm = decimals < 0 ? 0 : decimals const sizes = ['Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB'] const i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(k)) if (i > 2 && dm === 0) dm = 1 return parseFloat((bytes / Math.pow(k, i)).toFixed(dm)) + ' ' + sizes[i] } module.exports.bytesPretty = bytesPretty function setFileOwner(path, uid, gid) { try { return fs.chown(path, uid, gid).then(() => true) } catch (err) { console.error('Failed set file owner', err) return false } } module.exports.setFileOwner = setFileOwner async function recurseFiles(path, relPathToReplace = null) { path = path.replace(/\\/g, '/') if (!path.endsWith('/')) path = path + '/' if (relPathToReplace) { relPathToReplace = relPathToReplace.replace(/\\/g, '/') if (!relPathToReplace.endsWith('/')) relPathToReplace += '/' } else { relPathToReplace = path } const options = { mode: rra.LIST, recursive: true, stats: false, ignoreFolders: true, extensions: true, deep: true, realPath: true, normalizePath: true } var list = await rra.list(path, options) if (list.error) { Logger.error('[fileUtils] Recurse files error', list.error) return [] } list = list.filter((item) => { if (item.error) { Logger.error(`[fileUtils] Recurse files file "${item.fullName}" has error`, item.error) return false } // Ignore any file if a directory or the filename starts with "." var relpath = item.fullname.replace(relPathToReplace, '') var pathStartsWithPeriod = relpath.split('/').find(p => p.startsWith('.')) if (pathStartsWithPeriod) { Logger.debug(`[fileUtils] Ignoring path has . "${relpath}"`) return false } return true }).map((item) => ({ name:, path: item.fullname.replace(relPathToReplace, ''), dirpath: item.path, reldirpath: item.path.replace(relPathToReplace, ''), fullpath: item.fullname, extension: item.extension, deep: item.deep })) // Sort from least deep to most list.sort((a, b) => a.deep - b.deep) // list.forEach((l) => { // console.log(`${l.deep}: ${l.path}`) // }) return list } module.exports.recurseFiles = recurseFiles module.exports.downloadFile = async (url, filepath) => { Logger.debug(`[fileUtils] Downloading file to ${filepath}`) const writer = fs.createWriteStream(filepath) const response = await axios({ url, method: 'GET', responseType: 'stream' }) return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { writer.on('finish', resolve) writer.on('error', reject) }) }