<template> <div ref="page" id="page-wrapper" class="page px-6 pt-6 pb-52 overflow-y-auto" :class="streamAudiobook ? 'streaming' : ''"> <div class="flex justify-center flex-wrap"> <template v-for="audiobook in audiobookCopies"> <div :key="audiobook.id" class="w-full max-w-3xl border border-black-300 p-6 -ml-px -mt-px flex"> <div class="w-32"> <cards-book-cover :audiobook="audiobook.originalAudiobook" :width="120" /> </div> <div class="flex-grow pl-4"> <ui-text-input-with-label v-model="audiobook.book.title" label="Title" /> <div class="flex mt-2 -mx-1"> <div class="w-3/4 px-1"> <ui-text-input-with-label v-model="audiobook.book.author" label="Author" /> </div> <div class="flex-grow px-1"> <ui-text-input-with-label v-model="audiobook.book.publishYear" type="number" label="Publish Year" /> </div> </div> <div class="flex mt-2 -mx-1"> <div class="w-3/4 px-1"> <ui-input-dropdown v-model="audiobook.book.series" label="Series" :items="seriesItems" @input="seriesChanged" @newItem="newSeriesItem" /> </div> <div class="flex-grow px-1"> <ui-text-input-with-label v-model="audiobook.book.volumeNumber" label="Volume #" /> </div> </div> <ui-textarea-with-label v-model="audiobook.book.description" :rows="3" label="Description" class="mt-2" /> <div class="flex mt-2 -mx-1"> <div class="w-1/2 px-1"> <ui-multi-select v-model="audiobook.book.genres" label="Genres" :items="genres" /> </div> <div class="flex-grow px-1"> <ui-multi-select v-model="audiobook.tags" label="Tags" :items="tags" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </template> </div> <div v-show="isProcessing" class="fixed top-0 left-0 z-50 w-full h-full flex items-center justify-center bg-black bg-opacity-60"> <ui-loading-indicator /> </div> <div :class="isScrollable ? 'fixed left-0 box-shadow-lg-up bg-primary' : ''" class="w-full h-20 px-4 flex items-center border-t border-bg z-40" :style="{ bottom: streamAudiobook ? '165px' : '0px' }"> <div class="flex-grow" /> <ui-btn color="success" :padding-x="8" class="text-lg" :loading="isProcessing" @click="saveClick">Save</ui-btn> </div> </div> </template> <script> export default { asyncData({ store, redirect }) { if (!store.state.selectedAudiobooks.length) { return redirect('/') } var audiobooks = store.state.audiobooks.audiobooks.filter((ab) => store.state.selectedAudiobooks.includes(ab.id)) return { audiobooks } }, data() { return { isProcessing: false, audiobookCopies: [], isScrollable: false, newSeriesItems: [] } }, computed: { streamAudiobook() { return this.$store.state.streamAudiobook }, genres() { return this.$store.state.audiobooks.genres }, tags() { return this.$store.state.audiobooks.tags }, series() { return this.$store.state.audiobooks.series }, seriesItems() { return [...this.series, ...this.newSeriesItems] } }, methods: { newSeriesItem(item) { if (!item) return this.newSeriesItems.push(item) }, seriesChanged() { this.newSeriesItems = this.newSeriesItems.filter((item) => { return this.audiobookCopies.find((ab) => ab.book.series === item) }) }, init() { this.audiobookCopies = this.audiobooks.map((ab) => { var copy = { ...ab } copy.tags = [...ab.tags] copy.book = { ...ab.book } copy.book.genres = [...ab.book.genres] copy.originalAudiobook = ab return copy }) this.$nextTick(() => { if (this.$refs.page.scrollHeight > this.$refs.page.clientHeight) { this.isScrollable = true } }) }, saveClick() { this.isProcessing = true this.$axios .$post('/api/audiobooks/update', this.audiobookCopies) .then((data) => { this.isProcessing = false if (data.updates) { this.$toast.success(`Successfully updated ${data.updates} audiobooks`) this.$router.replace('/') } else { this.$toast.warning('No updates were necessary') } }) .catch((error) => { console.error('failed to batch update', error) this.$toast.error('Failed to batch update') this.isProcessing = false }) } }, mounted() { this.init() } } </script>