/*jshint node:true*/ 'use strict'; // // modified for use with audiobookshelf // Source: https://github.com/fluent-ffmpeg/node-fluent-ffmpeg // var path = require('path'); var util = require('util'); var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; var utils = require('./utils'); var ARGLISTS = ['_global', '_audio', '_audioFilters', '_video', '_videoFilters', '_sizeFilters', '_complexFilters']; /** * Create an ffmpeg command * * Can be called with or without the 'new' operator, and the 'input' parameter * may be specified as 'options.source' instead (or passed later with the * addInput method). * * @constructor * @param {String|ReadableStream} [input] input file path or readable stream * @param {Object} [options] command options * @param {Object} [options.logger=<no logging>] logger object with 'error', 'warning', 'info' and 'debug' methods * @param {Number} [options.niceness=0] ffmpeg process niceness, ignored on Windows * @param {Number} [options.priority=0] alias for `niceness` * @param {String} [options.presets="fluent-ffmpeg/lib/presets"] directory to load presets from * @param {String} [options.preset="fluent-ffmpeg/lib/presets"] alias for `presets` * @param {String} [options.stdoutLines=100] maximum lines of ffmpeg output to keep in memory, use 0 for unlimited * @param {Number} [options.timeout=<no timeout>] ffmpeg processing timeout in seconds * @param {String|ReadableStream} [options.source=<no input>] alias for the `input` parameter */ function FfmpegCommand(input, options) { // Make 'new' optional if (!(this instanceof FfmpegCommand)) { return new FfmpegCommand(input, options); } EventEmitter.call(this); if (typeof input === 'object' && !('readable' in input)) { // Options object passed directly options = input; } else { // Input passed first options = options || {}; options.source = input; } // Add input if present this._inputs = []; if (options.source) { this.input(options.source); } // Add target-less output for backwards compatibility this._outputs = []; this.output(); // Create argument lists var self = this; ['_global', '_complexFilters'].forEach(function (prop) { self[prop] = utils.args(); }); // Set default option values options.stdoutLines = 'stdoutLines' in options ? options.stdoutLines : 100; options.presets = options.presets || options.preset || path.join(__dirname, 'presets'); options.niceness = options.niceness || options.priority || 0; // Save options this.options = options; // Setup logger this.logger = options.logger || { debug: function () { }, info: function () { }, warn: function () { }, error: function () { } }; } util.inherits(FfmpegCommand, EventEmitter); module.exports = FfmpegCommand; /** * Clone an ffmpeg command * * This method is useful when you want to process the same input multiple times. * It returns a new FfmpegCommand instance with the exact same options. * * All options set _after_ the clone() call will only be applied to the instance * it has been called on. * * @example * var command = ffmpeg('/path/to/source.avi') * .audioCodec('libfaac') * .videoCodec('libx264') * .format('mp4'); * * command.clone() * .size('320x200') * .save('/path/to/output-small.mp4'); * * command.clone() * .size('640x400') * .save('/path/to/output-medium.mp4'); * * command.save('/path/to/output-original-size.mp4'); * * @method FfmpegCommand#clone * @return FfmpegCommand */ FfmpegCommand.prototype.clone = function () { var clone = new FfmpegCommand(); var self = this; // Clone options and logger clone.options = this.options; clone.logger = this.logger; // Clone inputs clone._inputs = this._inputs.map(function (input) { return { source: input.source, options: input.options.clone() }; }); // Create first output if ('target' in this._outputs[0]) { // We have outputs set, don't clone them and create first output clone._outputs = []; clone.output(); } else { // No outputs set, clone first output options clone._outputs = [ clone._currentOutput = { flags: {} } ]; ['audio', 'audioFilters', 'video', 'videoFilters', 'sizeFilters', 'options'].forEach(function (key) { clone._currentOutput[key] = self._currentOutput[key].clone(); }); if (this._currentOutput.sizeData) { clone._currentOutput.sizeData = {}; utils.copy(this._currentOutput.sizeData, clone._currentOutput.sizeData); } utils.copy(this._currentOutput.flags, clone._currentOutput.flags); } // Clone argument lists ['_global', '_complexFilters'].forEach(function (prop) { clone[prop] = self[prop].clone(); }); return clone; }; /* Add methods from options submodules */ require('./options/inputs')(FfmpegCommand.prototype); require('./options/audio')(FfmpegCommand.prototype); require('./options/video')(FfmpegCommand.prototype); require('./options/videosize')(FfmpegCommand.prototype); require('./options/output')(FfmpegCommand.prototype); require('./options/custom')(FfmpegCommand.prototype); require('./options/misc')(FfmpegCommand.prototype); /* Add processor methods */ require('./processor')(FfmpegCommand.prototype); /* Add capabilities methods */ require('./capabilities')(FfmpegCommand.prototype); FfmpegCommand.setFfmpegPath = function (path) { (new FfmpegCommand()).setFfmpegPath(path); }; FfmpegCommand.setFfprobePath = function (path) { (new FfmpegCommand()).setFfprobePath(path); }; FfmpegCommand.setFlvtoolPath = function (path) { (new FfmpegCommand()).setFlvtoolPath(path); }; FfmpegCommand.availableFilters = FfmpegCommand.getAvailableFilters = function (callback) { (new FfmpegCommand()).availableFilters(callback); }; FfmpegCommand.availableCodecs = FfmpegCommand.getAvailableCodecs = function (callback) { (new FfmpegCommand()).availableCodecs(callback); }; FfmpegCommand.availableFormats = FfmpegCommand.getAvailableFormats = function (callback) { (new FfmpegCommand()).availableFormats(callback); }; FfmpegCommand.availableEncoders = FfmpegCommand.getAvailableEncoders = function (callback) { (new FfmpegCommand()).availableEncoders(callback); }; /* Add ffprobe methods */ require('./ffprobe')(FfmpegCommand.prototype); FfmpegCommand.ffprobe = function (file) { var instance = new FfmpegCommand(file); instance.ffprobe.apply(instance, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); }; /* Add processing recipes */ require('./recipes')(FfmpegCommand.prototype);