version: "3.7"

    image: ghcr.io/advplyr/audiobookshelf:latest
    # ABS runs on port 13378 by default. If you want to change
    # the port, only change the external port, not the internal port
      - 13378:80
      # These volumes are needed to keep your library persistent
      # and allow media to be accessed by the ABS server.
      # The path to the left of the colon is the path on your computer,
      # and the path to the right of the colon is where the data is
      # available to ABS in Docker.
      # You can change these media directories or add as many as you want
      - ./audiobooks:/audiobooks
      - ./podcasts:/podcasts
      # The metadata directory can be stored anywhere on your computer
      - ./metadata:/metadata
      # The config directory needs to be on the same physical machine
      # you are running ABS on
      - ./config:/config
    restart: unless-stopped
    # You can use the following environment variable to run the ABS
    # docker container as a specific user. You will need to change
    # the UID and GID to the correct values for your user.
    #  - user=1000:1000