/** * node-compress-commons * * Copyright (c) 2014 Chris Talkington, contributors. * Licensed under the MIT license. * https://github.com/archiverjs/node-compress-commons/blob/master/LICENSE-MIT */ var inherits = require('util').inherits; var Transform = require('../../archiverUtils/readableStream').Transform; var ArchiveEntry = require('./archive-entry'); var util = require('../util'); var ArchiveOutputStream = module.exports = function (options) { if (!(this instanceof ArchiveOutputStream)) { return new ArchiveOutputStream(options); } Transform.call(this, options); this.offset = 0; this._archive = { finish: false, finished: false, processing: false }; }; inherits(ArchiveOutputStream, Transform); ArchiveOutputStream.prototype._appendBuffer = function (zae, source, callback) { // scaffold only }; ArchiveOutputStream.prototype._appendStream = function (zae, source, callback) { // scaffold only }; ArchiveOutputStream.prototype._emitErrorCallback = function (err) { if (err) { this.emit('error', err); } }; ArchiveOutputStream.prototype._finish = function (ae) { // scaffold only }; ArchiveOutputStream.prototype._normalizeEntry = function (ae) { // scaffold only }; ArchiveOutputStream.prototype._transform = function (chunk, encoding, callback) { callback(null, chunk); }; ArchiveOutputStream.prototype.entry = function (ae, source, callback) { source = source || null; if (typeof callback !== 'function') { callback = this._emitErrorCallback.bind(this); } if (!(ae instanceof ArchiveEntry)) { callback(new Error('not a valid instance of ArchiveEntry')); return; } if (this._archive.finish || this._archive.finished) { callback(new Error('unacceptable entry after finish')); return; } if (this._archive.processing) { callback(new Error('already processing an entry')); return; } this._archive.processing = true; this._normalizeEntry(ae); this._entry = ae; source = util.normalizeInputSource(source); if (Buffer.isBuffer(source)) { this._appendBuffer(ae, source, callback); } else if (util.isStream(source)) { this._appendStream(ae, source, callback); } else { this._archive.processing = false; callback(new Error('input source must be valid Stream or Buffer instance')); return; } return this; }; ArchiveOutputStream.prototype.finish = function () { if (this._archive.processing) { this._archive.finish = true; return; } this._finish(); }; ArchiveOutputStream.prototype.getBytesWritten = function () { return this.offset; }; ArchiveOutputStream.prototype.write = function (chunk, cb) { if (chunk) { this.offset += chunk.length; } return Transform.prototype.write.call(this, chunk, cb); };