const Path = require('path') const Logger = require('../Logger') const fs = require('../libs/fsExtra') const { toNumber } = require('../utils/index') const fileUtils = require('../utils/fileUtils') class FileSystemController { constructor() {} /** * * @param {import('express').Request} req * @param {import('express').Response} res */ async getPaths(req, res) { if (!req.userNew.isAdminOrUp) { Logger.error(`[FileSystemController] Non-admin user "${req.userNew.username}" attempting to get filesystem paths`) return res.sendStatus(403) } const relpath = req.query.path const level = toNumber(req.query.level, 0) // Validate path. Must be absolute if (relpath && (!Path.isAbsolute(relpath) || !(await fs.pathExists(relpath)))) { Logger.error(`[FileSystemController] Invalid path in query string "${relpath}"`) return res.status(400).send('Invalid "path" query string') } Logger.debug(`[FileSystemController] Getting file paths at ${relpath || 'root'} (${level})`) let directories = [] // Windows returns drives first if (global.isWin) { if (relpath) { directories = await fileUtils.getDirectoriesInPath(relpath, level) } else { const drives = await fileUtils.getWindowsDrives().catch((error) => { Logger.error(`[FileSystemController] Failed to get windows drives`, error) return [] }) if (drives.length) { directories = => { return { path: d, dirname: d, level: 0 } }) } } } else { directories = await fileUtils.getDirectoriesInPath(relpath || '/', level) } // Exclude some dirs from this project to be cleaner in Docker const excludedDirs = ['node_modules', 'client', 'server', '.git', 'static', 'build', 'dist', 'metadata', 'config', 'sys', 'proc', '.devcontainer', '.nyc_output', '.github', '.vscode'].map((dirname) => { return fileUtils.filePathToPOSIX(Path.join(global.appRoot, dirname)) }) directories = directories.filter((dir) => { return !excludedDirs.includes(dir.path) }) res.json({ posix: !global.isWin, directories }) } // POST: api/filesystem/pathexists async checkPathExists(req, res) { if (!req.userNew.canUpload) { Logger.error(`[FileSystemController] Non-admin user "${req.userNew.username}" attempting to check path exists`) return res.sendStatus(403) } const filepath = req.body.filepath if (!filepath?.length) { return res.sendStatus(400) } const exists = await fs.pathExists(filepath) res.json({ exists }) } } module.exports = new FileSystemController()