/*jshint node:true*/ 'use strict'; var spawn = require('child_process').spawn; var async = require('../async'); var utils = require('./utils'); /* *! Processor methods */ /** * Run ffprobe asynchronously and store data in command * * @param {FfmpegCommand} command * @private */ function runFfprobe(command) { const inputProbeIndex = 0; if (command._inputs[inputProbeIndex].isStream) { // Don't probe input streams as this will consume them return; } command.ffprobe(inputProbeIndex, function (err, data) { command._ffprobeData = data; }); } module.exports = function (proto) { /** * Emitted just after ffmpeg has been spawned. * * @event FfmpegCommand#start * @param {String} command ffmpeg command line */ /** * Emitted when ffmpeg reports progress information * * @event FfmpegCommand#progress * @param {Object} progress progress object * @param {Number} progress.frames number of frames transcoded * @param {Number} progress.currentFps current processing speed in frames per second * @param {Number} progress.currentKbps current output generation speed in kilobytes per second * @param {Number} progress.targetSize current output file size * @param {String} progress.timemark current video timemark * @param {Number} [progress.percent] processing progress (may not be available depending on input) */ /** * Emitted when ffmpeg outputs to stderr * * @event FfmpegCommand#stderr * @param {String} line stderr output line */ /** * Emitted when ffmpeg reports input codec data * * @event FfmpegCommand#codecData * @param {Object} codecData codec data object * @param {String} codecData.format input format name * @param {String} codecData.audio input audio codec name * @param {String} codecData.audio_details input audio codec parameters * @param {String} codecData.video input video codec name * @param {String} codecData.video_details input video codec parameters */ /** * Emitted when an error happens when preparing or running a command * * @event FfmpegCommand#error * @param {Error} error error object, with optional properties 'inputStreamError' / 'outputStreamError' for errors on their respective streams * @param {String|null} stdout ffmpeg stdout, unless outputting to a stream * @param {String|null} stderr ffmpeg stderr */ /** * Emitted when a command finishes processing * * @event FfmpegCommand#end * @param {Array|String|null} [filenames|stdout] generated filenames when taking screenshots, ffmpeg stdout when not outputting to a stream, null otherwise * @param {String|null} stderr ffmpeg stderr */ /** * Spawn an ffmpeg process * * The 'options' argument may contain the following keys: * - 'niceness': specify process niceness, ignored on Windows (default: 0) * - `cwd`: change working directory * - 'captureStdout': capture stdout and pass it to 'endCB' as its 2nd argument (default: false) * - 'stdoutLines': override command limit (default: use command limit) * * The 'processCB' callback, if present, is called as soon as the process is created and * receives a nodejs ChildProcess object. It may not be called at all if an error happens * before spawning the process. * * The 'endCB' callback is called either when an error occurs or when the ffmpeg process finishes. * * @method FfmpegCommand#_spawnFfmpeg * @param {Array} args ffmpeg command line argument list * @param {Object} [options] spawn options (see above) * @param {Function} [processCB] callback called with process object and stdout/stderr ring buffers when process has been created * @param {Function} endCB callback called with error (if applicable) and stdout/stderr ring buffers when process finished * @private */ proto._spawnFfmpeg = function (args, options, processCB, endCB) { // Enable omitting options if (typeof options === 'function') { endCB = processCB; processCB = options; options = {}; } // Enable omitting processCB if (typeof endCB === 'undefined') { endCB = processCB; processCB = function () { }; } var maxLines = 'stdoutLines' in options ? options.stdoutLines : this.options.stdoutLines; // Find ffmpeg this._getFfmpegPath(function (err, command) { if (err) { return endCB(err); } else if (!command || command.length === 0) { return endCB(new Error('Cannot find ffmpeg')); } // Apply niceness if (options.niceness && options.niceness !== 0 && !utils.isWindows) { args.unshift('-n', options.niceness, command); command = 'nice'; } var stdoutRing = utils.linesRing(maxLines); var stdoutClosed = false; var stderrRing = utils.linesRing(maxLines); var stderrClosed = false; // Spawn process var ffmpegProc = spawn(command, args, options); if (ffmpegProc.stderr) { ffmpegProc.stderr.setEncoding('utf8'); } ffmpegProc.on('error', function (err) { endCB(err); }); // Ensure we wait for captured streams to end before calling endCB var exitError = null; function handleExit(err) { if (err) { exitError = err; } if (processExited && (stdoutClosed || !options.captureStdout) && stderrClosed) { endCB(exitError, stdoutRing, stderrRing); } } // Handle process exit var processExited = false; ffmpegProc.on('exit', function (code, signal) { processExited = true; if (signal) { handleExit(new Error('ffmpeg was killed with signal ' + signal)); } else if (code) { handleExit(new Error('ffmpeg exited with code ' + code)); } else { handleExit(); } }); // Capture stdout if specified if (options.captureStdout) { ffmpegProc.stdout.on('data', function (data) { stdoutRing.append(data); }); ffmpegProc.stdout.on('close', function () { stdoutRing.close(); stdoutClosed = true; handleExit(); }); } // Capture stderr if specified ffmpegProc.stderr.on('data', function (data) { stderrRing.append(data); }); ffmpegProc.stderr.on('close', function () { stderrRing.close(); stderrClosed = true; handleExit(); }); // Call process callback processCB(ffmpegProc, stdoutRing, stderrRing); }); }; /** * Build the argument list for an ffmpeg command * * @method FfmpegCommand#_getArguments * @return argument list * @private */ proto._getArguments = function () { var complexFilters = this._complexFilters.get(); var fileOutput = this._outputs.some(function (output) { return output.isFile; }); return [].concat( // Inputs and input options this._inputs.reduce(function (args, input) { var source = (typeof input.source === 'string') ? input.source : 'pipe:0'; // For each input, add input options, then '-i <source>' return args.concat( input.options.get(), ['-i', source] ); }, []), // Global options this._global.get(), // Overwrite if we have file outputs fileOutput ? ['-y'] : [], // Complex filters complexFilters, // Outputs, filters and output options this._outputs.reduce(function (args, output) { var sizeFilters = utils.makeFilterStrings(output.sizeFilters.get()); var audioFilters = output.audioFilters.get(); var videoFilters = output.videoFilters.get().concat(sizeFilters); var outputArg; if (!output.target) { outputArg = []; } else if (typeof output.target === 'string') { outputArg = [output.target]; } else { outputArg = ['pipe:1']; } return args.concat( output.audio.get(), audioFilters.length ? ['-filter:a', audioFilters.join(',')] : [], output.video.get(), videoFilters.length ? ['-filter:v', videoFilters.join(',')] : [], output.options.get(), outputArg ); }, []) ); }; /** * Prepare execution of an ffmpeg command * * Checks prerequisites for the execution of the command (codec/format availability, flvtool...), * then builds the argument list for ffmpeg and pass them to 'callback'. * * @method FfmpegCommand#_prepare * @param {Function} callback callback with signature (err, args) * @param {Boolean} [readMetadata=false] read metadata before processing * @private */ proto._prepare = function (callback, readMetadata) { var self = this; async.waterfall([ // Check codecs and formats function (cb) { self._checkCapabilities(cb); }, // Read metadata if required function (cb) { if (!readMetadata) { return cb(); } self.ffprobe(0, function (err, data) { if (!err) { self._ffprobeData = data; } cb(); }); }, // Check for flvtool2/flvmeta if necessary function (cb) { var flvmeta = self._outputs.some(function (output) { // Remove flvmeta flag on non-file output if (output.flags.flvmeta && !output.isFile) { self.logger.warn('Updating flv metadata is only supported for files'); output.flags.flvmeta = false; } return output.flags.flvmeta; }); if (flvmeta) { self._getFlvtoolPath(function (err) { cb(err); }); } else { cb(); } }, // Build argument list function (cb) { var args; try { args = self._getArguments(); } catch (e) { return cb(e); } cb(null, args); }, // Add "-strict experimental" option where needed function (args, cb) { self.availableEncoders(function (err, encoders) { for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (args[i] === '-acodec' || args[i] === '-vcodec') { i++; if ((args[i] in encoders) && encoders[args[i]].experimental) { args.splice(i + 1, 0, '-strict', 'experimental'); i += 2; } } } cb(null, args); }); } ], callback); if (!readMetadata) { // Read metadata as soon as 'progress' listeners are added if (this.listeners('progress').length > 0) { // Read metadata in parallel runFfprobe(this); } else { // Read metadata as soon as the first 'progress' listener is added this.once('newListener', function (event) { if (event === 'progress') { runFfprobe(this); } }); } } }; /** * Run ffmpeg command * * @method FfmpegCommand#run * @category Processing * @aliases exec,execute */ proto.exec = proto.execute = proto.run = function () { var self = this; // Check if at least one output is present var outputPresent = this._outputs.some(function (output) { return 'target' in output; }); if (!outputPresent) { throw new Error('No output specified'); } // Get output stream if any var outputStream = this._outputs.filter(function (output) { return typeof output.target !== 'string'; })[0]; // Get input stream if any var inputStream = this._inputs.filter(function (input) { return typeof input.source !== 'string'; })[0]; // Ensure we send 'end' or 'error' only once var ended = false; function emitEnd(err, stdout, stderr) { if (!ended) { ended = true; if (err) { self.emit('error', err, stdout, stderr); } else { self.emit('end', stdout, stderr); } } } self._prepare(function (err, args) { if (err) { return emitEnd(err); } // Run ffmpeg self._spawnFfmpeg( args, { captureStdout: !outputStream, niceness: self.options.niceness, cwd: self.options.cwd, windowsHide: true }, function processCB(ffmpegProc, stdoutRing, stderrRing) { self.ffmpegProc = ffmpegProc; self.emit('start', 'ffmpeg ' + args.join(' ')); // Pipe input stream if any if (inputStream) { inputStream.source.on('error', function (err) { var reportingErr = new Error('Input stream error: ' + err.message); reportingErr.inputStreamError = err; emitEnd(reportingErr); ffmpegProc.kill(); }); inputStream.source.resume(); inputStream.source.pipe(ffmpegProc.stdin); // Set stdin error handler on ffmpeg (prevents nodejs catching the error, but // ffmpeg will fail anyway, so no need to actually handle anything) ffmpegProc.stdin.on('error', function () { }); } // Setup timeout if requested if (self.options.timeout) { self.processTimer = setTimeout(function () { var msg = 'process ran into a timeout (' + self.options.timeout + 's)'; emitEnd(new Error(msg), stdoutRing.get(), stderrRing.get()); ffmpegProc.kill(); }, self.options.timeout * 1000); } if (outputStream) { // Pipe ffmpeg stdout to output stream ffmpegProc.stdout.pipe(outputStream.target, outputStream.pipeopts); // Handle output stream events outputStream.target.on('close', function () { self.logger.debug('Output stream closed, scheduling kill for ffmpeg process'); // Don't kill process yet, to give a chance to ffmpeg to // terminate successfully first This is necessary because // under load, the process 'exit' event sometimes happens // after the output stream 'close' event. setTimeout(function () { emitEnd(new Error('Output stream closed')); ffmpegProc.kill(); }, 20); }); outputStream.target.on('error', function (err) { self.logger.debug('Output stream error, killing ffmpeg process'); var reportingErr = new Error('Output stream error: ' + err.message); reportingErr.outputStreamError = err; emitEnd(reportingErr, stdoutRing.get(), stderrRing.get()); ffmpegProc.kill('SIGKILL'); }); } // Setup stderr handling if (stderrRing) { // 'stderr' event if (self.listeners('stderr').length) { stderrRing.callback(function (line) { self.emit('stderr', line); }); } // 'codecData' event if (self.listeners('codecData').length) { var codecDataSent = false; var codecObject = {}; stderrRing.callback(function (line) { if (!codecDataSent) codecDataSent = utils.extractCodecData(self, line, codecObject); }); } // 'progress' event if (self.listeners('progress').length) { stderrRing.callback(function (line) { utils.extractProgress(self, line); }); } } }, function endCB(err, stdoutRing, stderrRing) { clearTimeout(self.processTimer); delete self.ffmpegProc; if (err) { if (err.message.match(/ffmpeg exited with code/)) { // Add ffmpeg error message err.message += ': ' + utils.extractError(stderrRing.get()); } emitEnd(err, stdoutRing.get(), stderrRing.get()); } else { // Find out which outputs need flv metadata var flvmeta = self._outputs.filter(function (output) { return output.flags.flvmeta; }); if (flvmeta.length) { self._getFlvtoolPath(function (err, flvtool) { if (err) { return emitEnd(err); } async.each( flvmeta, function (output, cb) { spawn(flvtool, ['-U', output.target], { windowsHide: true }) .on('error', function (err) { cb(new Error('Error running ' + flvtool + ' on ' + output.target + ': ' + err.message)); }) .on('exit', function (code, signal) { if (code !== 0 || signal) { cb( new Error(flvtool + ' ' + (signal ? 'received signal ' + signal : 'exited with code ' + code)) + ' when running on ' + output.target ); } else { cb(); } }); }, function (err) { if (err) { emitEnd(err); } else { emitEnd(null, stdoutRing.get(), stderrRing.get()); } } ); }); } else { emitEnd(null, stdoutRing.get(), stderrRing.get()); } } } ); }); return this; }; /** * Renice current and/or future ffmpeg processes * * Ignored on Windows platforms. * * @method FfmpegCommand#renice * @category Processing * * @param {Number} [niceness=0] niceness value between -20 (highest priority) and 20 (lowest priority) * @return FfmpegCommand */ proto.renice = function (niceness) { if (!utils.isWindows) { niceness = niceness || 0; if (niceness < -20 || niceness > 20) { this.logger.warn('Invalid niceness value: ' + niceness + ', must be between -20 and 20'); } niceness = Math.min(20, Math.max(-20, niceness)); this.options.niceness = niceness; if (this.ffmpegProc) { var logger = this.logger; var pid = this.ffmpegProc.pid; var renice = spawn('renice', [niceness, '-p', pid], { windowsHide: true }); renice.on('error', function (err) { logger.warn('could not renice process ' + pid + ': ' + err.message); }); renice.on('exit', function (code, signal) { if (signal) { logger.warn('could not renice process ' + pid + ': renice was killed by signal ' + signal); } else if (code) { logger.warn('could not renice process ' + pid + ': renice exited with ' + code); } else { logger.info('successfully reniced process ' + pid + ' to ' + niceness + ' niceness'); } }); } } return this; }; /** * Kill current ffmpeg process, if any * * @method FfmpegCommand#kill * @category Processing * * @param {String} [signal=SIGKILL] signal name * @return FfmpegCommand */ proto.kill = function (signal) { if (!this.ffmpegProc) { this.logger.warn('No running ffmpeg process, cannot send signal'); } else { this.ffmpegProc.kill(signal || 'SIGKILL'); } return this; }; };