const chai = require('chai') const expect = chai.expect const { parse, nameToLastFirst } = require('../../../../server/utils/parsers/parseNameString') describe('parseNameString', () => { describe('parse', () => { it('returns null if nameString is empty', () => { const result = parse('') expect(result) }) it('parses single name in First Last format', () => { const result = parse('John Smith') expect(result.names).to.deep.equal(['John Smith']) }) it('parses single name in Last, First format', () => { const result = parse('Smith, John') expect(result.names).to.deep.equal(['John Smith']) }) it('parses multiple names separated by &', () => { const result = parse('John Smith & Jane Doe') expect(result.names).to.deep.equal(['John Smith', 'Jane Doe']) }) it('parses multiple names separated by "and"', () => { const result = parse('John Smith and Jane Doe') expect(result.names).to.deep.equal(['John Smith', 'Jane Doe']) }) it('parses multiple names separated by comma and "and"', () => { const result = parse('John Smith, Jane Doe and John Doe') expect(result.names).to.deep.equal(['John Smith', 'Jane Doe', 'John Doe']) }) it('parses multiple names separated by semicolon', () => { const result = parse('John Smith; Jane Doe') expect(result.names).to.deep.equal(['John Smith', 'Jane Doe']) }) it('parses multiple names in Last, First format', () => { const result = parse('Smith, John, Doe, Jane') expect(result.names).to.deep.equal(['John Smith', 'Jane Doe']) }) it('parses multiple names with single word name', () => { const result = parse('John Smith, Jones, James Doe, Ludwig von Mises') expect(result.names).to.deep.equal(['John Smith', 'Jones', 'James Doe', 'Ludwig von Mises']) }) it('parses multiple names with single word name listed first (semicolon separator)', () => { const result = parse('Jones; John Smith; James Doe; Ludwig von Mises') expect(result.names).to.deep.equal(['Jones', 'John Smith', 'James Doe', 'Ludwig von Mises']) }) it('handles names with suffixes', () => { const result = parse('Smith, John Jr.') expect(result.names).to.deep.equal(['John Jr. Smith']) }) it('handles compound last names', () => { const result = parse('von Mises, Ludwig') expect(result.names).to.deep.equal(['Ludwig von Mises']) }) it('handles Chinese/Japanese/Korean names', () => { const result = parse('张三, 李四') expect(result.names).to.deep.equal(['张三', '李四']) }) it('removes duplicate names', () => { const result = parse('John Smith & John Smith') expect(result.names).to.deep.equal(['John Smith']) }) it('filters out empty names', () => { const result = parse('John Smith,') expect(result.names).to.deep.equal(['John Smith']) }) }) describe('nameToLastFirst', () => { it('converts First Last to Last, First format', () => { const result = nameToLastFirst('John Smith') expect(result).to.equal('Smith, John') }) it('returns last name only when no first name', () => { const result = nameToLastFirst('Smith') expect(result).to.equal('Smith') }) it('handles names with middle names', () => { const result = nameToLastFirst('John Middle Smith') expect(result).to.equal('Smith, John Middle') }) }) })