const Path = require('path') const { Sequelize } = require('sequelize') const packageJson = require('../package.json') const fs = require('./libs/fsExtra') const Logger = require('./Logger') const dbMigration = require('./utils/migrations/dbMigration') const Auth = require('./Auth') class Database { constructor() { this.sequelize = null this.dbPath = null this.isNew = false // New absdatabase.sqlite created this.hasRootUser = false // Used to show initialization page in web ui // Temporarily using format of old DB // TODO: below data should be loaded from the DB as needed this.libraryItems = [] this.settings = [] this.authors = [] this.series = [] // Cached library filter data this.libraryFilterData = {} this.serverSettings = null this.notificationSettings = null this.emailSettings = null } get models() { return this.sequelize?.models || {} } async checkHasDb() { if (!await fs.pathExists(this.dbPath)) {`[Database] absdatabase.sqlite not found at ${this.dbPath}`) return false } return true } async init(force = false) { this.dbPath = Path.join(global.ConfigPath, 'absdatabase.sqlite') // First check if this is a new database this.isNew = !(await this.checkHasDb()) || force if (!await this.connect()) { throw new Error('Database connection failed') } await this.buildModels(force)`[Database] Db initialized with models:`, Object.keys(this.sequelize.models).join(', ')) await this.loadData() } async connect() {`[Database] Initializing db at "${this.dbPath}"`) this.sequelize = new Sequelize({ dialect: 'sqlite', storage: this.dbPath, logging: false, transactionType: 'IMMEDIATE' }) // Helper function this.sequelize.uppercaseFirst = str => str ? `${str[0].toUpperCase()}${str.substr(1)}` : '' try { await this.sequelize.authenticate()`[Database] Db connection was successful`) return true } catch (error) { Logger.error(`[Database] Failed to connect to db`, error) return false } } async disconnect() {`[Database] Disconnecting sqlite db`) await this.sequelize.close() this.sequelize = null } async reconnect() {`[Database] Reconnecting sqlite db`) await this.init() } buildModels(force = false) { require('./models/User')(this.sequelize) require('./models/Library')(this.sequelize) require('./models/LibraryFolder')(this.sequelize) require('./models/Book')(this.sequelize) require('./models/Podcast')(this.sequelize) require('./models/PodcastEpisode')(this.sequelize) require('./models/LibraryItem')(this.sequelize) require('./models/MediaProgress')(this.sequelize) require('./models/Series')(this.sequelize) require('./models/BookSeries')(this.sequelize) require('./models/Author')(this.sequelize) require('./models/BookAuthor')(this.sequelize) require('./models/Collection')(this.sequelize) require('./models/CollectionBook')(this.sequelize) require('./models/Playlist')(this.sequelize) require('./models/PlaylistMediaItem')(this.sequelize) require('./models/Device')(this.sequelize) require('./models/PlaybackSession')(this.sequelize) require('./models/Feed')(this.sequelize) require('./models/FeedEpisode')(this.sequelize) require('./models/Setting')(this.sequelize) return this.sequelize.sync({ force, alter: false }) } /** * Compare two server versions * @param {string} v1 * @param {string} v2 * @returns {-1|0|1} 1 if v1 > v2 */ compareVersions(v1, v2) { if (!v1 || !v2) return 0 return v1.localeCompare(v2, undefined, { numeric: true, sensitivity: "case", caseFirst: "upper" }) } /** * Checks if migration to sqlite db is necessary & runs migration. * * Check if version was upgraded and run any version specific migrations. * * Loads most of the data from the database. This is a temporary solution. */ async loadData() { if (this.isNew && await dbMigration.checkShouldMigrate()) {`[Database] New database was created and old database was detected - migrating old to new`) await dbMigration.migrate(this.models) } const startTime = const settingsData = await this.models.setting.getOldSettings() this.settings = settingsData.settings this.emailSettings = settingsData.emailSettings this.serverSettings = settingsData.serverSettings this.notificationSettings = settingsData.notificationSettings global.ServerSettings = this.serverSettings.toJSON() // Version specific migrations if (this.serverSettings.version === '2.3.0' && this.compareVersions(packageJson.version, '2.3.0') == 1) { await dbMigration.migrationPatch(this) } if (['2.3.0', '2.3.1', '2.3.2', '2.3.3'].includes(this.serverSettings.version) && this.compareVersions(packageJson.version, '2.3.3') >= 0) { await dbMigration.migrationPatch2(this) }`[Database] Loading db data...`) this.libraryItems = await this.models.libraryItem.loadAllLibraryItems()`[Database] Loaded ${this.libraryItems.length} library items`) this.authors = await`[Database] Loaded ${this.authors.length} authors`) this.series = await this.models.series.getAllOldSeries()`[Database] Loaded ${this.series.length} series`) // Set if root user has been created this.hasRootUser = await this.models.user.getHasRootUser()`[Database] Db data loaded in ${(( - startTime) / 1000).toFixed(2)}s`) if (packageJson.version !== this.serverSettings.version) {`[Database] Server upgrade detected from ${this.serverSettings.version} to ${packageJson.version}`) this.serverSettings.version = packageJson.version await this.updateServerSettings() } } /** * Create root user * @param {string} username * @param {string} pash * @param {Auth} auth * @returns {boolean} true if created */ async createRootUser(username, pash, auth) { if (!this.sequelize) return false await this.models.user.createRootUser(username, pash, auth) this.hasRootUser = true return true } updateServerSettings() { if (!this.sequelize) return false global.ServerSettings = this.serverSettings.toJSON() return this.updateSetting(this.serverSettings) } updateSetting(settings) { if (!this.sequelize) return false return this.models.setting.updateSettingObj(settings.toJSON()) } async createUser(oldUser) { if (!this.sequelize) return false await this.models.user.createFromOld(oldUser) return true } updateUser(oldUser) { if (!this.sequelize) return false return this.models.user.updateFromOld(oldUser) } updateBulkUsers(oldUsers) { if (!this.sequelize) return false return Promise.all( => this.updateUser(u))) } async removeUser(userId) { if (!this.sequelize) return false await this.models.user.removeById(userId) } upsertMediaProgress(oldMediaProgress) { if (!this.sequelize) return false return this.models.mediaProgress.upsertFromOld(oldMediaProgress) } removeMediaProgress(mediaProgressId) { if (!this.sequelize) return false return this.models.mediaProgress.removeById(mediaProgressId) } updateBulkBooks(oldBooks) { if (!this.sequelize) return false return Promise.all( => } async createLibrary(oldLibrary) { if (!this.sequelize) return false await this.models.library.createFromOld(oldLibrary) } updateLibrary(oldLibrary) { if (!this.sequelize) return false return this.models.library.updateFromOld(oldLibrary) } async removeLibrary(libraryId) { if (!this.sequelize) return false await this.models.library.removeById(libraryId) } createBulkCollectionBooks(collectionBooks) { if (!this.sequelize) return false return this.models.collectionBook.bulkCreate(collectionBooks) } createPlaylistMediaItem(playlistMediaItem) { if (!this.sequelize) return false return this.models.playlistMediaItem.create(playlistMediaItem) } createBulkPlaylistMediaItems(playlistMediaItems) { if (!this.sequelize) return false return this.models.playlistMediaItem.bulkCreate(playlistMediaItems) } getLibraryItem(libraryItemId) { if (!this.sequelize || !libraryItemId) return false // Temp support for old library item ids from mobile if (libraryItemId.startsWith('li_')) return this.libraryItems.find(li => li.oldLibraryItemId === libraryItemId) return this.libraryItems.find(li => === libraryItemId) } async createLibraryItem(oldLibraryItem) { if (!this.sequelize) return false await oldLibraryItem.saveMetadata() await this.models.libraryItem.fullCreateFromOld(oldLibraryItem) this.libraryItems.push(oldLibraryItem) } async updateLibraryItem(oldLibraryItem) { if (!this.sequelize) return false await oldLibraryItem.saveMetadata() return this.models.libraryItem.fullUpdateFromOld(oldLibraryItem) } async updateBulkLibraryItems(oldLibraryItems) { if (!this.sequelize) return false let updatesMade = 0 for (const oldLibraryItem of oldLibraryItems) { await oldLibraryItem.saveMetadata() const hasUpdates = await this.models.libraryItem.fullUpdateFromOld(oldLibraryItem) if (hasUpdates) { updatesMade++ } } return updatesMade } async createBulkLibraryItems(oldLibraryItems) { if (!this.sequelize) return false for (const oldLibraryItem of oldLibraryItems) { await oldLibraryItem.saveMetadata() await this.models.libraryItem.fullCreateFromOld(oldLibraryItem) this.libraryItems.push(oldLibraryItem) } } async removeLibraryItem(libraryItemId) { if (!this.sequelize) return false await this.models.libraryItem.removeById(libraryItemId) this.libraryItems = this.libraryItems.filter(li => !== libraryItemId) } async createFeed(oldFeed) { if (!this.sequelize) return false await this.models.feed.fullCreateFromOld(oldFeed) } updateFeed(oldFeed) { if (!this.sequelize) return false return this.models.feed.fullUpdateFromOld(oldFeed) } async removeFeed(feedId) { if (!this.sequelize) return false await this.models.feed.removeById(feedId) } updateSeries(oldSeries) { if (!this.sequelize) return false return this.models.series.updateFromOld(oldSeries) } async createSeries(oldSeries) { if (!this.sequelize) return false await this.models.series.createFromOld(oldSeries) this.series.push(oldSeries) } async createBulkSeries(oldSeriesObjs) { if (!this.sequelize) return false await this.models.series.createBulkFromOld(oldSeriesObjs) this.series.push(...oldSeriesObjs) } async removeSeries(seriesId) { if (!this.sequelize) return false await this.models.series.removeById(seriesId) this.series = this.series.filter(se => !== seriesId) } async createAuthor(oldAuthor) { if (!this.sequelize) return false await this.authors.push(oldAuthor) } async createBulkAuthors(oldAuthors) { if (!this.sequelize) return false await this.authors.push(...oldAuthors) } updateAuthor(oldAuthor) { if (!this.sequelize) return false return } async removeAuthor(authorId) { if (!this.sequelize) return false await this.authors = this.authors.filter(au => !== authorId) } async createBulkBookAuthors(bookAuthors) { if (!this.sequelize) return false await this.models.bookAuthor.bulkCreate(bookAuthors) this.authors.push(...bookAuthors) } async removeBulkBookAuthors(authorId = null, bookId = null) { if (!this.sequelize) return false if (!authorId && !bookId) return await this.models.bookAuthor.removeByIds(authorId, bookId) this.authors = this.authors.filter(au => { if (authorId && au.authorId !== authorId) return true if (bookId && au.bookId !== bookId) return true return false }) } getPlaybackSessions(where = null) { if (!this.sequelize) return false return this.models.playbackSession.getOldPlaybackSessions(where) } getPlaybackSession(sessionId) { if (!this.sequelize) return false return this.models.playbackSession.getById(sessionId) } createPlaybackSession(oldSession) { if (!this.sequelize) return false return this.models.playbackSession.createFromOld(oldSession) } updatePlaybackSession(oldSession) { if (!this.sequelize) return false return this.models.playbackSession.updateFromOld(oldSession) } removePlaybackSession(sessionId) { if (!this.sequelize) return false return this.models.playbackSession.removeById(sessionId) } getDeviceByDeviceId(deviceId) { if (!this.sequelize) return false return this.models.device.getOldDeviceByDeviceId(deviceId) } updateDevice(oldDevice) { if (!this.sequelize) return false return this.models.device.updateFromOld(oldDevice) } createDevice(oldDevice) { if (!this.sequelize) return false return this.models.device.createFromOld(oldDevice) } removeTagFromFilterData(tag) { for (const libraryId in this.libraryFilterData) { this.libraryFilterData[libraryId].tags = this.libraryFilterData[libraryId].tags.filter(t => t !== tag) } } addTagToFilterData(tag) { for (const libraryId in this.libraryFilterData) { if (!this.libraryFilterData[libraryId].tags.includes(tag)) { this.libraryFilterData[libraryId].tags.push(tag) } } } removeGenreFromFilterData(genre) { for (const libraryId in this.libraryFilterData) { this.libraryFilterData[libraryId].genres = this.libraryFilterData[libraryId].genres.filter(g => g !== genre) } } addGenreToFilterData(genre) { for (const libraryId in this.libraryFilterData) { if (!this.libraryFilterData[libraryId].genres.includes(genre)) { this.libraryFilterData[libraryId].genres.push(genre) } } } } module.exports = new Database()