<template> <modals-modal v-model="show" name="edit-library" :width="700" :height="'unset'" :processing="processing"> <template #outer> <div class="absolute top-0 left-0 p-5 w-2/3 overflow-hidden"> <p class="font-book text-3xl text-white truncate">{{ title }}</p> </div> </template> <div class="absolute -top-10 left-0 z-10 w-full flex"> <template v-for="tab in tabs"> <div :key="tab.id" class="w-28 rounded-t-lg flex items-center justify-center mr-1 cursor-pointer hover:bg-bg font-book border-t border-l border-r border-black-300 tab text-xs sm:text-base" :class="selectedTab === tab.id ? 'tab-selected bg-bg pb-px' : 'bg-primary text-gray-400'" @click="selectTab(tab.id)">{{ tab.title }}</div> </template> </div> <div class="px-4 w-full text-sm pt-6 pb-20 rounded-b-lg rounded-tr-lg bg-bg shadow-lg border border-black-300 relative overflow-hidden" style="min-height: 400px; max-height: 80vh"> <component v-if="libraryCopy && show" :is="tabName" :is-new="!library" :library="libraryCopy" :processing.sync="processing" @update="updateLibrary" @close="show = false" /> <div class="absolute bottom-0 left-0 w-full px-4 py-4 border-t border-opacity-10"> <div class="flex justify-end"> <ui-btn @click="submit">{{ buttonText }}</ui-btn> </div> </div> </div> </modals-modal> </template> <script> export default { props: { value: Boolean, library: { type: Object, default: () => {} } }, data() { return { processing: false, selectedTab: 'details', tabs: [ { id: 'details', title: 'Details', component: 'modals-libraries-edit-library' }, { id: 'settings', title: 'Settings', component: 'modals-libraries-library-settings' } ], libraryCopy: null } }, computed: { show: { get() { return this.value }, set(val) { this.$emit('input', val) } }, title() { return this.library ? 'Update Library' : 'New Library' }, buttonText() { return this.library ? 'Update Library' : 'Create New Library' }, tabName() { var _tab = this.tabs.find((t) => t.id === this.selectedTab) return _tab ? _tab.component : '' } }, watch: { show: { handler(newVal) { if (newVal) this.init() } } }, methods: { selectTab(tab) { this.selectedTab = tab }, updateLibrary(library) { this.mapLibraryToCopy(library) }, getNewLibraryData() { return { name: '', provider: 'google', folders: [], icon: 'database', mediaType: 'book', settings: { disableWatcher: false, skipMatchingMediaWithAsin: false, skipMatchingMediaWithIsbn: false, } } }, init() { this.selectedTab = 'details' this.libraryCopy = this.getNewLibraryData() if (this.library) { this.mapLibraryToCopy(this.library) } }, mapLibraryToCopy(library) { for (const key in this.libraryCopy) { if (library[key] !== undefined) { if (key === 'folders') { this.libraryCopy.folders = library.folders.map((f) => ({ ...f })) } else if (key === 'settings') { this.libraryCopy.settings = { ...library.settings } } else { this.libraryCopy[key] = library[key] } } } }, validate() { if (!this.libraryCopy.name) { this.$toast.error('Library must have a name') return false } if (!this.libraryCopy.folders.length) { this.$toast.error('Library must have at least 1 path') return false } return true }, submit() { if (!this.validate()) return if (this.library) { this.submitUpdateLibrary() } else { this.submitCreateLibrary() } }, getLibraryUpdatePayload() { var updatePayload = {} for (const key in this.libraryCopy) { if (key === 'folders') { if (this.libraryCopy.folders.map((f) => f.fullPath).join(',') !== this.library.folders.map((f) => f.fullPath).join(',')) { updatePayload.folders = [...this.libraryCopy.folders] } } else if (key === 'settings') { for (const settingsKey in this.libraryCopy.settings) { if (this.libraryCopy.settings[settingsKey] !== this.library.settings[settingsKey]) { if (!updatePayload.settings) updatePayload.settings = {} updatePayload.settings[settingsKey] = this.libraryCopy.settings[settingsKey] } } } else if (key !== 'mediaType' && this.libraryCopy[key] !== this.library[key]) { updatePayload[key] = this.libraryCopy[key] } } return updatePayload }, submitUpdateLibrary() { var newLibraryPayload = this.getLibraryUpdatePayload() if (!Object.keys(newLibraryPayload).length) { this.$toast.info('No updates are necessary') return } this.processing = true this.$axios .$patch(`/api/libraries/${this.library.id}`, newLibraryPayload) .then((res) => { this.processing = false this.show = false this.$toast.success(`Library "${res.name}" updated successfully`) }) .catch((error) => { console.error(error) if (error.response && error.response.data) { this.$toast.error(error.response.data) } else { this.$toast.error('Failed to update library') } this.processing = false }) }, submitCreateLibrary() { this.processing = true this.$axios .$post('/api/libraries', this.libraryCopy) .then((res) => { this.processing = false this.show = false this.$toast.success(`Library "${res.name}" created successfully`) }) .catch((error) => { console.error(error) if (error.response && error.response.data) { this.$toast.error(error.response.data) } else { this.$toast.error('Failed to create library') } this.processing = false }) } }, mounted() {}, beforeDestroy() {} } </script> <style scoped> .tab { height: 40px; } .tab.tab-selected { height: 41px; } </style>