const axios = require('axios').default const Throttle = require('p-throttle') const Logger = require('../Logger') const { levenshteinDistance } = require('../utils/index') const { isValidASIN } = require('../utils/index') /** * @typedef AuthorSearchObj * @property {string} asin * @property {string} description * @property {string} image * @property {string} name */ class Audnexus { static _instance = null constructor() { // ensures Audnexus class is singleton if (Audnexus._instance) { return Audnexus._instance } this.baseUrl = '' // Rate limit is 100 requests per minute. // @see this.limiter = Throttle({ // Setting the limit to 1 allows for a short pause between requests that is imperceptible to the end user. // A larger limit will grab blocks faster and then wait for the alloted time(interval) before // fetching another batch, but with a discernable pause from the user perspective. limit: 1, strict: true, interval: 150 }) Audnexus._instance = this } /** * * @param {string} name * @param {string} region * @returns {Promise<{asin:string, name:string}[]>} */ authorASINsRequest(name, region) { const searchParams = new URLSearchParams() searchParams.set('name', name) if (region) searchParams.set('region', region) const authorRequestUrl = `${this.baseUrl}/authors?${searchParams.toString()}``[Audnexus] Searching for author "${authorRequestUrl}"`) return this._processRequest(this.limiter(() => axios.get(authorRequestUrl))) .then((res) => || []) .catch((error) => { Logger.error(`[Audnexus] Author ASIN request failed for ${name}`, error) return [] }) } /** * * @param {string} asin * @param {string} region * @returns {Promise<AuthorSearchObj>} */ authorRequest(asin, region) { if (!isValidASIN(asin?.toUpperCase?.())) { Logger.error(`[Audnexus] Invalid ASIN ${asin}`) return null } asin = encodeURIComponent(asin.toUpperCase()) const authorRequestUrl = new URL(`${this.baseUrl}/authors/${asin}`) if (region) authorRequestUrl.searchParams.set('region', region)`[Audnexus] Searching for author "${authorRequestUrl}"`) return this._processRequest(this.limiter(() => axios.get(authorRequestUrl.toString()))) .then((res) => .catch((error) => { Logger.error(`[Audnexus] Author request failed for ${asin}`, error) return null }) } /** * * @param {string} asin * @param {string} region * @returns {Promise<AuthorSearchObj>} */ async findAuthorByASIN(asin, region) { const author = await this.authorRequest(asin, region) return author ? { asin: author.asin, description: author.description, image: author.image || null, name: } : null } /** * * @param {string} name * @param {string} region * @param {number} maxLevenshtein * @returns {Promise<AuthorSearchObj>} */ async findAuthorByName(name, region, maxLevenshtein = 3) { Logger.debug(`[Audnexus] Looking up author by name ${name}`) const authorAsinObjs = await this.authorASINsRequest(name, region) let closestMatch = null authorAsinObjs.forEach((authorAsinObj) => { authorAsinObj.levenshteinDistance = levenshteinDistance(, name) if (!closestMatch || closestMatch.levenshteinDistance > authorAsinObj.levenshteinDistance) { closestMatch = authorAsinObj } }) if (!closestMatch || closestMatch.levenshteinDistance > maxLevenshtein) { return null } const author = await this.authorRequest(closestMatch.asin, region) if (!author) { return null } return { asin: author.asin, description: author.description, image: author.image || null, name: } } /** * * @param {string} asin * @param {string} region * @returns {Promise<Object>} */ getChaptersByASIN(asin, region) { Logger.debug(`[Audnexus] Get chapters for ASIN ${asin}/${region}`) asin = encodeURIComponent(asin.toUpperCase()) const chaptersRequestUrl = new URL(`${this.baseUrl}/books/${asin}/chapters`) if (region) chaptersRequestUrl.searchParams.set('region', region) return this._processRequest(this.limiter(() => axios.get(chaptersRequestUrl.toString()))) .then((res) => .catch((error) => { Logger.error(`[Audnexus] Chapter ASIN request failed for ${asin}/${region}`, error) return null }) } /** * Internal method to process requests and retry if rate limit is exceeded. */ async _processRequest(request) { try { return await request() } catch (error) { if (error.response?.status === 429) { const retryAfter = parseInt(error.response.headers?.['retry-after'], 10) || 5 Logger.warn(`[Audnexus] Rate limit exceeded. Retrying in ${retryAfter} seconds.`) await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, retryAfter * 1000)) return this._processRequest(request) } throw error } } } module.exports = Audnexus