'use strict';

// modified for use in audiobookshelf (removed camelCase opt)
// Source: https://github.com/75lb/command-line-args

 * Takes any input and guarantees an array back.
 * - Converts array-like objects (e.g. `arguments`, `Set`) to a real array.
 * - Converts `undefined` to an empty array.
 * - Converts any another other, singular value (including `null`, objects and iterables other than `Set`) into an array containing that value.
 * - Ignores input which is already an array.
 * @module array-back
 * @example
 * > const arrayify = require('array-back')
 * > arrayify(undefined)
 * []
 * > arrayify(null)
 * [ null ]
 * > arrayify(0)
 * [ 0 ]
 * > arrayify([ 1, 2 ])
 * [ 1, 2 ]
 * > arrayify(new Set([ 1, 2 ]))
 * [ 1, 2 ]
 * > function f(){ return arrayify(arguments); }
 * > f(1,2,3)
 * [ 1, 2, 3 ]

function isObject(input) {
  return typeof input === 'object' && input !== null

function isArrayLike(input) {
  return isObject(input) && typeof input.length === 'number'

 * @param {*} - The input value to convert to an array
 * @returns {Array}
 * @alias module:array-back
function arrayify(input) {
  if (Array.isArray(input)) {
    return input

  if (input === undefined) {
    return []

  if (isArrayLike(input) || input instanceof Set) {
    return Array.from(input)

  return [input]

 * Takes any input and guarantees an array back.
 * - converts array-like objects (e.g. `arguments`) to a real array
 * - converts `undefined` to an empty array
 * - converts any another other, singular value (including `null`) into an array containing that value
 * - ignores input which is already an array
 * @module array-back
 * @example
 * > const arrayify = require('array-back')
 * > arrayify(undefined)
 * []
 * > arrayify(null)
 * [ null ]
 * > arrayify(0)
 * [ 0 ]
 * > arrayify([ 1, 2 ])
 * [ 1, 2 ]
 * > function f(){ return arrayify(arguments); }
 * > f(1,2,3)
 * [ 1, 2, 3 ]

function isObject$1(input) {
  return typeof input === 'object' && input !== null

function isArrayLike$1(input) {
  return isObject$1(input) && typeof input.length === 'number'

 * @param {*} - the input value to convert to an array
 * @returns {Array}
 * @alias module:array-back
function arrayify$1(input) {
  if (Array.isArray(input)) {
    return input
  } else {
    if (input === undefined) {
      return []
    } else if (isArrayLike$1(input)) {
      return Array.prototype.slice.call(input)
    } else {
      return [input]

 * Find and either replace or remove items in an array.
 * @module find-replace
 * @example
 * > const findReplace = require('find-replace')
 * > const numbers = [ 1, 2, 3]
 * > findReplace(numbers, n => n === 2, 'two')
 * [ 1, 'two', 3 ]
 * > findReplace(numbers, n => n === 2, [ 'two', 'zwei' ])
 * [ 1, [ 'two', 'zwei' ], 3 ]
 * > findReplace(numbers, n => n === 2, 'two', 'zwei')
 * [ 1, 'two', 'zwei', 3 ]
 * > findReplace(numbers, n => n === 2) // no replacement, so remove
 * [ 1, 3 ]

 * @param {array} - The input array
 * @param {testFn} - A predicate function which, if returning `true` causes the current item to be operated on.
 * @param [replaceWith] {...any} - If specified, found values will be replaced with these values, else removed.
 * @returns {array}
 * @alias module:find-replace
function findReplace(array, testFn) {
  const found = [];
  const replaceWiths = arrayify$1(arguments);
  replaceWiths.splice(0, 2);

  arrayify$1(array).forEach((value, index) => {
    let expanded = [];
    replaceWiths.forEach(replaceWith => {
      if (typeof replaceWith === 'function') {
        expanded = expanded.concat(replaceWith(value));
      } else {

    if (testFn(value)) {
        index: index,
        replaceWithValue: expanded

  found.reverse().forEach(item => {
    const spliceArgs = [item.index, 1].concat(item.replaceWithValue);
    array.splice.apply(array, spliceArgs);

  return array

 * Some useful tools for working with `process.argv`.
 * @module argv-tools
 * @typicalName argvTools
 * @example
 * const argvTools = require('argv-tools')

 * Regular expressions for matching option formats.
 * @static
const re = {
  short: /^-([^\d-])$/,
  long: /^--(\S+)/,
  combinedShort: /^-[^\d-]{2,}$/,
  optEquals: /^(--\S+?)=(.*)/

 * Array subclass encapsulating common operations on `process.argv`.
 * @static
class ArgvArray extends Array {
   * Clears the array has loads the supplied input.
   * @param {string[]} argv - The argv list to load. Defaults to `process.argv`.
  load(argv) {
    if (argv && argv !== process.argv) {
      argv = arrayify(argv);
    } else {
      /* if no argv supplied, assume we are parsing process.argv */
      argv = process.argv.slice(0);
      const deleteCount = process.execArgv.some(isExecArg) ? 1 : 2;
      argv.splice(0, deleteCount);
    argv.forEach(arg => this.push(String(arg)));

   * Clear the array.
  clear() {
    this.length = 0;

   * expand ``--option=value` style args.
  expandOptionEqualsNotation() {
    if (this.some(arg => re.optEquals.test(arg))) {
      const expandedArgs = [];
      this.forEach(arg => {
        const matches = arg.match(re.optEquals);
        if (matches) {
          expandedArgs.push(matches[1], matches[2]);
        } else {

   * expand getopt-style combinedShort options.
  expandGetoptNotation() {
    if (this.hasCombinedShortOptions()) {
      findReplace(this, re.combinedShort, expandCombinedShortArg);

   * Returns true if the array contains combined short options (e.g. `-ab`).
   * @returns {boolean}
  hasCombinedShortOptions() {
    return this.some(arg => re.combinedShort.test(arg))

  static from(argv) {
    const result = new this();
    return result

 * Expand a combined short option.
 * @param {string} - the string to expand, e.g. `-ab`
 * @returns {string[]}
 * @static
function expandCombinedShortArg(arg) {
  /* remove initial hypen */
  arg = arg.slice(1);
  return arg.split('').map(letter => '-' + letter)

 * Returns true if the supplied arg matches `--option=value` notation.
 * @param {string} - the arg to test, e.g. `--one=something`
 * @returns {boolean}
 * @static
function isOptionEqualsNotation(arg) {
  return re.optEquals.test(arg)

 * Returns true if the supplied arg is in either long (`--one`) or short (`-o`) format.
 * @param {string} - the arg to test, e.g. `--one`
 * @returns {boolean}
 * @static
function isOption(arg) {
  return (re.short.test(arg) || re.long.test(arg)) && !re.optEquals.test(arg)

 * Returns true if the supplied arg is in long (`--one`) format.
 * @param {string} - the arg to test, e.g. `--one`
 * @returns {boolean}
 * @static
function isLongOption(arg) {
  return re.long.test(arg) && !isOptionEqualsNotation(arg)

 * Returns the name from a long, short or `--options=value` arg.
 * @param {string} - the arg to inspect, e.g. `--one`
 * @returns {string}
 * @static
function getOptionName(arg) {
  if (re.short.test(arg)) {
    return arg.match(re.short)[1]
  } else if (isLongOption(arg)) {
    return arg.match(re.long)[1]
  } else if (isOptionEqualsNotation(arg)) {
    return arg.match(re.optEquals)[1].replace(/^--/, '')
  } else {
    return null

function isValue(arg) {
  return !(isOption(arg) || re.combinedShort.test(arg) || re.optEquals.test(arg))

function isExecArg(arg) {
  return ['--eval', '-e'].indexOf(arg) > -1 || arg.startsWith('--eval=')

 * For type-checking Javascript values.
 * @module typical
 * @typicalname t
 * @example
 * const t = require('typical')

 * Returns true if input is a number
 * @param {*} - the input to test
 * @returns {boolean}
 * @static
 * @example
 * > t.isNumber(0)
 * true
 * > t.isNumber(1)
 * true
 * > t.isNumber(1.1)
 * true
 * > t.isNumber(0xff)
 * true
 * > t.isNumber(0644)
 * true
 * > t.isNumber(6.2e5)
 * true
 * > t.isNumber(NaN)
 * false
 * > t.isNumber(Infinity)
 * false
function isNumber(n) {
  return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n)

 * A plain object is a simple object literal, it is not an instance of a class. Returns true if the input `typeof` is `object` and directly decends from `Object`.
 * @param {*} - the input to test
 * @returns {boolean}
 * @static
 * @example
 * > t.isPlainObject({ something: 'one' })
 * true
 * > t.isPlainObject(new Date())
 * false
 * > t.isPlainObject([ 0, 1 ])
 * false
 * > t.isPlainObject(/test/)
 * false
 * > t.isPlainObject(1)
 * false
 * > t.isPlainObject('one')
 * false
 * > t.isPlainObject(null)
 * false
 * > t.isPlainObject((function * () {})())
 * false
 * > t.isPlainObject(function * () {})
 * false
function isPlainObject(input) {
  return input !== null && typeof input === 'object' && input.constructor === Object

 * An array-like value has all the properties of an array, but is not an array instance. Examples in the `arguments` object. Returns true if the input value is an object, not null and has a `length` property with a numeric value.
 * @param {*} - the input to test
 * @returns {boolean}
 * @static
 * @example
 * function sum(x, y){
 *     console.log(t.isArrayLike(arguments))
 *     // prints `true`
 * }
function isArrayLike$2(input) {
  return isObject$2(input) && typeof input.length === 'number'

 * returns true if the typeof input is `'object'`, but not null!
 * @param {*} - the input to test
 * @returns {boolean}
 * @static
function isObject$2(input) {
  return typeof input === 'object' && input !== null

 * Returns true if the input value is defined
 * @param {*} - the input to test
 * @returns {boolean}
 * @static
function isDefined(input) {
  return typeof input !== 'undefined'

 * Returns true if the input value is a string
 * @param {*} - the input to test
 * @returns {boolean}
 * @static
function isString(input) {
  return typeof input === 'string'

 * Returns true if the input value is a boolean
 * @param {*} - the input to test
 * @returns {boolean}
 * @static
function isBoolean(input) {
  return typeof input === 'boolean'

 * Returns true if the input value is a function
 * @param {*} - the input to test
 * @returns {boolean}
 * @static
function isFunction(input) {
  return typeof input === 'function'

 * Returns true if the input value is an es2015 `class`.
 * @param {*} - the input to test
 * @returns {boolean}
 * @static
function isClass(input) {
  if (isFunction(input)) {
    return /^class /.test(Function.prototype.toString.call(input))
  } else {
    return false

 * Returns true if the input is a string, number, symbol, boolean, null or undefined value.
 * @param {*} - the input to test
 * @returns {boolean}
 * @static
function isPrimitive(input) {
  if (input === null) return true
  switch (typeof input) {
    case 'string':
    case 'number':
    case 'symbol':
    case 'undefined':
    case 'boolean':
      return true
      return false

 * Returns true if the input is a Promise.
 * @param {*} - the input to test
 * @returns {boolean}
 * @static
function isPromise(input) {
  if (input) {
    const isPromise = isDefined(Promise) && input instanceof Promise;
    const isThenable = input.then && typeof input.then === 'function';
    return !!(isPromise || isThenable)
  } else {
    return false

 * Returns true if the input is an iterable (`Map`, `Set`, `Array`, Generator etc.).
 * @param {*} - the input to test
 * @returns {boolean}
 * @static
 * @example
 * > t.isIterable('string')
 * true
 * > t.isIterable(new Map())
 * true
 * > t.isIterable([])
 * true
 * > t.isIterable((function * () {})())
 * true
 * > t.isIterable(Promise.resolve())
 * false
 * > t.isIterable(Promise)
 * false
 * > t.isIterable(true)
 * false
 * > t.isIterable({})
 * false
 * > t.isIterable(0)
 * false
 * > t.isIterable(1.1)
 * false
 * > t.isIterable(NaN)
 * false
 * > t.isIterable(Infinity)
 * false
 * > t.isIterable(function () {})
 * false
 * > t.isIterable(Date)
 * false
 * > t.isIterable()
 * false
 * > t.isIterable({ then: function () {} })
 * false
function isIterable(input) {
  if (input === null || !isDefined(input)) {
    return false
  } else {
    return (
      typeof input[Symbol.iterator] === 'function' ||
      typeof input[Symbol.asyncIterator] === 'function'

var t = {
  isArrayLike: isArrayLike$2,
  isObject: isObject$2,

 * @module option-definition

 * Describes a command-line option. Additionally, if generating a usage guide with [command-line-usage](https://github.com/75lb/command-line-usage) you could optionally add `description` and `typeLabel` properties to each definition.
 * @alias module:option-definition
 * @typicalname option
class OptionDefinition {
  constructor(definition) {
    * The only required definition property is `name`, so the simplest working example is
    * ```js
    * const optionDefinitions = [
    *   { name: 'file' },
    *   { name: 'depth' }
    * ]
    * ```
    * Where a `type` property is not specified it will default to `String`.
    * | #   | argv input | commandLineArgs() output |
    * | --- | -------------------- | ------------ |
    * | 1   | `--file` | `{ file: null }` |
    * | 2   | `--file lib.js` | `{ file: 'lib.js' }` |
    * | 3   | `--depth 2` | `{ depth: '2' }` |
    * Unicode option names and aliases are valid, for example:
    * ```js
    * const optionDefinitions = [
    *   { name: 'один' },
    *   { name: '两' },
    *   { name: 'три', alias: 'т' }
    * ]
    * ```
    * @type {string}
    this.name = definition.name;

    * The `type` value is a setter function (you receive the output from this), enabling you to be specific about the type and value received.
    * The most common values used are `String` (the default), `Number` and `Boolean` but you can use a custom function, for example:
    * ```js
    * const fs = require('fs')
    * class FileDetails {
    *   constructor (filename) {
    *     this.filename = filename
    *     this.exists = fs.existsSync(filename)
    *   }
    * }
    * const cli = commandLineArgs([
    *   { name: 'file', type: filename => new FileDetails(filename) },
    *   { name: 'depth', type: Number }
    * ])
    * ```
    * | #   | argv input | commandLineArgs() output |
    * | --- | ----------------- | ------------ |
    * | 1   | `--file asdf.txt` | `{ file: { filename: 'asdf.txt', exists: false } }` |
    * The `--depth` option expects a `Number`. If no value was set, you will receive `null`.
    * | #   | argv input | commandLineArgs() output |
    * | --- | ----------------- | ------------ |
    * | 2   | `--depth` | `{ depth: null }` |
    * | 3   | `--depth 2` | `{ depth: 2 }` |
    * @type {function}
    * @default String
    this.type = definition.type || String;

    * getopt-style short option names. Can be any single character (unicode included) except a digit or hyphen.
    * ```js
    * const optionDefinitions = [
    *   { name: 'hot', alias: 'h', type: Boolean },
    *   { name: 'discount', alias: 'd', type: Boolean },
    *   { name: 'courses', alias: 'c' , type: Number }
    * ]
    * ```
    * | #   | argv input | commandLineArgs() output |
    * | --- | ------------ | ------------ |
    * | 1   | `-hcd` | `{ hot: true, courses: null, discount: true }` |
    * | 2   | `-hdc 3` | `{ hot: true, discount: true, courses: 3 }` |
    * @type {string}
    this.alias = definition.alias;

    * Set this flag if the option takes a list of values. You will receive an array of values, each passed through the `type` function (if specified).
    * ```js
    * const optionDefinitions = [
    *   { name: 'files', type: String, multiple: true }
    * ]
    * ```
    * Note, examples 1 and 3 below demonstrate "greedy" parsing which can be disabled by using `lazyMultiple`.
    * | #   | argv input | commandLineArgs() output |
    * | --- | ------------ | ------------ |
    * | 1   | `--files one.js two.js` | `{ files: [ 'one.js', 'two.js' ] }` |
    * | 2   | `--files one.js --files two.js` | `{ files: [ 'one.js', 'two.js' ] }` |
    * | 3   | `--files *` | `{ files: [ 'one.js', 'two.js' ] }` |
    * @type {boolean}
    this.multiple = definition.multiple;

     * Identical to `multiple` but with greedy parsing disabled.
     * ```js
     * const optionDefinitions = [
     *   { name: 'files', lazyMultiple: true },
     *   { name: 'verbose', alias: 'v', type: Boolean, lazyMultiple: true }
     * ]
     * ```
     * | #   | argv input | commandLineArgs() output |
     * | --- | ------------ | ------------ |
     * | 1   | `--files one.js --files two.js` | `{ files: [ 'one.js', 'two.js' ] }` |
     * | 2   | `-vvv` | `{ verbose: [ true, true, true ] }` |
     * @type {boolean}
    this.lazyMultiple = definition.lazyMultiple;

    * Any values unaccounted for by an option definition will be set on the `defaultOption`. This flag is typically set on the most commonly-used option to make for more concise usage (i.e. `$ example *.js` instead of `$ example --files *.js`).
    * ```js
    * const optionDefinitions = [
    *   { name: 'files', multiple: true, defaultOption: true }
    * ]
    * ```
    * | #   | argv input | commandLineArgs() output |
    * | --- | ------------ | ------------ |
    * | 1   | `--files one.js two.js` | `{ files: [ 'one.js', 'two.js' ] }` |
    * | 2   | `one.js two.js` | `{ files: [ 'one.js', 'two.js' ] }` |
    * | 3   | `*` | `{ files: [ 'one.js', 'two.js' ] }` |
    * @type {boolean}
    this.defaultOption = definition.defaultOption;

    * An initial value for the option.
    * ```js
    * const optionDefinitions = [
    *   { name: 'files', multiple: true, defaultValue: [ 'one.js' ] },
    *   { name: 'max', type: Number, defaultValue: 3 }
    * ]
    * ```
    * | #   | argv input | commandLineArgs() output |
    * | --- | ------------ | ------------ |
    * | 1   |  | `{ files: [ 'one.js' ], max: 3 }` |
    * | 2   | `--files two.js` | `{ files: [ 'two.js' ], max: 3 }` |
    * | 3   | `--max 4` | `{ files: [ 'one.js' ], max: 4 }` |
    * @type {*}
    this.defaultValue = definition.defaultValue;

    * When your app has a large amount of options it makes sense to organise them in groups.
    * There are two automatic groups: `_all` (contains all options) and `_none` (contains options without a `group` specified in their definition).
    * ```js
    * const optionDefinitions = [
    *   { name: 'verbose', group: 'standard' },
    *   { name: 'help', group: [ 'standard', 'main' ] },
    *   { name: 'compress', group: [ 'server', 'main' ] },
    *   { name: 'static', group: 'server' },
    *   { name: 'debug' }
    * ]
    * ```
    *  <tr>
    *    <th>#</th><th>Command Line</th><th>commandLineArgs() output</th>
    *  </tr>
    *  <tr>
    *    <td>1</td><td><code>--verbose</code></td><td><pre><code>
    *  _all: { verbose: true },
    *  standard: { verbose: true }
    *  </tr>
    *  <tr>
    *    <td>2</td><td><code>--debug</code></td><td><pre><code>
    *  _all: { debug: true },
    *  _none: { debug: true }
    *  </tr>
    *  <tr>
    *    <td>3</td><td><code>--verbose --debug --compress</code></td><td><pre><code>
    *  _all: {
    *    verbose: true,
    *    debug: true,
    *    compress: true
    *  },
    *  standard: { verbose: true },
    *  server: { compress: true },
    *  main: { compress: true },
    *  _none: { debug: true }
    *  </tr>
    *  <tr>
    *    <td>4</td><td><code>--compress</code></td><td><pre><code>
    *  _all: { compress: true },
    *  server: { compress: true },
    *  main: { compress: true }
    *  </tr>
    * @type {string|string[]}
    this.group = definition.group;

    /* pick up any remaining properties */
    for (const prop in definition) {
      if (!this[prop]) this[prop] = definition[prop];

  isBoolean() {
    return this.type === Boolean || (t.isFunction(this.type) && this.type.name === 'Boolean')

  isMultiple() {
    return this.multiple || this.lazyMultiple

  static create(def) {
    const result = new this(def);
    return result

 * @module option-definitions

 * @alias module:option-definitions
class Definitions extends Array {
   * validate option definitions
   * @param {boolean} [caseInsensitive=false] - whether arguments will be parsed in a case insensitive manner
   * @returns {string}
  validate(caseInsensitive) {
    const someHaveNoName = this.some(def => !def.name);
    if (someHaveNoName) {
        'Invalid option definitions: the `name` property is required on each definition'

    const someDontHaveFunctionType = this.some(def => def.type && typeof def.type !== 'function');
    if (someDontHaveFunctionType) {
        'Invalid option definitions: the `type` property must be a setter fuction (default: `Boolean`)'

    let invalidOption;

    const numericAlias = this.some(def => {
      invalidOption = def;
      return t.isDefined(def.alias) && t.isNumber(def.alias)
    if (numericAlias) {
        'Invalid option definition: to avoid ambiguity an alias cannot be numeric [--' + invalidOption.name + ' alias is -' + invalidOption.alias + ']'

    const multiCharacterAlias = this.some(def => {
      invalidOption = def;
      return t.isDefined(def.alias) && def.alias.length !== 1
    if (multiCharacterAlias) {
        'Invalid option definition: an alias must be a single character'

    const hypenAlias = this.some(def => {
      invalidOption = def;
      return def.alias === '-'
    if (hypenAlias) {
        'Invalid option definition: an alias cannot be "-"'

    const duplicateName = hasDuplicates(this.map(def => caseInsensitive ? def.name.toLowerCase() : def.name));
    if (duplicateName) {
        'Two or more option definitions have the same name'

    const duplicateAlias = hasDuplicates(this.map(def => caseInsensitive && t.isDefined(def.alias) ? def.alias.toLowerCase() : def.alias));
    if (duplicateAlias) {
        'Two or more option definitions have the same alias'

    const duplicateDefaultOption = this.filter(def => def.defaultOption === true).length > 1;
    if (duplicateDefaultOption) {
        'Only one option definition can be the defaultOption'

    const defaultBoolean = this.some(def => {
      invalidOption = def;
      return def.isBoolean() && def.defaultOption
    if (defaultBoolean) {
        `A boolean option ["${invalidOption.name}"] can not also be the defaultOption.`

   * Get definition by option arg (e.g. `--one` or `-o`)
   * @param {string} [arg] the argument name to get the definition for
   * @param {boolean} [caseInsensitive] whether to use case insensitive comparisons when finding the appropriate definition
   * @returns {Definition}
  get(arg, caseInsensitive) {
    if (isOption(arg)) {
      if (re.short.test(arg)) {
        const shortOptionName = getOptionName(arg);
        if (caseInsensitive) {
          const lowercaseShortOptionName = shortOptionName.toLowerCase();
          return this.find(def => t.isDefined(def.alias) && def.alias.toLowerCase() === lowercaseShortOptionName)
        } else {
          return this.find(def => def.alias === shortOptionName)
      } else {
        const optionName = getOptionName(arg);
        if (caseInsensitive) {
          const lowercaseOptionName = optionName.toLowerCase();
          return this.find(def => def.name.toLowerCase() === lowercaseOptionName)
        } else {
          return this.find(def => def.name === optionName)
    } else {
      return this.find(def => def.name === arg)

  getDefault() {
    return this.find(def => def.defaultOption === true)

  isGrouped() {
    return this.some(def => def.group)

  whereGrouped() {
    return this.filter(containsValidGroup)

  whereNotGrouped() {
    return this.filter(def => !containsValidGroup(def))

  whereDefaultValueSet() {
    return this.filter(def => t.isDefined(def.defaultValue))

  static from(definitions, caseInsensitive) {
    if (definitions instanceof this) return definitions
    const result = super.from(arrayify(definitions), def => OptionDefinition.create(def));
    return result

function halt(name, message) {
  const err = new Error(message);
  err.name = name;
  throw err

function containsValidGroup(def) {
  return arrayify(def.group).some(group => group)

function hasDuplicates(array) {
  const items = {};
  for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
    const value = array[i];
    if (items[value]) {
      return true
    } else {
      if (t.isDefined(value)) items[value] = true;

 * @module argv-parser

 * @alias module:argv-parser
class ArgvParser {
   * @param {OptionDefinitions} - Definitions array
   * @param {object} [options] - Options
   * @param {string[]} [options.argv] - Overrides `process.argv`
   * @param {boolean} [options.stopAtFirstUnknown] -
   * @param {boolean} [options.caseInsensitive] - Arguments will be parsed in a case insensitive manner. Defaults to false.
  constructor(definitions, options) {
    this.options = Object.assign({}, options);
     * Option Definitions
    this.definitions = Definitions.from(definitions, this.options.caseInsensitive);

     * Argv
    this.argv = ArgvArray.from(this.options.argv);
    if (this.argv.hasCombinedShortOptions()) {
      findReplace(this.argv, re.combinedShort.test.bind(re.combinedShort), arg => {
        arg = arg.slice(1);
        return arg.split('').map(letter => ({ origArg: `-${arg}`, arg: '-' + letter }))

   * Yields one `{ event, name, value, arg, def }` argInfo object for each arg in `process.argv` (or `options.argv`).
  *[Symbol.iterator]() {
    const definitions = this.definitions;

    let def;
    let value;
    let name;
    let event;
    let singularDefaultSet = false;
    let unknownFound = false;
    let origArg;

    for (let arg of this.argv) {
      if (t.isPlainObject(arg)) {
        origArg = arg.origArg;
        arg = arg.arg;

      if (unknownFound && this.options.stopAtFirstUnknown) {
        yield { event: 'unknown_value', arg, name: '_unknown', value: undefined };

      /* handle long or short option */
      if (isOption(arg)) {
        def = definitions.get(arg, this.options.caseInsensitive);
        value = undefined;
        if (def) {
          value = def.isBoolean() ? true : null;
          event = 'set';
        } else {
          event = 'unknown_option';

        /* handle --option-value notation */
      } else if (isOptionEqualsNotation(arg)) {
        const matches = arg.match(re.optEquals);
        def = definitions.get(matches[1], this.options.caseInsensitive);
        if (def) {
          if (def.isBoolean()) {
            yield { event: 'unknown_value', arg, name: '_unknown', value, def };
            event = 'set';
            value = true;
          } else {
            event = 'set';
            value = matches[2];
        } else {
          event = 'unknown_option';

        /* handle value */
      } else if (isValue(arg)) {
        if (def) {
          value = arg;
          event = 'set';
        } else {
          /* get the defaultOption */
          def = this.definitions.getDefault();
          if (def && !singularDefaultSet) {
            value = arg;
            event = 'set';
          } else {
            event = 'unknown_value';
            def = undefined;

      name = def ? def.name : '_unknown';
      const argInfo = { event, arg, name, value, def };
      if (origArg) {
        argInfo.subArg = arg;
        argInfo.arg = origArg;
      yield argInfo;

      /* unknownFound logic */
      if (name === '_unknown') unknownFound = true;

      /* singularDefaultSet logic */
      if (def && def.defaultOption && !def.isMultiple() && event === 'set') singularDefaultSet = true;

      /* reset values once consumed and yielded */
      if (def && def.isBoolean()) def = undefined;
      /* reset the def if it's a singular which has been set */
      if (def && !def.multiple && t.isDefined(value) && value !== null) {
        def = undefined;
      value = undefined;
      event = undefined;
      name = undefined;
      origArg = undefined;

const _value = new WeakMap();

 * Encapsulates behaviour (defined by an OptionDefinition) when setting values
class Option {
  constructor(definition) {
    this.definition = new OptionDefinition(definition);
    this.state = null; /* set or default */

  get() {
    return _value.get(this)

  set(val) {
    this._set(val, 'set');

  _set(val, state) {
    const def = this.definition;
    if (def.isMultiple()) {
      /* don't add null or undefined to a multiple */
      if (val !== null && val !== undefined) {
        const arr = this.get();
        if (this.state === 'default') arr.length = 0;
        this.state = state;
    } else {
      /* throw if already set on a singlar defaultOption */
      if (!def.isMultiple() && this.state === 'set') {
        const err = new Error(`Singular option already set [${this.definition.name}=${this.get()}]`);
        err.name = 'ALREADY_SET';
        err.value = val;
        err.optionName = def.name;
        throw err
      } else if (val === null || val === undefined) {
        _value.set(this, val);
        // /* required to make 'partial: defaultOption with value equal to defaultValue 2' pass */
        // if (!(def.defaultOption && !def.isMultiple())) {
        //   this.state = state
        // }
      } else {
        _value.set(this, def.type(val));
        this.state = state;

  resetToDefault() {
    if (t.isDefined(this.definition.defaultValue)) {
      if (this.definition.isMultiple()) {
        _value.set(this, arrayify(this.definition.defaultValue).slice());
      } else {
        _value.set(this, this.definition.defaultValue);
    } else {
      if (this.definition.isMultiple()) {
        _value.set(this, []);
      } else {
        _value.set(this, null);
    this.state = 'default';

  static create(definition) {
    definition = new OptionDefinition(definition);
    if (definition.isBoolean()) {
      return FlagOption.create(definition)
    } else {
      return new this(definition)

class FlagOption extends Option {
  set(val) {

  static create(def) {
    return new this(def)

 * A map of { DefinitionNameString: Option }. By default, an Output has an `_unknown` property and any options with defaultValues.
class Output extends Map {
  constructor(definitions) {
     * @type {OptionDefinitions}
    this.definitions = Definitions.from(definitions);

    /* by default, an Output has an `_unknown` property and any options with defaultValues */
    this.set('_unknown', Option.create({ name: '_unknown', multiple: true }));
    for (const def of this.definitions.whereDefaultValueSet()) {
      this.set(def.name, Option.create(def));

  toObject(options) {
    options = options || {};
    const output = {};
    for (const item of this) {
      const name = item[0];
      const option = item[1];
      if (name === '_unknown' && !option.get().length) continue
      output[name] = option.get();

    if (options.skipUnknown) delete output._unknown;
    return output

class GroupedOutput extends Output {
  toObject(options) {
    const superOutputNoCamel = super.toObject({ skipUnknown: options.skipUnknown });
    const superOutput = super.toObject(options);
    const unknown = superOutput._unknown;
    delete superOutput._unknown;
    const grouped = {
      _all: superOutput
    if (unknown && unknown.length) grouped._unknown = unknown;

    this.definitions.whereGrouped().forEach(def => {
      const name = def.name;
      const outputValue = superOutputNoCamel[def.name];
      for (const groupName of arrayify(def.group)) {
        grouped[groupName] = grouped[groupName] || {};
        if (t.isDefined(outputValue)) {
          grouped[groupName][name] = outputValue;

    this.definitions.whereNotGrouped().forEach(def => {
      const name = def.name;
      const outputValue = superOutputNoCamel[def.name];
      if (t.isDefined(outputValue)) {
        if (!grouped._none) grouped._none = {};
        grouped._none[name] = outputValue;
    return grouped

 * @module command-line-args

 * Returns an object containing all option values set on the command line. By default it parses the global  [`process.argv`](https://nodejs.org/api/process.html#process_process_argv) array.
 * Parsing is strict by default - an exception is thrown if the user sets a singular option more than once or sets an unknown value or option (one without a valid [definition](https://github.com/75lb/command-line-args/blob/master/doc/option-definition.md)). To be more permissive, enabling [partial](https://github.com/75lb/command-line-args/wiki/Partial-mode-example) or [stopAtFirstUnknown](https://github.com/75lb/command-line-args/wiki/stopAtFirstUnknown) modes will return known options in the usual manner while collecting unknown arguments in a separate `_unknown` property.
 * @param {Array<OptionDefinition>} - An array of [OptionDefinition](https://github.com/75lb/command-line-args/blob/master/doc/option-definition.md) objects
 * @param {object} [options] - Options.
 * @param {string[]} [options.argv] - An array of strings which, if present will be parsed instead  of `process.argv`.
 * @param {boolean} [options.partial] - If `true`, an array of unknown arguments is returned in the `_unknown` property of the output.
 * @param {boolean} [options.stopAtFirstUnknown] - If `true`, parsing will stop at the first unknown argument and the remaining arguments returned in `_unknown`. When set, `partial: true` is also implied.
 * @param {boolean} [options.caseInsensitive] - If `true`, the case of each option name or alias parsed is insignificant. In other words, both `--Verbose` and `--verbose`, `-V` and `-v` would be equivalent. Defaults to false.
 * @returns {object}
 * @throws `UNKNOWN_OPTION` If `options.partial` is false and the user set an undefined option. The `err.optionName` property contains the arg that specified an unknown option, e.g. `--one`.
 * @throws `UNKNOWN_VALUE` If `options.partial` is false and the user set a value unaccounted for by an option definition. The `err.value` property contains the unknown value, e.g. `5`.
 * @throws `ALREADY_SET` If a user sets a singular, non-multiple option more than once. The `err.optionName` property contains the option name that has already been set, e.g. `one`.
 *   - If an option definition is missing the required `name` property
 *   - If an option definition has a `type` value that's not a function
 *   - If an alias is numeric, a hyphen or a length other than 1
 *   - If an option definition name was used more than once
 *   - If an option definition alias was used more than once
 *   - If more than one option definition has `defaultOption: true`
 *   - If a `Boolean` option is also set as the `defaultOption`.
 * @alias module:command-line-args
function commandLineArgs(optionDefinitions, options) {
  options = options || {};
  if (options.stopAtFirstUnknown) options.partial = true;
  optionDefinitions = Definitions.from(optionDefinitions, options.caseInsensitive);

  const parser = new ArgvParser(optionDefinitions, {
    argv: options.argv,
    stopAtFirstUnknown: options.stopAtFirstUnknown,
    caseInsensitive: options.caseInsensitive

  const OutputClass = optionDefinitions.isGrouped() ? GroupedOutput : Output;
  const output = new OutputClass(optionDefinitions);

  /* Iterate the parser setting each known value to the output. Optionally, throw on unknowns. */
  for (const argInfo of parser) {
    const arg = argInfo.subArg || argInfo.arg;
    if (!options.partial) {
      if (argInfo.event === 'unknown_value') {
        const err = new Error(`Unknown value: ${arg}`);
        err.name = 'UNKNOWN_VALUE';
        err.value = arg;
        throw err
      } else if (argInfo.event === 'unknown_option') {
        const err = new Error(`Unknown option: ${arg}`);
        err.name = 'UNKNOWN_OPTION';
        err.optionName = arg;
        throw err

    let option;
    if (output.has(argInfo.name)) {
      option = output.get(argInfo.name);
    } else {
      option = Option.create(argInfo.def);
      output.set(argInfo.name, option);

    if (argInfo.name === '_unknown') {
    } else {

  return output.toObject({ skipUnknown: !options.partial })

module.exports = commandLineArgs;