const axios = require('axios') const Ffmpeg = require('../libs/fluentFfmpeg') const fs = require('../libs/fsExtra') const os = require('os') const Path = require('path') const Logger = require('../Logger') const { filePathToPOSIX } = require('./fileUtils') function escapeSingleQuotes(path) { // return path.replace(/'/g, '\'\\\'\'') return filePathToPOSIX(path).replace(/ /g, '\\ ').replace(/'/g, "\\'") } // Returns first track start time // startTime is for streams starting an encode part-way through an audiobook async function writeConcatFile(tracks, outputPath, startTime = 0) { var trackToStartWithIndex = 0 var firstTrackStartTime = 0 // Find first track greater than startTime if (startTime > 0) { var currTrackEnd = 0 var startingTrack = tracks.find((t) => { currTrackEnd += t.duration return startTime < currTrackEnd }) if (startingTrack) { firstTrackStartTime = currTrackEnd - startingTrack.duration trackToStartWithIndex = startingTrack.index } } var tracksToInclude = tracks.filter((t) => t.index >= trackToStartWithIndex) var trackPaths = => { var line = 'file ' + escapeSingleQuotes(t.metadata.path) + '\n' + `duration ${t.duration}` return line }) var inputstr = trackPaths.join('\n\n') try { await fs.writeFile(outputPath, inputstr) return firstTrackStartTime } catch (error) { Logger.error(`[ffmpegHelpers] Failed to write stream concat file at "${outputPath}"`, error) return null } } module.exports.writeConcatFile = writeConcatFile async function extractCoverArt(filepath, outputpath) { var dirname = Path.dirname(outputpath) await fs.ensureDir(dirname) return new Promise((resolve) => { var ffmpeg = Ffmpeg(filepath) ffmpeg.addOption(['-map 0:v', '-frames:v 1']) ffmpeg.output(outputpath) ffmpeg.on('start', (cmd) => { Logger.debug(`[FfmpegHelpers] Extract Cover Cmd: ${cmd}`) }) ffmpeg.on('error', (err, stdout, stderr) => { Logger.error(`[FfmpegHelpers] Extract Cover Error ${err}`) resolve(false) }) ffmpeg.on('end', () => { Logger.debug(`[FfmpegHelpers] Cover Art Extracted Successfully`) resolve(outputpath) }) }) } module.exports.extractCoverArt = extractCoverArt //This should convert based on the output file extension as well async function resizeImage(filePath, outputPath, width, height) { return new Promise((resolve) => { var ffmpeg = Ffmpeg(filePath) ffmpeg.addOption(['-vf', `scale=${width || -1}:${height || -1}`]) ffmpeg.addOutput(outputPath) ffmpeg.on('start', (cmd) => { Logger.debug(`[FfmpegHelpers] Resize Image Cmd: ${cmd}`) }) ffmpeg.on('error', (err, stdout, stderr) => { Logger.error(`[FfmpegHelpers] Resize Image Error ${err} ${stdout} ${stderr}`) resolve(false) }) ffmpeg.on('end', () => { Logger.debug(`[FfmpegHelpers] Image resized Successfully`) resolve(outputPath) }) }) } module.exports.resizeImage = resizeImage module.exports.downloadPodcastEpisode = (podcastEpisodeDownload) => { return new Promise(async (resolve) => { const response = await axios({ url: podcastEpisodeDownload.url, method: 'GET', responseType: 'stream', headers: { 'User-Agent': 'audiobookshelf (+; like iTMS)' }, timeout: 30000 }).catch((error) => { Logger.error(`[ffmpegHelpers] Failed to download podcast episode with url "${podcastEpisodeDownload.url}"`, error) return null }) if (!response) return resolve(false) const ffmpeg = Ffmpeg( ffmpeg.addOption('-loglevel debug') // Debug logs printed on error ffmpeg.outputOptions('-c:a', 'copy', '-map', '0:a', '-metadata', 'podcast=1') const podcastMetadata = const podcastEpisode = podcastEpisodeDownload.podcastEpisode const finalSizeInBytes = Number(podcastEpisode.enclosure?.length || 0) const taggings = { album: podcastMetadata.title, 'album-sort': podcastMetadata.title, artist:, 'artist-sort':, comment: podcastEpisode.description, subtitle: podcastEpisode.subtitle, disc: podcastEpisode.season, genre: podcastMetadata.genres.length ? podcastMetadata.genres.join(';') : null, language: podcastMetadata.language, MVNM: podcastMetadata.title, MVIN: podcastEpisode.episode, track: podcastEpisode.episode, 'series-part': podcastEpisode.episode, title: podcastEpisode.title, 'title-sort': podcastEpisode.title, year: podcastEpisode.pubYear, date: podcastEpisode.pubDate, releasedate: podcastEpisode.pubDate, 'itunes-id': podcastMetadata.itunesId, 'podcast-type': podcastMetadata.type, 'episode-type': podcastMetadata.episodeType } for (const tag in taggings) { if (taggings[tag]) { if (taggings[tag].length > 10000) { Logger.warn(`[ffmpegHelpers] Episode download tag "${tag}" is too long (${taggings[tag].length} characters) - trimming it down`) taggings[tag] = taggings[tag].slice(0, 10000) } ffmpeg.addOption('-metadata', `${tag}=${taggings[tag]}`) } } ffmpeg.addOutput(podcastEpisodeDownload.targetPath) const stderrLines = [] ffmpeg.on('stderr', (stderrLine) => { if (typeof stderrLine === 'string') { stderrLines.push(stderrLine) } }) ffmpeg.on('start', (cmd) => { Logger.debug(`[FfmpegHelpers] downloadPodcastEpisode: Cmd: ${cmd}`) }) ffmpeg.on('error', (err) => { Logger.error(`[FfmpegHelpers] downloadPodcastEpisode: Error ${err}`) if (stderrLines.length) { Logger.error(`Full stderr dump for episode url "${podcastEpisodeDownload.url}": ${stderrLines.join('\n')}`) } resolve(false) }) ffmpeg.on('progress', (progress) => { let progressPercent = 0 if (finalSizeInBytes && progress.targetSize && !isNaN(progress.targetSize)) { const finalSizeInKb = Math.floor(finalSizeInBytes / 1000) progressPercent = Math.min(1, progress.targetSize / finalSizeInKb) * 100 } Logger.debug(`[FfmpegHelpers] downloadPodcastEpisode: Progress estimate ${progressPercent.toFixed(0)}% (${progress?.targetSize || 'N/A'} KB) for "${podcastEpisodeDownload.url}"`) }) ffmpeg.on('end', () => { Logger.debug(`[FfmpegHelpers] downloadPodcastEpisode: Complete`) resolve(podcastEpisodeDownload.targetPath) }) }) } /** * Generates ffmetadata file content from the provided metadata object and chapters array. * @param {Object} metadata - The input metadata object. * @param {Array|null} chapters - An array of chapter objects. * @returns {string} - The ffmetadata file content. */ function generateFFMetadata(metadata, chapters) { let ffmetadataContent = ';FFMETADATA1\n' // Add global metadata for (const key in metadata) { if (metadata[key]) { ffmetadataContent += `${key}=${escapeFFMetadataValue(metadata[key])}\n` } } // Add chapters if (chapters) { chapters.forEach((chapter) => { ffmetadataContent += '\n[CHAPTER]\n' ffmetadataContent += `TIMEBASE=1/1000\n` ffmetadataContent += `START=${Math.floor(chapter.start * 1000)}\n` ffmetadataContent += `END=${Math.floor(chapter.end * 1000)}\n` if (chapter.title) { ffmetadataContent += `title=${escapeFFMetadataValue(chapter.title)}\n` } }) } return ffmetadataContent } module.exports.generateFFMetadata = generateFFMetadata /** * Adds an ffmetadata and optionally a cover image to an audio file using fluent-ffmpeg. * @param {string} audioFilePath - Path to the input audio file. * @param {string|null} coverFilePath - Path to the cover image file. * @param {string} metadataFilePath - Path to the ffmetadata file. * @param {number} track - The track number to embed in the audio file. * @param {string} mimeType - The MIME type of the audio file. */ async function addCoverAndMetadataToFile(audioFilePath, coverFilePath, metadataFilePath, track, mimeType) { const isMp4 = mimeType === 'audio/mp4' const isMp3 = mimeType === 'audio/mpeg' const audioFileDir = Path.dirname(audioFilePath) const audioFileExt = Path.extname(audioFilePath) const audioFileBaseName = Path.basename(audioFilePath, audioFileExt) const tempFilePath = Path.join(audioFileDir, `${audioFileBaseName}.tmp${audioFileExt}`) return new Promise((resolve) => { let ffmpeg = Ffmpeg() ffmpeg.input(audioFilePath).input(metadataFilePath).outputOptions([ '-map 0:a', // map audio stream from input file '-map_metadata 1', // map metadata tags from metadata file first '-map_metadata 0', // add additional metadata tags from input file '-map_chapters 1', // map chapters from metadata file '-c copy' // copy streams ]) if (track && !isNaN(track)) { ffmpeg.outputOptions(['-metadata track=' + track]) } if (isMp4) { ffmpeg.outputOptions([ '-f mp4' // force output format to mp4 ]) } else if (isMp3) { ffmpeg.outputOptions([ '-id3v2_version 3' // set ID3v2 version to 3 ]) } if (coverFilePath) { ffmpeg.input(coverFilePath).outputOptions([ '-map 2:v', // map video stream from cover image file '-disposition:v:0 attached_pic', // set cover image as attached picture '-metadata:s:v', 'title=Cover', // add title metadata to cover image stream '-metadata:s:v', 'comment=Cover' // add comment metadata to cover image stream ]) } else { ffmpeg.outputOptions([ '-map 0:v?' // retain video stream from input file if exists ]) } ffmpeg .output(tempFilePath) .on('start', function (commandLine) { Logger.debug('[ffmpegHelpers] Spawned Ffmpeg with command: ' + commandLine) }) .on('end', (stdout, stderr) => { Logger.debug('[ffmpegHelpers] ffmpeg stdout:', stdout) Logger.debug('[ffmpegHelpers] ffmpeg stderr:', stderr) fs.copyFileSync(tempFilePath, audioFilePath) fs.unlinkSync(tempFilePath) resolve(true) }) .on('error', (err, stdout, stderr) => { Logger.error('Error adding cover image and metadata:', err) Logger.error('ffmpeg stdout:', stdout) Logger.error('ffmpeg stderr:', stderr) resolve(false) }) }) } module.exports.addCoverAndMetadataToFile = addCoverAndMetadataToFile function escapeFFMetadataValue(value) { return value.replace(/([;=\n\\#])/g, '\\$1') } function getFFMetadataObject(libraryItem, audioFilesLength) { const metadata = const ffmetadata = { title: metadata.title, artist: metadata.authorName, album_artist: metadata.authorName, album: (metadata.title || '') + (metadata.subtitle ? `: ${metadata.subtitle}` : ''), TIT3: metadata.subtitle, // mp3 only genre: metadata.genres?.join('; '), date: metadata.publishedYear, comment: metadata.description, description: metadata.description, composer: metadata.narratorName, copyright: metadata.publisher, publisher: metadata.publisher, // mp3 only TRACKTOTAL: `${audioFilesLength}`, // mp3 only grouping: metadata.series?.map((s) => + (s.sequence ? ` #${s.sequence}` : '')).join(', ') } Object.keys(ffmetadata).forEach((key) => { if (!ffmetadata[key]) { delete ffmetadata[key] } }) return ffmetadata } module.exports.getFFMetadataObject = getFFMetadataObject