/** * @typedef MigrationContext * @property {import('sequelize').QueryInterface} queryInterface - a suquelize QueryInterface object. * @property {import('../Logger')} logger - a Logger object. * * @typedef MigrationOptions * @property {MigrationContext} context - an object containing the migration context. */ const migrationVersion = '2.18.0' const migrationName = `${migrationVersion}-add-plugins-table` const loggerPrefix = `[${migrationVersion} migration]` /** * This upward migration creates the plugins table if it does not exist. * * @param {MigrationOptions} options - an object containing the migration context. * @returns {Promise} - A promise that resolves when the migration is complete. */ async function up({ context: { queryInterface, logger } }) { // Upwards migration script logger.info(`${loggerPrefix} UPGRADE BEGIN: ${migrationName}`) if (!(await queryInterface.tableExists('plugins'))) { const DataTypes = queryInterface.sequelize.Sequelize.DataTypes await queryInterface.createTable('plugins', { id: { type: DataTypes.UUID, defaultValue: DataTypes.UUIDV4, primaryKey: true }, name: DataTypes.STRING, version: DataTypes.STRING, config: DataTypes.JSON, extraData: DataTypes.JSON, createdAt: DataTypes.DATE, updatedAt: DataTypes.DATE }) logger.info(`${loggerPrefix} Table 'plugins' created`) } else { logger.info(`${loggerPrefix} Table 'plugins' already exists`) } logger.info(`${loggerPrefix} UPGRADE END: ${migrationName}`) } /** * This downward migration script drops the plugins table if it exists. * * @param {MigrationOptions} options - an object containing the migration context. * @returns {Promise} - A promise that resolves when the migration is complete. */ async function down({ context: { queryInterface, logger } }) { // Downward migration script logger.info(`${loggerPrefix} DOWNGRADE BEGIN: ${migrationName}`) if (await queryInterface.tableExists('plugins')) { await queryInterface.dropTable('plugins') logger.info(`${loggerPrefix} Table 'plugins' dropped`) } else { logger.info(`${loggerPrefix} Table 'plugins' does not exist`) } logger.info(`${loggerPrefix} DOWNGRADE END: ${migrationName}`) } module.exports = { up, down }