<template> <modals-modal v-model="show" name="bookmarks" :width="500" :height="'unset'"> <div ref="container" class="w-full rounded-lg bg-primary box-shadow-md overflow-y-auto overflow-x-hidden" style="max-height: 80vh"> <div v-if="show" class="w-full h-full"> <template v-for="bookmark in bookmarks"> <modals-bookmarks-bookmark-item :key="bookmark.id" :highlight="currentTime === bookmark.time" :bookmark="bookmark" @click="clickBookmark" @update="submitUpdateBookmark" @delete="deleteBookmark" /> </template> <div v-if="!bookmarks.length" class="flex h-32 items-center justify-center"> <p class="text-xl">No Bookmarks</p> </div> <div class="w-full h-px bg-white bg-opacity-10" /> <form @submit.prevent="submitCreateBookmark"> <div v-show="canCreateBookmark" class="flex px-4 py-2 items-center text-center border-b border-white border-opacity-10 text-white text-opacity-80"> <div class="w-16 max-w-16 text-center"> <p class="text-sm font-mono text-gray-400"> {{ this.$secondsToTimestamp(currentTime) }} </p> </div> <div class="flex-grow px-2"> <ui-text-input v-model="newBookmarkTitle" placeholder="Note" class="w-full" /> </div> <ui-btn type="submit" color="success" :padding-x="4" class="h-10"><span class="material-icons -mt-px">add</span></ui-btn> </div> </form> </div> </div> </modals-modal> </template> <script> export default { props: { value: Boolean, bookmarks: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, currentTime: { type: Number, default: 0 }, libraryItemId: String }, data() { return { selectedBookmark: null, showBookmarkTitleInput: false, newBookmarkTitle: '' } }, watch: { show(newVal) { if (newVal) { this.showBookmarkTitleInput = false this.newBookmarkTitle = '' } } }, computed: { show: { get() { return this.value }, set(val) { this.$emit('input', val) } }, canCreateBookmark() { return !this.bookmarks.find((bm) => bm.time === this.currentTime) } }, methods: { editBookmark(bm) { this.selectedBookmark = bm this.newBookmarkTitle = bm.title this.showBookmarkTitleInput = true }, deleteBookmark(bm) { this.$axios .$delete(`/api/me/item/${this.libraryItemId}/bookmark/${bm.time}`) .then(() => { this.$toast.success('Bookmark removed') }) .catch((error) => { this.$toast.error(`Failed to remove bookmark`) console.error(error) }) this.show = false }, clickBookmark(bm) { this.$emit('select', bm) }, submitUpdateBookmark(updatedBookmark) { var bookmark = { ...updatedBookmark } this.$axios .$patch(`/api/me/item/${this.libraryItemId}/bookmark`, bookmark) .then(() => { this.$toast.success('Bookmark updated') }) .catch((error) => { this.$toast.error(`Failed to update bookmark`) console.error(error) }) this.show = false }, submitCreateBookmark() { if (!this.newBookmarkTitle) { this.newBookmarkTitle = this.$formatDate(Date.now(), 'MMM dd, yyyy HH:mm') } var bookmark = { title: this.newBookmarkTitle, time: Math.floor(this.currentTime) } this.$axios .$post(`/api/me/item/${this.libraryItemId}/bookmark`, bookmark) .then(() => { this.$toast.success('Bookmark added') }) .catch((error) => { this.$toast.error(`Failed to create bookmark`) console.error(error) }) this.newBookmarkTitle = '' this.showBookmarkTitleInput = false this.show = false } } } </script>