<template> <div class="w-full h-full overflow-hidden overflow-y-auto px-2 sm:px-4 py-6 relative"> <div class="flex flex-wrap mb-4"> <div class="relative"> <covers-preview-cover :src="$store.getters['globals/getLibraryItemCoverSrcById'](libraryItemId, libraryItemUpdatedAt, true)" :width="120" :book-cover-aspect-ratio="bookCoverAspectRatio" /> <!-- book cover overlay --> <div v-if="media.coverPath" class="absolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full z-10 opacity-0 hover:opacity-100 transition-opacity duration-100"> <div class="absolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-16 bg-gradient-to-b from-black-600 to-transparent" /> <div v-if="userCanDelete" class="p-1 absolute top-1 right-1 text-red-500 rounded-full w-8 h-8 cursor-pointer hover:text-red-400 shadow-sm" @click="removeCover"> <ui-tooltip direction="top" :text="$strings.LabelRemoveCover"> <span class="material-icons text-2xl">delete</span> </ui-tooltip> </div> </div> </div> <div class="flex-grow sm:pl-2 md:pl-6 sm:pr-2 mt-2 md:mt-0"> <div class="flex items-center"> <div v-if="userCanUpload" class="w-10 md:w-40 pr-2 md:min-w-32"> <ui-file-input ref="fileInput" @change="fileUploadSelected"> <span class="hidden md:inline-block">{{ $strings.ButtonUploadCover }}</span> <span class="material-icons text-2xl inline-block md:!hidden">upload</span> </ui-file-input> </div> <form @submit.prevent="submitForm" class="flex flex-grow"> <ui-text-input v-model="imageUrl" :placeholder="$strings.LabelImageURLFromTheWeb" class="h-9 w-full" /> <ui-btn color="success" type="submit" :padding-x="4" :disabled="!imageUrl" class="ml-2 sm:ml-3 w-24 h-9">{{ $strings.ButtonSubmit }}</ui-btn> </form> </div> <div v-if="localCovers.length" class="mb-4 mt-6 border-t border-b border-white border-opacity-10"> <div class="flex items-center justify-center py-2"> <p>{{ localCovers.length }} local image{{ localCovers.length !== 1 ? 's' : '' }}</p> <div class="flex-grow" /> <ui-btn small @click="showLocalCovers = !showLocalCovers">{{ showLocalCovers ? $strings.ButtonHide : $strings.ButtonShow }}</ui-btn> </div> <div v-if="showLocalCovers" class="flex items-center justify-center pb-2"> <template v-for="localCoverFile in localCovers"> <div :key="localCoverFile.ino" class="m-0.5 mb-5 border-2 border-transparent hover:border-yellow-300 cursor-pointer" :class="localCoverFile.metadata.path === coverPath ? 'border-yellow-300' : ''" @click="setCover(localCoverFile)"> <div class="h-24 bg-primary" :style="{ width: 96 / bookCoverAspectRatio + 'px' }"> <covers-preview-cover :src="localCoverFile.localPath" :width="96 / bookCoverAspectRatio" :book-cover-aspect-ratio="bookCoverAspectRatio" /> </div> </div> </template> </div> </div> </div> </div> <form @submit.prevent="submitSearchForm"> <div class="flex items-center justify-start -mx-1 h-20"> <div class="w-48 px-1"> <ui-dropdown v-model="provider" :items="providers" :label="$strings.LabelProvider" small /> </div> <div class="w-72 px-1"> <ui-text-input-with-label v-model="searchTitle" :label="searchTitleLabel" :placeholder="$strings.PlaceholderSearch" /> </div> <div v-show="provider != 'itunes' && provider != 'audiobookcovers'" class="w-72 px-1"> <ui-text-input-with-label v-model="searchAuthor" :label="$strings.LabelAuthor" /> </div> <ui-btn class="mt-5 ml-1" type="submit">{{ $strings.ButtonSearch }}</ui-btn> </div> </form> <div v-if="hasSearched" class="flex items-center flex-wrap justify-center max-h-80 overflow-y-scroll mt-2 max-w-full"> <p v-if="!coversFound.length">{{ $strings.MessageNoCoversFound }}</p> <template v-for="cover in coversFound"> <div :key="cover" class="m-0.5 mb-5 border-2 border-transparent hover:border-yellow-300 cursor-pointer" :class="cover === coverPath ? 'border-yellow-300' : ''" @click="updateCover(cover)"> <covers-preview-cover :src="cover" :width="80" show-open-new-tab :book-cover-aspect-ratio="bookCoverAspectRatio" /> </div> </template> </div> <div v-if="previewUpload" class="absolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full z-10 bg-bg p-8"> <p class="text-lg">{{ $strings.HeaderPreviewCover }}</p> <span class="absolute top-4 right-4 material-icons text-2xl cursor-pointer" @click="resetCoverPreview">close</span> <div class="flex justify-center py-4"> <covers-preview-cover :src="previewUpload" :width="240" :book-cover-aspect-ratio="bookCoverAspectRatio" /> </div> <div class="absolute bottom-0 right-0 flex py-4 px-5"> <ui-btn :disabled="processingUpload" class="mx-2" @click="resetCoverPreview">{{ $strings.ButtonReset }}</ui-btn> <ui-btn :loading="processingUpload" color="success" @click="submitCoverUpload">{{ $strings.ButtonUpload }}</ui-btn> </div> </div> </div> </template> <script> export default { props: { processing: Boolean, libraryItem: { type: Object, default: () => {} } }, data() { return { processingUpload: false, searchTitle: null, searchAuthor: null, imageUrl: null, coversFound: [], hasSearched: false, showLocalCovers: false, previewUpload: null, selectedFile: null, provider: 'google' } }, watch: { libraryItem: { immediate: true, handler(newVal) { if (newVal) { this.init() } } } }, computed: { isProcessing: { get() { return this.processing }, set(val) { this.$emit('update:processing', val) } }, providers() { if (this.isPodcast) return this.$store.state.scanners.podcastProviders return [{ text: 'All', value: 'all' }, ...this.$store.state.scanners.providers, ...this.$store.state.scanners.coverOnlyProviders] }, searchTitleLabel() { if (this.provider.startsWith('audible')) return this.$strings.LabelSearchTitleOrASIN else if (this.provider == 'itunes') return this.$strings.LabelSearchTerm return this.$strings.LabelSearchTitle }, bookCoverAspectRatio() { return this.$store.getters['libraries/getBookCoverAspectRatio'] }, libraryItemId() { return this.libraryItem?.id || null }, libraryItemUpdatedAt() { return this.libraryItem?.updatedAt || null }, mediaType() { return this.libraryItem?.mediaType || null }, isPodcast() { return this.mediaType == 'podcast' }, media() { return this.libraryItem?.media || {} }, coverPath() { return this.media.coverPath }, mediaMetadata() { return this.media.metadata || {} }, libraryFiles() { return this.libraryItem?.libraryFiles || [] }, userCanUpload() { return this.$store.getters['user/getUserCanUpload'] }, userCanDelete() { return this.$store.getters['user/getUserCanDelete'] }, userToken() { return this.$store.getters['user/getToken'] }, localCovers() { return this.libraryFiles .filter((f) => f.fileType === 'image') .map((file) => { const _file = { ...file } _file.localPath = `${process.env.serverUrl}/api/items/${this.libraryItemId}/file/${file.ino}?token=${this.userToken}` return _file }) } }, methods: { submitCoverUpload() { this.processingUpload = true var form = new FormData() form.set('cover', this.selectedFile) this.$axios .$post(`/api/items/${this.libraryItemId}/cover`, form) .then((data) => { if (data.error) { this.$toast.error(data.error) } else { this.$toast.success('Cover Uploaded') this.resetCoverPreview() } this.processingUpload = false }) .catch((error) => { console.error('Failed', error) if (error.response && error.response.data) { this.$toast.error(error.response.data) } else { this.$toast.error('Oops, something went wrong...') } this.processingUpload = false }) }, resetCoverPreview() { if (this.$refs.fileInput) { this.$refs.fileInput.reset() } this.previewUpload = null this.selectedFile = null }, fileUploadSelected(file) { this.previewUpload = URL.createObjectURL(file) this.selectedFile = file }, init() { this.showLocalCovers = false if (this.coversFound.length && (this.searchTitle !== this.mediaMetadata.title || this.searchAuthor !== this.mediaMetadata.authorName)) { this.coversFound = [] this.hasSearched = false } this.imageUrl = '' this.searchTitle = this.mediaMetadata.title || '' this.searchAuthor = this.mediaMetadata.authorName || '' if (this.isPodcast) this.provider = 'itunes' else this.provider = localStorage.getItem('book-cover-provider') || localStorage.getItem('book-provider') || 'google' }, removeCover() { if (!this.coverPath) { return } this.isProcessing = true this.$axios .$delete(`/api/items/${this.libraryItemId}/cover`) .then(() => {}) .catch((error) => { console.error('Failed to remove cover', error) if (error.response?.data) { this.$toast.error(error.response.data) } }) .finally(() => { this.isProcessing = false }) }, submitForm() { this.updateCover(this.imageUrl) }, async updateCover(cover) { if (!cover.startsWith('http:') && !cover.startsWith('https:')) { this.$toast.error('Invalid URL') return } this.isProcessing = true this.$axios .$post(`/api/items/${this.libraryItemId}/cover`, { url: cover }) .then(() => { this.imageUrl = '' this.$toast.success('Update Successful') }) .catch((error) => { console.error('Failed to update cover', error) this.$toast.error(error.response?.data || 'Failed to update cover') }) .finally(() => { this.isProcessing = false }) }, getSearchQuery() { var searchQuery = `provider=${this.provider}&title=${this.searchTitle}` if (this.searchAuthor) searchQuery += `&author=${this.searchAuthor || ''}` if (this.isPodcast) searchQuery += '&podcast=1' return searchQuery }, persistProvider() { try { localStorage.setItem('book-cover-provider', this.provider) } catch (error) { console.error('PersistProvider', error) } }, async submitSearchForm() { // Store provider in local storage this.persistProvider() this.isProcessing = true const searchQuery = this.getSearchQuery() const results = await this.$axios .$get(`/api/search/covers?${searchQuery}`) .then((res) => res.results) .catch((error) => { console.error('Failed', error) return [] }) this.coversFound = results this.isProcessing = false this.hasSearched = true }, setCover(coverFile) { this.isProcessing = true this.$axios .$patch(`/api/items/${this.libraryItemId}/cover`, { cover: coverFile.metadata.path }) .then(() => { this.$toast.success('Update Successful') }) .catch((error) => { console.error('Failed to set local cover', error) this.$toast.error(error.response?.data || 'Failed to set cover') }) .finally(() => { this.isProcessing = false }) } } } </script>