name: 🐞 Bug Report description: File a bug/issue and help us improve Audiobookshelf title: '[Bug]: ' labels: ['bug', 'triage'] body: - type: markdown attributes: value: 'Thank you for filing a bug report! 🐛' - type: markdown attributes: value: 'Please first search for your issue and check the [docs](' - type: markdown attributes: value: 'Report issues with the mobile app [here](' - type: markdown attributes: value: 'Join the [discord server]( for questions or if you are not sure about a bug.' - type: textarea id: what-happened attributes: label: What happened? placeholder: Tell us what you see! validations: required: true - type: textarea id: what-was-expected attributes: label: What did you expect to happen? placeholder: Tell us what you expected to see! Be as descriptive as you can and include screenshots if applicable. validations: required: true - type: textarea id: steps-to-reproduce attributes: label: Steps to reproduce the issue value: '1. ' validations: required: true - type: markdown attributes: value: '## Install Environment' - type: input id: version attributes: label: Audiobookshelf version description: Do not put 'Latest version', please put the actual version here placeholder: 'e.g. v1.6.60' validations: required: true - type: dropdown id: install attributes: label: How are you running audiobookshelf? options: - Docker - Debian/PPA - Windows Tray App - Built from source - Other (list in "Additional Notes" box) validations: required: true - type: markdown attributes: value: '## Desktop Environment' - type: dropdown id: desktop-os attributes: label: If the issue is being seen on Desktop, what OS are you running where you see the issue? options: - Windows - macOS - Linux - Other (list in "Additional Notes" box) validations: required: true - type: dropdown id: desktop-browsers attributes: label: If the issue is being seen in the UI, what browsers are you seeing the problem on? options: - Chrome - Firefox - Safari - Edge - Other (list in "Additional Notes" box) - type: textarea id: logs attributes: label: Logs description: Please include any relevant logs here. This field is automatically formatted into code, so you do not need to include any backticks. placeholder: Paste logs here render: shell - type: textarea id: additional-notes attributes: label: Additional Notes description: Anything else you want to add? placeholder: 'e.g. I have tried X, Y, and Z.'