/*jshint node:true*/
'use strict';

var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var async = require('../async');
var utils = require('./utils');

 *! Capability helpers

var avCodecRegexp = /^\s*([D ])([E ])([VAS])([S ])([D ])([T ]) ([^ ]+) +(.*)$/;
var ffCodecRegexp = /^\s*([D\.])([E\.])([VAS])([I\.])([L\.])([S\.]) ([^ ]+) +(.*)$/;
var ffEncodersRegexp = /\(encoders:([^\)]+)\)/;
var ffDecodersRegexp = /\(decoders:([^\)]+)\)/;
var encodersRegexp = /^\s*([VAS\.])([F\.])([S\.])([X\.])([B\.])([D\.]) ([^ ]+) +(.*)$/;
var formatRegexp = /^\s*([D ])([E ])\s+([^ ]+)\s+(.*)$/;
var lineBreakRegexp = /\r\n|\r|\n/;
var filterRegexp = /^(?: [T\.][S\.][C\.] )?([^ ]+) +(AA?|VV?|\|)->(AA?|VV?|\|) +(.*)$/;

var cache = {};

module.exports = function (proto) {
   * Manually define the ffmpeg binary full path.
   * @method FfmpegCommand#setFfmpegPath
   * @param {String} ffmpegPath The full path to the ffmpeg binary.
   * @return FfmpegCommand
  proto.setFfmpegPath = function (ffmpegPath) {
    cache.ffmpegPath = ffmpegPath;
    return this;

   * Manually define the ffprobe binary full path.
   * @method FfmpegCommand#setFfprobePath
   * @param {String} ffprobePath The full path to the ffprobe binary.
   * @return FfmpegCommand
  proto.setFfprobePath = function (ffprobePath) {
    cache.ffprobePath = ffprobePath;
    return this;

   * Manually define the flvtool2/flvmeta binary full path.
   * @method FfmpegCommand#setFlvtoolPath
   * @param {String} flvtool The full path to the flvtool2 or flvmeta binary.
   * @return FfmpegCommand
  proto.setFlvtoolPath = function (flvtool) {
    cache.flvtoolPath = flvtool;
    return this;

   * Forget executable paths
   * (only used for testing purposes)
   * @method FfmpegCommand#_forgetPaths
   * @private
  proto._forgetPaths = function () {
    delete cache.ffmpegPath;
    delete cache.ffprobePath;
    delete cache.flvtoolPath;

   * Check for ffmpeg availability
   * If the FFMPEG_PATH environment variable is set, try to use it.
   * If it is unset or incorrect, try to find ffmpeg in the PATH instead.
   * @method FfmpegCommand#_getFfmpegPath
   * @param {Function} callback callback with signature (err, path)
   * @private
  proto._getFfmpegPath = function (callback) {
    if ('ffmpegPath' in cache) {
      return callback(null, cache.ffmpegPath);

      // Try FFMPEG_PATH
      function (cb) {
        if (process.env.FFMPEG_PATH) {
          fs.exists(process.env.FFMPEG_PATH, function (exists) {
            if (exists) {
              cb(null, process.env.FFMPEG_PATH);
            } else {
              cb(null, '');
        } else {
          cb(null, '');

      // Search in the PATH
      function (ffmpeg, cb) {
        if (ffmpeg.length) {
          return cb(null, ffmpeg);

        utils.which('ffmpeg', function (err, ffmpeg) {
          cb(err, ffmpeg);
    ], function (err, ffmpeg) {
      if (err) {
      } else {
        callback(null, cache.ffmpegPath = (ffmpeg || ''));

   * Check for ffprobe availability
   * If the FFPROBE_PATH environment variable is set, try to use it.
   * If it is unset or incorrect, try to find ffprobe in the PATH instead.
   * If this still fails, try to find ffprobe in the same directory as ffmpeg.
   * @method FfmpegCommand#_getFfprobePath
   * @param {Function} callback callback with signature (err, path)
   * @private
  proto._getFfprobePath = function (callback) {
    var self = this;

    if ('ffprobePath' in cache) {
      return callback(null, cache.ffprobePath);

      // Try FFPROBE_PATH
      function (cb) {
        if (process.env.FFPROBE_PATH) {
          fs.exists(process.env.FFPROBE_PATH, function (exists) {
            cb(null, exists ? process.env.FFPROBE_PATH : '');
        } else {
          cb(null, '');

      // Search in the PATH
      function (ffprobe, cb) {
        if (ffprobe.length) {
          return cb(null, ffprobe);

        utils.which('ffprobe', function (err, ffprobe) {
          cb(err, ffprobe);

      // Search in the same directory as ffmpeg
      function (ffprobe, cb) {
        if (ffprobe.length) {
          return cb(null, ffprobe);

        self._getFfmpegPath(function (err, ffmpeg) {
          if (err) {
          } else if (ffmpeg.length) {
            var name = utils.isWindows ? 'ffprobe.exe' : 'ffprobe';
            var ffprobe = path.join(path.dirname(ffmpeg), name);
            fs.exists(ffprobe, function (exists) {
              cb(null, exists ? ffprobe : '');
          } else {
            cb(null, '');
    ], function (err, ffprobe) {
      if (err) {
      } else {
        callback(null, cache.ffprobePath = (ffprobe || ''));

   * Check for flvtool2/flvmeta availability
   * If the FLVTOOL2_PATH or FLVMETA_PATH environment variable are set, try to use them.
   * If both are either unset or incorrect, try to find flvtool2 or flvmeta in the PATH instead.
   * @method FfmpegCommand#_getFlvtoolPath
   * @param {Function} callback callback with signature (err, path)
   * @private
  proto._getFlvtoolPath = function (callback) {
    if ('flvtoolPath' in cache) {
      return callback(null, cache.flvtoolPath);

      // Try FLVMETA_PATH
      function (cb) {
        if (process.env.FLVMETA_PATH) {
          fs.exists(process.env.FLVMETA_PATH, function (exists) {
            cb(null, exists ? process.env.FLVMETA_PATH : '');
        } else {
          cb(null, '');

      // Try FLVTOOL2_PATH
      function (flvtool, cb) {
        if (flvtool.length) {
          return cb(null, flvtool);

        if (process.env.FLVTOOL2_PATH) {
          fs.exists(process.env.FLVTOOL2_PATH, function (exists) {
            cb(null, exists ? process.env.FLVTOOL2_PATH : '');
        } else {
          cb(null, '');

      // Search for flvmeta in the PATH
      function (flvtool, cb) {
        if (flvtool.length) {
          return cb(null, flvtool);

        utils.which('flvmeta', function (err, flvmeta) {
          cb(err, flvmeta);

      // Search for flvtool2 in the PATH
      function (flvtool, cb) {
        if (flvtool.length) {
          return cb(null, flvtool);

        utils.which('flvtool2', function (err, flvtool2) {
          cb(err, flvtool2);
    ], function (err, flvtool) {
      if (err) {
      } else {
        callback(null, cache.flvtoolPath = (flvtool || ''));

   * A callback passed to {@link FfmpegCommand#availableFilters}.
   * @callback FfmpegCommand~filterCallback
   * @param {Error|null} err error object or null if no error happened
   * @param {Object} filters filter object with filter names as keys and the following
   *   properties for each filter:
   * @param {String} filters.description filter description
   * @param {String} filters.input input type, one of 'audio', 'video' and 'none'
   * @param {Boolean} filters.multipleInputs whether the filter supports multiple inputs
   * @param {String} filters.output output type, one of 'audio', 'video' and 'none'
   * @param {Boolean} filters.multipleOutputs whether the filter supports multiple outputs

   * Query ffmpeg for available filters
   * @method FfmpegCommand#availableFilters
   * @category Capabilities
   * @aliases getAvailableFilters
   * @param {FfmpegCommand~filterCallback} callback callback function
  proto.availableFilters =
    proto.getAvailableFilters = function (callback) {
      if ('filters' in cache) {
        return callback(null, cache.filters);

      this._spawnFfmpeg(['-filters'], { captureStdout: true, stdoutLines: 0 }, function (err, stdoutRing) {
        if (err) {
          return callback(err);

        var stdout = stdoutRing.get();
        var lines = stdout.split('\n');
        var data = {};
        var types = { A: 'audio', V: 'video', '|': 'none' };

        lines.forEach(function (line) {
          var match = line.match(filterRegexp);
          if (match) {
            data[match[1]] = {
              description: match[4],
              input: types[match[2].charAt(0)],
              multipleInputs: match[2].length > 1,
              output: types[match[3].charAt(0)],
              multipleOutputs: match[3].length > 1

        callback(null, cache.filters = data);

   * A callback passed to {@link FfmpegCommand#availableCodecs}.
   * @callback FfmpegCommand~codecCallback
   * @param {Error|null} err error object or null if no error happened
   * @param {Object} codecs codec object with codec names as keys and the following
   *   properties for each codec (more properties may be available depending on the
   *   ffmpeg version used):
   * @param {String} codecs.description codec description
   * @param {Boolean} codecs.canDecode whether the codec is able to decode streams
   * @param {Boolean} codecs.canEncode whether the codec is able to encode streams

   * Query ffmpeg for available codecs
   * @method FfmpegCommand#availableCodecs
   * @category Capabilities
   * @aliases getAvailableCodecs
   * @param {FfmpegCommand~codecCallback} callback callback function
  proto.availableCodecs =
    proto.getAvailableCodecs = function (callback) {
      if ('codecs' in cache) {
        return callback(null, cache.codecs);

      this._spawnFfmpeg(['-codecs'], { captureStdout: true, stdoutLines: 0 }, function (err, stdoutRing) {
        if (err) {
          return callback(err);

        var stdout = stdoutRing.get();
        var lines = stdout.split(lineBreakRegexp);
        var data = {};

        lines.forEach(function (line) {
          var match = line.match(avCodecRegexp);
          if (match && match[7] !== '=') {
            data[match[7]] = {
              type: { 'V': 'video', 'A': 'audio', 'S': 'subtitle' }[match[3]],
              description: match[8],
              canDecode: match[1] === 'D',
              canEncode: match[2] === 'E',
              drawHorizBand: match[4] === 'S',
              directRendering: match[5] === 'D',
              weirdFrameTruncation: match[6] === 'T'

          match = line.match(ffCodecRegexp);
          if (match && match[7] !== '=') {
            var codecData = data[match[7]] = {
              type: { 'V': 'video', 'A': 'audio', 'S': 'subtitle' }[match[3]],
              description: match[8],
              canDecode: match[1] === 'D',
              canEncode: match[2] === 'E',
              intraFrameOnly: match[4] === 'I',
              isLossy: match[5] === 'L',
              isLossless: match[6] === 'S'

            var encoders = codecData.description.match(ffEncodersRegexp);
            encoders = encoders ? encoders[1].trim().split(' ') : [];

            var decoders = codecData.description.match(ffDecodersRegexp);
            decoders = decoders ? decoders[1].trim().split(' ') : [];

            if (encoders.length || decoders.length) {
              var coderData = {};
              utils.copy(codecData, coderData);
              delete coderData.canEncode;
              delete coderData.canDecode;

              encoders.forEach(function (name) {
                data[name] = {};
                utils.copy(coderData, data[name]);
                data[name].canEncode = true;

              decoders.forEach(function (name) {
                if (name in data) {
                  data[name].canDecode = true;
                } else {
                  data[name] = {};
                  utils.copy(coderData, data[name]);
                  data[name].canDecode = true;

        callback(null, cache.codecs = data);

   * A callback passed to {@link FfmpegCommand#availableEncoders}.
   * @callback FfmpegCommand~encodersCallback
   * @param {Error|null} err error object or null if no error happened
   * @param {Object} encoders encoders object with encoder names as keys and the following
   *   properties for each encoder:
   * @param {String} encoders.description codec description
   * @param {Boolean} encoders.type "audio", "video" or "subtitle"
   * @param {Boolean} encoders.frameMT whether the encoder is able to do frame-level multithreading
   * @param {Boolean} encoders.sliceMT whether the encoder is able to do slice-level multithreading
   * @param {Boolean} encoders.experimental whether the encoder is experimental
   * @param {Boolean} encoders.drawHorizBand whether the encoder supports draw_horiz_band
   * @param {Boolean} encoders.directRendering whether the encoder supports direct encoding method 1

   * Query ffmpeg for available encoders
   * @method FfmpegCommand#availableEncoders
   * @category Capabilities
   * @aliases getAvailableEncoders
   * @param {FfmpegCommand~encodersCallback} callback callback function
  proto.availableEncoders =
    proto.getAvailableEncoders = function (callback) {
      if ('encoders' in cache) {
        return callback(null, cache.encoders);

      this._spawnFfmpeg(['-encoders'], { captureStdout: true, stdoutLines: 0 }, function (err, stdoutRing) {
        if (err) {
          return callback(err);

        var stdout = stdoutRing.get();
        var lines = stdout.split(lineBreakRegexp);
        var data = {};

        lines.forEach(function (line) {
          var match = line.match(encodersRegexp);
          if (match && match[7] !== '=') {
            data[match[7]] = {
              type: { 'V': 'video', 'A': 'audio', 'S': 'subtitle' }[match[1]],
              description: match[8],
              frameMT: match[2] === 'F',
              sliceMT: match[3] === 'S',
              experimental: match[4] === 'X',
              drawHorizBand: match[5] === 'B',
              directRendering: match[6] === 'D'

        callback(null, cache.encoders = data);

   * A callback passed to {@link FfmpegCommand#availableFormats}.
   * @callback FfmpegCommand~formatCallback
   * @param {Error|null} err error object or null if no error happened
   * @param {Object} formats format object with format names as keys and the following
   *   properties for each format:
   * @param {String} formats.description format description
   * @param {Boolean} formats.canDemux whether the format is able to demux streams from an input file
   * @param {Boolean} formats.canMux whether the format is able to mux streams into an output file

   * Query ffmpeg for available formats
   * @method FfmpegCommand#availableFormats
   * @category Capabilities
   * @aliases getAvailableFormats
   * @param {FfmpegCommand~formatCallback} callback callback function
  proto.availableFormats =
    proto.getAvailableFormats = function (callback) {
      if ('formats' in cache) {
        return callback(null, cache.formats);

      // Run ffmpeg -formats
      this._spawnFfmpeg(['-formats'], { captureStdout: true, stdoutLines: 0 }, function (err, stdoutRing) {
        if (err) {
          return callback(err);

        // Parse output
        var stdout = stdoutRing.get();
        var lines = stdout.split(lineBreakRegexp);
        var data = {};

        lines.forEach(function (line) {
          var match = line.match(formatRegexp);
          if (match) {
            match[3].split(',').forEach(function (format) {
              if (!(format in data)) {
                data[format] = {
                  description: match[4],
                  canDemux: false,
                  canMux: false

              if (match[1] === 'D') {
                data[format].canDemux = true;
              if (match[2] === 'E') {
                data[format].canMux = true;

        callback(null, cache.formats = data);

   * Check capabilities before executing a command
   * Checks whether all used codecs and formats are indeed available
   * @method FfmpegCommand#_checkCapabilities
   * @param {Function} callback callback with signature (err)
   * @private
  proto._checkCapabilities = function (callback) {
    var self = this;
      // Get available formats
      function (cb) {

      // Check whether specified formats are available
      function (formats, cb) {
        var unavailable;

        // Output format(s)
        unavailable = self._outputs
          .reduce(function (fmts, output) {
            var format = output.options.find('-f', 1);
            if (format) {
              if (!(format[0] in formats) || !(formats[format[0]].canMux)) {

            return fmts;
          }, []);

        if (unavailable.length === 1) {
          return cb(new Error('Output format ' + unavailable[0] + ' is not available'));
        } else if (unavailable.length > 1) {
          return cb(new Error('Output formats ' + unavailable.join(', ') + ' are not available'));

        // Input format(s)
        unavailable = self._inputs
          .reduce(function (fmts, input) {
            var format = input.options.find('-f', 1);
            if (format) {
              if (!(format[0] in formats) || !(formats[format[0]].canDemux)) {

            return fmts;
          }, []);

        if (unavailable.length === 1) {
          return cb(new Error('Input format ' + unavailable[0] + ' is not available'));
        } else if (unavailable.length > 1) {
          return cb(new Error('Input formats ' + unavailable.join(', ') + ' are not available'));


      // Get available codecs
      function (cb) {

      // Check whether specified codecs are available and add strict experimental options if needed
      function (encoders, cb) {
        var unavailable;

        // Audio codec(s)
        unavailable = self._outputs.reduce(function (cdcs, output) {
          var acodec = output.audio.find('-acodec', 1);
          if (acodec && acodec[0] !== 'copy') {
            if (!(acodec[0] in encoders) || encoders[acodec[0]].type !== 'audio') {

          return cdcs;
        }, []);

        if (unavailable.length === 1) {
          return cb(new Error('Audio codec ' + unavailable[0] + ' is not available'));
        } else if (unavailable.length > 1) {
          return cb(new Error('Audio codecs ' + unavailable.join(', ') + ' are not available'));

        // Video codec(s)
        unavailable = self._outputs.reduce(function (cdcs, output) {
          var vcodec = output.video.find('-vcodec', 1);
          if (vcodec && vcodec[0] !== 'copy') {
            if (!(vcodec[0] in encoders) || encoders[vcodec[0]].type !== 'video') {

          return cdcs;
        }, []);

        if (unavailable.length === 1) {
          return cb(new Error('Video codec ' + unavailable[0] + ' is not available'));
        } else if (unavailable.length > 1) {
          return cb(new Error('Video codecs ' + unavailable.join(', ') + ' are not available'));

    ], callback);