 * Archiver Core
 * @ignore
 * @license [MIT]{@link https://github.com/archiverjs/node-archiver/blob/master/LICENSE}
 * @copyright (c) 2012-2014 Chris Talkington, contributors.

var util = require('util');

const ERROR_CODES = {
  'ABORTED': 'archive was aborted',
  'DIRECTORYDIRPATHREQUIRED': 'diretory dirpath argument must be a non-empty string value',
  'DIRECTORYFUNCTIONINVALIDDATA': 'invalid data returned by directory custom data function',
  'ENTRYNAMEREQUIRED': 'entry name must be a non-empty string value',
  'FILEFILEPATHREQUIRED': 'file filepath argument must be a non-empty string value',
  'FINALIZING': 'archive already finalizing',
  'QUEUECLOSED': 'queue closed',
  'NOENDMETHOD': 'no suitable finalize/end method defined by module',
  'DIRECTORYNOTSUPPORTED': 'support for directory entries not defined by module',
  'FORMATSET': 'archive format already set',
  'INPUTSTEAMBUFFERREQUIRED': 'input source must be valid Stream or Buffer instance',
  'MODULESET': 'module already set',
  'SYMLINKNOTSUPPORTED': 'support for symlink entries not defined by module',
  'SYMLINKFILEPATHREQUIRED': 'symlink filepath argument must be a non-empty string value',
  'SYMLINKTARGETREQUIRED': 'symlink target argument must be a non-empty string value',
  'ENTRYNOTSUPPORTED': 'entry not supported'

function ArchiverError(code, data) {
  Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);
  //this.name = this.constructor.name;
  this.message = ERROR_CODES[code] || code;
  this.code = code;
  this.data = data;

util.inherits(ArchiverError, Error);

exports = module.exports = ArchiverError;