<template> <modals-modal v-model="show" name="podcast-episode-edit-modal" :width="800" :height="'unset'" :processing="processing"> <template #outer> <div class="absolute top-0 left-0 p-5 w-2/3 overflow-hidden"> <p class="text-3xl text-white truncate">{{ title }}</p> </div> </template> <div class="absolute -top-10 left-0 z-10 w-full flex"> <template v-for="tab in tabs"> <div :key="tab.id" class="w-28 rounded-t-lg flex items-center justify-center mr-0.5 sm:mr-1 cursor-pointer hover:bg-bg border-t border-l border-r border-black-300 tab text-xs sm:text-base" :class="selectedTab === tab.id ? 'tab-selected bg-bg pb-px' : 'bg-primary text-gray-400'" @click="selectTab(tab.id)">{{ tab.title }}</div> </template> </div> <div v-show="canGoPrev" class="absolute -left-24 top-0 bottom-0 h-full pointer-events-none flex items-center px-6"> <div class="material-icons text-5xl text-white text-opacity-50 hover:text-opacity-90 cursor-pointer pointer-events-auto" @click.stop.prevent="goPrevEpisode" @mousedown.prevent>arrow_back_ios</div> </div> <div v-show="canGoNext" class="absolute -right-24 top-0 bottom-0 h-full pointer-events-none flex items-center px-6"> <div class="material-icons text-5xl text-white text-opacity-50 hover:text-opacity-90 cursor-pointer pointer-events-auto" @click.stop.prevent="goNextEpisode" @mousedown.prevent>arrow_forward_ios</div> </div> <div ref="wrapper" class="p-4 w-full text-sm rounded-b-lg rounded-tr-lg bg-bg shadow-lg border border-black-300 relative overflow-y-auto" style="max-height: 80vh"> <component v-if="libraryItem && show" :is="tabComponentName" :library-item="libraryItem" :episode="episodeItem" :processing.sync="processing" @close="show = false" @selectTab="selectTab" /> </div> </modals-modal> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { episodeItem: null, processing: false, tabs: [ { id: 'details', title: this.$strings.HeaderDetails, component: 'modals-podcast-tabs-episode-details' }, { id: 'match', title: this.$strings.HeaderMatch, component: 'modals-podcast-tabs-episode-match' } ] } }, watch: { show: { handler(newVal) { if (newVal) { const availableTabIds = this.tabs.map((tab) => tab.id) if (!availableTabIds.length) { this.show = false return } if (!availableTabIds.includes(this.selectedTab)) { this.selectedTab = availableTabIds[0] } this.episodeItem = null this.init() this.registerListeners() } else { this.unregisterListeners() } } } }, computed: { show: { get() { return this.$store.state.globals.showEditPodcastEpisode }, set(val) { this.$store.commit('globals/setShowEditPodcastEpisodeModal', val) } }, selectedTab: { get() { return this.$store.state.editPodcastModalTab }, set(val) { this.$store.commit('setEditPodcastModalTab', val) } }, libraryItem() { return this.$store.state.selectedLibraryItem }, episode() { return this.$store.state.globals.selectedEpisode }, selectedEpisodeId() { return this.episode.id }, title() { return this.libraryItem?.media.metadata.title || 'Unknown' }, tabComponentName() { const _tab = this.tabs.find((t) => t.id === this.selectedTab) return _tab ? _tab.component : '' }, episodeTableEpisodeIds() { return this.$store.state.episodeTableEpisodeIds || [] }, currentEpisodeIndex() { if (!this.episodeTableEpisodeIds.length) return 0 return this.episodeTableEpisodeIds.findIndex((bid) => bid === this.selectedEpisodeId) }, canGoPrev() { return this.episodeTableEpisodeIds.length && this.currentEpisodeIndex > 0 }, canGoNext() { return this.episodeTableEpisodeIds.length && this.currentEpisodeIndex < this.episodeTableEpisodeIds.length - 1 } }, methods: { async goPrevEpisode() { if (this.currentEpisodeIndex - 1 < 0) return const prevEpisodeId = this.episodeTableEpisodeIds[this.currentEpisodeIndex - 1] this.processing = true const prevEpisode = await this.$axios.$get(`/api/podcasts/${this.libraryItem.id}/episode/${prevEpisodeId}`).catch((error) => { const errorMsg = error.response && error.response.data ? error.response.data : 'Failed to fetch episode' this.$toast.error(errorMsg) return null }) this.processing = false if (prevEpisode) { this.episodeItem = prevEpisode this.$store.commit('globals/setSelectedEpisode', prevEpisode) } else { console.error('Episode not found', prevEpisodeId) } }, async goNextEpisode() { if (this.currentEpisodeIndex >= this.episodeTableEpisodeIds.length - 1) return this.processing = true const nextEpisodeId = this.episodeTableEpisodeIds[this.currentEpisodeIndex + 1] const nextEpisode = await this.$axios.$get(`/api/podcasts/${this.libraryItem.id}/episode/${nextEpisodeId}`).catch((error) => { const errorMsg = error.response && error.response.data ? error.response.data : 'Failed to fetch book' this.$toast.error(errorMsg) return null }) this.processing = false if (nextEpisode) { this.episodeItem = nextEpisode this.$store.commit('globals/setSelectedEpisode', nextEpisode) } else { console.error('Episode not found', nextEpisodeId) } }, selectTab(tab) { if (this.selectedTab === tab) return if (this.tabs.find((t) => t.id === tab)) { this.selectedTab = tab this.processing = false } }, init() { this.fetchFull() }, async fetchFull() { try { this.processing = true this.episodeItem = await this.$axios.$get(`/api/podcasts/${this.libraryItem.id}/episode/${this.selectedEpisodeId}`) this.processing = false } catch (error) { console.error('Failed to fetch episode', this.selectedEpisodeId, error) this.processing = false this.show = false } }, hotkey(action) { if (action === this.$hotkeys.Modal.NEXT_PAGE) { this.goNextEpisode() } else if (action === this.$hotkeys.Modal.PREV_PAGE) { this.goPrevEpisode() } }, registerListeners() { this.$eventBus.$on('modal-hotkey', this.hotkey) }, unregisterListeners() { this.$eventBus.$off('modal-hotkey', this.hotkey) } }, mounted() {}, beforeDestroy() { this.unregisterListeners() } } </script> <style scoped> .tab { height: 40px; } .tab.tab-selected { height: 41px; } </style>