<template> <modals-modal ref="modal" v-model="show" name="notification-edit" :width="800" :height="'unset'" :processing="processing"> <template #outer> <div class="absolute top-0 left-0 p-5 w-2/3 overflow-hidden"> <p class="text-3xl text-white truncate">{{ title }}</p> </div> </template> <form @submit.prevent="submitForm"> <div class="w-full text-sm rounded-lg bg-bg shadow-lg border border-black-300"> <div class="w-full px-3 py-5 md:p-12"> <ui-dropdown v-model="newNotification.eventName" :label="$strings.LabelNotificationEvent" :items="eventOptions" class="mb-4" @input="eventOptionUpdated" /> <ui-multi-select v-model="newNotification.urls" :label="$strings.LabelNotificationAppriseURL" class="mb-2" /> <ui-text-input-with-label v-model="newNotification.titleTemplate" :label="$strings.LabelNotificationTitleTemplate" class="mb-2" /> <ui-textarea-with-label v-model="newNotification.bodyTemplate" :label="$strings.LabelNotificationBodyTemplate" :rows="4" class="mb-2" /> <p v-if="availableVariables" class="text-sm text-gray-300"> <strong>{{ $strings.LabelNotificationAvailableVariables }}:</strong> {{ availableVariables.join(', ') }} </p> <div class="flex items-center pt-4"> <div class="flex items-center"> <ui-toggle-switch v-model="newNotification.enabled" /> <p class="text-lg pl-2">{{ $strings.LabelEnable }}</p> </div> <div class="flex-grow" /> <ui-btn color="success" type="submit">{{ $strings.ButtonSubmit }}</ui-btn> </div> </div> </div> </form> </modals-modal> </template> <script> export default { props: { value: Boolean, notification: { type: Object, default: () => null }, notificationData: { type: Object, default: () => {} } }, data() { return { processing: false, newNotification: {}, isNew: true } }, watch: { show: { handler(newVal) { if (newVal) { this.init() } } } }, computed: { show: { get() { return this.value }, set(val) { this.$emit('input', val) } }, notificationEvents() { if (!this.notificationData) return [] return this.notificationData.events || [] }, eventOptions() { return this.notificationEvents.map((e) => ({ value: e.name, text: e.name, subtext: e.description })) }, selectedEventData() { return this.notificationEvents.find((e) => e.name === this.newNotification.eventName) }, showLibrarySelectInput() { return this.selectedEventData && this.selectedEventData.requiresLibrary }, title() { return this.isNew ? 'Create Notification' : 'Update Notification' }, availableVariables() { return this.selectedEventData ? this.selectedEventData.variables || null : null } }, methods: { eventOptionUpdated() { if (!this.selectedEventData) return this.newNotification.titleTemplate = this.selectedEventData.defaults.title || '' this.newNotification.bodyTemplate = this.selectedEventData.defaults.body || '' }, close() { // Force close when navigating - used in UsersTable if (this.$refs.modal) this.$refs.modal.setHide() }, submitForm() { if (!this.newNotification.urls.length) { this.$toast.error('Must enter an Apprise URL') return } if (this.isNew) { this.submitCreate() } else { this.submitUpdate() } }, submitUpdate() { this.processing = true const payload = { ...this.newNotification } console.log('Sending update notification', payload) this.$axios .$patch(`/api/notifications/${payload.id}`, payload) .then((updatedSettings) => { this.$emit('update', updatedSettings) this.$toast.success('Notification updated') this.show = false }) .catch((error) => { console.error('Failed to update notification', error) this.$toast.error('Failed to update notification') }) .finally(() => { this.processing = false }) }, submitCreate() { this.processing = true const payload = { ...this.newNotification } console.log('Sending create notification', payload) this.$axios .$post('/api/notifications', payload) .then((updatedSettings) => { this.$emit('update', updatedSettings) this.$toast.success('Notification created') this.show = false }) .catch((error) => { console.error('Failed to create notification', error) this.$toast.error('Failed to create notification') }) .finally(() => { this.processing = false }) }, init() { this.isNew = !this.notification if (this.notification) { this.newNotification = { id: this.notification.id, libraryId: this.notification.libraryId, eventName: this.notification.eventName, urls: [...this.notification.urls], titleTemplate: this.notification.titleTemplate, bodyTemplate: this.notification.bodyTemplate, enabled: this.notification.enabled, type: this.notification.type } } else { this.newNotification = { libraryId: null, eventName: 'onTest', urls: [], titleTemplate: '', bodyTemplate: '', enabled: true, type: null } this.eventOptionUpdated() } } }, mounted() {} } </script>